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Power Shift


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"What's that you're reading?"

"Just a detective novel. It's not great; I was thinking of turning to the last page to see who dunnit and saving myself the bother of reading." Mum smiled and stroked back a strand of her jet-black hair behind one ear. This artless and feminine gesture sent blood pulsating into my cock and, fully erect, it rose to form a large and obvious tent in my pyjamas, which my mother would see as soon as she turned her head slightly, which she now did. There was a silence for a space of about five seconds. She seemed to be gathering herself to say something:

"David, I'm guessing you haven't been able to," she hesitated, "to relieve yourself since your accident." I glanced quickly at her face but it was in shadow, the bedside lamp cast only a small pool of light.

"No, I can't, not with the plasters on." There was another silence. The tension was palpable. We were both very still. My mother broke the silence with a faint gasp, as though she were taking a plunge, but said, quite calmly and slowly:

"Would you like me to help you? I will if you want." My throat felt constricted, my heart raced, my cock was so hard it was almost painful.

"Yes, if you wouldn't mind," I croaked. Mum didn't answer. Rising she disappeared for a minute or two, returning with a towel, which she placed over my stomach, and a tube of lubricant. Without ceremony, she untied the drawstrings of my sweat-dampened pyjamas and peeled them, revealing my erection fully and irrevocably. Squeezing a large dollop of lubricant onto her right hand, my mother smeared it over the rigid head of my cock, stroking the glans with her thumb, before circling the shaft with her hand and starting a gentle backwards and forwards motion with my foreskin.

The feel of the lubricant, cool against the taut skin, and the motion of her red-tipped fingers slowly masturbating me was nothing short of mind-blowing and I shut my eyes and lay back on the pillow.

"Does that feel good?" she murmured.

"Oh yes!" My mother increased the speed of the stroke slightly and tightened her grip on my rock-hard member. A little later she pulled my foreskin right back and gripped the unprotected glans directly with her hand, sliding up and down over the ultra- sensitive skin with an erotic glooping, lubricated noise.

I couldn't last long under that stimulation. My orgasm hit me suddenly and with a fearsome intensity. Arching my back I stifled an impulse to scream out loud as my entire nervous system reacted to the stimulation and I pumped several weeks' worth of pearlescent semen in a stream onto the towel covering my stomach. The rhythm of the masturbation slowed and stopped. She squeezed my glands gently to expel the last drop of my discharge then, without a word, gathered up the towel, kissed me briefly on the cheek and left the bedroom.

Even after this release I remained awake for an hour or so, the whole event playing on a continuous loop, over and over and over. If I'd been able I would have masturbated myself; I could still feel the coolness of the lubricant drying on my cock, could still feel the touch of those slim, red-tipped fingers...

Oddly, I didn't get an erection in the bath the following morning causing mum to comment:

"You must have needed that relief last night." I don't know what made me reply:

"No, I'm just saving it for this evening." She gave me a look:


However, despite staying awake most of the night in anticipation, my mother didn't come to my bedroom that night, nor for the following three nights. On the fifth night, when I had almost gone to sleep, with the bedside lamp on, there was a quiet knock and my mother put her head around the door:

"Are you ok? It's another blistering night."

"I know. It's hopeless trying to sleep in this heat, and these pyjamas bottoms just cling to me."

"Well that's easily solved." Mum untied and removed the offending pyjamas, revealing another full-blown erection. Slowly she moved her hand to grasp my shaft, stroking her varnished nails up and down. "Would you like me to fetch a towel?" she whispered. As before she returned with towel and KY jelly. As before she used a handful of lubrication and started out slowly, increasing the pace every few minutes until I was gasping raggedly. This time she said softly:

"Would you like me to go a bit slower, to make it last a bit longer?"

"Oh yes, please." A huge rising wave of passion and desire enveloped me. I wanted this woman! Reaching out, I took her free hand in one of mine and felt her stroke my fingers as she masturbated me, slowly, and deliciously.

"Oh, god, make me come" I groaned and my mother responded by increasing the pace and gripping me tightly. Almost in a state of delirium I gasped out:

"I love you, mum!"

"I love you, too, David." And, magically, she leaned forward and kissed me full on the lips, keeping the pressure on while I came, spattering my juice onto her hand, the towel and the sheets.

"Goodnight, darling" she said, picking the towel up.

"Kiss me again." Slightly to my surprise she leaned over me again and kissed me, slowly, three or four times, not opening her mouth but using her lips to stimulate mine.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, David. Would you like me to come to you tomorrow night?" I could hardly speak. All sorts of possibilities flashed through my mind. My mother seemed to be offering herself to me!

"Yes, yes, I would."

The next day nothing was said, but again there was tension in the air, like the precursor to an electric storm. In the morning she washed me without comment and with no particular attention to my genitals. I was pretty well able to do everything else myself now, the bathing only being kept up to avoid wetting the plasters. I went to bed naked that night and hardly had I climbed onto the bed when my mother appeared, not in her kimono but in a dark-blue silky negligee that stopped short of her knees. I wasn't yet fully hard but my mother, glancing down at my semi-erection brought me to aching rigidity by leaning over to me and kissing me slowly and languorously, her full lips slightly parted against mine. This time she didn't bother with the towel, but started stroking me gently with her scarlet tipped fingers. Her voice was husky:

"Is that nice?" By way of a reply I reached to draw her to me and we kissed again, a little more urgently, and with half open mouths. She grasped my steel hard cock and pulled the foreskin right back, causing me to gasp. Breaking the kiss she whispered softly in my ear:

"I know it's very naughty and very, very wrong, but mummy can make it even nicer if you want?" The soft breath in my ear, the unbelievable words, her sudden use of 'mummy'. My chest bursting with anticipation, my cock rigid in her hand, I could barely give my assent:

"Oh god yes please." As if in a dream I watched my mother lift one leg to straddle me, pulling her negligee up to reveal a dense but neatly trimmed black bush, and with one hand still on my cock, guide it to her golden-brown labia, glistening in the lamplight with the juices of her arousal. Slowly she started rubbing the head of my cock up and down her slit:

"Mummy's never had such a big one in her. Oooohhhhhh" she groaned as the first and widest two inches of my mammoth weapon penetrated her. Pausing there she raised herself slightly, adjusting to the biggest prick she'd ever had inside her, then she lowered herself, taking four, six, eight and finally all ten inches. "Jesus Christ!" I'd never heard my mother utter so much as a damn. This sudden profanity implied greater, much greater depths to her passion than I had imagined.

Now, with her hands on my shoulders, her painted nails digging into my flesh, she started fucking my monster dick. Slowly at first, coming halfway out and then back down again. Each stroke slightly longer than the last as she gained confidence and the sensation of ten inches of rigid meat inside her washed away any residual reserve.

"Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh." The strokes were getting faster:

"Ahh, ahh, ahh, aaaarrrggh, aaaarrrggh, aaaarrrggh, aaaarrrggh, aaaarrrggh." She was now riding me until the tip of my cock almost slipped out and then plunging down to take the whole engorged length. Eyes shut, head swinging wildly from side to side, her nails digging sharply into my shoulders, I had never seen a woman so completely lost in the sexual act. Never had I felt so aroused and never had the act felt so intensely good for me, either. Neither of us were going to last much longer; mother came first with a piercing scream:

"Uhn, uhn, uhn, Aaaaarrrggh, yes, yes, YES, YES, YES, Christ, YES!!" Then I was coming too, pumping my seed into my mother's tightly stuffed cunt, feeling the ripple of her vaginal muscles as her orgasm washed over her. Still firmly impaled on me, I pulled her clumsily to me and we kissed again and again, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. Eventually her weight on me became uncomfortable and she raised herself, allowing my semi-rigid cock to slip out with a soft exhalation of pent-up air. Turning off the bedside lamp, my mother laid her head on my chest and we lay together in perfect unity, until the rising sun started to lift the shadows on the wall.

Rising from our embrace, mum started the bath running. Today it was bath-time with a difference; she joined me in the bath! For the first time I saw her full figure, skin still taut, breasts still defying gravity and in truth a nice size, with large, but neat nipples surrounded by large, dark areolae. She relaxed back in the hot water for a few minutes, studying me:

"I think I knew that last night was going to happen the first time I saw the size of you, in the hospital. I think it grew into a bit of an obsession." Then, suddenly and defiantly, "and do you know, I don't care if it's wrong! I just wanted some love. I've been so bloody lonely!" To my distress she burst into racking sobs.

Later that day we talked more calmly about the situation. Mum was very subdued but spoke clearly and slowly:

"I want you to know that I'm available to you if you want me. I know you'll want girlfriends of your own age but... Lost for words, she came to me and hugged me tightly, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes. A wave of protective love came over me and, for the first time in my life, a feeling that I was now in more control, at least for the present. It was easy and truthful for me to say:

"Last night was the best sex I have ever had, and I'm really not just saying that. It felt like nothing else I have ever experienced, both physically and emotionally."

"It was way beyond the best sex I've ever had. I didn't even know it could feel like that" she paused, "I'd never had a vaginal orgasm before last night; I think we're just starting out, I think it'll get even better..."

Mother, or Diane, as she asked me to call her when we were out of bed, was quite correct. It got even better. Two weeks later I had my casts removed and I was able to start mounting my mother in other positions. I also discovered the supreme joy of licking her clitoris until she screamed and shouted into climax, pulling my hair and pushing my face into her jet-black bush. The day I slid a lubricated finger right into her tight little anus as she climaxed she nearly passed out in ecstasy. However, that was as far as we could go with anal sex; it was out of the question to try to penetrate her rectum with my bloody great pole. She did like taking me in her mouth, although she couldn't do it for long as it made her jaw ache, she was also deliciously naughty, dressing in stocking and suspenders and referring to herself during sex as 'mummy'.

In short, after we started having sex, she became a different person. Submissive rather than dominant, attentive rather than demanding, looking to me for guidance and trying to please me in and out of bed. I fell head over heels in love with this woman who was my mother, but in another way wasn't. I resigned from the merchant navy and got a job locally as a supermarket manager - now there's love for you! And it's a happy ending too, I think. We are both very much in love and each day is filled with tenderness and desire, with laughter and happiness, with the sounds of love. In just over six months' time the sound of a new-born baby will be added to this glorious symphony.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

the only thing, you "Could Have / & / Should Have", given more Naughty details of the two having "Oral-Sex". This is always a "Turn-On" for a lot of "Dirty- Old- Men". You should have given more details about how the "Mother" like trying too get the "Head-of-His-Cock-Stuck-in- Her-Throat", & if she liked him "Cumming-Down-her-Throat" as much as she liked him "Cumming-all-Over her-Body"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Your first story 2014 in this site fell into the same trap as most others, 10 inch and 8 inch soft. Then she lowered herself to take all 10 inches! Well my little 7 inch bottomed out and hit the cervix in all the ladies I entered. The longer cocks in porn always left a bit out suggest they cannot fully insert either. As others pointed out, 10 inch made the story worse than it could be. But I see you fix the problem in your later stories and they are all excellent.

Coochielover71Coochielover7111 months ago

Very good story!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Aww. You even snuck in a bit of impregnation at the very very end there. Well done. A beautiful little family they will be. :) I wish this was longer and deeper. I felt like the story was only just getting started.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice, sexy, fun, romantic, and they belong together

TrilloTrilloalmost 2 years ago

Yes indeed, I love this story, it flows well, and that reality sense comes across well. I do like your style of story telling, how the characters develope and the level of emotional depth. Thanks.

TheOldStudTheOldStudalmost 2 years ago

Great story, 5/5! I, like some of the other comments, was a little turned off by the size of his penis. A ten inch dick is somewhat unusual (I am one of the lucky ones!). The story would have been a little more plausible if he only had a smaller eight inch appendage...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have to agree with some of the comments. Some of the stories in this website contain people with freakish proportions double F breast sizes, enormous cocks that limited the protagonist in this story from getting his mother's ass. Now the story was alright, maybe if the mother was older and he was too, and there was a little more resistance into changing their relationship would stir my pot better

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Short but glorious!!!!! BRAVO TO A GREAT WRITER WITH THIS ONE!!!!! JEF

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another good one. Got a senior hardon. Thanks

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 2 years ago

You know dicks aren't measured like cat's tails, from the butt hole out? This kid should have been in porn movies instead of his mother.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Loved the story 5 stars

But I didn't like the 10 inch cock or the mothers age.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You lost me at 10'' prick,why has everyone in these stories got a tree trunk for a dick?

Diecast1Diecast1about 3 years ago

Great story, loved it. AAAAAA+++++

DocWordsDocWordsover 3 years ago

Well told. You developed the characters beautifully. Thank you for taking the time and effort to create it and share it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Bringing the baby into the picture spoiled it in the end. Apart from that, the story was really enjoyable!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The best part is seeing a dominant overbearing woman tamed and brought into a submissive state. Good job.

barcomberbarcomberover 3 years ago

Nice story, but the monster cock was unnecessary.

Incest may be fun for all the family, but the result of incestuous pregnancy is frequently very unfunny

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I also want my sweet and sexy mother to fuck me tirelessly by being on top of me all the is my wildest fantasy.

WiserbyageWiserbyagealmost 7 years ago

Tender w/o sappiness.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I liked that! Thank You!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A life's tail

We all like Mother Grandmother incest stories. Many of us will relate to them. It's all part of the learning curve. Who better to teach than a loved one.

It happened to me as a young lad, appreciated the help from day one. Never experienced my Grandmother but looking back would liked to have done.

Will have to put pen to paper myself one day.

Keep up the good writing.


Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
I liked the story idea but it only rates a "3"

I liked the story idea, a mom with issues finds love in her sons arms. To bad you had to make this into a barnyard story. I call these barnyard stories because he of course has the donkey dick (10 inches long and 6inches around) and she must have a huge cunt like a bovine to accommodate it (no wonder she is alone and miserable). This story would have been better if his cock was a reasonable size and the relationship that developed was because of their time together and mutual attraction. I really liked the writing and story concept but next time leave the animals in the barnyard and focus on the real story, the relationship between mother and son.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You couldn't resist giving him a huge member.

What a shame as it was otherwise a quite believable read and you did manage to stop short of turning the mom into an anal-loving porno-talking stereotype farce too. The ending was a bit short like you were just out of interest and summed up quickly. I nearly bumped you up to 4 from 3 for writing in a pregnancy then decided against it because it was just part of the whole back-handed ending.

I personally reserve 4 and 5 star votes for stories that are realistic and also erotic. All women with cartoon-like endowments and males with pricks that resemble aerosol cans or any sporting implements and so forth gets a story marked strictly out of a maximum 3 stars from the Brobdingnagian judge.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 10 years ago
A very good story, with a fantastic finish

I like stories where the mom becomes pregnant by the son, they seem to be extra taboo and exciting.

Thanks for the good read.

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