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Winter Break Ch. 03

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Tom and Danny's story continues.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/30/2015
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This is an ongoing story. It might be a good idea to read the first two chapters before reading this one.


Tom's already heavy head swam with new thoughts and the air seemed to escape his lungs and refuse to return. In ten years since his mother left his father he had heard him referred to as "that man" and "the asshole." So the fact that she referred to him as "your father" meant this was serious.

"Where?" Danny's voice broke through Tom's fog.

"Here, in Boston," his mother answered.

"He's here? How long has he..." Danny again.

"He never left. Look there's no time to discuss it now, they need us. You. And your sisters. At the hospital so they can run tests. For compatibility. He will need blood. And might need other things." She was vague but frantic.

The hospital waiting area was quieter than Tom expected. And empty aside from his siblings, his mother and himself. He sat in a chair next to Danny, close enough to feel his heat but not close enough to raise suspicions. The nurse had already called Allison in. As they waited for the next one to be called Tom's mind wandered to the night before. Danny's lips on his, his light moans as Tom stroked him. Tom shook off the thought. Not the time or place to revisit that.

He wondered what all this meant. He tried to list off the things he would ask the nurse once they called on him. By the time Danny had returned and Tom made his way into the examining room he had forgotten everything he wanted to say. There was something off about Danny's face when they brought him back to the waiting area. Something that made Tom hurt inside.

"I am going to be taking some blood, just a pin prick, and swabbing your mouth for DNA. We are looking for compatibility for organ donation and blood transfusions," the nurse explained and handed Tom a clipboard with papers on it. "This is a consent form. It essentially says that you have agreed to these tests. If you are a match there will be other forms for that."

Consent form. Tom didn't even consider that there might be a choice in all this. Maybe he didn't want to be tested. He looked it over. Words jumbled together as he tried to read it. Organ compatibility. Agreement to be tested. Not a consent to donate. Legal words. He signed it. His head already hurt, this was making things worse.

A prick on his finger. A cotton swab swipe in his mouth, and the nurse was gone. "Wait here, the doctor will be in with your results in a few minutes."

Alone in a quiet sterile white room. Tom's thoughts threatened to wander back to the night before, but he once again stopped them in their tracks. Everything seemed to be moving quickly here, which meant there was an urgency. His father was probably dying. Did he care? Somewhere deep inside him he wondered how cruel it would be to admit anger and abandonment made him less concerned about him in this moment. In this moment he was wondering about Danny. What had they told him? As he was contemplating the possibilities Tom realized why the look scared him so much. It was the same distant look Danny had when he was fifteen and suddenly part of a strange family, lost and alone.

Tom's thoughts were interrupted by a new face. "Hello, Mister Patterson, I'm doctor Sullivan. I am taking care of your father."

Tom tried to smile at her. She returned the strained gesture.

"Well," she said looking over a sheet of paper in front of her. "We have your results and you are a very close match, as close to perfect as we can ever hope to get, the chances of successful donation are extremely high."

This did not surprise Tom in the least. He was not medically inclined but he was pretty sure that sharing DNA with his father would make him a good match for whatever it was he needed. Still he asked the question anyway. "What does that mean?"

"I am going to be honest with you. Your father's injuries are substantial. He will need a kidney transplant, sooner rather than later. So if you were to choose to, you could donate your kidney to him without much complication," Doctor Sullivan answered.

"Can I think about it?" Tom heard himself say. "I mean, do I have time to decide what to do?" That did not sound much better.

"Yes, of course." Doctor Sullivan did not seem to be concerned with the response. "He is stable at the moment and we are trying to keep him comfortable. I can give you a day or two to talk about this with your family and make a decision. I would not expect you to decide now. There are no guarantees with any procedure; even routine operations come with complications. The transplant process does present risk for both the recipient and the donor, these are very rare but something you should consider before making your decision. We can give you information regarding the operation that should answer any questions you might have in the meantime."

Tom felt like a zombie as he followed Doctor Sullivan back to the waiting area. His mother stood up and greeted him with a warm hug as he walked through the door and back into the quiet room still only occupied by his family.

"Mrs. Patterson, I am Doctor Sullivan." She introduced herself. "Your ex-husband is stable but, will need extensive surgery in the coming days. The impact damaged many of his organs. But his kidneys were the most severe. He will need a transplant. Tom is a match. He is the only match."

Tom felt Danny stiffen next to him at those last words.

"Tom has asked for some time to think about this, it is a big decision. We have a little bit of time. But I encourage you to get back to me as soon as possible," Doctor Sullivan nodded to Tom and left the family standing in the waiting area.

All eyes were on him. All except one pair. The only one that mattered. Tom looked from his mother to his sisters and took a deep breath. "I am not saying I will not give him my kidney. I am not saying I want him to die. But that man was never my father. He was not there for the first thirteen years of my life, any more than he has been the last ten. So you will have to forgive me for not jumping onto an operating table and offering up my organs."

"Let's go home." His mother suggested and the group silently made their way out to the parking lot.

The only thing Tom wanted was to get Danny alone and find out what was wrong. But he realized that he was dizzy and remembered he had not had anything to eat all day. He headed to the kitchen to make a sandwich and left Danny with his sisters and mother in the living room to explain the details of the day to their significant others. A few minutes later Danny joined him.

"Any idea of what you're going to do?" Danny asked.

Tom shook his head. He took a bite of sandwich and chewed slowly. "I feel like an asshole. Even thinking that the answer might be no. I have the chance to save a life. Maybe he wasn't the father I needed, or whatever. But what kind of person questions whether or not to save someone? Anyone? If they have the chance."

"It's not that simple." Danny answered him.

"Are you okay? You don't seem to be yourself right now." Tom took another bite and chewed slowly, again. He was trying to save himself from throwing up. Hungover, overwhelmed, tired. Pick one, or all of them, he was not in great shape.

"Just a lot to take in I guess. I mean, who knew. He was living here in Boston all along. Why didn't he try to contact us? Or did he, and mom didn't pass on the messages?" Danny slowed down at the words us and mom.

"Maybe I should give him my kidney just so that we can find out," Tom suggested.

For a moment Tom saw a spark in Danny's eyes that made Tom think he was actually contemplating that as a good idea.

Over the next several hours each of Tom's sisters came to talk with him. All of them understood his reasons for being hesitant. But all of them leaned toward Tom going forward with the surgery. Danny had sat with him the whole time, as moral support, he said. They were about to head up to the their room when their mother asked to talk to Tom alone.

"You have every right to be angry at your father, but don't let your anger cloud your judgment. I may not have been the best at keeping my personal feelings about the man to myself, but he is your father and I did love him very much at one time. He gave me four. Five. Beautiful children and I could never, will never, hate him as much as I may make it seem." She said it so fast Tom wondered if she had rehearsed it all day.

"I know mom." Tom was running out of things to say. He had spent so much time explaining himself to his sisters he was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. "Tomorrow, when I am clearer and I can really get my thoughts together I will make a decision. Until then I need sleep. We all need sleep."

His mother nodded at him and squeezed his arm.

"But." Tom stopped her from walking away. "We are going to have to talk about what you did and did not know about him being in Boston."

"Goodnight honey," she said as an answer and Tom was too tired to care that it wasn't an agreement to having that conversation.

Danny was sitting at the edge of the bed when Tom entered the room. He was clearly lost in thought. Tom sat next to him and put his hand on Danny's forearm. Danny turned his arm over and slid his fingers between Tom's. "Do you want to talk about it?" Tom asked.

Danny didn't answer right away and he could barely look Tom in the eyes. "Yes. But I am afraid of what it means. For us."

"Just tell me, please." Tom was trying not to plead, or beg, but he was so tired and he just wanted to pass out and forget about this day.

Danny took a deep breath. "I know you have had a lot on your mind, with this decision and all that goes with it. But have you wondered at all why you were the only match?"

Tom had wondered. But it was a quick thought that had left his mind as soon as the idea that he was responsible for deciding if a man he hardly knew lived or died took over. He started to say that but Danny kept going.

"He is not my father."

All the blood rushed from Tom's head and he felt like he was going to faint. "Wh-what?"

"My DNA does not match his. At all. One hundred percent. He is not my father. They ran the test three times. They thought there was some sort of mistake."

"Oh my God Danny. Oh. My. God. What. You should have told me hours ago!"

"Like I said. I was afraid of what that means for us."

"What are you talking about?"

"I just. I worry you are attracted to the drama, and not me."

This baffled Tom. Danny had sat with him all day and watched as he dealt with life changing decisions. Meanwhile he had gotten life changing news of his own. And then to question his feelings.

Tom let go of Danny's hand and got up from the bed. His heart thumped in his chest as he stood in front of Danny. He knelt down and put his hand on Danny's knees, slowly running his hands up his this to widen Danny's legs. Danny slid closer and leaned forward. Their lips found each other, kissing deeper and stronger than either of them could imagine. Hands bumped, fingers tangled as they went to take each other's shirts off. A fit of giggles separated their mouths temporarily and Danny waited while Tom pulled his shirt over his head. A breath later and they were back to kissing.

"Lay back," Tom whispered.

Tom's fears threatened to derail his plans but he pushed them away and climbed onto the bed, straddling Danny's torso and gently sitting on his waist. He traced his fingers over Danny's toned stomach trying not to tickle his sides as he felt skin shudder under his touch. Danny's eyes were closed. But his lips quivered and his breathing was erratic. A clear sign he was enjoying Tom's touch. Tom's fingers slid into the waistband of Danny's jeans. Danny arched his back pushing against Tom's hand and closing the gap between his growing hard-on and Tom's already hard cock. Feeling the bulge in Danny's jeans drove Tom further, his fears slipping away.

Leaning forward Tom found Danny's lips and kissed him quickly before whispering into his ear. "I need you inside me."

There was a hint of fear Danny's face but it only lasted a moment. Danny sat up bringing Tom with him. In one quick motion Tom was on his back and Danny was leaning over him. One by one Danny removed each piece of clothing from Tom's body, making sure to brush Tom's skin as he did. When Tom was sufficiently naked Danny stood up and made a show of removing his pants and underwear, keeping his eyes on Tom's as he slid them over his hips and stepped out of them. His cock stood at attention. Tom licked his lips compulsively and smiled as he realized what he was doing.

"Slowly," Tom whispered as Danny pressed the head of his dick against his hole which was dancing in anticipation. Tom couldn't believe this was actually happening. The moment he had been waiting for was finally here.

Danny took his time sliding further and further into Tom's ass, kissing his neck as he did. Tom stifled moans and grasped the bedspread as the veins in Danny's shaft woke up every nerve inside him. When he felt the head of Danny's cock press against the perfect spot he arched his back and covered his mouth before his guttural scream traveled further than their room.

"So tight," Danny whispered.

It made Tom chuckle. "Different than you're used to." It was more of a statement than a question. The fact that this was Danny's first time with a man was not lost on Tom. He was letting himself feel and think and be in every moment of this. It wasn't long before his dick was shooting hot cum onto his stomach.

Danny lost his rhythm along with the last of his control. Tom could feel him pulse inside him just as he felt the wet heat against his ass. It was the second time he had made Danny cum. He made a note of it before returning back to the present.

"Was that your first time?" Danny asked when they were comfortably under the bedcovers and laying against each other.

Tom hesitated with an answer. He had waited a long time before he let someone take his virginity. He wanted it to be Danny. But reality always seemed to remind him that was never going to happen. He smiled at the thought and answered. "No."


"I waited. A long time. Last year, was my first time. I was in college and I waited till I was twenty-two to have sex. I wanted you then. I want you now. I will always want you. Don't ever question that again. Please."

"Okay," Danny's sleepy voice answered him.

"I'm going to go through with it." Tom lifted his head and looked at Danny who's eyes were closed. They opened before Danny spoke.


"I am going to give one of my kidneys to my father."

"Okay," Danny said the word again but more as a question than as an agreement.

"We need to know what he knows about your father," Tom told him.

"What if he doesn't know anything? It's a hell of a risk to take."

"I'm willing to take that chance. Okay? We're going to figure it out. I mean. If that's what you want?"

Danny did not answer for a few minutes. "Yeah. I want to know. I need to know."

"Okay," Tom said with a small grin.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Taa. Its a lie. You wouldnt sacrifice ur sons kidney for that man. His sisters would not expect him to do such ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Loved it

Omg i got a hard on but i was releaved at what happened

63lsmith63lsmithover 8 years ago

I am enjoying this story very much and looking forward to more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I'm loving this story! Please keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good job

I'm really enjoying this series! Keep it up!

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