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My Wife and I Enjoy Watching Ch. 06

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The fun shifts from watching to, well, playing. A lot.
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This is the last chapter in this saga. To have a full understanding of the characters and how events have led to this point, it is helpful if the first five chapters are read first. Don't worry, they are short.

= = = = =

"Oh, to hell with this silly invisibility game," Hailey had exclaimed.

So, it would seem that her presence was now to be acknowledged. What did this mean? It didn't take long to find out.

"She hasn't cum, Rick!" That hot young blonde seemed to berate me as she got on the bed and practically shoved me aside. "Make it about your incredible wife. Not just shooting your load into her! Move off the bed!"

Yep, she was scolding me. So, on weak knees, I got up and went over to the chair which Hailey had just vacated. I grabbed a tissue to wipe off my cum-coated cock while I sat and watched the show. What a show it was! With my freshly fucked wife laying there on her back and my sperm leaking from her, Hailey dove in face first and latched onto my wife's pussy with her mouth while also reaching up and grasping Rachael's breasts.

It would seem that she had mouth-vacuumed my sperm from my wife. I couldn't tell for sure from my position, but it was fairly obvious that my wife's very wet cunt was soon cleaned out as Hailey kept sucking, biting, and playing with my wife's sex with her mouth.

I enjoy sharing oral pleasures with my wife and munching on her, but, damn, Hailey was one aggressive young thing. Had it been me, I might have drowned, given how completely her face was buried between my wife's legs. If she ever came up for air, I never saw it.

Then it happened. My wife screamed out in pleasure. Wow! I had rarely brought her to this level of orgasm, and it was interesting to view. The screams of passion were loud. Could the neighbors hear? I'm not joking. She was loud.

As this orgasmic screaming was occurring, she had grasped Hailey's head and was furiously rubbing it against her center. My wife was using that girl's face, all of it, to please herself with. Again, how could Hailey even breathe?

With some heavy breathing, the dining-on-my-wife's-twat thing was done. Hailey moved up to pillow level and the two women just lay there naked and sweaty with their legs and arms fully entwined as they gazed at each other and gently kissed. Interestingly, even though I had just unleashed my load into my wife a short while before, my cock was starting to rise again. I stood up and went over to the side of the bed, hoping for an invitation.

That invitation didn't come. "Not now. There is nothing left of me," my wife said. "Go away and leave us alone for a while. Tomorrow, I promise, you will be quite satisfied." She then looked at Hailey. "Both of us will satisfy him, right?"

"Definitely. A threesome. It will be my first. Yes, definitely!" Hailey said with enthusiasm. Then, following my wife's lead she said to me, "Go away Rick. This is about your wife and me now. Just us."

That was it. Not knowing how to feel about this, I left the room and dragged my clothes with me, to put them back on out in the TV room. I just sat there stunned by how things had developed. After a while, I could hear the shower running and could only guess that the two women were in there together. I would have loved to watch, but given my recent ejection from the bedroom, I held back. Was I a cuckold to another woman? Yep.

Finally, Hailey left the bedroom and stopped to see me before heading down to her rooms. "Thank you, Rick, for letting me be with her. We'll make you happy tomorrow. I promise. You should go join your wife now."

= = = =

The next morning, a work morning, Rachael and I just went about our normal getting ready for the day activities. I tried to talk to her about the actions from the night before, but she stopped me. "This evening, Hailey and I need to talk first but I think we have a suggestion which you will like." So, with the two of us acting as if it was a completely normal breakfast, we just had our coffee and cereal then Rachael and I left for work. Hailey, given her work in retail which started later than our office jobs, slept in as usual and we didn't see her before heading out to work.

All damn day long I kept thinking about my wife with Hailey. Was I losing my wife to her? Was I gaining a new roomie with benefits? What the hell was happening? Thankfully, it was a low-key day at work as I could barely concentrate on what I was doing. Actually, I mostly just stared out my office window and barely tuned into what was going on around me.

Finally, the workday was over. The three of us had a nice dinner with a Bordeaux wine and the TV running in the background. Nothing was said about Rachael and Hailey getting it on the night before. I had been hushed about this subject that morning by my wife, so I tried to pretend that this was a normal evening and dinner.

When the main course was over, Hailey brought out a light dessert for us to have as we killed off that bottle of wine which went well with the chocolate torts. At long last, Hailey brought up the subject. The "elephant in the room," or as I was thinking of it, the "two beautiful naked ladies getting each other off thing."

"Rick and Rachael," she started, "I have something of a speech to make and a plan to present. Please, pretty please, let me finish before you jump in. Trust me, what I am about to say is totally new for me, and for you, and I don't want to screw it up with poorly chosen words."

So.... I was ready for her speech. What was she about to unveil?

= = = =

Hailey had something on her mind and wanted us to listen. Okay, I'm male and I can almost listen well. Almost. So, in preparation for this event, I opened another bottle of Bordeaux red. One of my favorites which Rachael and I purchased when visiting that area.

She looked almost sheepish when she started. The three of us were still sitting around the dinner table, each of us with some wine in our glasses. "Let me start this off a little oddly, but please hear me out." She looked at me, "Rick, you're a handsome man, and I am really looking forward to having sex with you."

Good so far. This was an announcement that I could deal with. No speech at my office ever started out so well.

She turned to face my wife, "Rachael, I don't how to best put this in words, but I'm in love with you."

My wife sat there with a curious look while I just couldn't stay silent. "Uh, Hailey, what the fuck!"

"Shush, my love. Let her continue," my wife admonished and didn't seem at all surprised by this.

Still looking directly into my wife's face, Hailey expanded on her announcement. "Rachael, I love you, but I will never, ever do anything to try and take you away from him. I don't want to be a part of something like that."

"I would never leave him," my wife said much to my relief.

"Rachael, I just request you to ask yourself every day if you had to pick between me or Rick, which one would it be? If that answer is ever anything but a solid vote for your husband, then you need to say so, and I will know it is time for me to leave."

"I'll do that," Rachael said and then reached over to me to hold my hand.

"Okay, so off to the fun part of this. There is a term called "free use" which I rather like. To put that simply, it means that someone, you two, has open access to another person. Me."

Yep, this speech had just gone way better! I could try and process that whole thing about Hailey falling in love with my wife later.

"I want to be your free-use girl but with some caveats," she turned to look at me. "Rick, you can do anything you want with me, absolutely anything, and the more twisted the better. Don't try and be loving with me. Just use me as a fuck doll or object to use in whatever twisted way you may want. But there is a requirement that Rachael is always present and that she accepts the things you want done. I will never say no, but she can."

This all seemed reasonable in a weird sort of way. I just nodded in favor and looked over to Rachael who did the same.

"Good so far. Rachael, as with Rick, you can have me whenever you want. In addition to whatever kinky ideas you might have, I want us to have loving sessions and I want for them to be private. I want you and I to, well, just spend special time together. Just, as I said, in private. He can't be there."

"Uh, Hailey, I won't keep secrets from my husband."

"That's fine. You can tell him everything, he just can't be with us when we are in my rooms together. I want to be alone with you and as often as we can. I want to make love with you. With Rick, it is about fucking and being used. With you, it is also about loving."

Rachael looked at me and I nodded yes. "We can do this. We want to do this and, Hailey, I kind of have feelings for you as well."

"Wonderful! Oh, one last thing. You two will keep your bed and bathroom doors open at all times so I can come in whenever I want," that luscious blonde took a sip of wine and then finished. "I want to watch you fuck, maybe even just watch you sleep or change clothes or have normal husband-wife chats. You might even find me watching when you are in the bathroom, when you're in the shower or on the toilet. You will have zero privacy from me."

"Sounds just kinky enough to be fun," my wife answered for the two of us.

"Really?" So many thoughts were running through my mind. Did I really want her to watch me on the toilet?

= = = = =

Twenty minutes later I was fucking Hailey. Let me repeat that. Me, a guy in his fifties, was gleefully fucking this incredible woman who was less than half my age and I was doing so with my wife actively participating.

Hailey's pussy was tight, and this delightful experience of being inside her came only after being sucked and orally explored by both women. The two had been on their knees before me as I stood. They slid my cock between their lips as they alternated with kisses and with taking me deep into their mouths. Holy fuck! Hailey, by the way, really liked to suck and munch on my balls, a treat I totally enjoy.

I finally got Hailey onto the bed and flat on her back and was fucking her while also pawing those firm and pleasantly large breasts, I was in heaven. That old saying of "shoot me know" seemed to apply as, at that moment, I could not imagine life getting any better and, I couldn't think of any better way to leave this planet right then.

"Harder! Make her cum!" my wife had prompted me as I stroked in and out of Hailey. So, well, who was I to object to this request? So, I just kept my pumping going and all the while my wife lay beside us while running her hands over both my body and Hailey's.

This was, by the way, my first threesome or anything remotely relating to one. I have to say, it's kind of fun and the act definitely adds a different array of options over just getting it on with one partner. Maybe there should be a public service announcement with the goal of promoting public happiness by having group sex? Yes, I can see the roadside billboards now.

I digress. I held off as long as I could when fucking Hailey, but I did finally let go and ejaculated deeply into her cunt. A place where most men my age could only dream of going. Once done, my wife guided me to lay on my back beside Hailey.

With that young woman and I holding hands while we lay there, my wife had taken it upon herself to do some cleanup. Holy mother of all things sane! As I lay there, I soon felt my wife's tongue licking my cock, balls, and even down to my ass. This last bit, by the way, is something that she literally had never done before. Now, well, with Hailey in the mix, it would seem my wife's horizons had expanded. A lot. When she was apparently done with me, she moved to Hailey and soon was slurping my cum out of that young cunt.

Where was the camera when you needed one? My wife, that middle-aged, beautiful, and classy woman was pushing her face deeply into Hailey and, seemingly, doing one heck of a cleanup job. A video of that would have been priceless. When my wife was done, she came up to the bed beside Hailey and I watched closely as the two women went into a passionate kiss, oblivious to the multiple fluids covering much of my wife's mouth and chin.

Holy crap! Oh, and I do seem to be saying that a lot lately. A million thoughts were running through my mind just then. Clearly, Rachael and I had entered into a new chapter of our lives. It was going to be fascinating to see how this played out.

The next day, I found it curious how these two women could so easily switch from such intimate and exuberant activities in the evening to going about the mundane process of getting ready for work the next day. They were acting as if everything was normal. Trust me, nothing was normal now.

I looked at my wife sitting there eating her cereal while dressed in conservative work attire. Could the men at the office where Rachael worked as a director of marketing even remotely guess what she did in her spare time? This made me wonder about my boss, a fairly attractive woman in her late fifties. What was she like at home?

For nearly two weeks after that wonderful night, there were a whole lot of fun activities between us. I now had two women, two beautiful faces, four legs, two pussies, four breasts, two asses, and two mouths to play with. Play with them I did, and they played with me in return. With their aggressive and way-kinkier approach than me, the variety of fun never ceased.

The sexual activity didn't all include me. This was, in a weird way, a good thing as I only had so much sexual stamina and both women were fired up and ready to play. I had to wonder just how do male porn stars do this? Okay, it's their job, but still, there are some physical limitations to deal with for any human. I was proud of how well I was keeping up with my two ladies but damn they were wearing me out, but in a fun way.

Several nights after dinner, my wife went downstairs with Hailey and stayed there either for a few hours or in a couple cases, until the morning. This situation was fascinating. I didn't know if I should be jealous or turned on by what was happening, or should I get some counseling? Someone should write a manual for thruple newbies as I was a bit confused by all of this. "Thruples for Dummies," yes, that would be the title.

Also, my wife kept me in the dark about her dealings with Hailey and her feelings for the younger woman. I knew that the agreement was that there would be no secrets, but my wife didn't volunteer many details. Given this, I chose not to bug her with my questions afraid that one wrong word or question could screw things up. Still, it was an interesting situation to be alone in my bed on those nights, knowing that my wife was in bed with another woman downstairs. And, I might add, my wife was in bed with a woman who had openly professed her love.

= = = = =

Not all of their kinky activities were done in private, and I encountered several surprises with "my two ladies" as I was now thinking of them. Having them around was somewhat like that famous line from the movie Forrest Gump. "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get." With Hailey and Rachael, a variety of experiences was a part of this and they frequently included me.

One of the more memorable sessions was when Hailey served herself up as our Deldinner platter. This had not been a workday for her so when I arrived home, my wife greeted me with a broad smile and told me to change and that something special was planned. So, I did as I was told and after only a few minutes I entered our kitchen area and dining room. Laying on our dinner table, which was now covered in plastic, was a nearly naked Hailey. She was partially covered in what appeared to be salad. Lettuce was mounded up on her belly and breasts, avocado halves were covering her nipples, a small cucumber was protruding from her pussy and petite carrots were in her ass.

"Dig in. This is just our salad," my wife said. "Wait until you see the main course and dessert!"

Holy fuck! I sat at my usual place on one side of the table and my wife handed me a glass of wine and then a bottle of salad dressing.

"Pour some on her. Oh, and no utensils are needed. We can both eat directly from the plate." That "plate" was Hailey's body. So, I let the dressing flow onto Hailey's chest, belly, and cunt. Then, with my wife on one side of the table and me on the other, we each leaned forward and dined on one of the most incredible salads ever.

During this process, my wife would occasionally give Hailey something of a food kiss so that she could eat as well and not go hungry. This was fun to watch as Rachael would take a mouthful of food, lean over Hailey's face and then push that food into her mouth. It was sexy as hell.

Soon, I was doing the same and thoroughly loving the process of scooping up some salad bits from Hailey and then moving up to kiss her while opening my mouth and feeding her. Wow.

The main dish was spaghetti and small meatballs. It was hot, but Hailey never complained. If anything, she seemed to like it. Several of those meatballs found their way into Hailey's sex and my wife had enjoyed removing it from her with her mouth as she had done with the salad. When Rachael was sure that the heat of the spaghetti sauce was tolerable, she had Hailey close her eyes and soon was coating her face and hair with it. Hailey was a luscious mess!

I've seen quite a few spaghetti sauce commercials in my day and none of them presented their product as well as the vision of seeing Hailey covered in it. Maybe I should send in a suggestion?

When dinner was done, and Hailey was coated with chocolate cake, our last course for the evening, my wife led that beautiful blonde downstairs and the two showered together while I cleaned up.

I was stunned. Delighted and, did I say stunned.

= = = =

That dinner wasn't the only unique event with them. They constantly were finding new and often kinky ways to entertain each other and me. Two nights after feasting on Hailey, the ladies put on a nipple clamp endurance show. It was incredible to watch. Painful as hell for them, but that pain seemed to just excite them even more.

I will admit that one of my kinks is to see women take on and enjoy a bit of erotic pain, especially when it is two women. Watching a male give pain to a woman, even a willing woman is, for me, bothersome. Watching women do this to each other in porn was just the opposite if both women were willing and enjoying it.

Well, now, there in our living room, Hailey had set out an expanse of various clamps ranging from actual nipple clamps to various other types of devices from around the house. They made a game of trying out different items on each other's nipples, with each one being tighter or more punishing than the last. The goal was to see which of them would be the first to quit and say it was enough.

I would watch my wife put a saw-toothed clamp on one of Hailey's nipples and then twist and tug on it to make sure it was firm. Hailey cried out but that obvious pain only seemed to excite her. In response, Hailey would put one on my wife. The looks on their faces and the squeals they let out were intriguing. And, it seemed that neither of them was about to say she had reached her limit.

So, I did it for them. At the rate they were going, I was afraid someone would end up in the hospital. I pulled both ladies into a big hug and then gently removed the clamps from them. Their breasts and nipples were covered in marks from the clamps. They cried out a bit as I removed them but soon rewarded me with a dual blow job. I had several of those lately and it was fantastic.

Oh, did I also say that Hailey really loves facials? Maybe that has something to do with her job in cosmetics. Hmmm, maybe there was a market for a line of sperm-centric facial creams. I need to look into that. Combine that with the covered-in-spaghetti thing and it would be a surefire winner!


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