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My Birthday Wish

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Virgin daughter and mother have wishes fulfilled.
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All characters are 18 or more years old.

This is ultimately a tale of how Mom and I came to be in the state we now find ourselves. Me, pretty much as I had both hoped and expected to be and her, well, not so much expected as perhaps hoped for, and very much happily surprised by her birthday gift.

Speaking of birthdays a little explanation is in order, to better understand what happened.

My birthday is just one month before my mom's. She is only eighteen years and ten months older than me. Dad is twenty-four years older than her but he's still a very, very, active, healthy sixty to her thirty-six. Given Dad's age, they didn't mess around. I showed up almost exactly ten months after their honeymoon.

Though they had thought from time to time of making a sibling for me, time passed. Life sort of happened. Finally, they figured one was enough and after a few years, Dad got snipped. So it was I grew up a happy, only child.

Because of all this, my tale here is in two parts. I'll need to start with what happened on my birthday to explain it all.


One Month Ago.

It was Thursday and was 18 today!

My folks were happy. Their little girl was a woman!

High School was done, college was on track and things looked good. I was happy they were happy, and they were happy I was happy, but I was a lot happier than they knew for a reason they didn't yet fully appreciate.

At last, I was 18!

That meant now I really could have my wish when I blew out those candles. I planned on making it come true just as soon as possible too. I was going to go for it immediately, as in right then and there.

It was a small party. Just a few of my friends who were still in town and some of the neighbors. It was one of those neighbors who was the focus of my birthday wish, though he didn't know it.

I'd dated a little in school but really I think just so as not to appear too different. I had had for quite a while a pretty good idea of what I wanted. I wanted what my mom had gotten. I had found him too.

Dad was a science professor at the local college when he met Mom and that's a story all its own. The fellow who lived a few houses down from us on the same block had been a professor and Dad's research partner in the same department for the last four years. He and my folks were great friends and while he was "Doctor" so and so at work he was just plain Bob to them and me.

He was single, thirty-eight, and the nicest person I'd ever known. He was also a very simple fellow as so many of the real scientists I had been around as I grew up seemed to be. I mean simple in the sense of not complicated. If something new or surprising didn't intrigue them they just didn't worry about it. If it did, they were very quick on the uptake. They said they were at least able to recognize the right answer when shown.

I was going to show him the right answer to a need he might not realize he had.

It helped that he was quite friendly and clear that he liked me.

That "liking" was going to be improved on a great deal this very evening. I was way beyond having a crush on him. I wanted him all for myself forevermore. I also wanted to start making babies with him just as quickly as I could too.

You get the picture. I knew what I wanted and since I was 18 and could finally have it, I wanted it right now. I had prepared for this party. No bra tonight, my white blouse wasn't sheer at all but even a not-so-deep breath would show my nipples well enough. No panties either and my skirt was truly short. Any woman of the original Enterprise crew could have worn it. Delayed gratification held no interest for me. Not tonight of all nights.

I took a deep breath and blew out all the candles at once. Then I looked up to give Bob the biggest, most seductive smile I could. He looked only a tiny bit nervous as he returned the smile.

"Hope you get your wish honey," Mom said as Dad and Bob both nodded their agreement.

"I most certainly plan to," I replied firmly.

All I had to do now was have cake and ice cream and wait till all the guests but he had left.

Finally everyone had gone and my folks and Bob were tidying up. I dashed upstairs t get my purse and a small bag with my toothbrush, combs, and such. I was prepared.

I was standing near the front door when they came back from the kitchen. Dad was just telling Bob thanks for coming over and that he'd see him at work in the morning.

"Well that's good then," I interjected to get their attention.

With all of them looking at me I continued. "You, Dad, and Bob can all meet with me down at the courthouse over lunch," I said looking right at Mom.

"Why dear?" she asked.

"Well after the rest of tonight, we'll all need to sign papers, you be witnesses and so on to make my birthday present legal and all Mom."

"Your birthday present?"

"Yes, Mom. You just told me you hoped it would come true so just watch and see if it doesn't."

Having said this I turned my full attention to Bob who happened to be standing between my parents. Taking a step closer to him I took both his hands in mine and looked as intently as I could at his somewhat curious gaze.

"I have found what my mom found 18 years ago and I want it for myself. I want it right now too. Bob, you are my 18th birthday present. You will take me tonight and be mine form now on."

All three of them just stood there more or less expressionless. Then a smile began to spread across Dad's face. Mom saw it and her eyes began to gleam as she raised a hand to touch the smile beginning on her lips.

Bob looked rather intently at me before glancing at my folks. They were grinning openly by then. His mouth fell partway open as he turned back to face me.

"She seems pretty sure of herself Bob," stated Dad.

Bob managed to make some inarticulate sound and his eyes got big and round as he looked me up and down. By the time his eyes got back to my face the looks of his trousers told me something else was getting big and round too! This was going pretty well even if he had apparently lost the ability to speak.

I leaned in close, nearly plastering myself to him, and looked up into his eyes.

"I'm all ready for you tonight and you're going to marry me tomorrow Bob. Surely you're not going to disappoint me on my birthday are you?"

I don't know which I noticed first, his left hand behind my head holding my eager lips to his while his tongue and mine made love, or his strong right hand sliding up my short, short skirt to grip my bare bottom and press me so firmly against the rising desire tightening up in his pants.

No, he wasn't going to disappoint me at all.

"Looks like a pretty definite yes to me dear," I heard Dad say.

"It sure does honey," mom replied.

Bob's right hand slid slowly from my left butt cheek and I stepped back to look at my parents.

I picked my purse and small bag from the table by the door and smiled at them.

"I'll call you in the morning Mom." Then turning to Bob as I headed out the door I said, "Come along dear. That was a nice start but you have a whole lot more to do before we get up tomorrow morning."

The door closed behind us. I wanted to run to the end of the block where my new home sat on the corner. Bob's grip on my hand wouldn't let me do that and he seemed to be moving through molasses.

I tried to pull him along but it didn't speed things up much. Finally, he spoke.

"You're sure eager."

"You bet I am! Please get me home so we can do something about it!"

"I know I'm not dreaming. What you're not wearing under those clothes makes that crystal clear. The thing is it's just so hard to believe how lucky I am. The plain truth right now though is that the state you've gotten me in makes it a very painful pleasure to walk quickly or comfortably."

I laughed, but at las,t we made it through the gate between the big front hedges along the sidewalk at his place. I didn't realize I'd stopped moving till I felt his tug on my hand. It hit me that this was now my home. I had stopped and was just looking at it.

Suddenly he let go of my hand. The next thing I felt was his big hand cupping my bare bottom again as he scooped me from the ground with his left arm beneath my shoulders. He may have had some trouble walking but we fairly flew up the stairs and were through the door in no time at all.

He didn't even close the door, just ran to the big soft couch across the room and tossed me on it. He kicked off his shoes and as he reached for his socks I started in on the buttons on my blouse. It opened to let my breasts fall free but I froze with it half down my shoulders. He had stripped his shirt off and the sight of all those muscles made something feel like it flipped over inside me.

Then he reached for his belt. I nearly ripped the poor blouse off. Looking up as I tossed it aside I saw that he had paused at the sight of my breasts. The raw desire in his gaze got me moving again.

I laid back, lifted my legs, shucked my skirt off, and tossed it. Talk about raw desire! The sight of me lying there completely nude and waiting for his attention shoved him right over the edge. He peeled his pants away in a flash. There he stood for just a moment as I drank in the sight of that muscled body and a huge erection. I'd never actually seen one before and had no idea how that was going to fit into me but I really, really, wanted to find out.

In the next instant, he was on the couch above me with his hands above my shoulders and his knees between my legs.

It was then I noticed he was actually trembling.

I looked up into his eyes and he said, "I've never done this before. I think I'm going to explode."

"I haven't either so just light the fuse and let's explode together."

He nodded and looking down between our legs began to lower his massive, throbbing member. I watched enraptured as the streetlight streaming in through the screen on the still-open front door let me see its tip sink out of sight between my legs.

I felt its firm, warm slickness as it touched my still virginal dripping cleft.

His whole body was trembling as he held it there. I arched my back to push my hips at him so I could watch it slide in this very first time to leave me a virgin no more.

So much for plans. As if it were a trigger, no sooner than I had started upward to watch him slide into me he slapped himself into me, and with a meaty whack we both exploded. There may have been a brief sharp pain with that first massive thrust but it was wiped away by the jackhammer pounding away between my legs.

A huge wave of pleasure like nothing I'd ever felt washed through me as I locked my upraised legs around him. He says I screamed. I guess I did. What I really recall next is his suddenly freezing motionless shoved deep inside me. It was then I felt it. My virginity was, properly and most wonderfully done away with as he pumped jet after jet into me. IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL.

It was all over in less time than it takes to tell but it was all I could ever have dreamed it might be. I was 18. I was a woman. And I was having full-blown baby-making sex just like my mom had 18 years ago.

It was beautiful alright.

As we lay there catching our breath I realized two things. I wanted to do it again and we really should close that door. I could see people walking by on the sidewalk who had no idea how beautiful this evening had become.

Back to the Present.

So that and the next few weeks are how Bob and I came to be expecting. I had found this out just yesterday. Bob was thrilled. I had to run over to Mom's to tell her right away.

When we both got through squealing and crying we had a nice long talk over a couple of glasses of lemonade. Mom told me how much she was going to enjoy helping me with a new baby.

Then she got a sort of faraway look in her eyes and giggled. "You know dear, if I got pregnant now we could raise our babies together."

"Oh that would be wonderful wouldn't it Mom?"

"Yes, but your dad and I made that impossible a few years ago. Careers and life and all that. It seemed like a good idea at the time and I guess it was, but still. I'm not too old you know. I'd haul off and do it if I could. Oh well, we'll have fun raising however many you and Bob bring along dear."

We left it at that but she sure looked wistful. When I mentioned it to Bob later he agreed our best bet was to be sure she had as big a part in raising our little one as she wanted when the time came.

Tomorrow was also the day Bob and Dad were to attend a big, yearly, scientific meeting. Mom and I were going along to shop and see the sights. It was going to be a great time for all of us.

We got to the hotel early the next morning. That was when things started to go sideways. We had made reservations well in advance and they still had managed to have given our rooms away. After a lot of checking, they found the original bookings. However, it had happened it was too late now.

Because of a large ball game as well as the meeting all the hotel rooms in town were full. All they could offer was to comp us a motel room and a refund. Trouble was the motels were also pretty full. The only room available was on the ground floor of an older place where you parked right outside your door. It had one room with two twin beds and a bathroom with a shower and that was it. There really was nothing to do about it and the boys had to get to their various meetings and presentations.

We chose beds and tossed our belongings in quickly. "Guess we'll just have to enjoy the coziness of each other's company," said Dad with a smile as they departed.

Mom and I had a great time the rest of the day. We met the guys for a quick lunch and decided on the evening. It turned out it was going to be an even longer day than we'd thought. They were part of a committee that had a meeting that didn't get out till at least ten o'clock. So the plan was that Mom and I would head back to the motel and the guys would get there when they got there.

The schedule for tomorrow was a lot less busy which was fine as it was also mom's birthday. We stayed up till after ten talking and finally showered and turned in.

We must have both fallen right to sleep. I woke just barely to hear the guys come quietly in and take brief turns in the shower. There was no night light, only what leaked around the edge of the heavy curtain from the parking lot. I could barely make out the shadow that walked over to Mom's bed and slid beneath the covers on the far side.

There was some rustling and mom murmured something softly as they settled. I had almost dropped off again when I was snuggled up too and nicely spooned. I lifted my right leg slightly so the big erection that went with the spooning was nicely nestled and went back to sleep.

Have I mentioned it was a really cheap motel?

Sometime in the wee hours, a regular thumping on the wall behind our beds' headboards woke me just in time to hear it begin to punctuate the sounds of increasingly loud female passion. Then I heard Mom trying to stifle a giggle as the springs creaked slightly on her bed. I heard the rustle of her covers and could just make out a darker shape rising over her from beneath them in the near darkness.

Oh my goodness. Was Dad going to hump her with us right there not five feet away? Mom's small gasp as the shape above her descended seemed to say yes. "Well, happy birthday then Mom," I thought.

Then I was distracted a bit myself. The erection that had been nestled between my legs had swollen considerably.

I reached down with my right hand into warm wetness, both his and mine. A gentle push with index and middle fingers pushed him nicely into me. I started pushing back over him in time to the thumping and he responded in kind.

The action from Mom ratcheted up quickly. Their headboard was just starting to hit the wall when the voice from next door gave a particularly loud shout. That set everything off, pretty much all at once.

The muffled, wet, meaty slap of him against her was matched by their headboard hitting the wall hard. "Oh! Oh my!" Mom started calling out more and more loudly.

As I heard all of this get started my hips were grabbed. A split second after being flipped onto my back I was being pounded every bit as hard as my headboard joined in with the others.

Mom made it first. She let go with a truly nice scream. The lady from next door had been getting really worked up and that set her off. Another half a dozen loud whacks of my headboard and I finished up for the three of us.

Happy birthday indeed Mom, wow!

I was too tired and comfortable to even talk and I suppose mom was too. We all just went back to spooning and slept.

I woke at a normal hour to feel myself being slowly, and gently fucked from behind. What a nice way to start the day. There was enough light now to see mom's face as she opened her eyes and smiled at me.

With a startled look, she rolled onto her back. There was a rustle and I saw a hump beneath her blankets as her knees rose up. "Wait. What are you? You're not going to?" she said. Then she squealed and arched her head back as juicy sounds began to be heard. I guess he was going to. He was eating her out.

With a sudden motion of the covers he was on top of her and then the fucking began in earnest. It didn't take long at all for her to shout with joy as the lump beneath the covers stilled and emptied itself into her warm waiting pussy just as the one spooning me did as well.

"Happy birthday dear!" said Dad.

Well! That made me jump. And squeal. The voice had come from behind me!

Before I could even begin to process it Bob joined in. "Happy birthday from me too."

Then I saw his head emerge from the covers beside her. And she jumped. And squealed.

Before either of us could say or do anything we heard from Dad.

"You said you wanted another baby dear. Bob and I figured this was a good time and way to make it happen."

Mom just teared up and started crying. "Oh it's just perfect, just perfect," she said between gulps and sniffles.

So it was that Bob spent just a little time the next few weeks over at mom's till she too was once again in the family way. And so it is we're both now happily expectant.

Birthday wishes can be powerful things.

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ToughSailorToughSailor19 days ago

What a bunch of drivel. 👎

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not much to it and too short 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It's a good story, but having one's parents around to coach the proceedings kind of throws a wet blanket over everything. Who would get turned with their parents in the room?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Lots of potential but at this point it lacks description. No real discussion of genitalia. For example, "I drank in the sight of that muscled body and a huge erection. I'd never actually seen one before." Sorry, but had never seen one before, yet somehow knew it was huge? That just doesn't work very well in a story like this. Where is the description of Tits, Nipples, Pussy hair, its color and its abundance, thick - thin - trimmed or it is just another shaved to bald story. Any fetishes to be described? Hopefully the next chapter will address these issues. Keep at this.

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