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The Keeping of Lena Ch. 01


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His smile faded and was replaced by...concern? She wasn't certain.

"Lena...Lena love," he said urgently, suddenly sitting up. He started towards her, and Lena automatically felt herself backing away from him.

It was only then that Lena realized she was crying and trembling heavily. The guilt was apparent on his face, but for some reason, it made her cry harder.

"Lena, I'm so sorry—"

His words were cut off by a loud, blood curdling scream that caused a painful shiver to travel down her spine.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ehhhh I too am confused, I've read this series over and over and this reaction is literally something I cannot understand. Is she projecting ? Maybe she doesn't understand what she's actually asking for, or is she so confused by the idea that she can enjoy this much, whilst feeling pain. And not processing it. Idk but love the plot ethier way, really hope they get their happy ever after

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ehhhhh I too am confused, I've reread this series over and over and this episode always puzzles me, as the rest of the plot relies on this strange interaction. Is Lena so confused by the fact that she can react so hard to renz when he is being too rough? Or the fact that she really like this amount of froce? Maybe she doesn't actually understand what she is asking for. Idk, but I guess it is the puzzle of being human. Overall great plot, Hoping for a happy ever after

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Ehh I'm so confused she told him she secretly wanted to be raped even begged him this last time to use her. Then she scrambles away from him in anguish and tears I kno she is young but her indecisive in the bedroom hurts my damn head.

SoftKtty24SoftKtty24over 3 years ago

The Taking and Keeping of Lena series has me straddling the chapters to preserve each page. I am so in love with this romantic/non-consensual/consensual/erotic/spine tingling love story. Even though I am not at the end of this series, I am going to be greedy at this point and like the others ask for more, more, more please. Your writing and depiction inbreeded in the pages of this story is amazing. Please keep on writing and when I reach the conclusion of the Keeping of Lena, again, I will be begging and pleading for more. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I keep coming back to your page looking for the next story or update. Thank you for the time you give to your eager fans. Love your work.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Wow, how rude to demand content

Though it is an old comment, I'm sure there are many more like it. Please disregard the rudeness of others. Your time and storytelling efforts are much appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good night nurse!

Can't believe the bloody cheek of some people. Writers have lives other than here. The stories post when they post. I appreciate them whenever they're posted. This is an excellent series or novel/novella. I'm thoroughly enjoying your writing. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I want more....

Pls when are we getting the rest ....

I can't wait ....pls pls plssss

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I just discovered the Taking of Lena and this first chapter of the Keeping of Lena. I am enraptured by this story and am so eager for more! Definitely a premium story, far above the expectations I've had from Literotica offerings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Need a new chapter

Love this story SO SO SO much really hope you come back and finish it <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Yet ANOTHER lie from this 'writer' 15/3/17 chapter 2 will be posted this week, 11 days later still waiting, but then what can we expect from a writer who also lied about White Christmas chapters being posted as soon as the previous one posted back in EARLY January, still waiting there too.

So please ablondegoddess, stop bloody lying and post what you said you were going to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A week?

Please dont promise if its not coming. I was so excited at new years when you said Lena would finally be up that next week. 3 months later you finally update and say a week which has now passed. You have people that love this story and I think its kinda of wrong to make false promises. Maybe just dont say anything until its done and submitted. Hope all is well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Lie as usual

Why would anyone ever expect you to keep your word? You said a week and yet here we are. Just admit you have no respect for your fans or your own timetable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Amazing Story

This has been my favorite story to date. I will be stalking for more. Thank you for an amazing story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Stop complaining

I see some impantient people here and on Tumblr blog that really triggers me to write this.

Let me get this straight - the author's NOT obliged to submit a story in a set amount of time. Life has a lot of commitments. Only when those commitments are fulfilled then author can have free time to pursue this hobby.

Let's just savour the fact that we are fortunate that author shares with us the amazing LENZ story. In the meantime, explore other options to entertain our minds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

As an avid anon reader of the vast store of fiction on these pages, I always find it bizarre to find a wonderful tale, wonderfully written that sets the reader up with an entire cast of interesting characters and plot lines....and then it just STOPS. Is there a syndrome at work here? it's so edgingly not fair. Lena needs more. Oh my Lord needs more. The nefarious evil- doers need more...need I say more? Please....the last possible plea. Continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I just realized...

I just realized I haven't begged anyone to do anything more than I've begged "ablondegoddess" to continue the story of Lena and Renz. I personally think this is hilarious :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Lena & Renz! I never thought I'd see them again and then JOY, I finally saw the long awaited "The Keeping of Lena"! This story has been at the top of my most wanted list since you told us you were working on it. And you've hooked me again. But now I'm in the depths of despair seeing how long it's been since you posted. I'm BEGGING you to post the next chapter as soon as possible. 😩 At least please check in with us to let us know you're still there? Pretty please? I gave you five stars and would give you the moon too if I could. 🌖 See? 😃

Your eternal fan,


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Wtf is your problem. Please come back. And finish Lena and Renz' story. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

PLEASE finish the story of Renz and Lena. I NEED THEM TO FINALLY BE HAPPY TOGETHER AND END UP FOREVER WITH EACH OTHER. Please for the love of GREAT writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
wat is happening

If you have stoped writing why don't you jst let us knw if you want to write yearly simply say so,so dat we your reader will stop stalking your is simply faustrating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please don't make us wait so long. I love this story and the characters. So much talent. The sensual words flow like a strong current in a rushing river! Like drinking Tennessee Wiskey!

ChyjkChyjkover 7 years ago
I'm begging you...

Please update and continue this story as soon as possible. I am totally in love with all the characters and the plot line. I need to know what happens next. I see that you have other stories that you are working on and I'm just hoping that you will update this one soon. Thanks!

katiesummerskatiesummersalmost 8 years ago

I have reread your story more than I can count and have learnt to love most of the characters, dislike towards the others and humour towards the rest. Please continue your writing, it is an absolute delight to read and I cannot wait for future installments.

Best wishes


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I don't think she's given up. She can't be running out of ideas now! I get the feeling that she has the chapters ready but she's waiting on something. Maybe she just can't come to agreement on sth with literotica, or maybe she has to deal with the issues of being plagiarized...

subkfsubkfalmost 8 years ago
Continue ... Suspense is holding me hostage

Loved the story. Your writing grabbed me from the the first chapter and has held me fast. Please please continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Please write back

Can't wait to read the next chapter I was hooked on this story so please update

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

said look for the new chapter end of August/beginning of September. It's almost the end of September.. where are youuuuu?! </3

Eve86Eve86about 8 years ago
Come back!!!!!

Where are you? Please, come back! Come back! You're such a great writer! This is still one of the best stories here!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

When is the next one coming? I can't wait

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I need more!

This story is just fantastic! I only happened across it the other day and have managed to read it all! You MUST right more. I need to know what happens!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
More more more more....

I check in on your profile every month to see if there is a new instalment and get disapointed everytime there is not. Its been more than a year since this Lina story and almost a year since any story so I am worried that you wont give us any others. Please keep writing. I need to know what happens.

PetrouchkaPetrouchkaabout 8 years ago
Please !!!

Par piti&eacute;, &eacute;crivez la suite, cette histoire est tellement incroyable ! Je l'adore !!!

Vous poss&eacute;dez un r&eacute;el talent d'&eacute;crivaine, toutes mes f&eacute;licitations !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This is bordering on torture!

I commented at the end of "The Taking of Lena" about my gross need for an update to this story then found this sequel. Which also begs an update! Just like me--begging for an update! I know it's been a while, but please write more if at all possible! This story is too good and too jaw-grindingly eventful/suspenseful/complex to lie fallow. Lena, Renz, Ava, Karl and Baby W need closure--which would come about much more quickly if Lena and Renz would JUST TALK ALREADY. And Wife #1 and Brother W #2 need to be ended. As I said in my comment at the end of TToL, please have mercy, ablondegoddess!

wondering_birdwondering_birdover 8 years ago
Please Finish

I've been so captivated with the previous series as well as chapter one of this one, to the extent that I desperately need the next chapter, I need this story to end. Everytime I settle and think it's near end, drama just builds up! Please finish this series and end the story because I am so attached to Renz and Lena's story. Please finish it.

NightingaleSongNightingaleSongover 8 years ago
Never Ever Stop Writing!

This series is breathtaking and beautiful and at least mildly realistic... I cannot express how much I am invested in hearing more.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You are an extremely talented writer, hopefully there will be more to come.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A plea

I really enjoyed this story. I found the plot and characters engrossing so much that the sex was not the best part. I hope you will find a way to resolve the plot lines so that Lena learns and finds happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Omg what happened I'm so so anxious what happened to you :( I need the next chapter

VoltemandVoltemandover 8 years ago

As always with your work, this is a treat to read. Really lovely, and engaging writing -- filled with convincing tension, well-paced subtlety, and a vitality of language. Thank you for sharing. It's a perfect follow-up to your first series. Hats off!

- V

chocoqueenchocoqueenover 8 years ago
You are an asshole!

Finish the damn series! At least give us a link an email something! Let us know what's going on. Are you still alive!? Cause if you aren't that is... unfortunate. But finish the damn story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please...please, please.

Please, continue writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please end the story

I don't understand why u have kept so many people hanging....finish the story for ur's not fair to us..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It's not nice to keep all of us on a cliffhanger! I want to know what happens to everybody!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Best story on the whole site!! So engaging and beautifully written! Excited for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please continue with the Lena series.

Would love know what happens to Ava, Renz and Lena. Please continue your series. These are awesome and would buy your books if you have any.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please, please finish the series! Why would you start another one just to tease us with only one chapter?! I've been waiting for a year now, checking back every month or so, and I must say, I am personally offended.

:) In all seriousness though, you have a gift. I did not read your series simply because of the excitement of a dirty scene (for that, I could have gone to any of the literally hundreds of trashy novels out there *ahem, Fifty Shades, *ahem! No, I didn't read your stories for the sex (which, by the way, was beautifully captured), but for the plot, the story, Lina, Renz, Ava.

I always maintain that the mark of a truly good erotica is that it is one that does not arouse me in the least, but that keeps me hooked anyway. Maybe I'm just weird, but the best of eroticas just fail to get me going because I'm so invested in the characters that I kind of just glaze over the sex, no matter how well written. This, my friend, made me do that, and I thank you for that.

Now write more, or you're in for a spanking from a petite young reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
We must have more!!!

You write so well, that I couldn't stop reading your stories & now I want to know what happens to the characters. There isn't an ending yet, hopefully they will stay together. We need you to finish the story, please. I really do care about the main characters. I have to know what happens next. It's been almost a year since you submitted this chapter. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sooo good

This story is so good, I'd love to see it continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What happens?!?!?

Please continue the story or bring it to it's conclusion. Your writing is wonderful. It's been a pleasure reading the Lena saga.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Stop turturing us!

Who ever writes this story, I hope you are writing books. You are fantastic! Please, stop taking so long to post another sequel. Thanks!

wish2basubwish2basubover 8 years ago
What a great story but.....

Is it an abandoned story? There are several really good writers and stories that seem to be abandoned like an unwanted infant at a fire station. Iknow life forces many changes on usand our interests, concerns, and responsibilities intrude but to just drop it without concern is disconcerting at the very least. I hope you come back to this. I hope you are earning your living as a writer. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I need more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Stilling Wanting More

After reading the first series, I happened to come across this continution. Stop teasing and give us more. ;-)

Marie2012Marie2012over 8 years ago

Please continue! Love this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Complete this series!!! We're all waiting for you!!

DayWalker13DayWalker13over 8 years ago

It has been almost a year, I hope you write another chapter soon. I check weekly with my fingers crossed hoping to see a new one posted. Please don't leave us in suspence much longer.

MsBeeHavenMsBeeHavenover 8 years ago
What happens next?!?

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Girl, fo' realz, publish this as a complete book (once completed, of course). You're writing style is captivating, and you build the plot line and character development very well. So many of the stories on here are barely worth a glance. I was thrilled to find your work, where I found myself actually invested in the characters.

I agree with a few of the other commenters, that there are minor aspects that are frustrating. Such as Lena following the young boy into danger. As an outside spectator, I roll my eyes at her naiveté and feel that she should have known better, given what she's been through. But her character is inherently innocent and pure at heart, or as much as it can be, given the nature of the story ;). But I also admit that I don't know where you are taking the story, so her moment of carelessness might easily play into the future storyline.

That being said, when is the next chapter coming out? Please don't keep us in suspense :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I would love if you end this series ASAP...because i really cannot wait so long for new stories to arrive

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
left me wanting more...

It has been months you did not contribute much to this series...


i am literally dying to read more of it...i keep reading the previous stories on and on...and wait for the new ones to come.....this series is totally my favourite in this genre ...

please write ASAP...and save my soul..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This is amazing!

Please, please keep writing!

The story, it's depth and overall content is absolutely splendid!

Waiting in heightened anticipation for the next part, please post soon!!!

Thank you for a breathtaking story!

GemmaGreyGemmaGreyover 8 years ago

I love this story, can't wait to hear the ending!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Puh-leeeeeze Finish this?? Amazing story I've been following for so long the suspense is getting me! ~~~LT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I've been reading this forever please please wirtie part 2 soon I love this story so much been reading it since u started love it!

kat01843kat01843almost 9 years ago
Please, continue

Don't leave me begging for more, don't abandon your readers. ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
More please!

Been following this whole story for a few years now and I love it - re-read so many times. Please post the next chapter soon! Xx

near1111near1111almost 9 years ago

Another hot Story unfinished. From now on i will onyl read, coment and vote finished stories.

RamielionRamielionalmost 9 years ago

Has the author given up on the story? :c

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

desperately waiting on the next chapter.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
next chapter quickly please!

the taking of Lena has taken a more thrilling turn in this new episode of keeping her! I am very excited about the next chapter.. the suspense is building! wow fantastic beginning.. as well as continuation..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Team Doc J

Why is it okay for LuvTractor to post offensive, troll-like comments throughout various chapters but not okay for someone like Doc J to take issue with those comments? Simply because he/she included his credentials in his comment!? She/He's obviously speaking about a larger issue beyond the scope of the issue that LuvTractor was the first to bring up, in a far more offensive manner towards the author, IMO. Doc J had every right to be pissed off and every right to express it. The subject of rape should piss people off. I for one am glad Doc J decided to post publicly rather than PM LuvTractor because it gave me a new perspective worth examining.

Anyhoo, to the author, THANK YOU for returning to this story.... yr first sequel was what first drew me onto this website and it's talented writing like yours that keeps me hooked. Bravo and well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Delightfully hooked:)

I really loved Renz and Lena. The only irritating part was Lena's being so Naive and stupid. After been through with horrific tragedy, she should be wary of the people and her sorroundings. How can she expect people to always saved her bcoz of her stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Utter dog shit.

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