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Motorhome Adventures Pt. 01


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I knew I wasn't the only guy who liked Rose. Her petite frame and large breasts made her an obvious object of male desire and fantasy. I'd once got myself in a bit of trouble at school when I'd punched a guy for calling her a prawn. "You take the head off and the rest is pretty tasty" he'd said in the locker room before rugby one day and in our first scrum of practice I'd clocked him an uppercut to the nose. I'm not sure he ever put two and two together and realised that comment was connected to my but boy did it feel good.

I actually thought her face was beautiful, okay, I thought she was the most stunning girl in the whole world, but I guess everyone has their own tastes.

We all laughed and joked about as we played in the water. The games got more and more playful and hands on until we were all dunking each other in the water and hands were brushing over bare skin and swimming costumes left right and centre.

"I need the toilet" Rose announced, giggling like anything.

"Go in the woods, not the camper, you're dripping wet," James announced.

"Urm.... Really?" Rose replied, slightly desperate.

"Just go in the water, that's what I've been doing," Sammy added. Even if she hadn't actually, she probably would have said it just for shock value, "I'm sure the boys are doing the same."

"I think I'd rather the woods" Rose announced and got out the water, her bikini bottoms clinging to her bum as she got out the water.

"We'll keep this perv in the water so he doesn't try and sneak a peak," James joked grabbing onto my arm. He knew I fancied Rose but clearly realised he was the only one laughing and let the joke die there.

Rose returned after a couple of minutes and we all played for a little bit longer until we all decided it was time for dinner.

I was on cooking duty that night (it was only some pasta and a pre-made sauce) but James insisted I slip out my trunks before going inside. I tied a towel around me and dutifully slipped off my wet trunks. The others were going to dry by the fire which James was working on. Him and Holly slipped off to find some firewood.

When they returned, I was just dishing up into the five bowls we had brought.

"Here let me grab some of those" James said, sticking his head in the door, before adding in a whisper, "you know that thing I was going to tell Holly about earlier."

He meant telling her I had found her nudes on his phone.

"She was totally cool with it," he continued to whisper.

"Really? She was fine with me seeing her... like that" I was a little surprised, she always seemed so traditional to me, not frigid because I knew they were in a relationship but I don't know what the word is... monogamous?

"Yeah," he replied, "I'm fact, I think she found the idea kind of hot. She just... I just got a blowjob in the forest thanks to you."

I really didn't know what to say.

"You're welcome," I said uncertainly, unsure there was a normal response.

And with that our conversation was over and we took the bowls out, while I awkwardly tried to stop my semi showing through just my towel. I figured I would eat while the food was hot and get into my clothes later.


After dinner we all played games round the fire and I never ended up going to get dressed.

Once we were all bored of Uno, we moved on to 'never have I ever' again but this time with alcohol.

The questions started off innocent enough, before inevitably turning sexual. I think three days without access to privacy or porn had got us all a little wound up. I knew Sammy had got herself off at least once, though I suspected if anyone had put the work into finding a way to get off it would have been her.

I knew Rose and I had our session but she seemed to be trying to completely block it out or deny it ever happened and I wasn't even sure she'd had an orgasm.

James had gotten head off of Holly just a few hours ago but from the amount of time they were away I doubt he had returned the favour.

I tried to use my turns to see if Rose would admit what had happened. I thought "never have I ever given a guy a handjob in a Motorhome" was a little too obvious, but I tried things like "never have I ever done anything sexual with someone else in the group" but she wasn't biting on any of them. I did think it one point maybe her eyes darted down and away from me but I couldn't be sure.

Holly was clearly uncomfortable in her one-piece as it was drying. I guess sitting in a bikini is a bit easier. She kept reaching under her and trying to subtly rearrange the fabric between her legs. Perhaps if what James had told me was true it wasn't just the fabric making her a bit sensitive and damp down there.

The game fizzled out and soon turned into truth or dare.

Each person had their turn.

James chose dare and was dared by Sammy to give us all a dance which he pretended to be reluctant about, but was soon showing off.

Sammy went next and chose truth.

Rose asked her if she really broke up with Josh via text and she said yes, even showing her phone with the text and then the line underneath where she had blocked his number. That girl was hot but she was also stone cold.

Next was Roses turn and she chose dare. James jumped in there straight away and dared her to kiss Sammy. Which bought him an elbow from Holly, but a dare is a dare and Rose and Sammy obliged. It was really hot to watch and as I adjusted my arm to cover the growing bump in my towel, I could see Holly adjusting herself once again.

Next was my turn, choosing truth (mostly because I didn't want to have to stand up after watching the girls kids) and James was clearly on a rampage.

"Since school is over and we're all off to different Unis next year, who was your biggest crush at school?" He asked. He knew what he was doing with a cheeky glint in his eye. He wanted me to admit to Rose how I felt. I think part of him was being a good wingman, but mostly he had just had a few drinks and was hoping to enjoy the chaos.

"Dare!" I quickly replied.

"You can't do that!" James and Sammy said almost in unison. Only Holly, who also knew how I felt, seemed to be showing me any mercy. Even she was outnumbered.

I gripped my beer can a little tighter. I was so nervous.

"Yeah alright, it's not like I was subtle about it," I relented, heart in the back of my throat, "it was Rose."

I tried to pull off casual and unphased.

"Me?" Rose replied, seeming genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I mean, I asked you out a couple of years ago, and..." I let my words fall away.

"I didn't think that meant..." she seemed genuinely lost for words.

I mean how could it be that much of a surprise to her. I'd slept holding her tight and close last night, and we'd gotten each other off in the night. She confused me so much.

"Well this is awkward," James said, grinning "shall we move on?"

"Please, quickly" Holly added, shuffling once again in her chair, "and I think it's my turn, I think I might go for a dare after that."

It was a good option to keep the mood light. No one could really think of anything, and Holly adjusted herself once again.

"I dare you to take off that swimsuit," said Sammy at last, "it's clearly uncomfortable and you've got your towel round you anyway."

Everyone stared silently.

"Umm, you want me to get naked in front of the whole group?" Holly asked.

"No," Sammy asked, "well yeah, you're clearly struggling with your suit, and I'm not surprised it's still wet. You can slip it off behind a towel and then we can get on with the game.

"Okay," Holly said, looking briefly over at James for any objections. I made a point of turning away even though James was helping her keep her towel up but wondered either James or Holly would really care if I hadn't. It sounds like it was kind of a 'thing' for both of them.

Holly settled back down in her seat and dropped her damp one-piece next to her chair. Her towel covered just as much as her one piece had, maybe even more, but somehow knowing what was under the towel and that I was naked too under mine added a certain mystery.

It was James's turn again. He chose dare.

Rose immediately jumped at her chance for revenge after James had made her kiss Sammy and then made me declare my undying love for her.

"I dare you to kiss him" she said pointing at me.

"Fine," said James "it's just a kiss, and he's my mate."

He kissed me square on the lips. It did nothing for me, or him I don't think, but it really didn't bother us all that much. It was a dare not a passionate make-out.

Rose sunk back in her chair, disappointed not to get her good natured revenge on James.

It was Sammy's turn again she chose truth.

Holly asked the next question.

"Does anal actually feel good?"

We were all a bit shocked but frankly there was very little modesty left between us.

Sammy paused for a moment, but only to consider her answer.

"In a way," she said "it's not as pleasurable as my clit or pussy, but the guys love that I'll let them and I guess I like how much they like it. That's a big turn on for me. But if it was just for me I'd just take it in my pussy."

We all sat and processed this information for a second.

"Cool," Holly broke the silence and sat back in her chair. Was she considering letting James try the back door, or was she just curious? I had no idea.

Rose went next and chose truth. Sammy asked when the last time she had got off was. Typical Sammy.

"Urm, just before we came on this trip," she answered quietly. Why wasn't she acknowledging what happened between us, did she just not want our friends to know?

"With someone or yourself?" Sammy followed up.

"That's a second question," Rose protested. Sammy looked disappointed, until she shyly added "but by myself"

My turn next, and once bitten, twice shy I chose dare.

"I dare you to stand up," Sammy laughed, "without the towel" she added as if she'd just thought of it.

"You chose Rose's truth, surely someone else should choose," I said. This was considered for a second and then rejected. I had two choices, stand up and expose my nearly fully erect cock to my friendship group, or refuse and probably bring the game to an end.

I tensed my jaw and inhaled sharply. I stood and let the towel drop.

"You said he was quite big," Holly nudged James. How did James know what my semi-erect cock looked like, and why would he be sharing this with James.

"Only from the locker room showers, I've never seen it you know... aroused," James felt the need to clarify for the group.

I picked my towel back up and wrapped myself back up, sitting back in my seat. I looked over at the girls in the group. Sammy looked like a kid in a sweet shop. I assumed that she was just pleased with herself getting me naked, rather than being particularly impressed. I felt my body was fine, I played sports and had a decent shape but I wasn't exactly a male model and I'm sure her exes had been far more impressive.

Rose looked a little flushed, almost embarrassed at having seen me nude, although from where she was sat she'd probably seen more of my arse than anything else. She definitely wasn't repulsed though so I will take that as a win.

It was Holly's turn and she chose truth. Rose asked this time.

"What's your ultimate sexual fantasy."

"Threesome," she said immediately with a nod to James, "two guys in one go."

A few days ago this would have been a surprise to me but I'd learnt a lot about my best mate's relationship today.

The other girls clearly were less well-informed.

"Wow," was all Rose managed to say

"Hot!" added Sammy, "I've only ever had them with another girl and a guy before so you will have to tell me what it's like."

There was something Sammy hadn't done? That was frankly the biggest surprise of the evening.

Holly clearly forgot she was wearing just a towel, and her legs parted just enough to let me see between her rounded thighs and I swear I saw a little bit of her pink lips too. As quickly as she had opened them again she closed them and swung her legs to the side, giving me a view instead of the outside or her thigh and side of her bottom. I found the little dimples and textures of the skin captivating in the light of the fire.

It was James's turn next and he chose truth too.

"How do you feel about what Holly just said," I asked, staring back at Holly who was watching James eagerly, I stole another glance as her thick rounded thighs.

"Urm...," James hesitated, "yeah we've spoken about it before so I'm not surprised. I would be happy to try one to be honest. I mean I'd also like 2 girls, or 3, or 4, but if it's a turn on for Holly then it's a turn on for me."

Wow, what honesty. There's something incredibly rare about that but I think we all could understand the way they explained it.

"Right I'm off to bed," Rose announced, yawning.

"Yeah me too," added Sammy, but first I need to use the toilet.

"Shotgun," Rose called.

Sammy shrugged and headed off towards the woods.

I went off in a different direction and after thinking of baseball for a short while, managed to go for a piss. It felt slightly odd stood naked in the woods having a piss. But at the same time, kind of nice.

I headed back and washed my hands before heading to bed in my boxers. I was at least a bit disappointed to find my bed empty and Rose back in her own bunk.


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Blake_StoneBlake_Stone10 months ago

A few editing glitches but overall a damn fine story and well worth the read. Looking forward to future chapters. A lot :)

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nice start. More please!

HardBenHardBen10 months ago

Very much enjoying the start of this exciting week.

Great story

Doubtfire3045Doubtfire304510 months ago

You just know Sammy would be up for anything but the real turn on would be Rose quietly engineering a threesome. Or a foursome, or five.

AnniversaryAnniversary10 months ago

Interesting read, part 2?

jonyoungaujonyoungau10 months ago

really good story so far, hope you write more of the story

DJShagpileDJShagpile10 months ago

What a fine debut from Hermes216. Probably my favourite story from this side of the pond. Thank you Hermes, I'm really looking forward to the next instalment.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great start, looking forward to part 2

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