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Base Heat

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Mature white wife sucks off young, black sailor.
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Eileen left the restaurant at the mall and headed for her car. It was 3pm and her stop hadn't been for food. Rather, she had sat at the bar with her husband Tom and consumed three measures of liquid courage. She had hoped she could complete her objective there but the only other patrons were three middle-aged men. She was nervous and excited, but was not discouraged as she started her engine and pulled out of the parking lot. Their plan for this contingency had been well thought out and practiced.

Just down the road, Eileen pulled to the curb. She and Tom had scouted this area for more than two months. It was less than a mile from the Navy base and there were always any number of young enlisted men milling about. Almost immediately, she selected her target, a youth clothed in his dress whites. He appeared to be between 20 and 25, about 6'3", long and lean. The hue of his skin was in deep contrast with the color of his uniform. She pulled to a stop beside the young sailor.

At 53, Eileen knew she had passed the flower of her youth, but also knew she still possessed decent looks for her age. She would have no trouble getting any number of men her own age, or any of her husband's friends. They had come on to her often enough. But, that wasn't the nature of her urge.

A deep breath filled her lungs as she pressed the button to lower the passenger's side window.

* * * *

Blame it on Tom. He'd been the one surfing the web. He found the Dark Cavern. Yes, she had snooped, asking him what was so interesting. Who would have thought he'd be so blunt?

"White wives wanting black cock." She stood behind him, too shocked to speak or move, as he scrolled through page after page of pictures. All of them white women posing in a variety of positions with a black man, or men.

"Are...are those people real?" Eileen asked incredulously. "I mean I know they're real people, but are those women getting paid to pose for the pictures, or are they doing it because they actually have sex with those men?" Her heart skipped a beat and her voice cracked on that last word.

"I really have no way of knowing." Her husband answered. "I guess they could be professionals, but it looks like a pretty elaborate hoax if they are. I mean, why not just sell the interracial pictures? There are plenty of people willing to pay for that. Certainly we've rented adult videos before, and we're pretty mainstream. Besides, what about all the ads? They seem real"


"The site is full of them." Tom flipped to an ad.

White couple, late 30's seeks handsome young black man for wife's first black-sex experience. She is blond, blue eyes, 5'6" 145#, 38D-29-37. He is straight, may watch, will not participate. Must be very well hung, the darker the better. Condoms necessary for intercourse, but will perform oral to completion. She swallows.

Eileen couldn't believe what she was reading. Here was a married couple advertising for a man -- a no, ablack man -- a to have sex with the wife. There was no indication that the husband would be having sex with anyone. Just the wife.

The wife gets some hot young stud and the husband just watches? That couldn't be real. Guys were always out sniffing around for their own pleasure. They weren't bringing something home for their wife to enjoy while they kept it zipped up themselves. No way was this real!

Eileen burst out laughing. "You can't see those are fake?" she asked her husband. "I mean, what husband is going to advertise on the web for a date for his wife?"

"I don't know, but there sure are a lot of them." Tom paged past ad after ad, some with pictures, some without, saying basically the same thing in different ways. Nearly all were searching for a black guy to be serviced by a white female. Interspersed were some ads from black guys offering their services to wives and girlfriends, but those were far fewer then the ads by couples or women.

None of it made sense to Eileen. Tom finally paused on an ad that showed a picture of a man's torso. Ripped dark, dark abs, a white hand trying to encircle the base of a huge black cock. It was a woman's left hand and showed what were obviously a diamond engagement ring and a wedding band. If these were hoaxes, they'd certainly paid attention to the details.

Eileen was mesmerized. Her breathing was shallow. She stood stock-still and simply stared. Deep inside her, however, things were boiling as she imagined the white hand were hers. She had never really thought much about a black man. But the sight of the white skin on the black skin was driving her insane with lust. She wanted Tom to leave so she could be alone to look at the picture and masturbate. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Eileen swallowed and spoke in a shaky voice.

"Do you really think there are people that do that?"


"Why makes you think so?"

"Because I'd like to do it." Eileen was stunned. What did Tom just say? He wanted to do something like that?

"You'd want me to have sex with another man?"


"A black man?"

"Yes." Tom answered, then pause a moment. "Would you want to?"

"You're asking me to do a black guy? You're really asking me to do it with a black guy?"

"Yes." Another pause, "Do you like the picture? Does it excite you?"


"A lot?"


Tom made it quite clear he'd be more than Ok if Eileen wanted to try another man. He had no interest in using that as leverage to pressure Eileen into letting him have other women. Within a week, their plan had taken form.

* * * *

"Excuse me," Eileen smiled.

The young navy man looked at Eileen. "Yes?"

"I'm trying to find TGI Friday's at the Base Mall. Do you know where it is?"

"Sure. It's right back that way. Less than a mile. On the right."

"I'm really shitty with directions. Would you show me? I'll pay you." Eileen showed the sailor the twenty she held in her fingers.

He glanced at his watch. "Um, sure, I guess so. I have some time." Eileen popped the lock on the passenger door of the big Lincoln Towncar. He got in.

"Right over there." He pointed to the parking lot exit.

The ride to the mall was very quick, but still long enough for the young man to notice the very short, silk dress that clung to Eileen. The tops of her nylon thigh-highs, and even some skin above them were visible as she deliberately moved her body in a manner she and Tom had practiced to make the dress shift revealingly as she drove.

Eileen's legs were splayed widely apart as she worked the accelerator and brake. As she drove, Eileen brushed her thumb along her right leg at the stocking top. The movement looked unintended, absent minded. It was anything but, as she had practiced it almost daily, usually with Tom in the passenger seat. Her husband would provide feedback about how natural and erotic the action appeared. The stroking was subtle, yet gave the passenger an unmistakable show. The goal was to titillate without the appearance of intent.

When they reached the mall, she parked facing the door to the restaurant, but back, where no other cars were around. Eileen turned and rested her back against the driver's door. She moved her right leg onto the seat, spreading it from her left. The hem of the skirt rode high, showing the upper inside of her thigh above the stocking. She made an attempt to tug it down, but the garment was just too short to cover much. She moved her foot back down to the floor in an effort to restore some semblance modesty but ended up being and looking uncomfortable. These movements, too, Eileen had practiced to perfection.

She was purposefully continuing to tease her young prey. She and Tom had planned all this in detail, before acting it out in the car until her actions appeared completely natural. The psychology of the tease was as follows. Let the prey see some leg, "by accident" during the drive, then even more after she parked. Let the young man feel he'd gotten a bit of a peep show, just a bit of serendipity. Something a guy can see and say to himself,I know it won't happen, but wouldn't it be nice to get a little of that. She's older, but pretty hot just the same.

As planned, Eileen executed her final movement when, sighing deeply at her discomfort, she swung her right leg back up onto the seat, and abandoned her faked modesty. During their practice sessions, this movement always produced a nice erection for Tom as he watched his wife deliberately expose herself. Now, Eileen watched as the black man stared at her legs. His expectation level just leapt fromThanks for the peek toIs something going to happen here?

"Ok, that feels better," Eileen laughed.

Glancing down, seeing her thighs, exposed nearly to the panty, Eileen then looked back into the young sailor's eyes, letting him know she was doing this on purpose, for his benefit. She smiled at the stranger she was hoping to perform a very intimate act upon.

"I guess I'm on display a little, huh? But it is more comfortable, and nothing a hot stud like you hasn't seen before, is it?" the pretty, mature wife asked.

Yes, Eileen knew all the angles, all the subtleties and innuendo she was employing. Giving him implicit permission to stare at her crotch, tempting him, wanting to arouse him. Calling him a "stud," implying she found him desirable, wanting him to know he aroused her.

And stare he did, not moving.

"I'm meeting my husband here in a few minutes, but I don't want sit at the bar by myself. Would you mind waiting with me?"

Eileen knew she had reached the moment of truth. He'd either send some signal that he wanted leave and have nothing to do with this, or he wouldn't. If the former, Eileen would simply head back down the highway and begin again with the next hot looking prospect.

Staring, staring, then, "Um, no ma'am." He was hooked.

Eileen moved immediately to the next phase of the seduction, Again, it was something she and Tom had discussed and rehearsed often. Should Eileen be coy or should she be direct? In the end, both agreed coy would be too risky. Things could take too long to develop if she waited for his move. Being direct also put her in charge of the pace and actions. Eileen was too old to be coy.

Looking directly into his eyes, she moved her right hand, holding the $20, up to his shirt pocket and tucked it in. She dropped her hand slowly, lightly grazing his chest on the way down, until it rested on his thigh about eight inches from his crotch. The young sailor swallowed hard.

Deliberately lowering her eyes to her own hand, Eileen slowly, lightly moved it up his thigh to cup his cock.

"As I said, my husband will be here shortly, but I could give you a nice blowjob before he arrives. Would you like that?"

"Yeah." His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Take it out for me."

The young stud struggled to release his phallus. He was completely hard. Eileen judged it to be about 8 inches long and so thick her hand just barely closed around it. Eileen knew she had big hands for a woman completely engulfing her husband's little dick when she masturbated him.

The cock in her hand was coal black and Eileen began to tremble with excitement. She deliberately moved her left hand to the erection. She wanted to see it clasping the black flesh with her engagement and wedding rings visible. She had fingered herself to many wonderful orgasms using the image she had seen on that web site.

"Mmmm. You look so hot. I want you to cum for me. I want to taste it," Eileen said, lowering her head.

It didn't take long, only few minutes, but Eileen's pussy throbbed the whole time she sucked that beautiful black dick. She felt so feminine that she could still attract and satisfy a hunk like this. He was all man, finally defining his relationship with her it in six big spurts. Eileen swallowed and continued sucking until his organ softened and slipped from her mouth.

"Thank you so much," she said, kissing the cock head as she tucked it back into his pants.

As she sat up, Eileen slipped her hand between her thighs with the back of her thumb up against her panty-covered clit and squeezed her legs tightly. She shuddered.

"Jesus, you've got me so wet! I'm going to feel really good later."

The young black sailor stood in the parking lot and watched as the petite blonde whose lipstick he now wore just behind his fly, exited her Lincoln. She linked her arm with that of the silver haired man whose Jaguar sat next to the Lincoln. He watched them stroll arm-in-arm to the door of the restaurant.

Just before entering, she stopped, hooked her hand behind the gentleman's neck, and pulled his lips to hers. There was no mistaking the passion in their kiss.

If one were able to look closely enough, one would see a small dark spot on the front of the man's slacks where his pre-cum had been leaking. Under the woman's dress, her wetness was already soaking into her stocking tops. They would continue to build up their sexual tensions for one, maybe two more drinks.

Eileen would describe what she her encounter with the black youth in words she knew would inflame Tom. How big he was, how hot she got from holding, then sucking him, how the blowjob caused her pussy to twitch and her juices to run.

Tom would tell her what a desirable woman she was, how it excited him to know what she could do to a young hunk, how proud her was of her oral prowess.

A couple's sex life that had been in decline had just improved by an order of magnitude.

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