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Wife was 'Single' at a Wedding Pt. 02

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My wife lets me know her plans.
2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/12/2021
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For part one of this story, I uploaded the draft instead of the correct version. Please forgive that and try to enjoy still. I have asked the admins if there is a way to replace it.


So there I was sitting with my wife and I's best friend, pretending to be her boyfriend for a wedding, my drunk wife on the dance floor with 3 horny college kids, and I can't see if she's ok because they are on the middle of the dance floor!

Me: "Uh, can you see them?"

Amy: "No. The floor is a bit crowded. Go out there if you want, you can go dance with them. I'm sorry I have two left feet and hate to dance."

Me: "I can't go out there dancing without my woman" I said with a smile, "But I do want to make sure everything is ok. I'm going to go to the bathroom and walk around to see if I can them."

As I walk around the dance floor I start to get anxious as I can't seem to locate them, but then I get a glimpse of Amber's head above the crowd. Now if you remember, she's tall, but not that tall. As I get to the point that I realistically can't say that I am heading towards the bathroom and not 'checking' in on Amber, I saw them. I am not sure what I was expecting to see, but this was not it. Amber was sitting on the shoulders of one of the guys like she playing chicken in a pool, leaning over the head of the guy. Apparently leaning over to try to allow another guy to kiss her, but he was too short. The third guy was right behind her with his hand on her butt, apparently he had boosted her up. I knew she wasn't wearing underwear now, at least her dress still had her covered, I think. She sat up straight and told her 'ride' to turn around, giving the other guy a chance to try to kiss her. Again, he was too short. So there was no kissing yet at least. Then I realized I thought 'yet'. Am I realizing that my wife is going to kiss these guys?! Then she sees me and waves both her arms over her head with a big smile on her face. As she does that I see her dress lift up a bit more, and while she's now facing me, I can tell by the kids reaction behind her, that her bum is now visible. Suddenly feeling a little light headed I wave back and head to the restroom. I did my business and after washing up, I just sort of stood there looking at myself in the mirror. Picturing my wife's bum sticking out for the world to see. She did have a nice ass, but I'm starting to wonder if there will be a little more than looking going on soon.

When I was done and walking back to the table, I tried looking for Amber and the boys, but they weren't there anymore. As I made it around the dance floor, she and Amy were talking at the table in a very giggly conspiratorial fashion.

Seeing me Amy, pulls me down to a crouch: "Your wife is EVIL!"

With Amber laughing, I ask: "What's going on?"

Amber: "These kids are so horny, I've got them eating out of my hand!"

Amy: "Tell him what you want to do!"

Amber: "I think I can get these guys to jack each other off!"

Again, I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.

Me laughing: "What?!"

Amber: "Okay, I got the idea when we were all first dancing and I was getting my bump and grind on."

Amy laughing: "Loser, bump and grind"

Amber: "That's what it's called! Anyway, two of the guys touched each other on accident and they kind of, freaked out. Like they can't possible have touched each others butts. So right there I hatched a plan and haven't had time to run it by you two."

Amy: "Wait until you hear this Todd, it's both ridiculously evil AND hot as fuck!"

Amber: "Ok, I am getting these guys so turned on letting them touch my butt, brush my tits against them, and giving them just a taste of the idea that they are going to get lucky!"

Me: "You aren't enjoying the squeezes, or doing any yourself?"

Amber: "Of course I am, it's nice to relive the single life a little! But tits and ass, well you could care less if someone grabs me like that as long as I'm not in any danger. And I've got them hard in their pants, my first goal was to have their precum staining their fronts! I achieved that right when I offered them my thong for $20!"

Amy was giggling with her head on the table now, and I have to admit that I was on the verge of a good chuckle. Then Amber got a little serious and I gave a little head tilt for her to go on.

Amber: "Ok, next stage is a little more serious and I need to get your permission Todd"

Amy shot up: "What! Tell us!"

Amber: "See the area there, where it's elevated and the dance spot lights come from? It has the half wall, and I am assuming you get to it from those couple stairs there? I'm sure there's equipment storage or something, but the wall has to be about 4 to 4 1/2 feet high. The dollar dance is going to happen in a about 20 minutes I heard, that was 5 minutes ago, so 15 minutes from now. I'm going to take them up there so we can 'watch' the dollar dance. Todd, I've had these boys rubbing against me tonight, they are all of 5 to 6 inches max, and nothing special. My next stage is to, well, I want them to take their dickies out. I'm going to tell them that if they do, I'll give them a little hand job."

Me: "Wait, back that train up"

Amy: "Todd, Amber's told everyone that you are pushing double digits on a good day, which means you have a cock. 5 inchers are, just like she said, dickies."

Amber: "It will be a little thrill for me, sure, but it's more of a dominating sex thing then a 'I want cock' thing. Anyway, if you are ok with it, this stage does 2 things. 1) It turns them on even more and with these guys riding high on hormones, this will keep it going. The trick will be to stop before they cum. And then 2) the most important, they will see each others dicks hard! I am going to bet that they have never been around their buddies with hard-ons. I will then know if this will all end with my naughty plan"

Amy: "So let her give them a couple tugs." turning to Amber "and you better do something that drives them wild."

Amber: "The end goal here, is to be back in the room and have these guys jerking their buddies off while Amy and I watch."

Me: "You think you're going to be able to get them to jerk each other off without you doing anything back in the room?"

Amber: "No sex, that's for sure! But I'm not sure about the 'without doing anything'. I'll probably let them see my pussy, and I'll probably have to get things started somehow."

Amy: "They are 5 inch dickies Todd!"

A sudden thought came to my mind: "What's in it for me?"

Amber and Amy looked at each other with smiles, Amber: "I'm wet already, and this will turn me on more."

Amy: "And I was hoping to see my 'boyfriend' naked tonight"

They each started to slide their hands up my legs.

With a sigh I think to myself, what could possible go wrong.

Amber was back on the dance floor about 3 minutes later, this time in full view of us. She put her back to one of the guys, reached over her head and grabbed his hair, looking at us all while grinding into one guy. She then pulled another in front of her for a sandwich. Those boys were eating it up and she was performing for Amy and I, they were just tools, or so I thought. Sure enough after two songs the DJ announced the dollar dance. For those that don't know that's when guys line up and pay a dollar to the groom to dance for a little bit with the bride. Amber pointed to the lighting technical area and told the guys something. They started for the stairs while Amber came to the table.

Amber: "Change of plans for stage 2! Maybe even better!" then she took off.

Amy: "That woman is evil, you know that right."

We watched as she went up the stairs and joined the guys. She said something to them and they nodded eagerly. She then lined them up and with an exaggerated hand gesture, I assume she told them to get their 'dickies' out. She then looked to run her hands down her body. While I couldn't see where they went, right about when I think her hands would have reached her pussy, she closed her eyes and gave a little shudder. The guys eyes just about popped out, so I knew I was right. I could tell what she did next as she reached towards the first guy. My wife was jerking some college guy off. Time slowed down, I couldn't see anything but I could tell by the angle of her arm and slight movement of her shoulder that she was stroking him. He made a face and then I think he came!

Amy: "That couldn't have been 15 seconds!"

It looked to have surprised Amber too, but she beckoned the next guy over. She started over again, including obviously touching herself first. I realized something then

Me: "She's jerking them off with her wetness"

Amy: "Oh, she is good."

This one lasted longer, but not much. It wasn't a minute and she was touching herself for the third and last. Evidently this guy had enough and must have exploded as her fingers touched him, because she looked down in shock, he looked embarrassed and his buddies started laughing. She gave a head tilt and said something, probably consoling him. She then bought them all in to tell them something. Amy pointed out that she was rubbing her hand in one of the guys hair. After whispering to the guys, she pointed down her body and looked to touch herself for a few seconds again, then motioned for the guys to head to dance floor. The guys went down to join the line of the dollar dance.

Back at the table...

Amber: "Sorry, a little change of plans! I wanted them to cum so they would leak a little more in their pants, and then have them dance with the bride! I gave them a little more of a show 'down town'"

Amy: "Loser, 'down town'"

Amber: "Yes, 'down town'. They were already bouncing back, like young guys do, but I wanted to have them thinking of my pussy and being hard when they danced with the bride!"

Amy: "Deliciously evil!"

Amber: "I know right! Loser my ass!"

We watched as the guys danced with the bride. It was obvious she saw their stains and probably saw them pushing against their pants. But the kicker was the last guy she danced with. She had placed her hand on that back of all the guys' heads while they danced. Well she felt what Amber had put there and after he walked away she looked at her hand and brought it up to her nose. She withdrew and whispered something to her husband who had been taking the money. They both chuckled as he got her a napkin.

Amber: "Stage two complete"

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Stupid premise. No husband would put up with that bullshit.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 1 year ago

Yup, definitely juvenile

Sexywife104Sexywife104over 1 year ago

Please don't stop here!?!?

When is the next chapter cumming???

KatiescuckKatiescuckover 1 year ago

Loved it. Just good fun

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Third chapter please?

satinlvr_mwfsatinlvr_mwfalmost 3 years ago

Please keep adding chapters? This is great fun to read!

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago

The rest of the story.

I think this series could use at least one more chapter.

Thank you for your stories.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago

A bunch of idiot commenters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hope she screwed them all and brought back cream pie for him. Not happening. Don't know any friends of mine even think about allowing that shit

kdad9010kdad9010about 3 years ago

It’s been a while. Is there another chapter coming? I love the first two!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Is it finished? I thought We were going to hear about what she let the guys with the dickies do t other back in her room and I was hoping Amy was going to have sex with Todd, while his wife played with the three guys in the same roojm.

kdad9010kdad9010over 3 years ago

I hope you don't let the naysayers get you down. I'm enjoying this series and really looking forward to reading what happens next!

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Let it go bitch, you can’t hang with the men. Greasy little shits like don’t know a loving wife story from these low life cuck stories. Judging from your favorites, you’re still firmly attached to your mommy’s tit. You can count on me to keep commenting on this trash, and there is nothing you can do but cry about it.

herojabherojabover 3 years ago

I look forward to reading about her taking it in all three holes at the same time and loving it. It doesn't matter if the story is good or not we can all count on 26thNC making a comment about how pathetic the husband is or something like that and then trash the writer. Go back to reading your Bible because we all know nothing like that happened in that book... Wait it did and then some. Including killing one's own child. Don't blame other because you married an ugly person and no one wants to bang them like in these stories. Whatever your deal is go f yourself 26thNC because no one else ever will.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Hero jab, I’ll add you to my roster of bitches, who have never read an entire story, but never miss my comments. You really don’t have to read them bitch.

herojabherojabover 3 years ago

26thNC is the most pathetic person on literotica. They down vote everyone's story in the Loving Wife category because it's for hot wifies. They can't get it through their thick skull that's what this category is all about. STOP reading Loving Wife stories if you don't like them. 🥴

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A friend ducked the brides mother in the room with her passed out drunk hubby. His third load went up her ass after he stuffed her panties in her mouth to keep her grunting down . After he pulled out he pulled her hair back snd stick his dick in her mouth pumped a few times than took his dick out snd smacked her face a few times

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Garbage written by TediousShadow’s less talented cousin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

My wife enjoys playing with young guys at social gatherings like wedding reception dances. She usually finds a young guy she likes, takes him back to our room, and teaches him a thing or two about how to pleasure a woman. She considers it to be sort of a social service activity. Plus, she gets a pussy full of cum and they can get an new erection in less than 10 minutes. Her slender thighs need to be spread once in a while by other men, and this is the perfect opportunity!

Mustang88LXMustang88LXover 3 years ago

More SHIT for the LW sewer!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

With alcohol, the party is even crazier.

With Loving Wives, the writers are even more cuckold weaklings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please continue your story. Really enjoying it!

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