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A Wife, a Dare and the Biker Bar

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A hung biker nails a curious wife.
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There was a biker bar not far from the house my wife Katie and I rented when we were first married. It was the prototypical biker bar, a seedy wooden storefront with one small window, and several Harleys always parked in front.

We were about as far from being bikers as anyone could be. At least Katie had ridden on the back of a motorcycle before, but I don't think I had ever even touched a motorcycle, much less driven one. No, we were straight-laced accountants who would be as out of place there as a librarian at a book burning. But we would always joke about going to the biker bar, and socializing with its denizens. Then at some point, that idea then started to get us a little sexually charged up.

Although Katie was relatively inexperienced sexually (I was her one and only sex partner before she married me), she was enthusiastic and adventurous in bed. She liked role playing, and we played out many of our fantasies. Mine tended toward light bondage, while hers involved pretending to have sex with strangers or with multiple partners. What was the most exciting about sex with Katie was that she really understood me and what turned me on. And she wasn't shy about communicating her desires, either. In other words, she was the perfect sex partner.

One day, Katie came home from her parents' house, dressed in a leather jacket and a jeans skirt that she had found in her old closet. I told her she would fit right in at the biker bar, which, by the way, was called "The Wayside Inn". I told her that if she would go there and have a drink, I would eat her out until she came (her favorite thing). She joked that if she went there, she would be so turned on that she would blow a biker. I said, really, come on, I dare you to go have a beer there.

"Unless, you feel like you can't handle it," I said.

"Really," she said. "You think it's that big a deal? You think I'm afraid to go into a bar and have a drink?"

"Well," I said. "It's a biker bar."

"Do you think they'll rape me when I walk in?" she asked.

"No," I said. "But you'll definitely get hit on."

"I don't even think that would happen," she said. "But if it's going to turn you on, I'll go. And you have to eat me every night for a week."

"Okay," I said. "It's a deal."

Before she could change her mind, we got into the car, and I drove her the mile and a half to the bar. We had never done anything like this, and I was almost quivering with excitement. Katie looked perfectly calm, however. We agreed that I would pick her up in an hour and a half. As I pulled up in front of the bar, Katie took off her wedding ring and handed it to me, and I nervously watched her go into the Wayside Inn, feeling somewhat queasy. I was surprised she didn't seem scared at all.

I drove home to wait, and I had high anxiety the whole time. Images flashed in my head, and I couldn't sit still. Several times I got back into my car to go back to the bar. But I told myself, she was right, there wasn't anything to worry about. Still, time moved very slowly over the next hour and a half, and I got into my car ten minutes before the appointed time to go pick her up. But before I could start my car, a loud motorcycle came up our street, with Katie riding in the back, holding on to a very large biker. She got off, gave the driver a kiss on the cheek, and went into the house.

"What the hell?" I asked her, in amazement.

"That was Vince," Katie said. It turned out that it was a guy she knew from high school. They weren't friends, but knew each other. They recognized each other in the bar, and ended up having a beer and talking for an hour before he drove her home.

That night, we had incredible sex, fueled by Katie's trip to the biker bar. She told me about the men she saw in there, as well as some women. She said a couple of guys had talked to her at the bar-but she said they weren't exactly hitting on her-before she saw Vince.

As I ate her out, per our agreement, she talked about what happened, embellishing on the details for my enjoyment. Katie really knew how to make up and describe a sex scene.

"These big dudes were staring at me, honey," she said. "I could tell they wanted to fuck me. I saw that there was a dark room in the back, and that's probably where they take girls like me and have their way with them. Even when I was talking to Vince, a couple of guys came up to us, and asked Vince if they could have a turn with me when he was done fucking me."

I'm pretty sure she was making that part up, but it almost made me come on the spot.

"There was another woman there that they were passing around, and a guy told me that I was going to be next. They were pawing her and fondling her breasts and they had her shirt undone. I saw a guy put his hand into her panties, and I knew that if I didn't leave soon that that was going to happen to me."

I couldn't wait any longer. I climbed on top of Katie and put my erection inside her.

"I think Vince might have a really big cock," Katie said, and that was enough to make me come, just seconds after I had entered her. "Oh god," she wailed. "I hope Vince doesn't come that quickly when he fucks me."

We did nothing but fantasize about the biker bar over the next month during sex. I came to realize that my fixation with the biker bar before Katie had even gone there had to do with being turned on with the idea of someone else fucking my wife. I had never admitted to myself that I was that guy, but it was true.

I told Katie that the idea of her with someone else turned me on.

"Do you think that's normal?" I asked her.

"I think it's very normal," Katie replied. "I think jealousy and lust are intertwined."

"It feels like a weird thought to me," I said.

"I don't think it's weird," Katie reassured me.

I assured her that I didn't actually want her to have sex with someone else, I just like to fantasize about it. As usual, Katie was a 100% into my fantasy. Once, when we were having sex, she told me that she had accidentally touched Vince's penis while they were on his motorcycle.

"When I put my arms around his waist, his penis was already hard, and it was so long I think I touched the head," she said one day while we were talking about the biker bar during sex. "And his abs were so hard, it made me wonder what it would be like to have someone that big and strong do it to me."

For the first time, the line between fantasy and reality became blurred for me. I started to wonder if Katie wanted to have sex with someone like Vince, or if she was just playing along with my fantasy. It bothered me, but at the same time, her pillow talk was an enormous turn on for me.

Sometimes when I was at work, the thought occurred to me that Katie could be having sex with Vince at that very moment, and that idea would make me a little crazy. While we were having sex, I would ask her if she wanted to have sex with Vince. She always seemed to know what to say to me that would both turn me on and twist the knife.

"Yes, I want to have sex with Vince," she would say. "But I'm afraid he would be an animal in bed and hurt me." Or she would say, "I really don't want to, but I know you're going to force me to." The first time she said this, we were in the middle of intercourse, and it made me come, instantly.

One night, I was on top as we were having sex, and I asked her about how much she wanted to screw Vince.

"You want him so bad, don't you?"

"Please," she said, moaning. "Don't make me have sex with him."

"Oh, yeah," I said. "You're going to fuck him, whether you want to or not."

"No, please," she said, thoroughly into her role as the frightened innocent. "I'm scared of him."

"If you love me, you'll let him fuck you."

"He's too big, he'll hurt me."

"He's going to stretch you out," I said. "You'll love it."

"No, I don't want his huge cock inside me," she mewed. "It's going to split me in half.."

I came, just like that. That is one of the things I love about Katie, how she's able to inhabit a role when we're having sex, and more importantly, how she knows what turns me on.

Two weeks after she went to the biker bar, I went out of town overnight for work. When I came back, she greeted me in her sexy nightgown.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Vince found out you were out of town, and came over and fucked the shit out of me," she said.

Although I knew she was just playing around, the image of the big man fucking my wife hit me like a freight train. I fucked her right there, right then, on the hallway floor.

When she said, "Do you feel how my pussy is full of his come?" I came hard.

I tried to talk her into going back to the biker bar, but Katie was reluctant to return. I suggested that she go there with a couple of her girlfriends from high school to see Vince, but she said she couldn't do that without explaining why she had gone there in the first place.

Nevertheless, we continued to use the biker bar fantasy during sex. The biker fantasy was arousing for both of us. It crystallized for us what it was that turned us on the most. For Katie, it was sex with strangers, particularly if there was an element of coercion in the encounter. For me, it was the idea of her having sex with another man, especially a large brutish guy who could fuck her senseless. Our fantasies aligned; it was a match made in heaven.

We would often play out the scenario in which she returned to the bar, and Vince would take her. Sometimes we fantasized that everyone at the bar would take turns having her. That was a fantasy that really got her going. Other times, Vince would take her back to his dilapidated trailer/meth lab where he would screw her while loud metal rock played. We would put on AC/DC at full volume while I fucked her.

"Oh shit, Vince!" she would wail as I pounded into her as hard as I could. "Your cock is so big!"

One night, on our way home from a dinner party at a friend's house, we drove by the Wayside Inn.

"Should I drop you off?" I joked.

"Oh," Katie said, biting her lower lip. "Okay, turn around and drop me off."

I don't know if it was the three cocktails she had at dinner, or just feeling sexually adventurous, but I didn't hesitate at the opportunity. She wasn't really dressed for the biker bar, but what the heck, I thought. She was wearing a pretty, feminine dress that would have been more appropriate for an expensive restaurant than the Wayside.

"Come back in one hour," Katie said. "If you don't, I'm definitely going to be raped there, dressed like this. I can probably hold them off for an hour, but after that, all bets are off."

As I watched her walk into the bar, she seemed to be walking with more trepidation than before, but that could have just been me. I drove home and paced the floor, my head filled with wild ideas of what could be happening. A month full of sex fantasies about that place had pushed me over the edge.

About half an hour had passed when I heard a motorcycle drive up to the house. I saw Katie and Vince getting off the bike and walking toward the house. I scurried out the back door and went to the side of the house so I could hear what was happening.

"Thanks for rescuing me from Frank," Katie was saying.

"No prob," Vince replied. "That fucker's harmless really, you could probably take him."

Katie kissed him on the cheek, and reached into her purse for her keys.

"Okay if I come in?" Vince asked. I noticed for the first time how big he was. He must have been 6' 5" and 250 pounds of pure muscle. He dwarfed Katie, who is short and skinny.

"My husband's at home," Katie said. "Maybe some other time?"

"Wait a minute," Vince said. "Your husband lets you go to the Wayside Inn by yourself? That's crazy.."

Katie looked down at her shoes in embarrassment. "It's not exactly like that," she said.

"Oh, I see," said Vince. "Don't be embarrassed, you guys aren't the only ones who want a taste of the wild side."

Vince leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. Some intense kissing went on for what seemed like forever. When their lips finally broke apart, Katie seemed to stagger back as if she had lost her balance. Vince caught her and held her tight.

"I like you," Vince whispered to Katie. "And I want to give you something to fuel your fantasies."

"I like you, too," Katie said. "But I'm married."

"I'll just come in and meet your husband, say hello," Vince said. "What just happened is just between us."

"Okay," Katie said after thinking for a minute. She unlocked the door and opened it wide. She called out my name. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to give away that I had been spying on them. I thought of running back in through the back door, but I was paralyzed. Instead, I just watched them through an open window as they went into the living room.

"I guess he's not here," Katie said. "That's strange."

"Is he really here, or did you just say that to chase me away?" Vince asked.

"I'll go up and see if he fell asleep," Katie said. She came back down and sat on the couch, and said, "Well, he's not here. His car is here, but he's nowhere to be seen."

"Let's pick up where we left off then," Vince said, sitting down next to her. He pulled her to him, and started kissing her again. As he did, he had one hand on her thigh, and the other on a breast. The hand on her leg was making its way up under her dress. I could hear Katie moaning. Katie was definitely kissing back, I assume she was putting on a show for me. Again, his hand disappeared up Katie dress, and I knew where it was headed..

"Vince, I can't do this," Katie said, trying but not succeeding in pushing him away. At that point, he must have hit paydirt, because Katie's eyes suddenly opened wide. She let out a small moan.

"Just until your husband gets back," Vince said. "I'm sure he'll be back any minute."

Katie's breathing became ragged as Vince worked his hands inside her dress. I could only imagine what was happening,. Either he was playing with her clit, or had fingers up inside her. We had fantasized a dozen times about Vince forcing himself on her, but nothing could have prepared me for the reality of watching it happen in our own living room. My cock was straining against my pants, already on the verge of coming.

Then, before I could tell what was happening, he had her panties off. I knew I should interrupt them, and go into the house, but I was mesmerized, and a little scared. I imagined that if I interrupted them now, Vince might beat me to a pulp. Then Vince stood up, and pulled Katie off the couch, and onto her knees in front of him.

Vince put Katie's hand on his crotch. She jumped in surprise when she felt the contours of Vince's cock against his jeans. She then gently touched his cock through his pants, starting from the base up to the tip. It seemed like there was a good chance Vince's dick was indeed very large. I think that our fantasies about this very thing made it easier for her to do what she did, rub his erection through his jeans., while talking to him. It was exactly as we had fantasized. I couldn't hear everything she said because everything seemed to be coming out in a breathless whisper, but I heard her say, "You're really hard," and "I want to see it." This last thing was what she always said during our biker bar fantasy when she pretended I was Vince, and she was on her knees in front of me.

"You can see it, if you want," Vince said. "If you're ready for it." I knew, and Katie must have known, that once she undid his jeans, that would be the end. I was torn between wanting to see her do it, and being very afraid of what would happen if she did. Vince put his hands behind her head, and put Katie's face up against his crotch until she had her mouth on his cock through his pants. She kind of gnawed at his cock through his jeans. Katie also seemed as paralyzed as me, not resisting Vince's advances, but also not able to bring herself to unbutton his jeans.

After a few minutes of Vince dry humping my wife's mouth, he reached down and undid his pants himself and pulled out his cock. I gasped. Vince's cock was truly massive. Out in the open, it looked much bigger than it did through his jeans. It was not only long, but thick. I found myself hoping against hope that Vince wasn't going to put his enormous cock into my wife's tight pussy. I was experiencing a combination of fear, fascination and a sexual frenzy. I knew I should speak up. I felt that if I entered the house, everything would stop. And yet, I couldn't do it.

And then, Katie put the head of that gigantic cock into her mouth, completely voluntarily. Vince didn't grab her head or even ask her to, she just wrapped her lips around it. She started bobbing up and down on it, but didn't have more than the head inside her. Even then, it seemed like more than she could handle. At this point, I shot my load into my pants. My knees buckled, and I fell to the ground.

When I got back up, Katie was lying on the floor, and Vince was straddling her head, forcing his cock deeper into her throat. She appeared to be in discomfort, but at least he wasn't forcing himself down her throat or face-fucking her.

"Don't worry," Vince laughed. "I'm sure your husband will be back any minute."

Katie had one hand on his cock, and was pumping it for all it was worth. It was obvious that she was trying to make him come. But Vince seemed to be taking his time. After a while, he pulled out of her mouth, and picked her up and deposited her on the edge of the couch. Katie seemed like she was in a trance, hypnotized by Vince's giant dong. He then got between her legs with his knees on the floor, and positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy.

"No, no, no!" Katie exclaimed when she realized what was happening. "You can't do that." She was trying to push him off of her, but he was too big and strong.

"Shh," Vince shushed her. "It's going to be okay. Just til your husband gets back."

"Noooo!" she wailed. "It's too big, I can't take it, I'm not ready."

"It'll be alright," Vince reassured her. "I haven't found anyone who couldn't take it yet. I'm going to be gentle." He felt her pussy and put two fingers into her.

"Oh god, no!" Katie cried. The anticipation of Vince's cock about to enter my tiny wife was almost too much to bear. I felt like I might pass out.

"It's okay," he said. "You're so fucking wet, you're ready for my dick."

"Shit," Katie said. "I'm not on the pill, you have to put on a condom!"

"It's okay, I won't come inside you," Vince said.

"Ooooooh," she whimpered as she watched his dick disappear into her tight pussy. "It doesn't feel right, it's so big." My heart was pounding in my chest so loudly that I could hear it.

"Yeah, I lied," Vince said. "Some chicks can't take something this big."

"Oh my god," Katie moaned. "It's going in so deep."

"Shit," said Vince. "I'm not even half way in."

"How big is that thing?" Katie wailed. "I feel like I'm being fisted."

"Fuck," said Vince. "You're right, this is the tightest pussy I've ever felt. Even Christy Wilson wasn't this tight when she was 15."

"Ooh noo," she continued to whimper. "You're stretching me out with that huge dick of yours." Vince kept slowly snaking his long dick into my wife's defenseless pussy. He was fairly gentle with her, easing himself in, a bit at a time. After about five minutes of Katie's whimpering, he seemed to be in up to his balls.

"How do you like that?" he asked her.

"Oh god, I feel so full," Katie said. "I feel like I'm already about to come."

"Go ahead and enjoy yourself," Vince smirked. You could tell he was used to getting this reaction from women. Suddenly, he pulled about ten inches out of her, then slammed it back in. He then started pistoning in and out of her, using her position on the couch as leverage to pound hard into her. After about thirty seconds, I saw Katie's face contort as if she was going to scream. It was the look she always got before she came. She did come, and she came hard, screaming and making other sounds that I had never heard before.


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