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My Wife’s Delightful Obsession 03

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Suzie's confession and lingerie shopping!
1.8k words

Part 3 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/03/2021
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In the morning Suzie and I talked about what happened and, recovered from the booze, I was surprised that she liked it so much.

"I saw you do things I'd never seen you do before. What was that all about? At one point you fucked three guys!?"

"I need to tell you something," she started solemnly. "Please try not to judge me when I tell you this. I love you, you know that..."

She took a long pause and stared down at the table.

"What, Suzie?"

"Most of the year before I met you...I...I spent, shall we say, accompanying men."

"You mean sex for money?"

"Yes. I got into escorting with a girlfriend and we made a lot of money. I was very good at it and really loved doing it. That was probably one of the main reasons we made so much money. But I decided I wanted a normal life so I got out and then I met you and the rest is history. I just couldn't deal with the instability of it all."

"But last night you looked like you were loving it, even when those other guys jumped in...you really like the sex that much? Group sex? With dudes you don't even know?"

"It's why I never told you. I didn't think you'd want to be with a freak. I didn't stop being an escort because I didn't like it. I loved the thrill of it all. I just didn't think in the long run it made sense as a lifestyle but last night woke up all that freakiness I used to enjoy and I lost myself in it."

"Wow, I can never tell Ken about this. He's already hot on your trail..."

"He already knows."


"It was a total fluke that we moved next door to them. Ken was a regular client of mine. We sort of dance around the past but he hired me a lot. He was very sad when I quit because he adored me and then all of a sudden we're neighbors. Bizarre. I thought doing this would remove the tension."

"Okay, Suzie, I don't get anything anymore. I don't know who you are and I don't even know who I am. Here's another confession since we're into confessions. At this point we might as well put everything on the table. A few days ago I went over there and fucked Jenny."

"I know."

"You know? How could you know? Did Ken tell you?"

"No, I just knew you eventually would. I know them and I know you. She's irresistible and knowing Ken I knew he'd offer her to you so he could watch. He was always into that. I knew she'd want to screw you. Also, knowing how his brain works, I'm guessing the swap was a payback to Ken so he could have me in the bargain."

"Geez, Suzie, you're like a master detective the way you figured everyone's motive. I mean, that's exactly what happened. You should be working for the police department."

Then there was a very, and I mean very, long pause where we looked at each other. Then she reached across the table and took my hand. "Sex is one thing but it's you that I love. Nobody else."

I didn't know what to say. I loved her too. I thought hard about everything she'd told me and I had to admit how much I liked the sex too. Did it mean I didn't love her? Of course not. I wasn't always comfortable with everything I saw her do but part of it turned me on too. We had to resolve this. We had to have a direction or we wouldn't be able to move forward.

"Escort, huh?"


"You really liked what we did last night?"


"Would you like to keep it in our sex lives?"

"Ya, I think I would."



"Well if we're both into this and we enjoy it together then I guess we've got the best neighbors possible. Besides, I'm sick of hiding in that shed." We both started laughing and then we hugged and held each other for a long time.

After declaring independence from the shed, Suzie and I joined Jenny and Ken on a regular basis for swaps, small orgies and whatever other aberrant mischief we could get into.

I can't say I was invulnerable from occasional feelings. Suzie was shall we say 'gifted' in the art of sex and men were drawn to her, like moths to the flame. It was a simple equation; her pure joy of fucking made men want her more than ever. Sometimes it made me jealous to watch her being devoured by two or three friends of Ken's at their parties but each time I had that jealous feeling I had to remember that I was afforded the same luxury.

More and more Suzie craved the variety of sex we were getting and would do about any naughty thing that a guy could think up. And when she'd walk two steps it sent flares out to the horny men who were thinking all those naughty things. I guess the one thing I was surprised at was the plethora of things she felt comfortable doing and with who. Horn dogs practically stalked her and so far I hadn't seen her turn down anything but it was early in our new found sexual liberation.

In the morning after one of Ken and Jenny's parties, Suzie and I would decompress, share stories and conversation. We talked about who we fucked, who was the best, who was the worst and pretty much decided there wasn't a worst list at all.

By the way, how did you get in the middle of a gang bang?"

"They were actually arguing who got me first and the thing got so ridiculous that I said, "Fuck it, how about I do all of you together? That brought a round of smiles and then halfway into it Chris walked by and joined in and I had a serious gang bang on my hands. I don't think some of the girls were happy with me taking four guys out of action but what could I do? They came at me like animals."

"I told you they'd be lining up, didn't I? You looked incredible."

"Yes, you did. Three of them asked me for my number so they could book some private time but I just said I'd see them at the next party."

"Did you want to give out your number to anyone?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, was there any guy you spent time with last night that, if they texted, you'd privately like to do again? I'm trying to find out what the parameters of our newly minted sex life are, How open are we?"

"I don't know that yet. I'm happy as hell that we're doing this together because I love taking cock from perfectly random guys. It's exciting when they want me so badly. Are you enjoying it?"

"Yes, a lot more than I thought I would. At the beginning I was afraid I couldn't handle seeing you get screwed by another guy but look at me now,"


After breakfast we went lingerie shopping, a frequent family activity we took up. Imagine taking your wife shopping for clothes to attract other men? She tried stuff on and I gave her my opinion with the dickometer. Really, anything that girl put on was swinger catnip. I could have done her right in the store. Her petite perky tits riding perfectly atop the push-up bras had customer heads turning.

I was starting to understand the thrill Ken got as Jenny was railed by all sorts of guys. Guy in the lingerie store locked his radar onto Suzie and instead of feeling weird I kept thinking, 'You should see her without the bra and panties.' I was prideful that she was so attractive.

My color preference was usually black and red, sometimes white. Other colors would surprise me but it depended who was wearing it. Suzie looked good in about everything. She eventually bought a couple of looks; one of them a red bustier/g-string combination with garter belt. With nylons and black pumps she'd be drool worthy. The other was a bright white bra and panty set with matching white patent leather pumps with ankle straps and a choker. The white played beautifully against her tan. The ogling store guy took one look and gave me the thumbs up.

As we walked to our car I asked Suzie if she saw the guy who was staring her down in the lingerie store. "Yes, I saw him. I see all of them."

"All of them? I was talking about the guy who surely would have dumped his girlfriend and barreled through me if you'd have given him the green light."

"I know who you were talking about. There were ten other guys between the store and our car who looked at me with one thought. And that's not counting the seven or eight that checked me out coming in."

"I didn't see them."

"Jim, you don't see them you feel them fantasize about you with a quick glance or a look that says, 'I want to fuck your brains out. You noticed one guy because he was staring and didn't have a problem being obvious about it."

"Wow, I guess I never realized..."

"Well I do because I'm the one with the nice ass they want to get into."

"Ya, I guess so..."

"What's one of the first things you do when we hit the mall?"

"Oh, ya, I check out the hot girls."


As we drove home I just had to ask, "When we're swapping do you see me watching you with some other guy?"

"Sometimes. Most of the time I'm kind of lost in the sex but once in awhile I'll see you watching me."

"How does that make you feel?"

"Sexy and safe. Sexy because I can totally let go in the moment and safe because I know you're there."

"That's great, right? Well I was thinking how much it gets me off watching you with another guy, sort of how Ken loves to watch Jenny and..."

"...and you were wondering if I'd like to do that?"

There was a moment of silence where I just drove but I waited for her answer quietly.

"Yes," she said staring straight ahead.

"Okay then."

We drove home with little more conversation. I was clumsy asking her about me watching but the answer didn't surprise me. Bit by bit she told me of her time as an escort and the list of kinky things she'd experienced. She explained how she was a huge 'submissive' and guys would hire her for that reason. Basically that meant she enjoyed being dominated. Suzie may have been a force in daily life but in matters of sex she liked being directed. Jenny too.

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Kiwi4everKiwi4everover 2 years ago

To say she has been around a bit would be the understate of the century, but then it is her body and as I have always said they can do whatever they want with their bodies it is not for us to judge.

The question would be how long would it all last and be happy with it.

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