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Harem House - Selene Pt. 26

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The game(s) with Lynn continue. Kat reaches out to Katelyn.
28.5k words

Part 26 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 12/23/2020
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The third quarter ended with the home team, the Wolves, leading by four points. Their quarterback rushed forward and made a thirty-yard drive for the touchdown, bringing the team out of their slump just as the clock ran out on the quarter. The crowd unleashed chaos. Cheers and screams chased him during his run. Arthur felt the electricity of anticipation launch everyone to their feet to cheer on their team.

Mindy bounced the entire time, throwing her fists in the air. The touchdown had almost everyone in the stands hugging their neighbors. The girls on either side of Arthur crushed him as Mindy and Selene surged toward him from the left. Kelly, Kat, and Rani pushed into him from the right. Arthur's arms settled around Kelly and Mindy. The group laughed as they released each other.

Below, Brad and Jen separated the quickest. Jen blushed in embarrassment at getting carried away. Mark and Maria kept their arms around each other. Lynn and her neighbor never stood but applauded. Arthur didn't know the other girl's name, but he'd seen her around campus. He wondered if he should warn her about Lynn, but Arthur supposed he couldn't warn everyone on campus. Lynn would see that as an act of war. His plan was to avoid war. He preferred mutually assured ignoring, as they were doing now. Whatever new friends she made would learn for themselves soon enough.

Arthur returned to his seat with the others, his eyes still on Lynn until he felt a buzz in his pocket. He checked his phone, only to see a message notification from Kelly. Arthur looked over at her, and she returned his questioning look with a glance toward his phone. He read the text.

Wifey: What's wrong, Mister?

Arthur smiled and shook his head.

Hubby: Nothing. Life is grand.

Kelly frowned when she read his response.

Wifey: Don't let Lynn ruin today for you. We're here for you. Just ignore her.

Hubby: Yes, dear. I'll try.

Kelly smiled and squeezed his thigh. Her firm grip steadied him, and he placed his hand over hers, letting his fingers trace the smooth skin between her calloused knuckles.

The game continued, and the fourth quarter began, with the enemy Tigers in their orange and brown jerseys charging forward. Arthur and the others watched, cheering for their team's defensive line, as the Wolves did their best to stop any forward momentum. They stopped the Tigers from achieving their ten-yard advance, and they switched to offense.

Kat stood up, sliding from between Kelly and Rani toward the aisle.

"Everything okay?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah... I'm just going to make a call." Kat said.

"You want me to come with you?" Kelly asked.

"No, but... Arthur, can I talk to you?" Kat asked.

"Sure." Arthur nodded. He reached to pull Kat into his lap, and she fell into him with a plop that made her laugh. Her clinging pink maxi dress was too long. Her pink cowgirl boots appeared as she kicked. She curled her legs under her and planted her feet on the ground.

"Not what I meant." She slapped his chest. "Come on." She pulled him up as she regained her feet, and Arthur moved with her, sliding out of the row as she led him by the hand.

Lynn, Skylar, and Mark, Maria, Brad, and Jen (MMBJ) in the row below them noticed, but said nothing. Brad looked the most surprised. He returned his attention to the game. Lynn looked the most confused.

"What's up?" Arthur asked as he and Kat ducked out of the seating section and into the concrete rings where the snack and merch stands ringed the stadium. They stood between two pillars, hidden from most prying eyes unless someone walked directly past them.

The popcorn stand on one side and the cotton candy stand on the opposite mingled their aromas in the alcove. The mixture gave the space the smell of butter, salt, sugar, the air before a thunderstorm, and the earthy-sweet odor of decades-old stone, splattered with sugary liquids over the years.

"Kelly told you what she, Rani, and I discussed?" Kat asked.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded. "You know I won't abandon you, right?"

Kat was quiet.

"Katerine." Arthur said. "Look me in the eyes."

Kat looked away at first but held his gaze on her second attempt.

"You and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. I will not abandon you for anyone else. You are mine, my girlfriend, and my Brat. I am your boyfriend, your Sir. Any time you need reassurance, repeat your mantra."

"My mantra?" Kat asked.

"Remember the phrase I had you repeat on Tuesday?" Arthur asked.

Kat's eyes searched his for a moment. "The thing about me being your--" She glanced around them. "Submissive?"

"Yes." Arthur nodded.

"I am your submissive, and you are my Sir." Arthur reminded her. "Whenever you're insecure about us or the harem, repeat those words. Out loud, if possible."

Kat grinned. "You are my submissive, and I am your Sir."

Arthur glanced around, then moved swiftly and spanked her. Kat yelped. The spank on her ass flushed with heat, and she clenched as the sting dissolved.

"Say your mantra correctly, or I will throw you over my knee right here." Arthur said. He checked to ensure no one could see them in their shallow alcove. The surrounding concrete supports hid them from eyes, he realized, but the smack on her ass echoed, even dampened by her dress. Her yelp echoed loud enough to cover the noise.

Kat blushed. "I am your submissive, and you are my Sir." Her voice was quiet but confident.

"Good girl." Arthur kissed her, and Kat hugged him tight. Her arms slid under his and squeezed his ribs so hard he grunted, the air flying out of his lungs.

"Sorry." Kat apologized. "But thank you. Sir."

"You're welcome." Arthur said. He paused, then asked, "So, Kelly said Rani helped you work things out?"

"Yeah, they helped me figure myself out." Kat nodded, though she was still hugging him, so the nod rubbed her face against his chest. He rested his chin on her head and wrapped his arms around her as they talked.

"So, you and Katelyn are good again?" Arthur asked.

"No, but we might be. I still need to talk to her. Is it okay if I do that before meeting you at the hotel?" Kat asked.

"Absolutely. Do you need me or Kelly to join you?"

"Taking Kelly might be a good idea," Kat said, ignoring a bystander who walked past them. "And, of course, you're welcome to come."

"I can make a detour." Arthur said.

"I am worried about something, though." Kat confessed.

"What is it?" Arthur asked.

"With Katelyn... She's going to end up joining the harem." Kat pulled away from the hug to study Arthur's eyes.

"Why?" Arthur asked, surprised.

Kat sighed. "Because I can tell she's into you. She's been trying to figure out how the whole harem arrangement works, and she and Kelly are super close. She even calls Kelly 'Momma' sometimes, and called you Daddy when she was drunk. She's moving into the house with us, gets along with the other girls, and needs the sisterhood the harem can provide." Kat said.

Arthur considered her points. Katelyn joining the harem made sense when Kat laid everything out that way. Arthur, however, wasn't confident in his ability to navigate that. His recollections of her weren't exclusively positive, even if they were square now. He hardly knew her. Then again, he hadn't been friends with Kat or Rani before, either.

There were the other girls to consider, especially Kelly and Kat, who were closest to Katelyn. Their feelings needed to be protected, as did his relationships with them and their friendships with Katelyn. Those friendships were simpler without adding Katelyn to the harem. Either way, they'd get complicated once they lived together, with Katelyn being the only non-harem member in the house.

Kat took a breath. "I was worried Kelly might have suggested her joining on Wednesday. That was one reason I pushed to put a hold on new members."

"What were the other reasons you wanted to freeze membership?" Arthur asked.

"My own insecurities." Kat explained. "That was part of the conversation between Rani, Kelly, and me."

"Ah." Arthur nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" Kat asked.

Arthur could sense the hesitation in her voice, so he decided to lighten her apprehension with humor. He was positive he'd nailed Kat's sense of humor this time.

"I don't know, can you?" Arthur asked. The extra stress on 'can' was the same tone he remembered his third-grade teacher using. He could still hear Miss Stone's weary voice.

"Oh my god." Kat released the hug and stepped back, punching him in the chest. Her punch didn't hurt, but it surprised Arthur. "And you call me a brat? Can has a secondary meaning synonymous with may. It's acceptable usage and still 'proper' English to say can in place of may when asking permission!"

Arthur blinked at her. "How often have you had this conversation?"

Kat grimaced. "I'm an English major. It's come up a few times with various professors. I will die on this hill, so tread carefully."

Arthur laughed.

"I have a serious question, though." Kat lifted her gaze to Arthur's face.

Arthur braced himself. "Okay. Ask away."

"Do you want to fuck Katelyn?" Kat asked.

Arthur looked at Kat, studying her face. Her eyes were still on his. Another pedestrian passed them, but they didn't draw as much attention as they weren't hugging anymore. Arthur had to choose his words carefully.

"Is there a right answer?" Arthur asked. "Should I say, 'It's a trap!' and dive away right now?"

Kat rolled her eyes. "The right answer is the truth." She said. "Be honest with me. Do you want to fuck her?"

Arthur contemplated the question. He pictured Katelyn. She had a cute face above a long, willowy frame. Her legs were fantastic, coltish and well-shaped. They were her most alluring feature. She had no curves compared to Kat, Kelly, Rani, or any member of his harem. Her clothes were often cutesy, but he'd seen her mostly in pajamas or casual wear. She shared Kat's casual style in a more playful way, but when he imagined her, he didn't picture himself approaching her at a party. "I don't know. I don't need to since I have you and the others."

"That took you a while." Kat said.

"I had to think." Arthur said. "You wanted an honest answer, so I had to picture her, decide if I find her attractive, and whether I would pursue her apart from... everything else."

"And you decided no?" Kat asked.

Arthur shrugged. "She's a lovely girl." He said. "She's got great legs, and she's attractive in her own way. All women are, I guess. But she strikes me as immature for her age, and if I had the choice between her and you?"

Kat frowned. "That's not what I asked. I don't want a comparison. I want to know if you're attracted to her. If we girls invited her, would you want her in the harem?"

Arthur considered again. "She doesn't have to join the harem to live with us."

"I know." Kat said.

"So now you want her to join the harem?" Arthur asked, confused. "You didn't want anyone to join, did you?"

Kat frowned. "If you didn't know Katelyn and met her at a bar, would she be your type?"

Arthur frowned. "Tough to know, but probably not?"

"Probably not?" Kat asked.

"Before the harem, before Selene, my 'type' was the 'girl next door.' Like you." Arthur gestured to her and touched her shoulders.

Kat's frown lifted. The blush on her cheeks faded as she turned her head to block Arthur's view of her face with her curly, golden hair.

"Are you just saying what you think I want to hear?" Kat asked.

"Ask Selene. We've discussed types before." Arthur replied.

"I will." Kat said. She returned her eyes to his face, then stepped away, pulling out her phone.

There was silence in the conversation as Kat texted her sister.

Brat: Apart from Lori, what type of girl would Arthur usually pursue before the harem?

Slut: Are you scoping someone for Master to fuck?

Brat: No.

Selene sent a frown emoji.

Slut: From what we discussed, I wasn't his type. He liked girls like you and Lori. Not fat, but with "meat on their bones" that could "take a pounding", with curves and dark hair. He called them girl-next-door types, but that phrase could mean anything. I think he meant soft and casual, not made-up or bimbo-ish. Why?

Brat: Just curious. Thanks.

Selene sent a 'what the hell?' gif.

"Okay. Selene backed up your story." Kat put her phone away.

Arthur laughed.

"So you don't want to fuck Katelyn?" Kat asked.

"If you or Kelly wanted me to, I would, but right now? I have no interest in pursuing her myself." Arthur said. He hoped Kat realized he was being honest. "I've no interest in pursuing anyone instead of the harem."

"Okay. And if I wanted you to fuck her?" Kat asked.

"I'd ask you why, especially when you were so upset over the possibility this morning and set against her joining the harem." Arthur pointed out the obvious.

Kat sighed. "To help her get over Sean, let us be ourselves around her, be close to her again, and apologize. Inviting her will help my relationship with her and Selene and show the harem I can... share."

Arthur looked surprised. "You wouldn't get jealous?"

Kat shrugged and held it. "Honestly? No clue."

Arthur laughed. "That sounds right."

"But are you okay if I invite her to the hotel tonight?" Kat asked. "With the potential on the table of inviting her to join the harem?"

Arthur stared at her as he considered the question, its implications, and how adding someone else affected his plans for the evening. Katelyn was a wild card he hadn't accounted for when planning. She wouldn't stop them from enjoying themselves, he hoped, but the idea of starting a relationship at an orgy struck him as odd, even for him.

"Why tonight?" Arthur asked.

"Less time to talk myself out of it." Kat said. "And her joining us feels so inevitable. It might as well be tonight. Also, I know her. She's doubtless feeling low right now, and this... this will help her like last night was supposed to."

Judging from last night, Katelyn might be a party girl, but she didn't strike Arthur as emotionally unavailable or casual. Her attachment to Sean, who cheated on her, made Arthur uncertain how she would react to multi-partner sex. He expected she wanted rebound sex, but he would need to be careful with Katelyn's heart, even if she wanted his body.

Arthur was in the deep end, so he might as well swim.

"If Kelly is okay with this and thinks it's a good idea, and the other girls give you the green light, you can invite her to the hotel." Arthur said. "That's not a promise for any harem membership in the future. And let her know tonight's not a casual party. I'm fucking each of you and using you in various ways. If she's alright to witness me tying you up, fucking every one of your holes, and doing the same to your sister and your friends, then she can join us. And if she's not up for it, don't push. You know her better than I do, but I don't want her to think she has to join us or have sex with me to be friends with you."

Kat gulped and shifted in her stance, squirming.

"Are you sure bringing her won't ruin your night? Would you rather she not attend? You were pissed at her. Is it better to proceed with caution?" Arthur asked.

"I was pissed at her for trying to fuck my boyfriend against his will. For trying to steal you." Kat said. "If I know you're into her, and you'll fuck ahead of time, and she's not trying to steal you, and I'm giving you my permission, it's different. Katelyn won't be stealing you. She'll be joining us. And despite how stupid she can be sometimes and how jealous I can be, apparently, she was--is my best friend, and I care about her."

Arthur chuckled.

"What's funny?" Kat asked.

Arthur growled. "You are my submissive, and I am your Sir. You don't need to give me permission. I need to give you permission. Do I need to remind you of your place? I'm bringing the flogger tonight."

Kat squirmed again. She responded by sticking her tongue out at him. His smile told her he wasn't serious. He was keeping the mood light.

"Keep that up, and I'll let Slut be the one to whip you. You two argue enough. I'm sure she has pent-up frustrations to work out with you." Arthur warned.

Kat grimaced. "You wouldn't dare. You're my Sir. Not Selene. Discipline is your job."

"That's a fair point." Arthur said. He smiled as Kat relaxed. "I'm stronger, anyway."

Kat bit her bottom lip and sucked in a breath.

Arthur kissed her forehead. "Now, I think I've decided. I'll talk to everyone when we return to our seats, but you should call Katelyn. I'll be here if you need me."

"Yes, Sir." Kat said and kissed him before he stepped away.

Arthur stepped to the alcove's edge, turning his back to Kat, giving her privacy. Still, he could hear everything she said.

Kat pulled out her phone and pulled up the contact info, turning her back to Arthur. She made the call. She sighed as the phone rang and tried to relax. Katelyn picked up on the last possible ring.

"Hello?" Katelyn asked.

"Hey, Katelyn." Katerine's voice sounded sad. "It's Kat. Can we talk?"

"Sure." Katelyn said.

"Can we talk face to face?" Kat asked.

"Right now?" Katelyn asked, confused. "Aren't you on a date?"

"Yeah." Kat said. "Not right now, but..." Arthur watched Kat verbally retreat. "Maybe tomorrow morning? Before brunch?"

"Oh." Katelyn sounded surprised because she was. Her surprise fueled Kat's indecision and retreat.

"If you'd rather I skip brunch tomorrow, I can." Kat said, earning her a shake of Arthur's head and his hand on her shoulder. He'd encouraged her to call because they were supposed to make up sooner rather than later, and Kat was only delaying what needed to be done.

"No, no. That's okay." Katelyn said, summoning her strength. "I want to talk. We need to talk. I'm... Kat, I'm so sorry for what I did. I don't--"

"I know." Kat said. "We'll talk. I want you, me, and Kelly to sit down and talk. Maybe Rani, too, if you're okay with that. And Arthur?" She glanced up at Arthur, who nodded.

Katelyn laughed, but her laughter didn't sound happy. "Why not just invite everyone?"

"Well..." Kat hesitated. "If you want to, we're all hanging out after the game. We're going to a hotel Arthur booked for a..." She paused as she looked at Arthur. "Private party."

"Are you inviting me to..." Katelyn left the suggestive comment unspoken.

"To talk." Kat clarified. "Just talk. If you want."

"To just talk?" Katelyn asked.

Kat sighed and reached for Arthur. He held her hand, squeezing her fingers in his to reassure her. "We need to talk before anything else. I... I overreacted. I got jealous and protective, and... can we talk about this face to face rather than over the phone?"

"Sure." Katelyn said, agreeing. "You want me to meet you at the hotel?"

Katerine held the phone against her collarbone and turned her face away toward Arthur, muffling her voice on Katelyn's end. "You're sure you're okay if she joins us tonight?"

Arthur nodded.

Kat considered her options. Silent moments passed while Katelyn waited for her response. She returned to the phone. "No. I want to talk to you, just you and me first." She said. "Can I swing by after the game?"

"Sure." Katelyn said at once.

"Okay." Kat said. "I'll see you then."

"See you then. Bye Kitty Kat." Katelyn said as Kat ended the call. She exhaled and put her phone away before lifting her eyes to Arthur.

"Good girl." Arthur said. "Look at you, getting over your jealousies and possessiveness."

Kat squeezed his hand. "Well, it's easy to feel secure when I've got my Sir."

She hugged him again, squeezing him tight.

"Thank you." Kat said again.

"You're welcome." Arthur said. "Should we head back to our seats?"

Kat nodded and held his hand as they returned to their seats until she had to let go of him or clothesline Kelly.

The game continued in the field below them. The crowd reacted as plays went back and forth. Both teams struggled to drive the ball. The defensive lines for the teams were desperate to hold the line and were starting to amp up their aggression. Offensive lines answered that aggression with desperation, taking riskier plays and making longer passes, hoping to drive past the defenders.


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