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When Life Gives You Lemons!

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Lily's brother in law is in love with her.
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It was very evident that John had a thing for me, at times he was bold and forward, and other times he would just get shy. Sometimes I would catch him looking at me, and often there was casual flirting. Truth be told, a woman hitting forty, I loved the attention from a younger stronger man.

Don't take it the wrong way, I have no intention of letting this go anywhere, but it just makes me feel desirable and sexy. At the age of 39, with two children and a stable marriage, there is little time for excitement and romance. And the attention could do little harm.

"Good Morning Sis" John spoke cheerfully as he greeted me at the kitchen table

"Good Morning John" I replied back cheerfully "Got classes today"

He grabbed the Orange Juice container from the fridge.

"Nope ... will be around today to keep you company." He spoke cheekily

John was my younger brother in law; Greg and John were 14 years apart and very different individuals. Greg was very meticulous and punctual; John was more laid back and messy. Greg was my husband and partner, John was my best friend and counsellor.

Greg was attending Stanford and took temporary residence with us until he found accommodations at the University.

"Well glad to hear that ... please drop off Christopher and Alan to school." He first looked annoyed at the command but then yielded to it.

Another advantage of having John around was he was very useful with the household chores; Greg never raised a finger to get anything done in the house.

"Oh and please take the umbrella, the weather forecast says bad weather," I said in a softer tone

He smiled back and left.

I ran a family with 4 male individuals in it, it was bound to get messy, and it takes me a good 30 minutes before I can get the house arranged. When I look through the window I saw the sky get dark, seemed like a storm was coming. I hated the storm.

The wind was getting stronger and it was drizzling, I was running around the house quickly getting the windows shut ... suddenly thunderstruck. I felt my heart stop, I screamed, the noise terribly frightened me and I felt myself shivering. Luckily John came around quickly after dropping the kids.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Close the windows please." I felt safer with him around

You could hear that the wind had grown stronger outside, I dialled Greg and the school to see if things were alright, and everyone was safe. I was sitting in one corner of the sofa, a bit frightened and a bit angry at myself for showing my weaker side.

"I hope you do realise that in a couple of minutes this storm will go ... to imagine a grown up women like you would be frightened of thunder." He was taking pleasure from my horror

Then suddenly a loud booming roar of thunder stuck, I jumped in fear ... out of fear I jumped to John.

And no this was not some porno flick, where I jumped on him and we made hot passionate love, I was frightened out of my mind and he was being a royal ass, but he did hold me gently.

"So, cute." He muttered cheekily

He was being cheeky again.

When I felt it was safer, I moved away and headed to the kitchen pretending that I had some work there. Then suddenly the thunder roared again, I ran to John again, trying to hide beside him. I was terribly frightened. I had no idea how long I was there but even after the storm had subsided I did not leave his side. I could hear him breathing, I could feel his hands holding me gently.

We did eventually part, but we did not speak about it to Greg or our children when they were home. But he did tease me about it.

"Scared of Thunder princess." He calls me princess because he thought I was a spoiled brat

But I am glad he was a gentleman and not making me look ridiculous in front of the children.

A couple of days later after the incident.

The damage of the storm cost 20 million property damage alone; Greg and his company dealt with insurance, and all the damage meant more work for Greg. He was under a terrible time constraint, thus Greg sent me in his place to collect money from the Western Union and transfer it to the University. This would normally take a couple of hours, but the subway was closed for safety reasons and the only other option was a six-hour drive to Stanford and back again. Fortunately for me, John was there to keep me company

"Look at the bright side, no nagging kids, no boredom and in the company of an intellectual individual ... you should consider yourself lucky." He was being his normal cheeky self again

"How does Sheila stand you?" I said probingly about his girlfriend

He seemed at a loss for words but when he recovered his ground.

"She absolutely loves my company." He said defensively

He was always an amusing company to have.

Halfway through, we stopped at a fast food restaurant, to get some food.

"Ah, glorious food." He remarked

I seemed a bit startled.

"Perfect place, perfect timing and the perfect couple." he said smilingly

"Oh." I said amused "In that case you pay." I said cheekily

We sat on a table to the rear of the restaurant with the chairs facing each other. I was being in an exceptionally naughty mood. I was wearing a top which gave a slight view of my cleavage. I took advantage of the situation and purposely gave a couple of peeks of my cleavage. Yes, it is perfectly normal, we do that all the time, we play our hands to control men, but I was just harmless flirting. We are always in control.

Another reason I liked being around him, is because he gave me nice compliments. Greg used to be like this, but he hasn't in a long time.

Greg was more of the athletic sort, strong and well built. John was quite similar as well, he was taller, darker, definitely stronger but I doubt very athletic. John was four inches taller than Greg, a big loveable bear.

John had another very appealing quality, he is not quick to a temper like Greg, and a very understanding person. John has actually helped me understand Greg better. Sometimes when I would get furious at Greg I would vent my anger on John and he would just listen to me quietly.

"My brother is a very lucky man." He said cheekily

Oh and he knew the right things to say to women, it was always my belief that the woman who married him would be extremely lucky, in a way I was pretty envious of Sheila, they had been steady for a long time.

Our trip to Stanford was pretty much without incident, I learnt from him that Stanford was, in fact, the largest university in the word. It was actually a lovely place.

"You can never see the place in a day, but you are in luck, you got the best guide in town." He said proudly

By the time we were done with the university payments, the sun was setting.

"Hurry, hurry ... I need to show you something" he hurried me to the car

We drove to high lying area overlooking Stanford; he stopped at an isolated area with a breathtaking view of the whole city around Stanford.

"Wow, this place is beautiful." He exclaimed as I got off the car

The sky turned to a beautiful orange shade, and the sun was setting. We sat at the front of his car.

"I knew you would love it." He said

"You must come here all the time," I exclaimed

"Well this is my second time," he said

"First time was with Sheila then," I said cheekily

"Nope, only with you." He said softly

His tone suddenly changed, he sounded sincere.

He looked into the sun and said: "When I first saw it, I thought of you and said Lily will love this."

His blunt sincerely made me feel special but this wasn't right, I looked at him.

As the sun set the sky changed from orange to black, it was getting darker, but you could see the lights of the night city below.

I could see him look at me, our eyes met. He leant closer to me, this isn't happening, I had to stop it before it got out of hand.

But then suddenly he took control, he held me gently by the cheek and kissed me on my lips. I was going to talk but it felt like I was responding, I kissed back but I didn't mean to.

For a moment I thought he was going to stop and let go of me, but after a brief pause, his kisses became more deep and hungry, I wanted to stop but my strength failed me, I wanted to move back but he held me firmly by the waist, pulling me closer to him. Our lips parted and his tongue toyed with mine, I kissed him with the same fever he kissed me with. I felt him push me back flat on the car, his hands on my waist pinning me to the car, it was an awkward position, I felt his tongue explore my mouth and toy with my tongue, he was positioned awkwardly over me, I felt a sharp pain as I couldn't straighten my legs nor did I want to push him back, so I parted my legs allowing him to place himself between me, I couldn't move any further, I have never been at such a compromising position with anyone but Greg.

"Stop," I told him firmly.

He stopped suddenly; he stood like that for a minute or two before he spoke.

"Why?" he whispered

I was at a loss for words, why is this happening?

"Because this isn't right," I replied firmly

He looked at me, I saw a deep sadness, something I had not seen before. It was replaced by anger soon.

"I am sorry Lucy, I didn't mean to hurt you but I am done pretending. Reject me right now and I will be forever out of your face, or accept that there is something between us."

I always thought John understood it, it was simply harmless flirting, it was meant to be nothing more.

I pulled his face towards me "Listen to me John, I know how you are feeling, I feel it too, but I am married to your brother and I have children, we cannot hurt them."

He pulled my hands apart and inched closer to me.

"Nobody needs to know, let me fuck your brains out and we can get over it tomorrow and never look back."

I was terribly excited, I haven't felt like this in a long, maybe deep down I might have in a way encouraged this. When I saw John, I saw desire, I saw lust, I trusted him and I wasn't sure what I would say next. He inched closer and kissed me, as I felt his hands move up, I pushed him back softly again.

"Please inside the car." I pleaded

He looked me into the eyes and softly lifted me off the car, my legs held onto him as he moved. He opened the back door, pushed me in the back cushion and locked the car.

He kissed me again, and I kissed him back. I had no clue where this was going, but I couldn't stop. His hands found itself on my breasts.

He paused, looked me in the eye and kissed me again, he took it for a yes and let him kiss me. John seemed very experienced and capable, he was able to slide off my top and unclasp my bra without even letting go of my gaze. The only time his gaze fell was when he sucked on my breasts. I was going to go crazy; John was amazing, I was on the verge of an orgasm even before we could go any further.

It has been ages since anyone has sexually aroused me to such extent. I got rid of his shirt and his skin felt warm and familiar. On the verge of going crazy, my hands were tugging on his jeans, I took a lot of effort for me to unzip his pants, I grabbed hold of something warm and big, it felt bigger than the one I was more familiar with.

It became apparent to me that he would keep sucking and ravage me until I went crazy. I begged at John "Please, please ... fuck me ... fuck me."

In my years of knowing John, I have never once uttered a foul word, but this one time, it worked like magic. He slid off my jeans and wet panties with ease, he kissed me more deeply and somehow he positioned himself on the lips of my womanhood. As he entered me, I stopped kissing and bit my lips in pleasure, as I felt him enter; I became aware that John was larger and much bigger than Greg. By the time he got the whole thing into me, I was in a whirlpool of pain and pleasure. I felt that I was quickly reaching my limit and he wasn't kidding when he said he was going to fuck my brains out.

I held onto him with the remainder of my strength as he thrust in and out of me, I orgasmed again for the second time. I could still feel that John was hard between me. He pounded into me at the back of his car for lord knows how long.

The only man I had ever known was Greg, so John was an eye opener. I saw men in porn and thought that was impossible but John was inexhaustible. He was a big guy and I was no petite women either, it was difficult for him to position me in any other position other than missionary inside the car. But John didn't restrict himself to the car. Greg and I have been in similar situations during the early part of our marriage and it was honestly a messy affair and took more than one try to get right. But John was fluid and there was hardly a minute of break.

I faced the side of the car with my hands on the hood as John thrust me from the back while he fondled my breasts. As his thrusts got faster and heavier my voice got louder, I was always vocal with Greg, years of marriage taught me the right way to tell my man that he was doing it right and boy John was doing it right. He fucked me like a man possessed, my mind went blank as I felt myself coming close to a third orgasm. I felt myself go numb before I felt the warmth of his manhood rush inside me. I loved doggy style, it was crude and aggressive, but what John did to me feel that night was beyond explanation.

I felt him slow fucking me though most of that night as I got in and out of consciousness.

I could sense him when he wiped the sweat off my body and got me clothed again. I was able to tell when he placed me on the front seat. I must have fallen asleep because the next minute I found myself back at our place in front of my house.

I must have dragged myself from the car and fell asleep on the porch.

Next morning I woke up with a terrible headache.

I woke up to find my body aching, it took me a couple of minutes to realise I was back at home. Then it hit me that I had intercourse with my husband's younger brother. The guilt I felt, I got up calling for Greg, I found that I was alone at home, it was already afternoon. I called Greg at the office.

"Hello love." Greg greeted me merrily

I felt relief that things haven't spiralled out of control; I had no clue on how I should be handling the situation. I could have never imagined myself in such a compromising position. As Greg merrily muttered, I felt anger and shame. When we said goodbye, I went looking for John, we needed to have a conversation.

It was very awkward at first but after a while, we got talking.

"Greg cannot know about it," I told him

We were sitting at the dining table and speaking to each other.

"He won't ..." He replied back firmly

I did not see shame, nor did I see guilt.

"This cannot happen again," I said firmly this time

And we left it at that, and never spoke about it ever again.

A couple of months passed after that incident and things were back to normal. John found residence at the University but sometimes paid us a visit every now and then.

While things were back to normal, there were a couple of things that changed, I was more reserved with John now, it did hurt him sometimes, but it was for the best.

It was the middle of summer and it was scorching hot outside, we seldom went out unless we had to. Greg and the children were always at home. I had my hands full with the lot and was never free. Christopher and Alan were also bored sitting at home all day, so Greg decided to let them go to a summer camp. I refused at first, but Greg showed me the place and he convinced me that the staff was A Class and the children were safe. I reluctantly agreed.

I spent the whole morning preparing for them little goods and treats, packing the right clothes and sun lotions and creams. I also put in a list of emergency numbers to call. I was waiting for John to pick us. John came on time, with a Lady friend; it wasn't Sheila so I assumed it was a University friend.

"Hey Sis, hey Chris, hey All ... everyone ready."

My children screamed in a union.

"Hello this is Molly, she is a University friend." she wanted to tag along

Molly and the children got along well, she was a very bubbly person, very outgoing. She was definitely not the right type for John, Sheila was okay, soft spoken and loveable, but John needed someone a bit firm and willing to lay the law to him.

Molly was also very giggly and was stealing glances at John, it made me a bit suspicious but I let go of the thought. I came to know from her that her dad was the Taxi Mogul of the town; she was a spoiled brat and enjoyed working as an activist.

It was late evening by the time we got back home, Molly accompanied us home.

"Bro is it alright if Molly stays over, it is kind of late to go to Stanford ... I'll give her my room, I will sleep on the sofa."

I would have definitely objected but Greg gave his approval before I could utter a word.

I always had an issue with people staying over, I hated strangers over at my house, and Greg was liberal on these aspects being the friendly local he was.

I left Molly and John in front of the TV when I retired for my sleep. I tried sleeping but I couldn't get myself to it, Greg was already in deep slumber. I was tossed and turned for an hour or two before I decided to check on them and get myself a glass of water.

I could hear the TV as I slowly moved to the living room. At first, I could tell that John was lying back at the Sofa, but it took a little while before I realised he was still with Molly. She was bent over towards John; I looked on in horror when I realised she was giving him oral sex. I left immediately and did not come back for the night again.

I always thought John was very innocent, in the previous couple of weeks I have got to know him better than I had in the 6 years Greg and I have been married.

It made me furious to think that John fooled around with women, and women were idiots to let him. I was quite furious at myself before I eventually fell asleep.

Next morning I woke up with every intention of giving John a piece of my mind, but Molly and John had gone out. Christopher and Allen were at summer camp so things were much quieter at home; the only noise that came was from the TV and Greg was glued to it.

It was a pretty hot day and things were much quieter than normal, my thoughts drifted from place to place, but somehow it ended on John. I felt frustrated, I didn't want another man invading my thoughts other than Greg, but nowadays I could hardly get Greg off the couch no matter how hard I tried. I was excited and I was hot all the time. And at times when I did manage to excite Greg enough, but through all that, I imagined the cold night air, the warm body of John above me.

This made me snappy and angry at John all the time, it was entirely his fault. I was mad at Greg as well, we have been planning to take some time for us for ages, and now that the kids were finally gone, he and his friends made plans for the stupid super bowl. Also, we haven't managed time to go out or have some fun in ages and now that we do have time, he decided to spend it with his friends.

John did come back late in the afternoon.

"Hey, Sis." He spoke to me as I was getting the dishes cleaned

"Yes, John" I replied without looking

"Molly's dad gave me two tickets for the Wizard of Oz show at the Opera House"

My eyes suddenly lit open; I have wanted to go there since ages and the tickets at the opera house were darn expensive.

"Maybe you and Bro can go out and have some fun, you always did say you wanted to see the Opera House."

I quickly wiped my hands dry and took the tickets from John after I thanked him. I literally begged Greg to take me to the Opera House but he kept insisting that his friends were coming over, and it would look bad if you cancelled it. He kept insisting that I could go with John, but I wanted to go with him. When he got a little cross, I meekly went away to give the tickets back to John.


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