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Melissa's Ordinary Day Ch. 03

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Melissa finds out a little more about what's happening.
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Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/17/2023
Created 05/10/2016
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Jessica was excited. She and Melissa had become friends over the past few weeks as Melissa became acclimated to her...new situation. Jessica had been in a similar one the year before. She was a lot further along to her destination, and so as she got her coffee ready, she was aware that while she couldn't possibly stop herself from doing so, she had slid her panties down to her knees, removed her butt plug, and was gently stroking her limp penis over her hot coffee cup while massaging her prostate with a vibrator. As such, she was able to feel the sensations and sighed as she felt the release coming. However, her ejaculation didn't feel anywhere near as good as an orgasm would have, despite the grunt that escaped her throat.

She sat down after replacing her butt plug, that action returning control of her actions to her own mind. Jessica realized that the reason that her coffee tasted so good was because she had just dumped a load of her cum in it, but what she actually tasted was really good coffee with sugar and half and half, just like she had enjoyed coffee most before...that's where things got fuzzy.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. What had been before? She crossed her legs, aware of the slight shiver that the feeling of the white stockings she wore constantly gave her. Suddenly, what had come before wasn't that important. What mattered was that she had permission to let Melissa understand more of what was going on, and she was excited. She was going to go over to Melissa's apartment after they both got out of work.

Her excitement didn't override the fact that despite mentally being aroused by the thought, her body wasn't able to respond accordingly. Jessica's dick was about the same size as Melissa's. When allowed to get an erection, her uncut shaft was two and a half inches thick and just under eight inches from its shaved base.

Jess finished her coffee and glided on her own heels, very similar to what Melissa wore, into her bathroom to get ready. She became a passenger in her own body as her programming took over, compelling her to remove and clean her three-inch-thick butt plug, then give herself an enema until the only thing exiting her body was clear warm water.

Finished cleaning herself, Jessica once again had control of her own body. She took a shower, briefly losing control again, watching her hand guide her razor over her armpits, her long, muscular legs, and finally denuding around her rear entrance, her crotch, her balls, and her above-average cock. The control returned and she shut off the water, stepping out to dry her smooth body off.

She dried her wavy auburn hair, and glanced at herself in the mirror. She was proud of her body, and most people who were attracted to women would agree. She was taller than Melissa at five foot seven. Her fair skin was without blemishes. Jessica's tummy wasn't quite flat but didn't have any flab; it was evident from that and her general muscle tone that she took care of herself, working out six days a week. She had smaller breasts than Melissa did, perky D cups, so they were nothing to be ashamed of. Her slender neck led to a rounder face than Melissa's more oval-shaped face, with a smaller more button-like nose. Her eyes were tied with her figure in features that she was proud of. They were a striking shade of hazel that was closer to green than brown, a little larger than most women's and had an alluring almond shape. The permanent makeup eyeliner helped to enhance their look.

Jess got dressed, shivering as she slid the silk stockings up her smooth legs and attaching the lace tops to her matching nude garter belt. She had already tucked her limp cock into her panties, tucked back so that it didn't create a bulge that could draw unwanted attention. That was one thing she was grateful for, that her programming took control of that organ away from her. She didn't get an erection without permission.

She slid the thong out of the crack of her ass and grunted as her butt plug slid back inside her rectum, and immediately felt much more complete. More of her programming, she was aware. That taken care of, she finished putting on her lavender skirt, white blouse, and matching jacket after she did her hair and makeup, then headed off to work.

She was able to concentrate well enough during her work day that nobody noticed, but Jess was aware of how much more she was flexing her sphincter around her plug as she thought about how that night would go, and she noticed but didn't act on the drops of fluid that slowly leaked out of the head of her useless cock.

The day felt like it took forever to be done and she wasted no time in clearing out of the office, eager to head home. She wasn't worried about dinner, since she was heading to Melissa's place to eat with her friend. She stopped and picked up a good bottle of merlot on her way to Melissa's, having everything that she might need in her purse.

There were butterflies in Jessica's stomach as she walked up to the door of Melissa's apartment. She knocked, her mouth suddenly dry, even though she was very sure of how the evening would play out. She had her instructions.

The door opened and the shorter blonde's face lit up. "Jess! I've got dinner going, please come in," Melissa said, standing back to allow her friend in.

"Thanks," Jessica replied, stepping across the threshold. Once inside, Melissa closed the door and gave her a kiss on the lips that wasn't passionate but was a lot more familiar than just two friends would share.

Jessica looked her friend over and liked what she saw. Melissa was wearing similar attire: businesslike, indicating that she should be taken seriously, but carefully chosen to highlight and bring out femininity in every way possible. Neither of them took their shoes off, even though they were both wearing similar pumps with four- or five-inch heels. It never crossed either of their minds.

Breathing in deeply through her nose, Jessica remarked, "That smells fantastic."

Melissa beamed. "Thanks. Follow me," she continued and headed into the kitchen. Jessica was happy to, idly watching the way that her blonde friend's ass swayed as she walked, the skirt being just tight enough to highlight her firm rear and the swell of her hips. And unlike Melissa, Jess noticed the plug in her ass filling her and shifting with every step. Now that she was out of work and out of the public eye, she was starting to realize just how horny she was. How long had it been since she had come, other than when she was preparing food? she wondered idly, then realized that it wasn't important. Her guidance of Melissa tonight would almost ensure that that would happen sooner rather than later.

She shivered as she and Melissa talked. She got the bottle of wine open and poured two glasses. Melissa took no notice as Jess hiked her skirt up, pulled her panties down to reveal her flaccid member, removed her butt plug, and started using the vibrator she had taken out of her purse on her prostate, absently stroking herself. Melissa seemed completely oblivious to her friend masturbating right in front of her, her preseminal fluid seeping out of her dick and dripping into the wine glasses. She carried on her conversation as if nothing was happening, unable to hear it when Jessica grunted, getting roughly equal quantities of her sperm in each wine glass.

Melissa continued to be oblivious while Jessica cleaned up and rearranged her clothing, not noticing anything to do with the wine until her friend handed one of the glasses to her. She took a sip. "Mmm...that's good. Merlot?"

Jessica was still flushed, her body still reacting to the orgasm that she had barely felt. She now realized that every time she forced an orgasm out of herself, it added to an ocean of arousal that she was aware of but didn't really feel. "Yeah, it's one that I've tried before. I really like it."

"So do I," Melissa replied. She had no idea that her eyes went unfocused for a few seconds and that a soft moan escaped her full lips. Jessica did. And she heard her own as she felt her mind go a little fuzzy and a warm ripple of pleasure trickled through her body.

Back in reality, Melissa came back to the world and announced, "Dinner is just about ready." She served out portions of the chicken and green beans onto two plates and set them on the edge of the table. Then her eyes went glassy as she got an identical vibrator to Jessica's after hiking her skirt up, dropping her panties, and removing her own identical ass plug with a similar grunt. Jessica was rooted to the spot, feeling herself go fuzzy again as she watched, powerless to move, as Melissa slowly stroked her also-uncut cock that dripped precum onto their food. Jessica's mouth fell open and she felt a little drool run from the corner of her mouth as she heard Melissa get closer. It wasn't until Melissa had finished grunting and depositing roughly equal amounts of her own cum on each plate that Jessica returned to herself.

While her own shaft was as pliable as ever, she felt the ocean of arousal within her both grow and come closer to her consciousness. She felt her ass gripping the plug rhythmically, and she felt the resulting warm dampness in her panties.

As soon as she had cleaned her vibrator and rearranged herself with her plug in her rear again, Melissa returned to the moment. She smiled, apparently not realizing what had just transpired. "Let's eat."

They sat down across from each other and made small talk as they ate. Again, Melissa didn't notice but Jess was acutely aware of how both of them would pause and their eyes would unfocus for a second or two each time that they ingested another bit of cum-flavored food or wine. And it was driving her crazy, she noticed in the back of her mind. Her cock may have been completely soft but within her lacy bra, her nipples were tight and hard as pebbles. She helped Mel clean up and they retired to the living room. Still wearing their shoes, the continued the conversation from dinner, still sipping the wine with Jessica's jizz in it.

During a lull, Jessica cleared her throat. "Melissa," she began, "we need to talk."

"Sure," the blonde replied with a smile. "About what?"

"Well..." Jess began, uncertain how to continue. She thought for a moment. "How does that wine taste?"

Melissa took another sip, finishing the glass, going fuzzy again. "It's good."

"Do you want to know why it's so good?"

"Because you're good at picking out tasty wine."

Jessica chuckled. "Thank you, but that's only part of it. There's more."

Now Melissa truly looked confused. "Um...what are you talking about?"

"Do you ever feel a little odd during your day?"

"Odd how?"

"Just...off. Like you might hear a whisper when no one is around. Or that you're doing something that you wouldn't normally."

She thought for a moment, then answered, "Not really. But now that you mention it, some of my dreams have been a little off lately."


"I don't know, exactly. I can't remember but when I wake up, I feel like I was just experiencing something kind of sexy but it feels sort of...forbidden, I guess? But it's like a sort of...delicious naughtiness, I guess. I don't know."

Jessica took a deep breath. "Melissa, you and I are both sex slaves." Her stomach was full of butterflies.

Now she was totally confused. "What?"

"We are sex slaves. You are a sex slave and so am I," the redhead reiterated. The third time Mel heard the phrase "sex slave," Melissa's eyes went completely empty. Her mouth went slack and she started to drool. Jessica remembered what that had felt like. It was as if a curtain had been drawn back to show a different set in a play. There was another curtain behind that set, but that one wasn't important. When this had happened to her, Jessica recalled that she had been...well, unresponsive wasn't the right word but it was as close as she could articulate in her own mind. It had lasted for around five minutes.

It took Melissa closer to ten. As she waited, Jess finished off her own glass, shivering at the pleasure that she knew that she was allowed to feel at knowing her own cum was passing between her lips, on its way to her stomach. It wouldn't be long now.

"Uh!" Melissa started after her eyes had begun to focus again.

Jess sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Melissa, honey, are you OK?"

"I...um...I don't...I think so. But I'm not sure. What did you just say?"

"You are a sex slave like I am."

"A sex slave?"

"Yes. It is voluntary."

"I don't remember anything about that."

"I know. Neither do I, it's just something that I know."

"How?" Melissa asked. This was getting more and more confusing.

"I don't know how, and I don't know why I don't know. I'm pretty sure that I'm not allowed to, yet. I was given permission to let you know that you have permission to know that you, like me, are a..." she shuddered, unbidden pleasure lightly flitting through her body as she said the next words, "shemale sex slave."

Melissa looked down at herself. "A what?"

Jess shivered again. "A shemale sex slave. We're women but we have dicks, remember?"

Melissa's eyes went glassy again for a few seconds. "I do?" She hiked up her skirt and felt her panties. "Wow...just...I...wow."

Jess smiled at her warmly. "I enjoy it, so far."

"Who are we slaves to, then?"

Jessica tried to think to answer but just got vague images of imposing femininity and feelings of submissiveness. "I...I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of woman but I don't know for sure."

Melissa sat silently for a moment. "A woman?"

"I think so."

"I don't know why, but that feels right. This is really weird, Jess. How long have you known this?"

"About six weeks. I think. But I have no memory of how, it's just that I remember noticing that about six weeks ago I'd just become a passenger in my own body and it would do things that felt normal but would never have occurred to me," Jessica tried to explain.

"Like what? What kind of things?" The confusion on Melissa's face was worse than ever. Jess found herself incredibly attracted to her friend, partly because she didn't know what was going on.

She stood and retrieved her purse and the wine bottle. "This is what I mean," she said, beginning to refill their glasses. "I won't be choosing to do what happens next." As soon as she set the bottle down, she felt the control leave her body. She had no way of stopping herself as she got ready for the vibrator, gently setting her large ass plug on Melissa's coffee table and sighing as the vibrations massaged her prostate. She watched her other hand stroking herself over the glasses and realized that a lot of the contents of that ocean of arousal that was just out of reach was exactly because she was on auto pilot. It dawned on her that she was incredibly submissive and that what she was doing was so submissive that many people never understood it, much less got to experience it.

Melissa's mouth hung open as she watched her friends face go slack, her eyes glassy, her mouth open and drool running down her chin to drip onto her cleavage. She couldn't believe that Jess was standing there just masturbating as if her brain was a million miles away. And Jess had a big cock that she was stroking! Her mouth watered at the thought of it. Wait a minute, she thought, I have a cock, too! She was aware of but couldn't react to the shudder of pleasure that the thought gave her, making her clamp down impulsively on the butt plug that she didn't realize was filling her until she clenched her ass on it.

She moaned softly, realizing that her face was picking up a glassy look, too, and was caressed by another wave of pleasure as she grasped that both of them were completely enslaved and it had been voluntary. She didn't know how she knew that, either, but she knew it just like Jessica did.

Meanwhile, Jessica grunted and her load dribbled from her cock into their wine glasses. She barely felt the orgasm, knowing that once she had permission she would feel a hell of a lot more than a slight tingle in her toes when that happened. She wanted to feel impatient but felt her mind insist that she could wait, that was for the best, as she got control of her body back.

"That's weird," she half-whispered.

Melissa's mind had come back to her as soon as Jess' muted climax had happened. Her mouth had begun watering profusely as soon as the jizz had dropped into the glasses. "What's weird?" she asked absentmindedly.

"Normally I'm just along for the ride until my clothes are rearranged after that happens," she replied. She stood there, spent cock dangling, her plug on the coffee table. She pointed to it. "And that's in my ass."

"You know more than I do," Mel shrugged.

Jess also shrugged, and reinserted the plug in herself on her own, unable to keep another soft grunt silent as its widest part stretched her back out.

She moaned as something that felt like the precursor to an orgasm washed through her body and a voice in her head, soft, deep, but very feminine cooed, "Good girl."

"Did you hear that?" she asked Melissa.

"Hear what?"

"I didn't think so. I just was told that I'm a good girl," she explained as she pulled her panties back up and tucked her shaft in between her legs, "and it felt like I was going to come for a few seconds." She took a very deep breath as she put her skirt back. "It was amazing."

"I just realized that I have no idea when the last time that I came was," Melissa said, awe in her voice. The depth of submission and control that this unknown entity had over her was breathtaking. Without realizing it, she picked up her phone and sent a text that she didn't know that she knew. She had no idea what the text that she sent said, either.

Within two minutes, both of their phones rang. "Hello?" they both echoed.

Then their eyes both went completely unfocused as the voice on the other end began to speak.

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MatureandkinkyMatureandkinkyabout 3 years ago

So different and delightfully intriguing!

I'm hooked ......

SissyTaraSissyTaraalmost 5 years ago
Better and better

After a rather slow and puzzling start this series keeps getting better. It’s like putting together a sexy puzzle.

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