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Taken Ch. 02

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My curiosity is a sense.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/26/2015
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As the title states, this is part 2. It can certainly be read on its own, but it is best if you go back to the beginning.

I appreciate the feedback for chapter 1. I hope that this chapter is as well received.

The few weeks following my chance encounter at the park were overcast and humid. Thunderstorms threatened almost every afternoon and the temperatures soared. I was drawn back to the park in hopes that I would find him again, only to find myself washed out by the weather at each turn. I began to think that my first encounter with my mysterious stranger would also be my last. I couldn't help but mourn my missed opportunity.

My husband seemed to be waiting, knowing that I was preoccupied with thoughts of that encounter. He took advantage of that preoccupation, even though he knew that he wasn't the one that I thought of when he took me to bed each night. I knew that deep down, somewhere in his soul, it hurt him that I often thought of being taken by someone who was as close to his alter ego as one could be. I also knew that he was confident enough to know that he had my heart. He knew that he was so much more than any other man could ever be. He knew that I needed him in a way that I would never need to let go and release the part of me that needed to be....used.

It was my husband who brought me back to life when I had been shattered by a three year relationship in which I was made to feel less than who I was. It was my husband who taught me to believe that I was beautiful and sexy. It was my husband who showed me that affection could mean so much more than fucking. It was my husband who taught me that love was what would carry us through the years into the stage in our lives when fucking might be a distant memory.

And what, I wondered, did I teach my husband? I taught him how good fucking could be. I taught him that there was more to life than the missionary position. I taught him that as important as love was, the fucking could be so damned good. I taught him that a woman could be every bit as sexual and demanding as a man. I taught him that a woman could be every bit as distracted by her lust as a man could. I taught him that there were things that some women needed, that I needed, that were difficult to explain. I taught him that there was a fine line between love and lust, and that the line could be as gray or as black and white as it needed to be. And every night when he took me in that gentle way that he did, and every night when I begged him to delve deeper into his soul and find a way to give me what I needed, I taught him that there was a part of me that he would never be able to comprehend.

We fell back into our comfortable routines. He asked once or twice about my encounter, but there was nothing much to tell. He didn't seem to mind my being distracted by another. As he had once told me when he discovered my love of chatting, he was, after all, the one who reaped the benefits when I became aroused by late night sessions. And as he and I reaped those benefits, I became engrossed in my own routine of work and family. My memory of that afternoon was pushed to the back of my mind for the most part. And as is generally the case, it wasn't until I had stopped looking that I once again found him.

It was a workday afternoon and I had been asked to deliver some documents to a downtown client. Seeing that it was finally a bright, beautiful day, I decided to grab a sandwich and take my lunch break by the river after running my errand. I kicked off my shoes, rolled up the legs of my jeans, and found a spot where I could sit comfortably with my feet dangling in the cool water. I pulled out a book and turned to the page that I had dog eared to mark my progress. I nibbled my lunch, quickly becoming lost in the author's words.

"I missed you last Saturday."

His voice was so close that I nearly choked on the water that I had been sipping. I looked up at the source only to find a dark silhouette. From my angle of sight, and with the sun behind him, I was practically blind. He stood too close, leaving me at a disadvantage; seated on the ground such that he towered over me. Even so, I knew it was him. I lowered my gaze, returning the top to my water bottle and setting it in the grass at my side.

"I didn't realize I was expected." I responded in a voice that was a bit too shaky.

I looked back up at him; my natural tendency to make eye contact when having a conversation kicking in. He took a step closer, effectively blocking out the sun and allowing me to see his face. The smile that had nearly brought me to my knees at our first meeting was ineffective this time around. I was already seated after all. I did however, feel my breath catch as he looked down at me. Though he had been kind enough to block the sunlight and enhance my view, he was now so close that I was put in the uncomfortable position of having to stare nearly straight up at him. Familiar with the psychology of body language and its use to intimidate, I knew all to well that he had planned his approach with intimidation in mind. Unwilling to play such games, I pulled my legs beneath me and stood up.

"You've been here every Saturday since the first time we met." He said as I rose. "You must be looking for something, or someone."

"I come here quite often actually." I replied. "I didn't realize that anyone had been keeping tabs."

He grinned at me knowingly and said nothing. After a moment he donned his dark glasses once again and walked to the edge of the river leaving me standing alone. I watched as he squatted down, dipped his hand in the water, and stared out across the falls. I waited. We remained in our positions for a few moments, neither making a move. I was tempted to follow his lead and sit beside him. I was also tempted to scoop up my belongings and flee. I refused to give him the satisfaction of either response. I stood there, shifting my weight from one foot to the other as I waited for something to happen.

Rising suddenly he turned and walked toward me. "Your lunch hour is nearly over." He said. "It's time for you to go."

"Yes it is." I responded, not thinking for the moment about the fact that he knew that I was, in fact, there for a lunch time visit only.

"Gather your things." He said, leaning to pick up the book that I had abandoned at his arrival. "I'll escort you to your truck."

It wasn't too far a stretch for him to assume that I could be there on my lunch break. I could write that off as a lucky guess considering the time of day. That he knew that I drove a truck rather than a car however, was slightly unnerving. It was early afternoon and the park was crowded. I should have felt perfectly safe. I did not.

"I can find my own way back." I told him, scooping up my shoes and the remnants of my lunch.

I reached out my hand for my book. He reached toward me with his free hand and clasped it on my wrist, pulling me toward him in a swift and sudden motion. He lowered his face to mine and caught my gaze. Staring into the dark glasses was unsettling. My own eyes looked back at me and I didn't like their size or the look of fear in them. As if reading my mind he let loose my wrist and reached up to remove the glasses. I found myself staring into the dark eyes that had so haunted me.

"I'll escort you." He said, leaving little room for discussion. "I wouldn't want anything untoward to happen to you, Catherine."

His use of my name caused my heart to stop for a second and then to attempt an escape via my throat.

"How do you know me?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I've been looking for you." He said. "And you have been waiting for me to find you."

He held my book out to me and I took it, absentmindedly. He smiled then, perhaps in an attempt to ease my fears. It didn't help a whole lot. I stood, motionless. Every nerve was singing. My brain was screaming at me to walk away. The adrenaline was shooting through me, my fight or flight response having been triggered by the notion of being threatened. At the same time, there was that nagging little voice in my head, whispering the promise of dark, sweet surprises. While I did not care for being threatened in any form or fashion, the part of me that felt obliged to follow direction was reminding me of the thoughts and dreams that had plagued me night after night as I lay in my bed. As torn as I might be, there was a dark arousal that flooded me with wanting.

"Come along, Catherine." He whispered as he gently placed his hand on my lower back. He offered a gentle nudge in the right direction and I felt my feet responding.

We walked to my truck, his hand never losing its place as he guided me along. He knew where I had parked, and as I might have guessed, knew which truck was mine. I dug the remote from my bag and pressed the button to unlock the doors. The familiar sound echoed beneath the bridge. Though not the safest of places to park, I hated parking on the street and returning to find the vehicle an oven. The bridge offered shade and the cooler temps nearer the water. I now found that shade a bit threatening as I neared the truck.

As I made to open the door I felt his hand on my arm. He turned me to him and stepped closer. Backing up, I found myself leaning against the door. We neither spoke nor moved as he looked down at me. The sound of the traffic above faded in and out with the passage of each vehicle. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. I watched as his gaze lowered to my lips and then rose again to my eyes. His fingers slid over my skin where he held my arm, pressed against the truck's door. He moved closer yet, pinning me against steel.

"Youhavebeen waiting for me to find you, haven't you?" he asked.

I swallowed hard. Finding my mouth too dry for words, a gentle shake of my head was all I could manage. He smiled in response.

"Close your eyes, Catherine." He whispered.

I continued to stare at him until his smile disappeared. When his hold tightened on my arm I closed my eyes. I felt his lips gently pressed to mine. His tongue slid over each in turn, hot and moist. As my lips parted to release a long-held breath, he took it as an invitation and slid his tongue into my mouth. I responded without hesitation. I felt a tug on my bag and released my grip. The noise echoed back to me from the confines of the bridge as it hit the ground. He took each of my hands in his, raised them over my head and pressed them against the truck, causing my body to arch forward. His weight pressed against me, pushing me back harder against the door as he devoured my mouth with his.

He pulled back suddenly, leaving me to catch my breath. I waited, eyes closed, lips parted, my breath coming in shallow gasps. I could feel the weight of his gaze, as I did the weight of his body against mine as he held me in place. His weight shifted as he leaned harder into me. I felt his breath as he closed the space between us. I tensed.

"I've been looking forward to this moment, Catherine." He breathed into my ear. "Tell me that you haven't been looking for me."

As he spoke, he took both wrists in one hand and trailed his other down the length of my arm. In spite of the day's heat, my body reacted in a spasm of shivers to his touch. His fingertips brushed over my hair and down the side of my face before his hand cupped my chin.

"Tell me." He insisted. "I want to know if you can bring yourself to lie to me again".

The words were an insult, trapping me no matter my response. If I told him that I had, in fact, looked for him, I would prove him right. Were I to deny it, I would be lying. He already knew the truth. He had seen me waiting for him. He had known when I had returned to the park and when I had not. I wanted to spite him and tell him that I had not been looking for him. The lie was on the tip of my tongue, waiting to be given voice.

"I haven't." I stuttered, the words sounding much less courageous when given voice than they had when I thought them.

He laughed at me. His tongue licked playfully at my earlobe, the proximity of his mouth amplifying his laughter. Had I hackles, they would have raised at the sound. I opened my eyes and thrust forward, pushing his body back from mine. He stepped back, loosing my wrists and thrusting his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"You're a terrible liar, Catherine." He said, smiling at me.

"And you're a son-of-a..."

I was cut off as his hand clamped down over my mouth. He pressed me back hard against the truck, his full weight falling against me. His face was a mere inch away from mine. His eyes no longer reflected the humor that I had seen a moment ago. I bucked against him, trying to regain my footing. He reached up with his free hand and grasped my hair at the nape of my neck, pulling it back. My head followed to ease the pressure; thrusting my mouth up to his as he lowered his head down. As he pulled his hand away he replaced it with his mouth. His kiss was far from gentle this time around. He thrust his tongue between my lips until I could feel his teeth crushing my lips against mine. His demand was so great that I couldn't help but respond. My body reacted almost violently as I matched the weight of his kiss with a ferocity of my own. My teeth sank into his lip, catching the fragile skin before he could pull back. He yanked my hair back hard, and I let go. His tongue slid over my throat, before he bit down on my earlobe.

"You are quite a playful little bitch, Catherine." He whispered. "You're lucky I have a sense of humor. I'm tempted to ask if this is what you've been looking for when you show up each afternoon, but I'm thinking that you might be tempted to lie to me again. Are you going to tell me the truth this time?"

"Yes." I responded when prompted by another tug of my hair.

"And how am I to know if you're telling the truth or not?" he asked.

"I'll tell you the truth." I insisted before he could yank my tresses yet again.

"I'm sure you will." He whispered as he resumed his playful licks to my skin. "In fact," he continued, "I know just how to tell if you're lying or not."

He released my hair and reclaimed my wrists, pulling them over my head once again. He held them in place with one of his as the other traveled down my body. His mouth found mine again. As he kissed me I felt his free hand tugging at my jeans. With very little fuss he had released my belt buckle, the button on my Levi's, and the zipper. His fingers teased at the waistband, skimming over my skin. He slid the hand beneath my tee shirt and bra, and cupped my breast. His fingers expertly rolled and squeezed my nipple until it was hard. I was moaning into his mouth, loving every bit of the attention.

"Is this what you were looking for?" he asked, his words barely audible.

"Yes." I answered.

"That's what I thought." He said, chuckling. "But to be very sure..."

He slid his hand down over my stomach and beneath the waistband of my jeans. His fingertips came to rest atop my mound for just a moment. He pulled back, finding my eyes with his. He smiled. I knew how I must look by this point; lips parted, eyelids heavy, my hazel eyes glazed with arousal and a hint of fear. His hand slid further, his fingers parting my lips and sliding into me as I released a sound from somewhere deep within.

"Oh yes." He said, sliding deeper into me. "I believe you're telling the truth this time."

A sigh of arousal was the only affirmation I could manage. He continued his movements as he leaned in close to me. He lowered his eyes to mine as his fingers slid in and out of me, as deep and fast as my jeans would allow. His thumb pressed down on my clit. He smiled at my reaction as I gasped sharply at the touch. He continued his manipulation as he watched me, his eyes tracking mine, reminding me to look at him when my eyelids threatened to close.

"Do you want me to stop, Catherine?"

"No." I exhaled, sharply.

"Ask me nicely."

"Please don't stop." I asked, as nicely as I could manage under the circumstances.

"Do you want to cum?" he asked as he applied more pressure to my clit.


"Again", he said firmly "You have to ask me nicely."

"Please make me cum." I practically shouted the words, too close to the edge to even consider balking at the thought of begging.

He smiled down at me. He quickened his pace, his fingers thrusting into me with renewed determination. His thumb slid maddeningly over my clit in a circular motion as he pressed down on the swollen bud. His mouth was on mine again, his tongue thrusting between my lips. I sucked greedily at the intrusion. I felt every nerve reacting to his touch. Waves of heat pulsed through me while icy fingers slid up my spine in an explosive contradiction. Each wave of pleasure threatened to bring me to my knees. I begged him not to stop, my words lost in our mouths as we kissed. I resisted the urge to pull back from his touch, my clit throbbing and sensitive as my climax took me. My whole body shuddered uncontrollably. My knees threatened to buckle beneath me.

His touch slowed and softened. My breathing slowed. Each wave of pleasure now ebbed through me with less intensity.

"Open your eyes, Catherine." He whispered. "Look at me."

I opened my eyes and raised my gaze to his. He stared at me for just a moment before lowering his gaze to my lips. He pulled his hand from my jeans and raised it to my mouth. He held his fingers, damp with my own release, just in front of my lips. I breathed in deeply, the scent of my own sex making me heady. I leaned forward, intent on tasting myself on his fingers, but he pulled them back.

"Don't you get it yet, Catherine? You have to ask me nicely."

His tone was condescending, and it sparked my defiance. I'm sure that the fact that I was now sated, at least to a degree, had much to do with my ability to respond as I did. I reclaimed my hands, expecting a struggle, yet meeting no resistance. I pushed him back, both of my hands on his chest as I pushed myself away from the truck.

"I'm leaving." I practically spit the words at him, as I bent down to pick up my bag. I dug inside, trying desperately to find my keys with my shaking hands. I fumbled, dropping the bag back to the ground. I bent again, picking up the items that had spilled out, my frustration growing and with it my indignation.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I asked.

When he didn't respond, I looked up, ready to repeat my question. He was gone. I looked toward the river, and caught sight of him rounding the corner. I can't begin to explain why, but I felt as though I had just made a very big mistake.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I don't do this usually

I just wanted to tell you I have been following this story ..

I have been a long time member of this site but rarely ever comment but since that last comment erked me with can I have my 3 min back I feel compelled to leave one.

I have read and reread this story from the beginning and find it really really good it's not a one stroke and done story! You are developing the people and there lives so beautifully that it makes the build up even more beautiful!

Please continue your story your way!!! Because you are talented!

extremystiqueextremystiqueabout 9 years agoAuthor
To anonymous...

I'm sorry you were disappointed. I suppose my writing isn't everyone's cup of tea. If there is something specific that you disliked, please feel free to contact me and let me know. Perhaps your suggestions might help in my future endeavors.

I do appreciate your thoughts and your taking the time to comment.

Best regards,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
My mistake was reading this.

Can I have my 3 minutes back? Is anybody really that dumb? Even for fiction this was unbelievably bad.

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