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Cherri Bomb


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As a final humiliation the man took a short length of pipe and shoved it in Cherri's mouth, the pipe had two holes at either end that the builder could thread some long screws through, which he then used to secure the makeshift gag to the wall behind Cherri, pushing it tight against her mouth.

"Alright you horny bitch, let's test how securely you're attached to the wall. Try and get yourself free." Cherri obeyed his instructions and obligingly thrashed against her bonds, they didn't even wiggle. "Secure right? But you asked for this so you may just be playing along, I wanna make sure you can't escape no matter how much you want to. So if you don't pull yourself free in the next minute, I'm going to tighten these cable ties around your breasts so tight you'll be feeling our gropes for weeks to come."

The vague pain I had been feeling in my breasts all day gave me a spoiler for how this turned out, Cherri churned her body, doing everything in her power to pull herself free from the unyielding wall. Her eyes grew wide as the builder came back onto the camera, wrapping a bright yellow cable ties around her breast. With the rapid clicking of the cable ties being pulled tight, my tits bulged and began to glow, then to drive his point home the builder gave each breast a slap, just to hear Cherri scream into her gag. He walked away as Cherri gasped in air around the pipe, a thin trickle of drool running down her body.

"Alright so quitting time is in three hours time, you'll keep us entertained until then right?" The builder quipped as his buddies laughed around him. What happened next was a little bit of a shock for me as Cherri had clearly edited this video after the fact, a talent I didn't know I had. What I saw was the video going into fast forward, my body twitching and writhing as Cherri shifted herself over time. Every so often the footage would go back to normal speed as a builder would break from what they were doing to rub their finger against my pussy or abuse my poor tortured tits even further. Each violation and punishment making Cherri more ravenous than before, I could feel my pussy moistening at the hidden memories of humiliation while I wasn't myself.

After an afternoon of degradation the video slowed to normal speed.

"Well that's quitting time for us" the builder announced. "But it turns out some of us have to work tomorrow so we were thinking of just leaving you here." Cherri's eyes were wide with fear, it would undo all her plans if when I woke up I was screwed to a wall, she wanted me to act, not wake up in the situation. She tried to speak but the pipe made her words unintelligible. "Alright, I'll take off the gag and you have ten seconds to convince me to let you go." The builder removed the gag and the moment the pipe was out of Cherri's mouth she exclaimed.

"If I'm tied upright like this I can't suck all your cocks." This argument immediately won over the assembled builders, who got to work unscrewing Cherri. The moment her hands and legs were free she was on her knees, greedily waiting for cocks. Once again the movie was edited, it cut to footage from some time later of Cherri, now covered in semen, her fingers furiously twitching around her clitoris as the builders cheered on her orgasm. The other thing I immediately noticed was that her collar was now gone.

"That was fun boys, we should do it again sometime." Cherri remarked to cheers of agreement. "Until then I have videos to upload and plans to put in action. See you guys later!" The video abruptly ended. That was it. All I had to go on in the mystery of how I get my clothes back was that the key to my storage shed disappeared some time while Cherri was sucking off an entire construction site of builders.

I shuffled on the spot, frustrated at the position Cherri had put me in, and felt a wet patch where I had been sitting. I could feel Cherri's smugness at the back of my mind and audibly told her to go fuck herself before realising that's effectively what I had done. I took another close look at the RubHub account, trying to find any other clues to the key's location. There was a section for live streaming and in there I saw that Cherri had set a live stream up to start at 1pm today. This gave me just under an hour to kill waiting to see what that bitch had planned. I started pacing my apartment, the full gravity of the situation wearing on my mind, my stomach churning with fear and frustration.

As I passed my dresser I had a sudden curiousity, I checked the bottom draw, where Cherri and I kept our risque purchases and found that Cherri had remembered to pick up all the sexy outfits we had bought, but had left behind a series of sex toys to taunt me. I could feel Cherri's will rising up in me.

"Go on," she said, "you have an hour to kill and you're feeling stressed, give that big black dildo a ride, it'll calm you down." I squealed, closed the drawer, and went back to angrily pacing the room. I was pacing for at least fifteen minutes before I screamed in frustration and snatched the dildo out of the bottom drawer.

As I eased the dildo into my pussy, marvelling at how wet I had become and how easily it slid in, I told myself it would be a distraction, that I could have at least one sexual experience today that I was in control of. I started sliding the dildo in and out, moving my hips with the smooth motions of my hand guided phallis. Instead of distracting me from my situation it actually focussed my mind on it, as the dildo began to flood my body with joy, I began to relish the situation of being stranded naked and helpless to my past urges. I squealed at thoughts of what lie ahead as I willed myself on, the prospect of degradation and humiliation swirling with the physical stimulation to yield a screaming orgasm that wracked my body.

"Shut up" managed to stutter out as my mind began to clear, the smug presence of Cherri firmly felt.

After a few more minutes the livestream on RubHub sprung to life. It was a small empty green room with the collar hanging on the wall, the walls had strange ridges on it and at the bottom of the screen there was a raised grey area with a toilet seat sticking out of it. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that it was the inside of a porta-loo. Thinking back over the video Cherri had uploaded, I remembered there was a green porta-loo on the building site. If I wanted my clothes back I was going to have to recreate Cherri's journey.

I spend a long time pacing in front of my door, fiddling with my house keys, working up the courage to open it and leave the safety of my apartment. I slowly turned the handle and peaked my head around the door, the corridor was clear but my body was overcome with nerves and I retreated back inside to get the goosebumps to subside. I could almost hear Cherri's mocking laughter. I decided I needed to take that first step and then let the momentum keep me going, I opened my front door again, the corridor still empty, I closed my eyes and stepped out, my whole body was shaking like a leaf as I closed my door behind me and began to walk towards the lift, only opening my eyes again when I was at walking pace away from my apartment. I pressed the button for the lift, willing it to arrive faster in case someone left their apartment but also dreading its arrival in case people were already in it.

My heart leapt as the doors opened and revealed an empty lift, I dived in and pressed the button for the parking garage. As the lift descended I gripped my thighs for support, watching the floor numbers countdown to my doom, I knew the parking garage would be busy. I spent so much time dreading the end of the countdown my mind has discounted an even worse situation, the countdown ending abruptly at 3. The lift opened and my heart plummeted as a larger middle aged lady in a sundress stepped into the lift, her face a picture of excited shock, like she had gotten a stripper for a surprise party.

"Oh wow look at you!" She exclaimed, "wish I had a body I could flaunt like that."

"Oh, umm thank you." I replied, channelling all my willpower into making the lift descend faster.

"So, you heading to the beach?" She asked, trying to make small talk.

"No, I just like being out and about naked." I replied with far less sarcasm than I had originally intended.

"Wow, a free spirit. I wish I had your courage, I really do." Mercifully the lift arrived at the parking garage, there were quite a few people milling around and the effect of the sudden arrival of a naked woman was immediate, it didn't help that my new friend in the lift very loudly yelled encouragement as she waved goodbye and departed for her car. Through the horns and catcalls I covered myself with my arms and began running as fast as I dared barefoot.

As I left the parking garage and began running down the main road, my humiliation only grew at every jeer and yell from people I passed, one person was even able to get a firm slap on my bottom as I ran along the pavement next to them. I got to the building site and slowed my pace once I had dived off the road, the site appeared empty but I couldn't help shake the feeling I was being watched. I carefully made my way towards the porta-loo as I didn't want to injure myself, this was a building site and I was the furthest from wearing protective clothing it was possible to be.

I crept into the porta-loo and instinctively closed the door behind me. I put my hand over the camera on the door and picked up the collar, as I turned it over in my hands I saw that the key was not on the tag loop, just as I had a moment to scream in frustration, an almighty racket began outside, I tried to open the door to escape but it wouldn't budge.

"Glad you came back Bonnie." Came a voice I recognised from the video. "We've strapped the loo shut so you're stuck here until we are done with you." There was another loud noise, the whirring of a drill followed by an almighty scraping until a beam of light entered the porta-loo from the side. The builder had just installed a glory hole.

"Now I don't know if you were telling the truth about split personalities yesterday, but just in case you were I'll repeat the stakes, you have half an hour to make everyone here cum, or the key to your clothes goes into the cement foundation." My eyes grew wide with horror, that bitch had set me up to be a sex toy for the whole site just like she was yesterday. I barely had time to register the situation when an erect cock entered my tiny world through the glory hole. I reached out and gingerly touched it with my hand, before beginning to stroke it just to get used to the motion.

"If that's how you're going to tease every cock you're never going to go through all of us in half an hour." The builder teased. I knew he was right and I knew what I had to do. Swallowing my revulsion, I opened my mouth and slowly eased his cock onto my tongue, settling on a hand job/blow job combo that I hope would get him to cum quickly. In no time at all his dick twitched and a rope of semen leapt out of his cock and onto my face before I could move out of the way.

The spent dick retreated and was replaced by another hard and impatient cock. I began jerking it into my mouth, like the last one, and wondered how many of these I would have to do before I got my key back. What surprised me though, was what I began to do on instinct while pleasuring this man. My left hand began to run itself up and down my body before lowering itself to play with my pussy. The next cock came hard and this time I deliberately positioned my body to make sure it covered my tits.

While I got to work on the next builder's dick, there was another sound of whirring and scraping, and all of a sudden there was a second glory hole on the other side of the porta-loo. My hand left my pussy and grabbed the cock that entered through that hole, but not only was the hole a bit higher so it was awkward to reach, but now I couldn't pleasure myself as another load of cum splashed against my body. As a new cock presented itself through the hole, I had a naughty idea that I just had to follow through on.

I turned my body and began to ease the new cock into my pussy, bending over to fit the other one in my mouth. My body shuddered and began to pump itself hard as fast as it was skewered from both ends. It was almost magical when myself and both the cocks arrived at a glorious orgasm at the same time, my pussy twitching as it filled with cum and my mouth overflowing with semen. I hungrily awaited the next dick.

Word quickly got out that people using the glory hole on the right got to fuck my pussy so no more cocks entered the other hole for me to suck off, that didn't deter me as I felt one after another fill my pussy with their seed, the hot porta-loo filling with my screams and the smell of sex. Time swirled into a meaningless blur of orgasms and degradation as I dirtied my pussy for these men's pleasure, until eventually one last cock filled my pussy and no more followed it. The straps were released and I staggered out of the porta-loo, disgusting, sticky and dripping with sex.

"Wow you are a freak." The builder announced, "you've been fucking us for over an hour." All shame I had forgotten in my throes of pleasure came roaring back to me as the group of builders laughed at my desecrated body. I glowed bright red with embarrassment and dropped to a crouch to cover my cum covered breasts and semen filled pussy "Of course I was clear what would happen if you took longer than half an hour to make us all cum."

Everything went into slow motion as the builder took a familiar key out of his pocket and tossed it into a shallow pit next to him, then with malicious glee two other builders emptied the contents of a cement mixer into the pit.

My world seemed to collapse around me, I screamed and curled up into a ball on the dirt, tears streaming down my face. I had no idea what I was going to do now, was I going to be stuck like this, would I have to try and beg stranger's for clothes, or maybe just walk into a clothes shop naked and hope they didn't mind. Then again it is a Sunday, all the clothes shops are closed and I have work tomorrow.

"Woah woah, relax. It was just a prank we made a copy of your key." The builder reassured. "I just thought with everything you were doing you would enjoy the thought of being stuck naked forever."

I stood up, cold and emotionless. I staggered over to where the builder was standing and wordlessly snatched the copied key from his hand, numb to the comments and invitations to return, I began walking back towards my apartment.

When I first walked naked through the parking garage and down the road, people had a mixed reaction to my nudity, for every shocked and appalled bystander there were plenty who would ogle and others who would playfully support my exhibitionism. When I staggered back, emotionless, covered in cum and dripping sex, the only reaction was revulsion and concern, I did not respond to any of it before I got to my storage shed, opened the door and got inside.


"I was able to get my clothes back and wipe myself off before the police arrived to comb the area for a deviant that had been reported walking the streets. It turns out that Cherri had been lying about emailing my RubHub account details to co-workers and even pointed out that the account was unlisted so nobody would have seen the videos of they didn't have the link. She didn't actually want to ruin my life, just put me out of my comfort zone." I remarked, shuffling back in the therapist's couch.

"That's a very disturbing story, made even more disturbing by you reenforcing the notion that you and Cherri are separate people sharing a body. If you don't take these therapy sessions seriously, events like the one you experienced this weekend will become more common." The therapist implored, leaning forward in her chair to drill home the importance of her words.

"Umm... well that's kind of what I was hoping for" I admitted staring at my feet. "You know what was the first thing I did once I had control of the RubHub account? I blurred my face, changed my username to Dark_Cherri and turned off unlisted. The video of me, not Cherri, me fucking all those builders on livestream has over 10,000 views and it makes me feel great. When I'm indulging my sexual side Cherri is less interested in ruining my life and now Cherri can set up genuinely surprising adventures for me. do you know how many nymphos would give their pussy to have this opportunity?" The therapist shuffled uncomfortably in her chair.

"When I asked you to get in the touch with your erotic side, I didn't mean cede all common sense to your other personality's nymphomania, if you're going continue down this road I will not be providing therapy for you, I can't take the risk of your self-destructive behaviour, in spite of my advice, damaging my professional reputation. If you actually want to curtail this behaviour my door will be open to a re-referral, but for now I think we are done." I slumped in my chair, I knew she wouldn't understand. As I contemplated what to do next I felt Cherri getting as frustrated as I was. The next thing I knew I was stood on the street outside the therapist's office, although apparently Cherri had decided to leave my clothes with her for safekeeping.

I squealed, leapt behind a bush to hide my naked body, and began planning how I was going to get home, excited and daunted at the journey ahead of me.

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jamiemccloud2020jamiemccloud202012 months ago

Very interesting narration

wellrestedwellrestedover 4 years ago

Wow - such a great set of ideas, and the story flows from kinky idea to kinkier idea so quickly. You are a true master storyteller!

TriskellaTriskellaover 4 years ago
I absolutely loved it!

Great idea, excellently executed!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I don't know how you do it!

Your stories are always so unique and well written. Anyone not turned on by them should check themselves for a pulse. Keep up the great work!

sloopbsloopbover 4 years ago

A lovely story, split personalities are always a great source of delicious mischief. I love the way your stories mix my personal passions of humiliation, risk and exhibitionist flamboyance, they are great. I look forward to reading the next story soon and please let us know what may be in the pipeline?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Please continue this story. Your work is my favorite on the site.

surferchick88surferchick88over 4 years ago
Love it

This is another damn hot episode of a great wicked mind. Every story brings another side and I am addicted to read them. Perfect gift on this Sunday. Thanks

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