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Not too long into the train's departure, Sova suddenly felt as if she was being watched. Her skin prickled as she debated what she should do. First, she needed to see who it was that was watching her, though she didn't want to alert the spy that she was aware of them.

The chime overhead beeped twice, signaling the train would be stopping soon. Sova had at least seven stops before she would be safely back within North Gate's bounds. In North Gate she would have the upper hand. Here, however, was a different story entirely.

Sova's heart thrummed at the thought of danger nearby and she found herself clutching the railing in front of her in a failed attempt to steady her beating heart. She was most certainly being watched, every nerve in her body screaming at her that danger was near.

She wasn't stupid enough to come into East Gate unarmed. Had Valen's Punisher been more thorough in his search, he would have discovered the small, poison dipped knife she kept sheathed just below her abdomen. Though, it wasn't for covert assassination work or interrogation. Sova wasn't a Punisher nor a highly skilled fighter. The knife was meant to be her last resort in terms of personal protection. Pavoc had always made it clear that it was fully her responsibility to keep herself safe.

I should move to the next car, Sova thought.

This way, her pursuers would be forced to follow. Once she determined how many threats she had to deal with, she could come up with a plan. Sova reached over to the doors in front of her, that separated her from the next car and pressed the button. The loud echoes of the train screeching through the tunnels seeped into her car, and Sova used the discontent of the other passengers as a cover and slid past the doors.

The new car was even more crowded than the first. Sova had to push herself into several people in order to fully make it onto the car. The train swerved and Sova was thrown into several passengers, who resentfully pushed her back. Before she could turn around to see if she'd been followed, Sova found herself shoved into another corner. She heard the doors behind her close, and for a moment, Sova thought she had escaped her pursuers.

That feeling returned.

The gnawing of eyes boring into her. Whoever had been tracking her was here in the new car with her. Sova could barely see over the shoulders and heads of the other passengers, quickly giving up her plan to try and scout her followers. She found herself standing at one of the side doors.

Another set of chimes above signaled the train would be stopping in ten seconds.

Sova took five to plan out her next move.

She would slip off to lose her pursuers, walk to the next station, and get back on before making her way back to North Gate.



Sova positioned herself behind two males, prepared to let the crowd gathered near the doors to push her out in their self-absorbed haste.


She let go of the railing she'd been clutching.


The group of passengers in front and behind her shifted forward in anticipation of the doors opening.


The overhead speaker chimed again, and the doors opened. A rush of cool air infiltrated the staleness of the subway car and the pack full of Easterners began to rush onto the platform. Sova was right behind a Beta male, mere inches from stepping foot onto the platform when a large hand gripped her by the throat.

Before she could utter a sound, another large palm clasped over her mouth and nose, and she was yanked backwards back into the train. Dragged backwards, Sova watched helplessly as the last of the exiting passengers stepped onto the platform, and a new flux of travelers rushed in. As her assailant dragged her backwards to the opposite end of the subway car, Sova's last chance at escape departed with a chime and the closing of the doors.

Sova smelled him even before he spoke, his voice low and taunting at her ear.

"Thought you could fly away from me, little bird?"

Sova's blood curdled.

It was Valen's Punisher. He had come to kill her.

Keeping a tight grip over her mouth, the Punisher freed her nostrils, allowing her to take in a needy breath. The scent of smoke and earth filled her nares. Sova was trapped in a corner, her body pressed flush against the overly large Alpha.

Not daring to speak, Sova felt the Alpha's grip on her throat loosen and disappear completely. A moment later, she felt the tip of a blade at the bottom of her chin.

Sova blinked as a tear escaped her, falling onto the calloused fingers that clutched her mouth.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

She should have known that Valen wouldn't have let her go. Even Pavoc had initially been hesitant to send her. She had to plead with Pavoc to allow her to do the negotiations under the guise of her being his best negotiator. Even with that being true, Sova had just wanted to get away from the compound. From Pavoc. She'd needed to escape North Gate, even if it was just for a day. Of course, Valen didn't know who she was and likely assumed that Pavoc would just send another negotiator to mitigate the second part of the deal.

In forging the deal with Valen, Sova had signed her own death warrant.

She'd be tortured for answers she didn't have and then likely killed solely as Valen's display of dominance.

Another set of tears fell onto the Punisher's fingers as she thought about Terrav. She would never see him again. She would die here in East Gate, and he'd never know what happened to her.

"Don't cry, little bird," the Punisher said with almost genuine concern, a coarse thumb tracing over her cheek tenderly, "I'll make sure it's quick if you sing prettily for me."

Sova wanted to laugh.

He thought she was a spy.

Perhaps it would have been better if she was. At least then she'd have secrets to negotiate with.

The Punisher pressed himself further into her, the tip of the blade threatening to pierce her skin, forcing her to tilt her head upwards. She could feel the thunderous beat of his heart against the back of her skull as she got a clear look at the Punisher for the first time.

He was terrifyingly large. Larger than most Alpha's she'd encountered. Even with the high heels she wore, she was barely flush with his upper chest. His brown-black hair was tied back behind his head, though a small lock fell in front of his face. His eyes, a brilliant shade of gray, seemed endless and hollow. The Alpha's facial features were sharp, brutish, but still striking. He bore a jagged scar that began at the top of his left eye and ran down across his face and lips, to his chin.

And his smell. Dear gods, what was that divine smell?

Sova involuntarily closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply, the smell of him burning through her veins. At her horror, Sova felt a trickle of slick seep between her lips below.

The Punisher leaned his head down, the brush of his facial hair grazing her cheek and sending electricity through her body. She felt her nipples tighten in response.

"If you scream or move, I will open you up and bleed you right here. Do you understand, little bird?" the Punisher's voice was quiet and low, but the tone of his words was pure Alpha. Sova did her best to nod. He turned his head and sniffed her and Sova uttered another quiet plea to the gods.

"Why do you smell like that?" the Punisher murmured, nuzzling his nose into her hair at the base of her neck, sniffing. His hand slipped from her mouth, falling to her chin as he tilted her neck to the side, to smell her once more.

"Like what?"

Sova's whisper was ragged, nearly desperate. She had been told that there were side effects to the masking shots. They would mask her smell, and only her smell, for a time. She would generally go unnoticed as long as she didn't get too close to any Alphas. Rutting or not.

Though she'd never had that issue back at North Gate. Pavoc had always kept her well away from nearly everyone.

"Like you're hiding something,"

"I'm not," Sova said shakily, "Everything I told Valen is what I was told. I know nothing more."

That was mostly true.

The Punisher ignored her confession and instead tilted her neck further. Still keeping the knife at her throat, he began rubbing his cheek and nose against the side of her cheek. The hand at her chin slipped up the right side of her face and his fingers entangled themselves in her hair.

He was too close. His scent was too strong. Another inhale and she could feel the warning rumbling from the center of his chest. The sound forcing Sova to clutch her legs together.

"You're lying," the Punisher growled, "just like Pavoc is lying. Did he send you to spy for him?"

Sova wasn't sure if the Alpha had done it intentionally, but as he spoke each word, he pressed his body into hers, leaving her barely any room to breathe against the wall of the train. His scent engulfed her now, and Sova found herself gasping to get a breath of fresh air, even if it was the stale, musty air of the subway.

He pressed himself into her again and Sova became acutely aware that the Punisher was hard. Her tears, her fear, the power he held over her in this moment... it was turning him on. She could feel his large, solid length pressing into the small of her back.

She couldn't take it.

His smell.

His touch.

His cock...

It was too much.

Sova hadn't meant to but with all the stimulation she was receiving, a small wanton whine escaped her.

The Punisher stilled.

Surprised at the small little noise he'd elicited from her, Sova felt the Alpha's cock twitch at her back. She instantly turned her head away in shame, trying to get a breath of air that wasn't contaminated with him.

She'd only gotten to inhale once, before he tightened his grip again. The knife at her neck disappeared and his left hand returned to her throat.

"It seems violence isn't the only way to get you to sing, little bird."

Sova could hear the grin in his tone. His right hand slipped from her hair and dipped down to the slit at the hem of her skirt and between her thighs. His face still buried in her neck, breath ragged and hot on her skin, Sova nearly wept as his calloused fingers made their way between her thighs.

"Please, Alpha," Sova pleaded, her eyes closed as she felt every pore his fingers dragged over, her skin set aflame, "I've told you the truth. I am not a spy. I'm--I'm just a Negotiator."

Her nipples were so hard and tight they hurt, and Sova fought the urge to cup her breasts as his hands trailed over her. As he neared the apex of her thighs, the Alpha paused his ministrations.

"I don't believe you," rasped the Alpha.

Sova whimpered involuntarily.

"Shall I make you sing with these lips instead?" the Punisher threatened, his palm grazing over her soaked panties. Sova could feel his lips curling into a smile against her neck at the discovery. She was beyond wet; her panties were drenched with her slick. Even she could smell the scent of her own arousal.

Please work, please work, she pleaded silently. Though it would have no effect on her sense of smell, the mask should at least alter her smell to others.

In theory.

"Mmm," the Punisher groaned as he slid her panties to the side and slipped two fingers between her folds. He teased her with his fingers, soft and slow, as if relishing the feel of the wetness between her lips. It was agony for Sova, who found herself aching with the need for him to just push inside her. Her hips reflexively shifted back, grinding the cleft of her ass against his sheathed length.

The Punisher offered her a pleased growl, rewarding her with a finger plunged into her warm slit.

His fingers were large and thick and even with her being as wet as she was, her body was unaccustomed to the intrusion. She could feel the calloused texture of his skin as he worked his way inside of her, the sensation adding to her delirium.

"Gods, how tight you are," the Alpha mused, almost surprised. A purr of pleasure resonating from his chest.

Sova nearly came right there.

Stuffing her face into the crevasse of the wall, Sova could do nothing now as her body fell into a haze, her hips grinding in small circles against him as he fucked her with his finger. Yet, somehow, it was still not enough.

"Look how well your cunt sings for me, little bird," the Alpha rasped brusquely in her ear, "such a pretty song."

The Punisher was unrelenting and cruel as he inserted another digit inside, working his fingers hard and deep. Sova bit her tongue to keep quiet, tasting the twang of iron coat her lips. Shame washed over her as she thought of all the people who were mere inches away from seeing the mess the Punisher was making of her.

Despite her anxieties, deep down, Sova knew even if they were being watched. no one would care. An Alpha taking a female in public was not an uncommon sight in Teffor. Likely not anywhere. Whether it be on a train, in an alleyway, or even in the street, no one would dare attempt to interrupt an Alpha mid rut, save for another Alpha. That was how the world worked and it was Alphas who ruled the world. If an Alpha wanted to take a female, be it in public or not, he would have her.

This Alpha continued his tormentful rhythm; his fingers twisting and kneading at that spot inside her, while his thumb flicked playfully over her clit.

To make matters worse, Sova could feel the orgasm threatening to erupt from her, the walls of her cunt contracting in preparation for the blissful release. Panic surged through Sova mid haze. She couldn't let him take that from her. Killing her was one thing, but this...

Sova panted as she bucked back against the Alpha, allowing herself just enough space to slip her right arm from between them, reaching back to grab something...anything to get him to release her.

Her fingernails made contact with flesh, though she didn't know what part of his face she held. Sova scratched anyway, feeling the softness of his skin beneath her nails, hoping to take his eye. Her fingers then slid clumsily into his hair and deliriously Sova pulled his thick locks, releasing whatever it was that held his hair tied back.

In retaliation, the Punisher thrust his hips against hers ferociously. Sova had to use her left hand to steady herself against the wall. As his grip on her throat tightened, the Alpha slipped a third finger inside her, scraping her walls as his knuckles twisted and curled.

"Come for me," the Punisher said thickly, "let me hear your sweet melody, little one."

She was nearly there. Sova fought with everything she had to delay her release. She writhed against him, trying to buck him away but it was futile, only serving to entice the Alpha more, who returned her movements with the forceful thrusts of his hips.

Sova didn't know which of the violations sent her over the edge: his scent, his command, the feel of his cock at her ass, or his thick fingers buried inside of her pussy. But not even a moment later she came.


Sensing her climax, the Punisher removed his left hand from her throat and clasped it once again against her mouth and nose. Her cries were muffled as Sova felt her pussy contract around the Alpha's thick fingers, his thumb still fervently rubbing her clit.

Her head swirled and her whole body shuddered against the male as he continued to work his fingers inside of her, prolonging her climax.

It seemed the feeling would never end. Sova growing dizzy as her walls spasmed and twitched around him, the feel of her slick sticky and drizzling down her thighs to the floor below.

She was so hot. Sova was sure her skin was melting from her bones. Pulse after pulse, the Punisher continued his unrelenting assault on her cunt and clit and Sova came again.

And again.

After what seemed like an eternity, and the convulsions of her leaking slit dying down, the Punisher finally withdrew his fingers from inside her.

"Shall I taste the song you've sung for me, little one? Before I take from you another?' the Punisher asked, his voice heavy and thick.

In her haze, it took Sova several seconds to realize what he'd suggested.

Sova could hear the words of Sin Qero replay in her mind.

This particular formulation will only mask your scent, Negotiator, the physician had told her, it will not mask your taste. And should someone happen to...ingest your fluids, whether it be blood, slick or otherwise, they will become immune to the mask's effects.

Her eyelids fluttered sluggishly and Sova opened her mouth to protest as she watched the Punisher lift his glistening fingers to his mouth.

"No...please," Sova said as best as she could through her daze, twisting herself to face him. She reached up to tug on his arms, but her body felt so heavy and slow. She could do nothing as she watched the Alpha take his slick covered fingers to his lips. Tongue flicking over his hands once, the Punisher's pupils constricted as he stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking wildly on the juices he'd forced from her.

It took several seconds, but Sova saw the moment that realization crept over the Alpha's face. Surprise, anger, and lust falling over him. His iris grew so dark that Sova could've sworn they'd turn black.

Then...he sniffed.

And sniffed the air again. As if scenting her for the very first time. The Punisher looked down at Sova, his irises growing so dark that Sova could've sworn they'd turned black. The look in his eyes was ravenous.

Oh gods, Sova realized, this male would kill her, after he raped her near to death.

Before she could react, the Punisher had his large hands at her throat. She could smell the remnants of her orgasm on his fingers as they clutched at her neck. Pressing himself against her, the Alpha leaned in and took in a long, deep breath.

"So, little bird," the Punisher spoke with a low and lethal tone, "did you think I wouldn't discover you're an Omega?"


Thanks again for reading. Any feedback whether it be love, constructive criticism, or just simple observations are always appreciated. If you really enjoyed it, don't forget to rate below :)

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Please update!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Please please update!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Please update!

XSpurtXSpurtabout 1 year ago

Fully agree with everyone else. Dearly hope that you continue this!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You put some really good effort into this intro that eludes to further plot lines. I would love to know where to read more even if you decided to publish elsewhere for sale. I can't imagine that such a great start that garnered such positive feedback would be so easily abandoned. Not that I haven't seen it countless times but I'll never comprehend it. Hope you are well and don't give up n such a promising talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please I need to read what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please update it so good we need more 😭

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What happens next?? Please we need an update so bad! 😭

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You ended this at the best part!!!! Please continue!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing! I hope you post the second chapter soon 🤞🏻

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please don’t let this be a oneshot! Still waiting for the next update.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Still waiting for the update! Can’t wait to see what happens next

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please don’t let this be forgotten it’s so good so far!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


PreunkaPreunkaalmost 2 years ago

Can’t wait for the next chapter, I hope it’s soon!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Such a good story! I hope you continue with it. :)

thornyrosesthornyrosesalmost 2 years ago

Please keep writing I hope this is not a 1 shot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Beautifully written! Please keep writing!

ThaliaraThaliaraalmost 2 years ago

I'm already hooked on it. Thanks for sharing and I'm very much looking forward to read more from you! :))

thornyrosesthornyrosesabout 2 years ago

I'm invested and awaiting chapter 2

SilverAcquiescenceSilverAcquiescenceabout 2 years agoAuthor

Not at all! Thank for pointing that out. I thought I had adequately shown that Kaz has uniquely keen senses, outside of being an Alpha. That’s my fault for not really conveying that clearly, so I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to do too much exposition.

But that’s why he could smell ‘something.’ Most people would otherwise not notice the smell of anyone who masks.

SilverAcquiescenceSilverAcquiescenceabout 2 years agoAuthor

Wow, thank you all so much! I was not really expecting this much of a response. I’m not really sure how to respond to individual messages but I will say I am finishing up chapter 2 and will submit for review soon :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

please don’t take this the wrong way but Im curious about something? if she is taking something to hide her scent then how did he know something was off? not on the train but before when they were in the office he could tell something was wrong….how did he know?? still a grat story I love the world building so far ;))

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