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One More from the Attic Pt. 03


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I realized what was happening and broke off the kiss.

"Colleen, stop," I urged. My voice was serious enough that she lifted her face and looked at me.

Sure enough, Amy's asshole was throbbing, spread open and soaked with Colleen's saliva. Colleen did not know, as Hope and I did, that Amy had been saving her virgin asshole. My sister had been getting it ready to take my cock. Hope was confused as well. When she looked down at Colleen and she saw what I did, she gasped. She released Amy quickly.

"Oh, Amy, I am so sorry!" she babbled. "I was so caught up in—I didn't realize—I'm sorry!"

Colleen looked at us and then back down at Amy's delectable ass. She bent and gave it another long lick. Amy shuddered at that and let out a helpless moan. Colleen looked up at Hope's face and she said, "What? What's wrong?"

Hope got unsteadily to her feet, and then she pulled Colleen up and led her to Hope's bedroom. I heard them whispering intensely until Hope closed the door. "What, Daniel's not special enough—?" Colleen's voice carried. Hope quickly cut her off. "No! No, it's just that..."

I pulled Amy up into my lap and wrapped my arms around her. She was still shaking.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to her. "I couldn't see anything but the back of Hope's head there. I would have made her stop sooner."

Amy shook her head and looked into my eyes. Her expression was still wild. "I didn't realize what she was doing," she whispered. "By the time I did, I didn't have the strength to say anything. Oh my god that was intense! I never knew it would feel like that..." She shivered again, and I reached for her robe.

Her eyes were wide with an expression I could not read when I wrapped that robe around her and hugged her gently. It was like a mix between surprise, amazement, and there was some loving admiration there as well.

"You knew what she was doing as soon as you saw her?" she asked in a whisper.

"I thought so," I said. "She was really driving her tongue in and out of your asshole, and then she kind of teased it with the tip of her tongue. It looked like she was getting your virgin asshole ready to take my cock."

"Has she done that before?" Amy asked. I shook my head.

"No. At least, not for me. I've never seen her do that before; but I knew that she didn't know you were saving your virgin ass for marriage or whatever."

"Not for—" she stopped and gave me a thin smile when she saw my teasing expression. We both knew that wasn't what she had said. She shivered again and snuggled into my chest. "Well, it was working," she whispered. "Colleen really had my asshole primed for you. I'm tempted to ask you to fuck my ass right now."

I froze, and she felt it. She also felt my throbbing boner pressed against her shapely bottom under that robe. "You really want it, don't you?" she whispered.

I didn't trust myself to speak. I swallowed and nodded my head.

"Why did you stop her then?" she asked. She was looking intently into my eyes. I shrugged as I searched for the words.

"I know it's important to you. You have been saving that so it would be a very special gift for the guy that deserved it. I was not about to take that away from you in a moment of thoughtless lust. I love—" I stopped myself and chewed the inside of my cheek thoughtfully. Amy's eyes were wide pools that showed me my reflection. I shrugged and smiled. It was true. "Amy, I love you too much to do something so thoughtless to you."

"I want you in my ass so bad right now!" she hissed. Her soft moans were indescribably sexy when she kissed me and wiggled that tight little butt in my lap.

It was my turn to shudder. Come on, if she was going to push the issue there was no way I could resist! I would be every bit as helpless as Amy had looked minutes earlier.

My sisters emerged and came up behind us. "I am really sorry, Amy," Colleen murmured, reaching down to rest her hand on Amy's shoulder. "I had no idea that was..." She was lost for words, but Amy smiled in understanding.

"Oh, Colleen, you have nothing to apologize for," she said sweetly. "What you did felt amazing. I loved it. But more importantly, you managed to show me a new side of Daniel. I knew that he was a really sweet guy, and a stud in the bedroom," her eyes were radiant as she looked at my face again, "but now I know that I really love him."

They all chuckled when they saw how furiously I was blushing. I have never taken compliments well.

Amy slid to the floor and eased my boxers down my legs. Colleen and Hope came around the couch to sit next to me on either side as they watched her suck my dick. Colleen finally grabbed the remote and turned off the television, ending the pretense that any of us had ever been watching it. Hope was practically drooling as she watched Amy suck me. Amy released my dick and kissed her hungrily. Then she pulled Hope's head down into my lap and fed my dick into my sister's cock-hungry mouth.

Amy slid up into Colleen's lap and the two of them kissed as they ground their pussies together. They smiled and looked over when they heard Hope moan happily. I was coming in her mouth.

* * *

Things escalated rapidly after that night. Friday evening, Amy was alternating between sucking my cock and licking Hope's pussy while Colleen molested Amy from behind. Amy was sucking on Hope's clit and teasing both of us by sliding the head of my cock between the wet folds of my sister's pussy. Amy released Hope's clitoris with a gasp. She looked over her shoulder at Colleen and then turned back to lick up my shaft and onto Hope's swollen button. She did that three times, and then I felt the head of my cock slipping inside my sister's drenched pussy.

Hope and I both groaned when we felt it. I started to say something, but then Hope turned her head and buried her tongue in my mouth. Two thrusts later, I was buried in her to the hit. Hope bumped her hips forward and back as Amy continued licking her. Her pussy felt amazing, but Amy was shaking helplessly against my leg. This was her fantasy come true, even hotter than she had hoped.

Colleen gasped when she saw that my dick was in Hope's pussy. "What are you guys doing?" she managed to get out.

Amy was really shaky as she rose up onto her knees. I worried for a second that she might fall off the bed. "Doesn't that look amazing?" she murmured to Colleen.

"Well, yeah, but..." Colleen replied.

"Don't worry," Amy reassured her with a kiss. "You'll get your turn soon enough."

Amy never failed to get aroused when one of my sisters would settle onto my lap and slide my erect cock up into a wet and horny sister-pussy. A week later, she was on fire when she found out how much Colleen loved taking my cock up her ass. Hope put on an incredible show of reluctance when her little pucker was first being spread open by the tip of my lubricated cock.

"Amy!" she cried, "You are so bad! I thought you were my best friend. How can you let my brother slide his hard cock into my butthole like that?" She shivered when Amy's mouth attacked her helpless and wide-open pussy. Then she turned her head to me. "Daniel, it's not too late. You can still put a stop to this. Please don't fuck my tight little asshole!"

I put my hands under her bottom and lifted her up as best I could. I just didn't have enough leverage to actually lift her off of me. Hope shuddered and came violently on Amy's mouth. Her legs gave way and I couldn't even maintain my grip on her ass cheeks. All I could do was moan as her tight little hole spread around the head of my cock.

"Oh no!" Hope gasped. "It's going inside me! My brother's hard cock is going up my ass! Oh, Amy, what have you done?"

Amy was helpless to do anything but moan into my sister's pussy. At that very moment, Colleen was driving her tongue deep into Amy's exposed little rosebud, opening that horny little hole and getting it ready for my dick.

Ten minutes later, it was Amy who was lying on top of me and gasping helplessly. Her sweet, virgin asshole felt amazing as Amy surrendered it to my hard cock. My sisters lay between our spread thighs and told her how incredible it looked. Then they took turns licking the juices from Amy's pussy each time she came with my dick in her ass. By the time I finally thrust up into her and filled her ass with hot cum, Amy was delirious with pleasure.

She was hooked. Every day for the next week, she would barely be inside the apartment before she would yank down her pants and panties and urge me to fuck her sweet asshole again.

The four of us were having sex all the time. I wound up staying at my labs on campus just so I could get my homework done. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it once I got back to the apartment.

* * *

It was a Saturday afternoon, three weeks after Colleen had arrived, when our mother called Hope's phone. Hope rolled out of the bed and looked at it after picking it up. "It's Mom," she announced before stepping out of the bedroom to answer it.

Even though Hope was in the next room, I could still hear our mother's frantic voice coming out of the speaker.

"Colleen's gone missing! She and Dave apparently broke up, and no one's seen her in weeks! Do you have any idea where she could be?"

Hope looked over at me and had to cover her mouth so she wouldn't laugh out loud. From where she was standing in the living room, she could see exactly where Colleen was. She was sandwiched between me and Amy, gasping as Amy slurped her sensitive clit and I pounded her horny asshole. I drove my shaft balls-deep into her ass and held still. Colleen gasped and turned her head toward me.

"I thought you called Mom and Dad to tell them where you were," I growled.

"Sorry! I forgot!" she gasped.

Hope shook her head. "Colleen's been staying here with us," she reassured our mother. "We thought she had called to let you know."

"Oh thank God!" The relief in Mom's voice was palpable.

I slowly pumped Colleen's asshole two more times. "Where is your phone, anyway?" I asked.

"It's in the glove box of my car," she gasped.

I drove my full length into her, hard, and pumped my ass cheeks so that my dick bobbed up and down inside her. I knew that would push her over the edge. "You're so bad!" I hissed into her ear.

"I know!" she wailed, as her pussy flooded Amy's face.

My sister's ass always tightens down on me when she comes. I carefully pulled out of her tight butt and then gave her a playful smack on her cheeks. "Go talk to Mom. Let her know you're alright," I said.

As soon as Colleen walked out the door, Amy rolled over onto her knees and presented me with her delectable bottom. "My turn?" she asked over her shoulder.

"Yes ma'am," I moaned as I slid into her eager little hole.

About the time that I was filling Amy's ass with hot cum, I heard my sisters and our parents discussing plans for a family reunion over Spring Break. As crazy as that New Year's party had been, I could only imagine how this was going to turn out.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Author if you read this please include the aunt and cousins more and do not add the dad at all to ANY of the future stories if there are any it should be just daniel, I hope we get a conclusion where he is the man of the house taking care of a bunch of women and no other man in sight.

albertaboyalbertaboy8 months ago

Just read this series, sure want more

Crazedmind13Crazedmind1310 months ago

Love this story and am sad it never got a conclusion. Still love all the stories you have worked on since but this has been a reread of mine for years now

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Damn this is good, just don’t leave us hanging like this.

FseriesFseriesover 1 year ago

Not really liking the secret talks behind his back and the girls wearing her out and leaving him out.

Nato_Nato_over 1 year ago

God. You are great with words. 7/5. 5/5 bookmark favorite


Alex BelligAlex Belligalmost 2 years ago

I usually don't like to read long stories on this site, but this author's stories are an exception. I read them with pleasure and I am reading all of them.

Everything from grammatical accuracy to eroticism is amazing. Of course there are some unbelievable scenarios but we have to leave them to our imagination.

Thank you!

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICalmost 2 years ago

Lexx - That was one hell of an erotic story. In my opinion, this is one of best series I’ve read on Lit. I’m sad that you didn’t continue the story and at least conclude it. Thank you for writing it and sharing it here on Lit. :p

nyteramblernyteramblerover 2 years ago

Would love to have read more of how things went but after 3yrs that probably isn't going to happen and still good on 2cd time reading it.

raven_nomadraven_nomadover 2 years ago

Really enjoyed this story. Can't wait to read more. I definitely like Amy in this. Can't wait to see more. Keep up the great storytelling.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 2 years ago

If you ever choose to revisit and continue this story line, considering the number of women Daniel would be expected to service during the Spring Break family reunion, may I suggest two possible titles?

Spring Broken


The Death of Daniel


namidaboshinamidaboshiover 2 years ago

This is a fantastic series and you are very good writer. Kudos.

This series really needs a continuation. Mom and her kids should get together and it should be anal galore.

Thank you for writing and sharing.

Cuthbert125Cuthbert125about 3 years ago

Please continue this series. It’s languished for far too long. The story line and character development are wonderful. I love Amy and her side deal with Daniel to keep the anticipation of sister-brother screwing is delightful and adds a great deal to her character.

I really want to find out what happens with the Aunt and two cousins over spring break. And does he ever get found out with the video cameras? You really do need to finish this one, please!

nyteramblernyteramblerabout 3 years ago

Dam can hardly wait for next chapter. I like how you have had it going and sounds like the get-together at spring break will be good hope mom son and Amy have fun togther. Will be waiting too see.

AahhWhattheHellAahhWhattheHellover 3 years ago

Holy Backdoor Fantasies Batman!

Of all the crazy stories I've read, this is the wildest, almost believable one yet. So many go too far over the top and either the characters are lost to the sex acts, or suspension of disbelief is shredded to oblivion. This one keeps me right on that edge.

The only thing I would offer as suggestion is make the Hope/Amy/Daniel relationship more permanent... like a wedding.

AnoniemousAnoniemousalmost 4 years ago
LexxRuthless Please Continue The Saga

Can only repeat what Rancher46 says. Please complete the saga.

It's well thought out and written and has many unfinished threads leaving future chapters wide open for story lines. I think Amy adds to the story immensely and is not at all detrimental. She could be a key mover in developing the storyline.

Then you have Brittany, his Mom and Dad, Aunt Cathy and his 2 cousins - all of which could be brought back in; and should be as currently left in limbo.

In addition, you have a number of references throughout and in this final chapter to other girls finding Daniel attractive and boys admiring Hope (and presumably Colleen as well). Amy has been nicely brought in and so could other partners to finalise the tale.

Good luck

cursrahcursrahalmost 4 years ago

really enjoyed this series. I would really like it if you would continue this series

DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 4 years ago

The last chapter lacked the fire the others had, I agree with wargamer I think Amy was a mistake.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Sensational story, I couldn’t stop. Can’t wait for another chapter. Mom might also get involved a little more. Thanks

No1holywoodNo1holywoodabout 4 years ago
Please keep going

This is a great story. Please keep going till you finish it.

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago
LexxRuthless Please Continue the saga

This is a great story but needs all of the chapters put in proper sequence. I found "Out of the Attic" after I read these 3 chapters. Also the author needs to keep this going as it will be real interesting to see how things play out between Daniel and Amy with his two sisters. A definite 5 star story.

Tony StrokesTony Strokesabout 4 years ago

I did enjoy this series so far, but I have to admit, I'm a bit sad that Brittany has been phased out of the story to be replaced by Amy. She really seemed to be into Daniel a lot, and seemed like she would be more accepting of Daniel's relationship w/ his sisters/mother. I was honestly rooting for her and Daniel to ultimately get together.

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sover 4 years ago
Pretty good

This story was pretty good and glad the writer stopped because I felt I knew where the story was going. The addition of Amy was not need to progress or add anyrhing to the story that colleen could not have done and frankly would have been better and added an additional layer of love between the siblings. While I applaud you for not adding the dad into the mix or some guy or a "buddy" I felt that the story took a turn and amy seemed to be taking hope from Daniel and eventually they end up a lesbian couple and colleen and Daniel would be left as the only option left. Just the way i saw the natural progression of the story if continued. Hope and Daniel should be together as bro/sis, man/woman, husband and wife. If a third was to be added then colleen was the only real option and not an outsider especially given her relationship past.

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