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Humiliated Wife Turns to Her Son Ch. 12


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"You are a scoundrel and I love you so very much," she giggled as she locked her pinky finger in mine and leaned over to kiss me.

"I love you, darling, but I will admit if Savanna was single I would accept her advances," I admitted to her with a roguish grin.

"Thank you for your honesty. If she was single I would help you get her as long as you were willing to share her with me," Sandy whispered to me as she giggled softly.

"There is one more thing I need to know. Did Tracy mention wanting to be legally married to you?" Sandy asked me.

Without a moment of hesitation I answered, "Yes, she did."

"Do it, Steven. I want her to be your real wife. If anything should happen to me, I know she will stand beside through whatever comes along. She is truly in love with you and you look very good as a couple. Go ahead and pay a little more attention to her just don't overdo it. I am very serious about all of this so please consider it carefully. Rachel is wonderful and I love her dearly but you are far more mature than she is and I honestly believe Tracy is the right choice but it is, after all, your life and, ultimately, your decision," Sandy said to me with her fullest conviction.

"Sandy, I love you more than anyone in the world but to legally marry you would be extremely difficult, at best, so if you are sure you want me to take Tracy as my wife, I will honor your wish. Since we will be in Europe, I can think of no better city than Paris, the City of Romance, in which to propose to her and no better location than the Temple de l'Amour, the Temple of Love, but do not tell Tracy about this idea," I told her.

"You romantic asshole. Damn! I wish I was Tracy. She is going to freak completely out but I promise I will keep this a secret from her. I never thought I would say this but I will be insanely jealous. Don't worry, I will not ask to go on honeymoon with you," she giggled loudly.

"Unless there is something else let's go find out what poison the girls have chosen to feed us," I said with a laugh.

"What was all the giggling about," Tracy wanted to know when we returned to the living room.

"I was teasing Steven about fucking your ass and he started tickling me," Sandy answered quickly.

"What poison have you two chosen for us to eat tonight?"

"You're having Viagra, Steven. We girls are having Chinese," Rachel said with a grin.

"Well, the Viagra will be OK for the first four hours but I'll need something a bit more nourishing for later," I quipped.

"I've got that handled...fresh pussy under glass," Tracy responded by spreading her legs and placing her inverted empty wine on her pussy.

I had no reply for that so I simply laughed.

I decided to see how Sandy would actually react if I paid a little more attention to Tracy than usual as she had suggested. When I sat down in the recliner, I asked Tracy to get me another beer. She went to the kitchen immediately and brought me one. I patted my lap when she handed it to me. She sat down and started to wriggle and squirm.

"What's wrong Tracy? You have the best seat in the house," Sandy asked her.

"My ass is still sore from the pounding I took a little while ago. You'd be squirming too if Steven did to you what he did to me," she replied with a smile.

"Well, you do like a little pain," said Rachel.

"I know I do and our husband gave me what I wanted and needed. I'll be alright. I'm just a little uncomfortable right now at the entrance but inside I'm glowing from the warmth of his cum," Tracy purred.

The doorbell rang and Sandy grabbed a robe from the coat closet while the rest of went to the kitchen. None of us had thought to put on clothes while we waited for the food to be delivered. In a few minutes, Sandy came in with dinner. Tracy had thoughtfully ordered kung pao chicken for me knowing I preferred my food a little more spicy than the girls did.

I thought back, remembering numerous times when Tracy had done little things she knew would please me. Sometimes overriding Sandy's choices. I began to understand why Sandy thought Tracy would be a good choice for me as a wife rather than her younger counterpart, Rachel. I still had plenty of time to consider my options. There was no particular reason to hurry things along. Legal or not, I had three wives and a concubine all of whom were eager for my attention sexual or otherwise.

I had Rachel sit next to me while we ate dinner. I needed to give her a little more attention. She still appeared to be hurt over not being invited to go to Europe with us as well as not being offered the position of looking after the office while we were away. However, I was far more concerned about our business affairs than I was about her hurt feelings.

I was sure Rachel would be fine when she found out we wanted Karen and her to come live with us after we moved. My plan was to lay everything out when Karen was here during for the weekend. I felt sure they would they both be anxious to be with us. I would not give them an ultimatum but neither would I get Rachel pregnant and have her raise our child with an ocean between us. I would simply make the offer and allow them to decide what they wanted to do.

After dinner, I took Rachel to the bedroom. Sandy teased me about saving the best for last, meaning I would be with her later. I was looking forward to that. We got so little time to be alone which, while it was not a problem, did complicate things at times. Tonight, however, would not be one of those times. Rachel and Tracy could sleep together giving Sandy and me some time to spend privately together.

When we got to the bedroom, Rachel apologized for having acted so childishly about the trip and the job. I told her everything would be alright and I would explain everything when Karen was here for the weekend. She told me she was just afraid I really didn't want her as much as she wanted me.

I explained to her that I was simply overwhelmed by everything which had transpired over the past few weeks and I was still adjusting to it all. I had gone from working part-time, going to college full time to running a company in an industry of which I knew nothing and having three 'wives' all of whom wanted to have my babies. I had lost my father and had to deal with Tracy's fucked up ex-husband. I was just a 19-year-old college freshman who was forced by circumstances beyond my control to step up like a man and grow up far too quickly.

"Steven, for what it is worth, I am glad you are who you are. I only wish we had been closer when we were growing up. I need to feel that you really love me and want me for more than just sex. Please make love with me slowly and gently this time. I know I act like a slut but I'm really not one. I have always just given in to guys who were good looking or spent money on me," Rachel whispered as she lay back on the bed pulling me with her.

"Sweetheart, I would like that very much. You understand I am not just using you for sex and Sandy will always be first in my life don't you?" I asked her as I ran my hand across her swelling breasts.

"I know, darling, and I also realize Tracy is second. I am alright with both of those. I just want you to understand I am not with you for what you have. I am with for who you are and because I am actually in love with you which is why I refused to date anyone after I left here the last time.

will sound very strange but it is how I feel. I had lost my cherry before I was with you but I was still a virgin in my heart. I gave that cherry to you," she said in a very tender voice.

As I continued caressing her firm breasts and lightly pinching her rock hard nipples, Rachel reached down and began stroking my cock which was growing longer and thicker with each stroke of her soft warm hand.

As I leaned over to suck her nipples into my mouth, she moaned, "Yes, baby, suck my breast; suck it hard. I can hardly wait until they are both filled with milk for our baby and you. Sandy told Tracy and me how good it feels when they are swollen with milk and the baby sucks it out relieving the pressure. Imagine having all three of us pregnant and lactating at the same time. We are sister-wives and we will be sharing our milk with all of our babies and their father."

"Umm, I am going to love that, sweetheart. Do you want me to eat lick and eat your sweet pussy?" I stopped sucking long enough to ask her.

"No, not now but I do want you to put your big thick cock inside me but please go slowly. I don't want a power fuck this time until we are both so close we can't stop. I want to enjoy every second and feel every tiny sensation as my wonderful husband takes me and makes me know I belong to him," Rachel whispered.

"You do belong to me, Rachel, and you always will. It is still so strange. The first time you were here you had not even wanted to come for a visit and in less than an hour or so I was fucking you on the kitchen table with both of our mothers and Tracy in the living room listening to us. I made you come so hard you passed out," I said to her remembering the first time we had met since we were very young children.

"Oh my god, Steven, I have relived that in my head so many times. I had never had an orgasm like that and I wore that hickey like a badge of honor when I got back home. My girlfriends were so jealous they would hardly speak to me and almost every guy at school wanted to date me. I would always tell them thanks for asking me but my boyfriend was very jealous," She giggled softly.

"I couldn't believe how beautiful you looked when I first saw you. I got hard instantly," I said.

"I don't what happened to me but all I could think of was if you touched me I was going to do whatever you told me to do. I honestly believe I would have let you fuck me in the living room with all of the watching. I went from high school slut to your slut almost as quickly as you got hard. Now I'm your wife and I'm eager to have your baby. Steven, I really will do whatever you tell me to do except let another man fuck me," Rachel confessed.

"Guide my cock to the mouth of your pussy, my beautiful, sexy wife. I want that pussy and I want it now," I told her as I got between her legs to mount her.

"Yes, my darling, take me and fill my womb with your hot creamy baby batter. I may not be ovulating since I just stopped taking birth control pills so it may take a cycle or two for my body to be ready but I will give you a baby...our baby," Rachel moaned softly as guided the swollen head of my rigid cock into her fiery hot cunt.

Very slowly, I pushed my cock deeper and deeper inside her pulsing, clutching pussy pausing only long enough for her to relax the vise-like grip of her pussy on my turgid throbbing cock. Normally, I would be pounding into her like a jackhammer but she wanted me to be slow and tender this time. I knew that it would not be long before she forgot that and wanted me to drive it in and out of her like the piston inside the cylinder of an engine striving to reach its maximum rpm.

"Rachel, you are my wife so do not fret about me telling you to fuck another man. I will never do that to you, either of my other wives, or your mother, my concubine, but in all other matters, you will do as you are told. Do you understand me?" I asked her.

"Yes, Steven, not only do I understand you but also I will obey you. Sandy and Tracy can guide me. I want to be your perfect wife in every way. I am in love with you," Rachel whispered softly as I felt her twine her long trim legs around mine giving her leverage to meet my long deep thrusts into her quivering pussy.

"Please, take me harder and faster, my love, I need more now. I have surrendered myself to you as I never dreamed I could or would. I have always been used to getting guys to do what I wanted and rewarding them with my body. With you, I yield not only my body but the very essence of my being just to be with you. I don't understand it but I crave it. Please keep me with forever," Rachel said as her body and voice began to tremble.

I began to pound into her with deep, powerful thrust of my hips as she used the strength and leverage of her legs to meet each driving lunge with her rocking hips. She was thrashing her head from side to side frantically as though she was possessed by some unknown demon. Rachel began to moan and shriek as her body searched for the orgasmic release it so desperately needed.

As her head thrashed to the right, I sank my teeth firmly into her tender flesh and bit her. Her body trembled and shuddered as she exploded into orgasmic bliss. My balls churned and pumped what seemed like gallons of hot, fiery, molten sperm-laden cum deep inside her tightly clenching cervical orifice. Rachel wailed and screamed like a banshee just before passing out from the power of her orgasmic release.

I held her tightly for several minutes before releasing her and untangling myself from the near deathlike grip of her legs. I lay beside my beautiful Rachel for several long minutes before getting up and going to the kitchen. My throat was as dry as the Sahara desert. I needed a beer.

When I entered the kitchen, Sandy and Tracy stared at me with looks of utter amazement on their beautiful smiling faces.

Tracy was the first to speak by saying, "Dammit, you did it to her again. I know damned well she is laying in bed passed out cold. God, I wish I could come like that."

"So do I, subby slut, so do I," Sandy said with a huge smile on her face.

"Well?" they asked in unison.

"She's out like a light," I answered with a sheepish grin knowing that was what they were asking.

"Alright then, you motherfucker, you are going to fuck me, your mother, next," Sandy said with a smirk.

"Later, Grandmommy slut, right now I'm going to have a beer," I chuckled.

I glanced at Tracy who was already opening a bottle of Guinness for me. 'Damn, she even anticipates what I want. Yes, Sandy, I will marry Tracy and make her my legal wife,' I thought to myself.

"I'm going to bed, Steven. Are you coming with me?" Sandy asked.

I was about to answer but Tracy interrupted me by saying, "I need to talk to you, Steven. It will only take about five minutes."

"Stay with Tracy, baby, while you finish your beer. You'll need a little while to recover after your romp with Rachel anyway. Just don't take too long," Sandy said as she turned to go to our bedroom.

"Is everything alright, Tracy?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm just feeling a little frightened and intimidated I think," she replied.

"Can you explain to me why you feel that way?" I queried her.

"I guess it's mostly because I'm so much older than Rachel. She is so young, pretty and full of energy. I'm afraid you will grow tired of me or bored with me," she said as tears formed in her eyes.

I put my arm around her and whispered to her, "Sweetheart, You are no older than Sandy and she will always be first no matter who may come along. That is just the way things are," I told her.

"I know but I'm still twelve years older than Rachel," she sniveled.

I didn't realize my mother was nine years older than Tracy. Sandy just looked much younger than her actual age so I had always thought the same thing about Tracy that she looked much younger than her actual age.

"Wow! So when Rachel is thirty, you'll be an ancient old lady of forty-two. Well, baby, I'll still be fucking your brains out at every opportunity," I said with a chuckle.

I felt Tracy relax and giggle at my response. "I guess I hadn't thought of it in quite that way."

"Listen, honey, if I could change one thing about you, do you know what it would be?"

"No, I don't."

"Absolutely nothing. To me, you are perfect just the way you are," I told her.

"It's no wonder I'm so much in love with you, Steven, you always take care of me and make me feel better. You're always there when I need you. Go to Sandy and I'll sleep with or sleeping beauty tonight," Tracy said as she kissed me goodnight.

"What's up with Tracy?" Sandy asked as I slipped into bed beside her.

"She was feeling a little insecure because Rachel is younger than she is but she's over it now. They'll be sleeping together tonight and I'm once Rachel gets her hungry mouth on Tracy's sexy body everything will be fine," I told her.

"Rachel does have a talent mouth and she loves to use it," Sandy replied.

"I think that must come naturally for the women in this family, darling," I said to her.

"You're not so bad yourself for a man," she said with a giggle.

"Sweetheart, I want you to entertain Rachel tomorrow night. I'm going to take Tracy out for dinner and a movie," I told her.

"That's a great idea. Of course, I'll entertain Rachel while you schmooze your sexy soon to be new bride," Sandy said feigning sarcasm.

When I leaned over to kiss her, Sandy said, "Baby, I know you'll take care of me if I insist but you look really tired. I'm going to set the clock to wake us up an hour earlier in the morning and you can ravish me then," She said not waiting for a reply.

"Thanks, babe, I promise I'll do that," I said as I drifted off to sleep.

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midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman11 days ago

Well, this author seems to have a pattern of build up, then nothing.Perhaps an outline of chapters would help. As is a couple things are left in the air: the trip to Europe, Karen's visit and Steven's explanation of the roles, and of course Donna and Marie. Of course another opened ended question is Zack and Savanna

PankTozziPankTozzi2 months ago

Did you really leave it as that?

Great story, but...

ar_knightTD_90ar_knightTD_909 months ago

I see the last installment of this story was 2018, is there going to be a revival/ continuation of the series?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Savanna is worse than I thought. Just a cheating slut. Basically offering herself to Steven and cheating on Zack. What a slut and not in the good way. Zack needs to get rid of her. Do the guy a favour and wise him up to her. He deserves better. Honestly just fuck her and get it over with. May as well since she's clearly gagging for it. She'll get it elsewhere anyway so it's not like you'd save anything by not fucking her. Once a cheater, always a cheater. But really, he should inform Zack to dump her cheating ass at some point.

I'm glad they all declared their loyalty to him at the end there, promising to never allow any other man to have them. Oddly enough after Steven said something retarded about possibly having to bring in another man to give him a break. That's the most beta shit I've ever heard in a harem story, I cringed so hard.

I wonder why the author stopped writing at this point. There is so much more to be told. I hate stories that abruptly cut off especially after being this long already. Yet another case of authors being unable to finish what they started. Even a 1 page epilogue would be better than just leaving so many loose ends. Maybe someone can pick this up and give us closure.

Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

I concur with myself from just over a year ago, you have built a world inhabited by Steven, Sandy, Tracy, Rachel and Karen, along with a few notable others, you are the only person in this world who can inform your readers of what has happened in your fictitious world.

maddog8946maddog8946about 1 year ago

"Você não fez nada errado," it's Brasilian - Portuguese to be Portugal - Portuguese must be " Tu não fiseste nada de errado"

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Awesome story but you can't leave us hanging like this though it's been a while would you please continue with this story??????????????? 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Where is the rest of it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay I realize you haven't written anything since 2018 but this story needs to find an ending or at least answer the questions you left in your readers minds. So Please write more of this story.!

01Timber6701Timber67over 1 year ago

It’s a hanging story ,, why ,, there’s so much more that needs to continue

orion6275orion6275almost 2 years ago

very much liked this story so far, I was hoping you would continue the story. it seems you left it hanging

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I agree with the others here. We need MORE much more. How many babies do they have? Do they move to Europe? Does he ever bang Savanna? Does the company thrive? Does he stop with four wives or get more? Too many questions left unanswered. Please answer them. I think he at least deserves a blowjob from Savana.

chargerman71chargerman71about 2 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the Humilated Wife series. But I also thought at the end Ch. 12 there were many loose ends i.e. where they all moved to live did they buy a vineyard and winery?, the babies, Karen's roll, what did the brand look like and did anyone chicken out? What happened to Zack and Savanna?

DogmancyprusDogmancyprusabout 2 years ago

Long time since this chapter was published. Is the story going to be finished/continued. The characters are well developed and a good plot. MORE PLEASE

Timj94Timj94about 2 years ago

So wait I'm a little confused why was the mc untrusting of Rachel at first

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please publish chapter 13

P_DoggP_Doggover 2 years ago

Great story, but nothing worse than reading 12 chapters just to find the story unfinished.

Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago


A brilliant series, which you have left with more open ends than a frayed rope, please give serious consideration to continuing this excellent tale.

You have done a brilliant job of describing your characters and their relationships, also explaining a plausible scenario in which they have all lived, loved and worked, small town mid-west America.

Congratulations and thank you for publishing your work on this site, your work is much appreciated.

orion6275orion6275over 2 years ago

the story is fantastic, I just hope you will write more chapters. I am interested in reading more about the harem of Steven

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

Good series but you need to finish it. There is so much you can do with a Dom/Sub relationship. A 5-star series but after so many years, I dobt that the author will finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

One of best stories I have ever read. Bravo?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please it has been 4 years, there is so much left of this story that must be resolved. Children, second generation incest, reversal of tubal legation, founding of an empire, the tradition family first in love and life, a nude estate, daughters schooled in the arts of love for daddy, just as a few.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I loved it but left a lot of unanswered questions. I would love it if you would finished the story. Your writing is just great ad I do hope you decide to finish it.

orion6275orion6275almost 3 years ago

I loved this story, the characters, I was hoping you would continue writing this story. I can not wait to hear what happens next. Thank you for this wonderful story.

Roland58Roland58about 3 years ago

I have enjoyed this story very much please write more of it

UncletoddUncletoddabout 3 years ago

Please add more to this story I've read it twice already I really enjoyed it.

tlevanssrtlevanssrabout 3 years ago

I have read this story 4 times. I love it but you need to finish it or keep it going. You have had a long enough break so get back to writing. PLEASE!!.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Damn ! Geet back to writing!

Hell!! Such a great story! Get back to it! U left us hanging by our balls! Please, continue the story!

OG4UOG4Uover 3 years agoAuthor
To Aussie1951 and all of my other readers

LOL I am not "fucking dead and buried." Three years ago I had a bit of chaos in my life and simply stopped writing. Two years ago a new lady who is 24 years my junior came into my life. Subsequently, we have been on a two year "honeymoon." ;-). No! I will NOT write a story about that. LOL

I will, however, get back to work on this and my other stories in the near future. First, I have to read them them again to catch up with where I left off and where I was going with this one and each of the others. Thank you all for your patience and continued support.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago
Follow up comment.

The only excuse I’ll accept for not completing this story is that you’re fucking dead and buried...

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago

Please please NO, it’s been nearly three years since you finished the last chapter. Please finish this amazing story I’ll be absolutely shattered if you don’t give this story the ending it deserves. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AvidStoryLoverAvidStoryLoverover 3 years ago

I am getting so tired of the disappointment of reading a great story that has no end on this site. There should be something setup on this site that the author is required to flag the last chapter as an ending. Thus stories with no final chapter i can just skip. Also, as a search criteria you could also include sories with a final chapter flagged. Anyway thats my rant of disappointment of another great story with no ending that i wish i never invested the time to read.

ZaneGray65ZaneGray65over 4 years ago
This is a great story

This has been a great story, but why did you end like that. We need to find out how it ends! My girlfriend hates ending like this and so do I! But its still a great story!

SAV12SAV12almost 5 years ago


Bek2277Bek2277almost 5 years ago
Its been to long

Pls write more dont leave it like this its good story

Sandds1Sandds1about 5 years ago
12 Chapters of Love and Devotion

These 12 Chapters were very well written, full of sexual excitement, fire intrigue, exceptional truth and betrayal--just to name a few. This 19-year old college student had to assume the identity and growth as a full grown man. In that growing stage he accumulated two women that absolutely adored him (he'd make ANY pimp look like a foolish child). He has somewhat what the wisdom of King Solomon and a dick on steriods. I very much liked this story and awaiting for you (OG4U) to finish

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Absolutely More Please!!

Great story but please keep going. This could warrant another 12 chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

i thought the beginning had about 30% to many, i love you's and almost clicked out.

i quess you did listen to the comments. the story grew on me and could not stop reading it. why don't they find an island, no one to judge them and they can run around naked all they want. a few more women would help with the gene pool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

please write more this story is great thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More chapters.

I enjoyed the story. I hope you will write more on this family. I like the way it is written and I read more than just an incest story. I see one of love and caring and one of true love between people. Please write more.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 5 years ago
Thank You

may i have another? chapter or two that is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

the story itself is great just few missed things please please next chapter

Really looking forward to next installment please continue all your stories.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 6 years ago

Came across this story today and really need more. There's quite a few more chapters needed to be written please add more soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Love the story's please continue few missed things but the story itself is great please please next chapter

Really looking forward to next installment please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Truly Unbelieveable

So a timid humiliated wife becomes a sex crazed woman and allows her son to fuck her and other women. Even as a fantasy it's ridiculous, i gave up on the 4th chapter and only went to the last one to comment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Three unfinished stories and then all quiet, I believe you're one of those writers who cannot finish a story as your imagination runs out. Thanks for leaving us hanging in all three

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

When can we expect another chapter?

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 6 years ago
Its been a while

Hope you haven't given up on this series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Keep it Coming

I recently found & binge read this series. I think its very good. In danger of becoming a little 'formulaic' in its format, but still very enjoyable. I cant wait to see who else our boy will bed. Donna? Marie? Savanna? Mistress Katrina? I'm also interested in seeing what happens next in his 'real' life & how he will overcome the obstacles that will appear. (Not just finance, education, and where to live, but also; how is he going to continue to sexually satisfy two? four? six or more? voracious women? LOL) Please keep them coming!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It's been a while now, can we expect the next chapter soon and are you going to continue your other stories as well?

Just eager to keep following the stories

buddah222buddah222over 6 years ago
keep it going #1

This has to be one of the top stories on here at this time, it if not the top one, hope you keep going with many more chapters you are a great story teller and awesome writer thank you for the story so far, looking forward to seeing the rest of it soon

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 6 years ago
My hope

You focus on this story and bring as many chapters as possible, this is my favorite series on here now and I'm just glad i get to see ot unfold in front of me. I personally hope you stay away from the brands anx maybe do small matching tattoos or matching chokers for the ladies, no need to destroy their skin. Tracy has quickly become my favorite character, I hope she gets everything she wants, she deserves it.

OG4UOG4Uover 6 years agoAuthor
A few surprises coming concerning babies

Wait and see

nickey40nickey40over 6 years ago
How many chapters

How many chapters do you think you will write. How far are you planning on taking it. I think I should at least have a a child born or two before you finish the work

Myslutwife17Myslutwife17over 6 years ago

Another great read I can’t wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Just found this story less than 24 hours ago and have already read all the chapters and can't wait for more, incredible story please continue.

hal1951hal1951over 6 years ago
Need More!

You really need to get more chapters uploaded. Many of us are edging to the point of desperation.

hyperlizardhyperlizardover 6 years ago

Please continue with your story it’s a great read

xsiveonexsiveoneover 6 years ago
A good story, but needs less humiliation of the ladies.

I have to agree with Turtle 1952, the fantasy story is all well and good but the humiliation and often nasty name calling are a turn off. If he truly loves these women he wouldn't berate them so. Just my $ .02 worth. I'll keep reading the following chapters until I decide he's too much of an egotistical dickhead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Very good once again.

Question for you...are you going to continue Sylvia's Mom and My sensual aunt Madge? really like them as well


va45va45over 6 years ago

Just wow and gets better, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I don't know what the other anonymous is talking about. This series is hot as hell with the mother, aunt, and cousin. Keep up the good work. Another great chapter, keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This is one of the most ridiculous stories I have ever seen on this site. Even as fantasy this sucks. It has no eroticism and I will not even attempt to read the other chapters. At some point, some of these authors need to understand that mother and son incest stories are so much better when it only involves mother and son, not some cast of characters with the super stud son. One star and that is only because I can't go lower.

Turtle1952Turtle1952over 6 years ago
So very entertaining

and so very hot and sexy too. This young bloke is having a ball. I just wish he was not so forcing and disrespectful to his ladies.

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