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Have Faith? Don't Mind If I Do! Ch. 02

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Have I lost faith myself, in my own marriage?
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This work has been written by INKENT and published solely on the Literotica platform. I have no issues with re-writes if someone fancy's it or extending the tale, but please let me know if you see this crop up on any other platform. I'm sure that any other author on here would appreciate the same courtesy too.

This isn't a stand-alone story, you need to read part one for it to make sense.

I'm a Brit, so this one is English, English.

Lastly, thanks to TIM1135 for doing some serious work after my initial writeup. As usual, I've fiddled afterward, typically to re-write sections to align to edit suggestions. Those cock-ups are all mine! I'll doff my cap for ALL the editors out there!


Recap End of Chapter 1

With that she left the bathroom, leaving Faith to look at herself in the mirror as she pondered her future. She stood staring at herself. For all intents and purposes, she was having a telepathic conversation with her reflection, which was broken when someone else entered the bathroom.

She walked out, muttering to herself.

"Be strong, do what you want, not what's expected."

She reached the lift and pushed the button, then waited for the lift to descend before entering it. She toyed with the key card in her hand...and made a decision.

Faith stood outside the room, her heart was thumping hard. She muttered to herself again.

"This is the right choice."

She swiped the door card, there was a click, as the little light went green lit on the locking mechanism, and she slowly opened the door.

Have Faith? Don't Mind If I Do! Chapter 2

The room was almost in darkness, with the exception of the bathroom light, which was on. The door was ajar, enough to let her see the layout of the room. She could make his shape out, lying in bed, the thin sheet covering him. He stirred slightly and spoke;

"I'd given up on you."

"Hush, please don't speak. This feels difficult and I don't want us to ruin it. Let's just see how it plays out and let it run its course."

Faith moved towards the bed and stood in the space between the bathroom and the bed. He shifted slightly and rolled onto his side facing her. Through the darkness, she could see his eyes watching her intently. Reaching behind, she undone the dress, letting it slide down her body until it sat around her feet. The thong joined the dress on the floor, until she stood in stockings and heels. Moving alongside the bed, she knelt on the side, reached out and ran a hand softly down his face. Her fingertips met by slight resistance as they floated over his stubbled face. Leaning down, she kissed his forehead lightly, kissing down onto an eye, across his nose, then the other eye, before she placed a sensual kiss on his lips.

He reached up and ran a hand up and down the back of her neck, pulling her in against his face, as the kiss became more urgent, their tongues intertwined with each other. Her left hand moved down from his face to his chest, feeling his muscular form as her hand moved back and forth gently kneading his pectoral muscles. She pushed the sheet away from his body to reveal his nakedness, then straddled his prone body, sitting across his lower abdomen. Putting her hands either side of his head, she returned to kiss his face before their lips locked back together. His arms pulled her body into a tighter embrace then, ran his hands back and forth, up and down her back massage like.

Faith broke the kiss after a while, their body heat causing a slight sheen of light sweat, visible in the twilight of the bathroom light streaming from the slightly open door. She sat and looked down into the whites of his eyes that looked back at her with an almost iridescent glow, his rugged facial features, accentuated by the low-level light.

Shuffling backwards on her knees, she raised herself up slightly as she did so, until she was poised over his cock. Sitting upright, she felt it press against her, steely hard and it pulsed as her damp outer lips brushed against it.

Reaching down with one hand, she grasped it, pleased it was a rigid fleshy pole that was ready to plunder her. Lining it up with herself, she rubbed the head around her opening to ensure it became slick, then let her body slide down as it sank, slowly and steadfastly, into her body. She let it bottom out, marvelling at the way she could feel the flared head move back and forth against her delicate inner walls until it almost slipped out before she sank back down again, burying it deep inside her body.

This went on for several long sensual minutes as she pivoted on her knees, driving herself down harder as the time ticked by. She eventually slowed the pace, sank down until he was fully sheathed, then started to rock back and forth, making her sensitive clit grind against the base of his cock. He had reached up and gripped her, as her chest moved fluidly up and down with each change of direction, pulling gently on her nipples.

As he felt himself reaching a point where he wouldn't be able to prevent the inevitable occurring, his hands moved to her waist to stop her movement, then pulled her body upwards, so his cock dropped from the slick channel.

He didn't speak but, gently pulled on her hips, she understood the message and shuffled up his torso until she sat with her hands on the headboard, atop his face. Deliberately, she didn't lower herself to him. Instead, he was forced to raise his head until his nose touched the slickened, musky opening. Extending his tongue, he explored the folds of her opening, creating a mental map as to exactly where his tongue was touching. He lapped gently, tasting the tangy, earthy and slightly salty fluids that were a mix of themselves. He found the small, hardened piece of flesh nestled at the top under its hood and began to lick around and over it. Murmurs of satisfaction and a steady, slow grinding into his face told him this is what this woman wanted.

As this continued, she slowly and steadily pushed downwards until his head was on the bed and she ground out a massive orgasm that made her shake, her muscled thighs quivered against his face until she slowed and stopped. Her ragged breathing the only sound in the room.

Sliding back down his body, she kissed him. His face was wet and she recognized the taste of her arousal. How long since she had done this, she wondered? She continued to softly kiss down his body until she came across the rigid piece of flesh between his legs. Her tongue lapped across it, savouring the sticky residue from their earlier coupling. Eventually, she slipped the bulbous head into her mouth, then started with a slow and steady rhythm of bobbing her head up and down taking more and more of the man into her mouth. She started to gag from the size but was determined to take his cock deeper. She wanted to prove that her goal was to give him an experience he would not likely forget.

Despite gagging and needing to occasionally stop, she achieved her goal. He was buried all the way into her mouth and throat and she stopped, letting him revel in the sensation of his cock being in such a tight, restrictive channel. After a while, she went back to bobbing her head up and down, she didn't take him all the way down on every stroke but, he was deep enough to gain immense pleasure. As he felt the churning that was the sign he was peaking, he started to pull away. She grabbed his hips and increased the pace and depth she was taking him as he started to pulse and spurt, his heels dug into the bed causing his body to arch up and he came hard whilst his whole body shuddered. Harder than he ever felt or imagined was possible. As his orgasm subsided, he was amazed at her carnal ability to be able to make him cum like that.


She went to the minifridge and took a bottle of water, took several gulps before handing the bottle to him. He did the same. She returned to the bed and lay beside him, draping an arm over his chest.

"That was incredible Faith!"

"What did I say at the beginning, please don't talk, not yet. I want you to make love to me soon, show me what I mean to you. In the morning, we can talk about where we go from here. Please, I need this. I need to be sure I, in fact we, are doing the right thing."

"Trust me, this is the right thing, Faith. I don't care, I know this is the only right thing we should be doing."

"Sshh, please, not now. Don't let thoughts, other than enjoying each other's bodies, taint this night. We can talk in the morning, decide what happens next."

For the next couple of hours, they did exactly that. They explored and enjoyed each other's bodies, with no words spoken between them. Finally sated, they drifted off to sleep.


When Faith awoke, she rolled on her side, to look at the man sleeping soundly next to her. Was she ready to wake up feeling like this every day, with this man next to her in bed? Despite trepidation on coming to this man's room, it had been an experience she desperately needed and had missed for so many months, until last night. She felt as if the shackles that had bound her marriage since the death of her son, had finally been broken. She was free and ready to love, unconditionally. Which meant there was going to have to be a difficult conversation with Ibrahim.


She picked her phone up and crept into the bathroom to use the toilet. She looked at her phone, expecting to see one or more messages but, was surprised to see that there was one from Monica. She reponded, anf then the messages flowed back and forth quickly.

'Is he all man? I bet he was an animal and you can barely walk this morning 🙂 '

Faith wondered how she knew she was going to sleep with Toby.

'He was everything and more, I made the right choice!'

'Now it's happened, you won't believe how he's waited and engineered things to get to fuck you. He told me about the Olympics, he told me how you are the one that got away."

'What do you mean, engineered it?'

'The lunchtime meals, the way he steadily made them more of a romantic thing, as they went along. He promised a night with me, if I helped him spend a night with you. I was supposed to entertain that idiot over the weekend break, until he done his leg in. Toby was pissed, as he thought dancing alone with you in the room would be the key to getting inside your knickers that night. You never won the day with him riding around with him on his bike, he just said it was you. He questioned me about your relationship with Ibrahim. I told him you said you were all but finished so, he lined it up to make his move this weekend. Now come on Faith, is he really that big? Does he fuck like a jackhammer?'

Faith just stared at her phone. What a fool she had been. She'd let someone take advantage of the despair in her relationship, even though Ibrahim had kept reminding her to have faith, faith in him and their marriage. She broke down sobbing hard as she sat on the toilet seat.

She never heard the door slowly open as she sat with her head in her hands. She felt an arm wrap around her and kiss her on the forehead. He led her into the bedroom and sat her on the bed with some tissues. He made a couple of cups of coffee as she regained her composure and looked at him with ruined makeup, caused by all of the tears she'd just shed. She looked at him sadly, then spoke.

"I'm so sorry Ibrahim, I thought we were finished. I lost my faith in us too soon and I feel like I may have done irreparable damage to our marriage. I'll tell you everything and the call on what happens when we leave this room, will be your decision. I made my mind up late last night as to what I wanted."


For the next two hours they opened their hearts to each other. Faith showed Ibrahim the messages from Monica, that she'd sent earlier. Whilst it was comforting at the time, she could now see the lunches were to soften the effect of Toby's approach, when he started to make his play. It was now crystal clear how he would deliberately snub her...the dancing, lunches with Monica, to make her want him.

Because she did talk to Monica about how she felt at home, Toby had inside information. He knew the buttons to push and when to push them. Knowing that her marriage was hanging by a thread, it seemed now was the most opportune moment to move in for the final set piece in his playbook. The trip to the spa hotel.

Ibrahim told her that he had suspicions. One of their friends, in the apartments, saw Faith arrive on Toby's bike. She saw them kissing and called Toby. Ibrahim's call, that interrupted them, wasn't by chance. It was a desperate attempt to derail what could possibly follow what was happening outside the apartment block. When he came home after that weekend, he said that was why he took steps to try any make sure she knew he had more than suspicions, for example, bringing up the motorcycle boots, the possibility of new neighbours with a Harley Davison. All along he knew it was her and a person that matched the description of Toby.

He was desperately trying to avoid direct confrontation, as their relationship was starting to flounder badly, he hoped that what he saw as warning shots would cause Faith to consider the path she was clearly walking down and think hard about what she really wanted

They spoke about how Faith felt about Michelle. Ibrahim acknowledged that it had started to subtly shift from an emotional crutch towards something more but, it had, in no way, reached the levels of development that Faith had with Toby. Then, Ibrahim broke the bombshell. As the weeks passed, after Jacob had died, he started to blame Faith for his death. It was a hereditary condition from her side but, how would she have known? She didn't know of any living relatives, if any did survive. He explained how the counselling helped, it was a natural thing to assign blame for tragedies like this, even if the logical process was flawed. It was simply a way for a mind to process and come to grips with the tragedy.

"Do you still blame me?"

"No. As I went further through the counselling, I got to grips with the fact that the thoughts were irrational. It hurt so much, I couldn't face the intimacy with you. As well as blaming you, I had the bizarre thought. 'What if you fell pregnant...would I lose another child.' It kept filling my thoughts as soon as there was any sign we may get intimate. It was tough, I finally started to see a way out via the counselling but, by then, you seemed to slipping away, until something changed, to bring us here. Why, Faith? Why did you call me so late and ask that they leave a key card for you at reception?"

"If fate took Jacob from us, then fate gave me a chance encounter with a lady celebrating her fiftieth wedding anniversary. She nourished the seeds of doubt that I was doing the wrong thing. I kept looking at Toby's room key card as I waited for the lift. Then, it came to me. You were only an hour away, here in Manchester. I went to my room, called an Uber, packed, then left. I did go to Toby's room. I slid the key card under the door - I used my lipstick to write I was sorry. I couldn't and wouldn't, step out on my husband. I called you to let you know I was coming and for you to leave a key card at the desk for me, just in case it took too long. You needed your sleep."

"Where does this leave us Faith?"

"I hope at a new chapter in our lives, in fact, I think it's more of a new beginning in our lives. I sat and watched that couple blow out candles on their anniversary cake. I want us to do the same when reach fifty years of marriage. When you had suggested therapy together, I wish now, I hadn't declined. If you want, I'd like to do a few sessions, to make sure we are on the right track, together."

"Sure Faith, I'll look to make us an appointment. What are you going to do about Toby? You may have enough grounds, with the messages from Monica, for charges of sexual misconduct."

"I've been thinking about that since I read those messages. No, that isn't the way I want to approach this. I said a new beginning. Let's do things that we can and should be doing. I've always wanted to lay on a beach and swim in the sea naked. I remember someone at work talking about the dunes at Maspalomas and how liberating it was to lay naked on the beach, between them and the sea. We've never tried skiing. We spoke about it, let's make plans to do it. I want to make sure we show the world how much we are in love, via social media, I'll print off photos of us together and put them on my desk. I'll discuss our wonderful life in detail at work. I'll make sure that everybody knows we are in love as much today as when we were first married. How does that sound?"

"It actually sounds quite good to me, Faith. It's something that he'll never experience with you, if that was his game plan."


"There are two more things I want to do, Ibrahim."

"What's that, Faith?"

I want you to sort your motorbike licence and for us to buy a bike. The sense of freedom that day almost felt like a religious experience and I want to share that with you so we can ride off into the sunset somewhere together."

"What's the other thing?"

"I need you to take me back to bed. I want you to make love to me so, I can love you back".


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NitpicNitpic8 days ago

Any decent woman would have Toby charged with sexual harassment.

leofric35leofric359 days ago

Well written and a real “ loving wife”. Good to see a couple overcome tradegy and difficulty to come out stronger.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNiceabout 1 month ago

The way it was written, the whole time I was reading I was wondering which guy she was in bed with. I have to say that I was very pleased the story ended up as it did, leaving me with a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing your writing gift Inkent.

InkentInkent4 months agoAuthor

Regguy69 There's no egg on your face, it was a major misdirection inserted in to try and make it an interesting read. I hope you enjoyed the tale INKENT

Regguy69Regguy694 months ago

inkent, sorry about my comment, yes I did misread the story. Thanks suggesting I reread it. Now I’ll just go and scrape the egg off my face.

Regguy69Regguy694 months ago

I have seen the loss of a child drive a couple apart. I have also seen a few couples unite to a stronger bond as they supported each other. She got her gift (the warning from the old lady) from the gods BEFORE she fucked the asshole, but decided to fuck him anyway. The hubby fucked up royally when he called out the wrong name and she had every right to be hurt, but no right to do what she did. Hopefully, the reconciliation will hold but I doubt it.

XluckyleeXluckylee4 months ago

I love this story. I can understand how a couple losing a child would have a lot to get over and if a scumbag comes along at the weak time in their life, it could be devastating to their relationship. I am so glad the wife came through with the right decision and the couple can get back on track for a loving relationship. 5 stars from Xluckylee.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I really like the reconciliation factor , but you don’t really explain the whole Ibrahim / Michelle link very well , nor how intimate they had become . With Faith nearly blowing her marriage with the predator Toby , then finding enlightenment at the last second , made this a heartfelt story with a joyful feel-good ending . I really like how you made the readers , me in particular , assume it was Toby’s room she entered , and I , for one , was relieved to find out it wasn’t. You spin a very good yarn sir . 5 stars and a standing ovation

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandler5 months ago

I loved this summary of the story and hated how it turned my stomach as it progressed so slowly into the emotional climax. Gave it five stars for development and emotional turmoil.


enderlocke77enderlocke775 months ago

wth lol weird parting the 2 trying to build suspense i take it lol so weird. lol that anon down there either very mad or didnt read the story. sorry comments seem to be a bit better read for me

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

There was no explanation why he called out Michelle during their love making in Berlin

WargamerWargamer5 months ago

As l said a softie at heart. I do like the harsh stories. But this was quite a nice story l liked it.

Scores 5/5

Let’s see how you handle the harsh stories you foreshadowed in your reply to me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Just another stupid sissy cuck / cheating skank slut story from this writer.

GardenshedGardenshed5 months ago

Great F’n ending…… I thought after pt 1, with the 50th anniversary. I figured that she was with Ibrahim, but had to re-read a couple of times. Pretty sure Faith could have gotten a lot of money from her company and sacked Toby. But what a better revenge than Faith flaunting her happiness in front of Loser Toby.

A very enjoyable tale, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Kind of a cheap gotcha plot twist. But it made no sense. Toby was so subtle, clever, sophisticated, and patient; a master seducer. So why would he lay out his game plan to Monica? Like Toby thought Monica was discrete and he needed her to know every detail of his seduction? Monica's reveal was so contrived that it was silly. And Monica was the Only message she received, nothing from Toby?


A decent setup and seduction, but the last minute Houdini switch was that awkward and unbelievable. Try again.

26thNC26thNC5 months ago

Way to end the story. It was a worthwhile read.

luverlybubblyluverlybubbly5 months ago

That Toby is a nasty piece of work, I don't mind if he falls in love & offers her a future, but to fuck her break up a marriage is an arshole act

RanDog025RanDog0255 months ago

Didn't read, one page flash stories are just like a synopsis and not worth reading. Due to the comments, I'll pass.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny5 months ago

She went pretty far just to brush it all under the rug...idk

Ridiculous69Ridiculous695 months ago

IC the same champions of cheating wives and weak, milk toast husbands love this one. Defies logic to think a man is so lacking self esteem and respect that he thinks nothing of just welcoming the slut back into his life. It seems to be a trend for more and more writers to emasculate husbands and praise wives for being unfaithful. What a miserable life to be chained to someone who is so selfish and incapable of really loving anyone but herself. Nonsense

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA5 months ago

Just an excellent story, well told and unlike many others that have this tragic theme, it propelled me to"hope" heights I like to achieve when reading this site. The pain and self-serving L/W tag stories are without literary "chops' (I E cuck and bull types) or about dishonest unions that degrade marriage. Thank you so much for this and many of your stories that elevate your readers to a positive experience. All The Way...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So Faith has her head screwed on straight... this time? Sure hope so!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A poor story, made worse by a stupid decision to break it up with only a single Literotica page for part 2. With part 1 being 7 pages, adding one more to complete it would have been insignificant. If you absolutely had to break it into two parts, a 7/1 split is about the worst choice you could make.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Oh, a variation to the "it was all a dream" ending. How clever.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer5 months ago

MMM A little contrived. What if Ibrahim still was unable to get an erection in that last night? They would not have had the physical love making that occurred.

He also never explained about the "lover's kiss" with Michelle that Faith had observed. Ibrahim's explanation as to why he had yelled out Michelle's name when achieving orgasm while making love with Faith was highly suspect.

Faith's chat with a perfect stranger while in the bathroom who had then spent a lot of time exposing her own cheating story (why would she suddenly tell all this to a stranger?) was not really believable but was a great way to deliver advice.

BGHillmanBGHillman5 months ago

Absolutely LOVE the ending!! Great job of writing. Interesting, sexy, and ends well!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This narcissistic slut wife is trouble and the husband is too much a submissive sheep, avoiding any confrontation at all cost, until it's too late. Too much unrealistic the behaviour of the slut wife, changing her mind at the last minute. This married couple is too much unstable, with a femdom slut and a cuck sheep. Anyway, good ending twist that make this tale a good balanced one. 5 stars.

ibuguseribuguser5 months ago

The ending was superb.

The way to the end, however, wasn't so clear.

I gave it a 4*.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit5 months ago

I had to re-read from the ladies’ room discussion, to see that Toby’s name wasn’t used until Monica’s text. Faith never used a man’s name, and the words spoken didn’t indicate that it might be Toby OR Ibrahim. Great job with subterfuge! In the end, Ibrahim spoke directly to the scene after the bike ride, but only used generalities regarding his passionate kiss with Michelle… or shouting her name during sex.

6King6King5 months ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nice save!

GamblnluckGamblnluck5 months ago

Letting Toby off after all the manipulations was wrong. And Monica? was a bitch. She basically offered up her friend. They walk away clean and free.

Still it is your story. Otherwise I liked the ending.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc5 months ago

Nice bait and switch - 4.6*

Nasty56Nasty565 months ago

So many angles not covered in this quick conclusion.

Karn9Karn95 months ago

A much shorter part 2 a little confusing in the beginning as to where Faith was. You sorted that out in the end. Thank you a good story to read. 4.5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

OMG I must really be a romantic at heart Great story and I loved it (jaybee186)

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