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Kidnapped Campers Ch. 05


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"Yes slut, that's what you're made for." She extended her tongue and barely let the tip touch my shaft.

"Thank you Master, I know I'm a useless cunt and don't deserve the honor of your magnificent cock Sir." I flicked the TV on and turned to the game as Erica took the length of my prick into her mouth and started sucking on me.

"I don't want to cum yet bitch." I reached down and grabbed Erica's tit, taking hold of her nipple and pinching it between my fingers till she yelped in pain. "That's it slut." Erica gagged a little as I pushed down on her head and felt her lips around the base of my cock, her chin was pressed against my balls.

It was approaching half-time when I just couldn't take it anymore, my balls were aching and I wanted to cum. Erica's saliva coated my prick as I grabbed for the back of her head and pulled her lips off me.

"Is your pussy ready for me cunt?" Her head jerked back as I spit in her face.

"Yes Master, this slave's cunt is always ready for you."

"Good!" She squealed as I tugged hard on her hair and moved her out from between my thighs. She collapsed face first on the floor and I stood over her, her legs were spread wide with the bar between her ankles and her ass was up in the air.

"Are you ready to get fucked?"

"Yes Master, this useless cunt is ready for your glorious cock. Please fuck me Sir!" She sounded like Julie and I slapped my palm hard down on her ass as I held her chest off the ground with her ponytail.

"I see you are a dirty little bitch, aren't you?" Erica couldn't help but moan as I knelt behind her and thrust two fingers in her soaking pussy. I could feel her vaginal muscles contract and lock on my invading fingers. Guess she was a bit of an abuse whore herself, I was learning more and more about my slaves every time.

"That's it slut, you are just a fuck toy for me, aren't you?" Erica whimpered as I twisted her head back so she was staring me in the face. I loved the glazed over look in her eye, the mixture of lust and pain was glorious.

"How does that feel cunt?" I could hear Erica purr in delight as my prick slid easily into her belly.

"Thank you Master for fucking this useless fuck toy." I could see the way her hands balled into little fists bound behind her back. My fingers were wound through her scalp keeping her upper body up off the floor.

"That's it slut, this is what you're made for." My hips slammed against Erica's ass as I started fucking her faster, burying my cock to the hilt in her pussy till my balls slapped against her flesh.

"Fuck me harder Master, I'm just a dirty fuck toy, please use my holes for your pleasure, please!" I eased my dick out till it almost slipped from between the swollen lips of her pussy. I loved the way she whimpered in desperation as I threatened to pull my cock from her sex completely, only to slam it into her hard and fast making her grunt.

"Squeeze me girl!" I could feel her vaginal muscles clamp down on my prick as it pistoned into her belly over and over again.

"Please Master, may I cum?" I tugged hard on Erica's hair keeping her up right. I had one hand through her hair, the other was under her chest clamped on her dangling breasts.

"Oh fuck!" My hips slapped against her ass harder and harder, I loved the feel of my cock disappearing in her throbbing pussy.

"MAASSSSTTTEEERRRR, may I cum, PLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!" Erica grunted each time I impaled my cock deeply in her quivering slit.

"PPPLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE MMAAASSSTTTTEEERRR!!!" Erica yelped in pain as I pinched her nipple between my fingers and twisted it.

"Not till I cum cunt, not till I cum!" Erica sobbed in need as I fucked her hard, slamming my dick in her pussy over and over again, tugging on her hair like a reins with one hand and smacking her ass with the other.

"I'm going to cum bitch!" I buried my cock to the hilt in her belly.

"Can I cum Master, PLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!" Erica wailed in desperation as my balls pumped hot cum deep in her belly. I pulled hard on her pony tail forcing her back on my cock.

"Cum for me cunt, now!!!" Her body exploded under me as my prick continued to jerk and spurt inside of her. I could feel every muscle of her pussy contract and grip me like a vise. She was panting like a bitch in heat, screaming in lust as she orgasmed madly.

Erica was next to me on the couch, her hands were still bound behind her back but I'd removed the strap from her elbows and spreader bar from between her ankles after fucking her. Her chin was resting on my thigh like an attentive pet. She had my balls in her soft lips and gently massaged them with her tongue.

"See, I always keep my promises." I told her as she gazed lovingly up at me.

"Thank you Master, thank you for everything." She mumbled as she nuzzled my ball sack.

It was late afternoon the following day when I saw Doc's SUV pull into my driveway. I walked out to the garage, stopping by to grab two beers from the fridge on my way past. I handed one to Doc as he hauled himself out of the drivers seat. "Did you bring her toothbrush?" I asked.

"Take a look for yourself" he replied with a chuckle.

I popped the hatch to see Tammy curled up in the back, dressed like a kidnapped street walker. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up, holding her tight as she struggled to swing her long legs out of the back and on to the concrete floor of my garage. Doc certainly didn't scrimp on the outfits that he dressed his slave in.

High red leather boots with at least 6" platform heels encased her legs, a matching tight leather corset cinched her waist and pushed her firm teenage tits up where the gold nipple rings glistened like ornaments on a Christmas tree. Her arms were fastened behind her with red leather cuffs and mouth was filled with a huge red ball gag, she blinked her bright blue eyes in the sudden light of the garage.

"Well there, don't you look all dressed up for a visit." I said as I reached around and squeezed her firm tight ass. "Nice job" I commented to Doc and he nodded in approval. He handed the unopened beer back to me.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but my flight leaves in 2 hours and you know how long those lines are." He reached out to tug on one of Tammy's nipple rings causing her to wince in pain. "Be a good girl, I don't want to have to spank you when I get back." He chuckled. I waved goodbye as he pulled out of the garage then I pushed her towards the door and she staggered to keep her balance on the huge heels. I was already thinking about what I could do with her, I always liked it when Doc brought Tammy over. While Monica and Erica were still my favourite slaves, I always thought Tammy was the hottest of the group.

I led her into the rec room and unlatched the door to the dungeon. Erica and Monica were in there waiting for me. Erica was bent over the padded bondage bench, her arms and legs secured to the hooks in the floor. A large ring gag filled her mouth and a puddle of drool stained the floor under her head. She looked up at me with pleading eyes and groaned incoherently. She had gotten really needy, almost annoyingly so. My libido just couldn't keep up with a horny teenager who had nothing to do all day but think about sex and I needed to teach her a lesson in restraint.

"Not yet, you stay there until you understand that I am the master of this house." I said as I slapped her ass. She moaned and pulled against her bonds, trying to wiggle her pussy and tits enticingly so I would either fuck her or beat her. Instead, I ignored her and turned to the corner and Monica.

Monica was naked as well kneeling on the floor, arms bound behind her in front her was a post where a large dildo had been fastened. An elastic strap was wrapped around her head forcing the fake cock into her mouth. She could pull back, but the inexhaustible band always won and the rubber shaft slowly shoved itself back deep into her throat.

"Have you been a good girl, practicing your blowjob technique for Master?" I asked as I stroked her long blonde hair.

She glanced up at me and nodded, mumbling around the huge cock in her mouth.

"Let's see what you have learned then." I said as I slipped the strap free and pulled her to her feet. She looked at Tammy, eyes running up and down the statuesque redhead with a glint of jealousy. I guided the girls out of the dungeon, ignoring Erica's pleading groans as I shut and latched the door.

Tammy's heels clicked loudly on the hardwood floor, drowning out the muffled steps of Monica's bare feet. Monica scurried ahead to open the door to my bedroom then darted inside to kneel beside the bed in anticipation. Tammy grunted in surprise as I grabbed the back of her neck and shoved her forward making her sprawl on the bed. Her leather clad legs flailed as she struggled to keep from bouncing off onto the floor.

"So, Doc has brought us a toy to play with, I think it's only fair that we use her like one." I looked down to where Monica knelt, looking up at me eagerly. "Undress me, the get me ready to fuck her."

Monica stood and quickly undressed me, almost tearing the buttons off my shirt in her haste to get me naked. Once she had finished she knelt in front of me and took my cock into her eager, wet mouth. I groaned in pleasure as her now expert lips and tongue covered the length of my shaft, pulling me deeper into her throat. With one hand she reached up to play with my bare chest while the other gently cupped and massaged my balls. I felt her tongue sliding along the bottom of my prick as she worked the head deep into the back of her mouth.

I looked over at the bed where Tammy lay watching us. Her eyes followed Monica as her head bobbed back and forth, shoving my cock deep into her throat then sliding her lips back along the shaft until she was just kissing the tip. I could see almost eagerness in her expression, sex without pain was not something she was used to with Doc.

"You look good there slut, like a high price whore waiting to be fucked." I reached down and pulled Monica off of my shaft, pulling her up by her hair. "Go get that gag out of your friend's mouth then get her wet for me. I want to hear her beg me to fuck her."

Monica nodded and with one final caress of my hard cock moved over to the bed. Tammy lifted her head and shoulders to allow her friend to unbuckle the gag and grunted as it came out with a wet popping sound. She worked her sore jaw muscles then moaned in pleasure as Monica started to lick and kiss her way down to her firm tits. Tammy arched her back as Monica's expert tongue flicked over her stiffening nipples. She gasped when one then two of Monica's fingers entered her pussy and her hips squirmed and bucked as my slave's thumb flicked over her swollen clit.

I stood there as long as I could, which wasn't long, watching as two cheerleading best friends writhed in a display of porn star quality lesbian lovemaking. After a few minutes of watching Monica expertly bring her friend to the heights of arousal I pulled her hand out of Tammy's pussy moved between her widely spread legs. Monica immediately reached out and grabbed my prick, stroking it and lubing it up with Tammy's warm pussy juice.

"That's right slave, guide me into your friend there" I told her and Monica gently pulled me forward, sliding the tip of my cock up and down along Tammy's glistening pussy lips.

"Oh god, oh fuck, please master, please put it inside me" Tammy gasped, then squealed as Monica pinched her nipple hard.

"You stupid whore, you don't deserve my master's glorious cock" Monica said in an angry voice.

I was surprised at the vehemence in Monica's voice. She had been becoming more and more possessive of me as her master, even where her step-sister was concerned. While it was satisfying to see how well she had accepted her new life as my slave, I couldn't have her thinking that anyone but me made the decisions around here. I would sort that out later right now I was too horny and turned on to think about anything but fucking Tammy.

"Why don't you climb up there and shove your pussy in her face, that will shut her up." I told Monica, and gave her a hard slap on the ass to move her along. She eagerly hopped up on the bed and straddled Tammy's face, shoving her cunt down hard on the poor girl's mouth. Tammy immediately slid her tongue into Monica's tight pussy and started licking, eliciting a groan of pleasure from my favourite slave.

I continued to rub my cock up and down along Tammy's sopping wet pussy lips, watching as she writhed and bucked her hips trying to get the tip of my prick inside her cunt. I finally relented and shoved it in, hard and deep, hearing her grunt into Monica's cunt as I fucked her. I grabbed her by the thighs, pulling her hard against me as I drove my cock deep into her firm teenage body. I looked up at Monica who had her eyes closed in ecstasy as her hands squeezed and groped both her own and Tammy's tits. I watched as she gyrated her hips, grinding her pussy down on her friends face.

I pounded away at Tammy's helpless pussy, pulling my cock almost all of the way out only to drive it back in hard. Her muffled grunts and squeals were almost completely overshadowed by Monica who was moaning and screaming like a cheap whore in a bad porno.

"Oh god, oh yes you slut, lick my pussy, use that tongue for what it was made for." She moaned as Tammy's tongue and mouth lapped away at her. "Fuck my master's cock you useless bitch!"

I reached forward and grabbed Monica's tits, squeezing them hard and eliciting a squeal of surprise form her. Her eyes flew open and she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me hungrily. Her tongue darted into my mouth as her fingers wound themselves in my hair.

"Oh god master, I love you, I love being your slave, your fuck whore." She moaned into my mouth. "Please master, may I cum on this slaves face" she begged.

"Not until I do slut" I told her and she whimpered in frustration, burying her face in my shoulder as Tammy continued to lap at her pussy. I could feel my orgasm building as I grunted with the effort of fucking Tammy as hard as I could. Monica recognized the signs and started lapping at my neck and ears, moaning and groaning with frustration, desperately trying to speed my orgasm so she could have her own. It worked and I felt my balls tighten as I blew my load deep into Tammy's belly.

"You can cum now." I told Monica and she did, explosively and loudly. Her screams echoed in the bedroom and I watched with satisfaction as her tits heaved and her belly rippled and swayed as her taught muscles contracted with the force of her orgasm. She collapsed against me, face buried in my chest as Tammy continued to eat her pussy. Finally, gasping she raised herself up on her knees, lifting her pussy off Tammy's face.

Tammy gasped for air as her mouth and nose were finally free of Monica's cunt. Her face was glazed with pussy juice and her chest heaved as she gulped in the air that had been so hard to get a few moments before. Once she caught her breath, she looked up at me between Monica's legs. "Thank you for fucking this useless whore master" she gasped.

"Whatever" I replied and stepped back, pulling my cock out of her cunt. "Don't let any of this get on the sheets slave." I told Monica and saw her climb down between Tammy's legs and lap up the semen that was dribbling out between her pussy lips. Tammy started to moan again as Monica's tongue caressed her abused cunt. I stood and watched for a few minutes until all of the cum was gone then reached down to grab Monica's hair, yanking her head out from between Tammy's legs.

"Not too much slut, this one belongs to Doc and he said not to spoil her."

A few hours later and we were sitting at the kitchen table, the girls had made me another excellent supper and I even let them sit at the table with me as we ate. We actually made some small talk about where they came from and what their life was like before they stumbled into my boathouse.

Erica's mom had divorced her dad when she was 15, and hooked up with Monica's dad shortly after. It was just last year that he had also fucked it up and gotten sent to jail so it had been just the three of them since then. Erica got quiet so I didn't push it. Instead we talked about their cheerleading competitions, favorite movies and foods, and other minor but interesting things. Finally, I leaned back and looked down the table at them. They got quiet and nervous, hoping that they hadn't said anything to upset me. Instead, I was weighing the risks of my next question.

"I am going to as you a question and want you to tell me the truth. I promise that whatever you say, you won't be punished in any way and I think you know me well enough that I keep my promises." They nodded nervously in response.

"What do you think about what has happened to you since you showed up here?" I asked. The girls glanced at each other uncertainly. I had heard them talking in their cages at night so I had an idea, I don't think they had ever really considered it.

After a few seconds of nervous silence Monica turned and looked at me, "Master, both of us had fucked up abusive fathers who bailed on us in one way or another. Our boyfriends have been testosterone packed idiots who only were only interested in our bodies. I don't think any of them would have ever even thought to ask a question like that, much less cared about what we had to say." She paused to take breath and think for a second then continued.

"I have graduated high school this year, but have no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I would have probably end up sticking it out in college for two or three years then get some dead end job somewhere until I got pregnant. I was scared during that camping trip, scared of what was to come after it was finished. I never imagined it would end up like this."

Erica chimed in. "Here, with you, we know what is expected of us. Even with Masters Tim or Doc, we feel safe with you there. I was scared at first, but with you I have done things that I could never have dreamed doing on my own." She reached out and took Monica's hand, her thumb stroking her step-sister's fingers. "Well, maybe I dreamed about some of it." She said with a shy smile.

Monica blushed and looked down at the table. Here face disappeared behind a veil of blonde hair but I saw her own fingers tense to clasp Erica's hand. She glanced up at her step-sister then over at me.

"I guess what we are saying is, you are the best thing that has happened to us. We were scared at the start, but we are happy with you now." She said in a clear voice, and Erica nodded her head in assent.

I released a deep breath that I had been holding. I had been seeing this shift in the girls, from prisoners to partners, but wasn't sure if it was genuine or a ploy. I smiled back at them.

"Don't think this changes anything." I said in a gruff voice. "I am the master here, and you two will do what I say, when I say it, to whomever I tell you to, or you will be punished hard."

"Yes Master, we understand our place." Erica replied. "I just want you to know that we are glad to have it with you."

I had expected to take my slaves in another threesome after supper, but after this I suggested we go down to the rec room and watch a movie together. They clapped their hands with glee and started arguing over which DVD to pick. It was weird, my slaves were acting like my girlfriends, I guess this is what happens when you treat them decently.

"Monica, go check on Tammy and make sure she has her food and water for the night. I am going to the can then I will meet you down there." Tammy was in one of the girls cages. While she was being treated better here than Doc ever did, she was still his slave and I didn't want any trouble when he got back.

Monica pranced up the stairs, her long legs and tight ass sticking out sexily from the flannel shirt she was wearing. I had even gone out and bought them some socks to keep their feet warm and the cute little white ankle socks flashed in the darkness as she went down the hall. I turned into the bathroom and had just sat down when I realized I had forgotten my phone.

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