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The West Texas Ladies Chess Club Ch. 02


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"Motion to accept Sam's compromise rite of initiation?" Lisa called.

"Seconded," Cassandra said.

"All opposed?" silence.

"All in favor?" Everyone agreed.

"Motion is passed!" I said. "Sam, ladies, please remove your clothing and line up for the hugs."

"Protocol question?" Sam said.

"Yes?" Was she going to try and back out? Cold feet?

"Aren't my clothes supposed to be removed for me? I want to be sure to do this right."

"Yes, of course, thank you for reminding me!" I said.

"Who gets to strip her?" Lisa asked. I thought for a second, then said, "We all do. Make a line, and everyone takes one item of Sam's clothing until she's naked. Sam, is that ok with you?"

Sam said, "That'll be fine. C-, Tish, c-could you go first, though?"

"Starting to get into the spirit of the thing?" Lisa asked.

"I'm enjoying this more than I expected, yes."

"Okay, then," I said. Ladies? Everyone, except Sam, get naked and form a line behind me! Sam, if you would stand over here, please? Yes, like that, thank you."

Clothes began to fly across the room from all the girls. It might be more accurate to say that the room was suddenly filled with an explosion of women's clothing flying through the air!

Sam stood where I indicated in front of me. I leaned in close to her ear and said, "You are certain you are comfortable with this?"

"I am. Oh, Tish, I think I'm really going to enjoy this. Please, begin."

"Ok," I said. "But for the first button of your blouse, I want you to take my hands and put them on it. To show consent."

She reached out to my hands and placed them on the top button of her blouse. She took a deep breath and said, "Please proceed," she said. I slipped the button from its hole and began working down her blouse. Her breathing was growing faster, and I couldn't help but notice Sam's eyes on my breasts. She was getting into this! Having undone the last button, her blouse hanging open, seeing her building excitement, I decided to take a chance. Instead of just taking her blouse off, I put my hands on her chest, above her nipples, and caressed my hands across her chest to push her blouse off her shoulders and down her arms. As my hands moved across her breasts, I heard her sigh.

From behind her, Lisa pulled her blouse down her arms and off.

"OK?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "In fact, that was actually quite nice, to be honest. More than I had expected." She was breathing more deeply than she had been, I could see.

Cassandra kneeled in front of Sam and unzipped her skirt. She reached up to the now loose waistband, placed her hands on Sam's hips, and gently brought the skirt down to her feet. I heard Sam's breath catch as Cassandra's hands ran down her thighs.

"Oh, Cassandra," Sam said. "That was nice. That was genuinely nice."

Cassandra gently ran her hands back up Sam's legs, back up to Sam's hips, held her hands there, and said, "Wait, please. Since I'm down here, let me get your shoes, too."

"O- ok," Sam said. I could see her nipples beginning to poke through her bra, her breath speeding up. She was definitely getting into this!

Sam leaned back against Lisa while Cassandra undid her shoes, one foot at a time. Lisa wrapped her arms around Sam, placing her hands over her belly, fingers splayed to maximize her touch on Sam's body. When Cassandra removed both of Sam's shoes, Sam stood on her feet again, but Lisa was still behind her, wrapping her in her embrace. While Lisa slowly ran her fingernails gently across Sam's belly, Cassandra ran her hands slowly over the tops of Sam's feet.

"Ohhhh, Cassandra, that was nice, thank you," Sam said. "You have such a lovely touch."

Sam was now only wearing her bra and panties. Behind her, Lisa undid her bra. But before removing it, she leaned to Sam's ear and said, "Ok?"

Sam leaned back towards Lisa, resting her head against Lisa's chest, inhaled deeply, and said, "Yes. Please continue."

Lisa pushed her bra straps off Sam's shoulders, and from the front, I took her bra and removed it the rest of the way. Sam had a beautiful set of tits! B-cups, topped with perky, long nipples. Nipples that I could see were solidly hardened into erect little knots. Feeling the air on her breasts brought a sigh to her lips.

"Isn't it lovely?" I asked her.

"It is," she said. "Oh, it is! I'm getting so turned on by this."

That made me take another chance. I took one of her hands, brought it to her nipple and said, "Don't they just ache when they are this sensitive? Isn't it sweet?" With her hand, Sam began playing with her nipple. That was when I reached up and took her other nipple in my hand and gave it just the lightest little pinch. Her body writhed in Lisa's embrace, and her breath came in ragged shudders.

"Now, Sam," I said, "With your permission? Lisa will kneel behind you, and Cassandra and I will kneel in front of you and remove your panties."

She nodded her head yes, and so we kneeled, and put our hands on her hips, her belly, and her ass, and gently pulled her panties down. That produced yet another sigh from Sam.

"Sam?" Lisa said, whispering in her ear, "You're ok?"

"I am," she said with a sigh. "I must admit, this has all been much nicer than anticipated. It's all so sensual. I have to admit, I'm liking this."

I think, without realizing she was doing it, Sam reached out, put her hand on my head, and lightly stroked my hair. Lisa had let one of her hands remain on Sam's hip, and Sam had placed her other hand over it. We all became aware of the scent of Sam's musk, and it was driving us wild with lust!

I stood to face her and said, "The girls are all naked and ready to start the hugs. Still up for it?"

Her reply was a bit breathy, as she said, "Yes. Please. Can we start with you three, first?"

"I think that would be fine," I said. I took the last two steps that had separated us, bringing the front of our bodies together, breast-to-breast, belly-to-belly, put my arms around her back, and held her in a nice, close, warm hug. I put my head next to hers and said, "Sam, you feel so wonderful in my arms."

"So do you!" she said. "Hugging a naked woman is much nicer than I had expected. Oh, God, I am loving this, Tish."

"I'm so happy to hear you say that."

Holding our embrace, I ran my hands down her back, bringing out a long, appreciative sigh. We held the embrace for several moments, and then when she released me, I gave her a quick peck on the side of her neck, stepped back, and Cassandra took my place.

With her six-foot height, Cassandra put one arm behind Sam's head and turned her face to place her cheek directly against Cassandra's chest. Lisa then stepped up to Sam from behind and embraced her from the rear, pressing her tight, fit body to Sam's backside. They held the hug for a few moments and stood there, the three of them slightly swaying in unison.

When that hug ended, all the girls, in turn, shared their hugs with Sam. While it didn't have the pure animal lust of our typical rite of initiation, there was no denying the intimate sensuality of the process. The girls were all getting turned on, collapsing in pairs and groups on the floor, the couch, and my table after their hugs and busily going down on one another.

Becky was last in line. She also held Sam's head to her chest. As the embrace ended, Becky put her hand under Sam's chin and said,

"Sam? May I kiss you on the lips?" Becky, usually so confident, sounded unusually shy. "Just once? You don't have to. I don't want you to if you would feel uncomfortable. I promise I won't take it as an invitation to push for further advances on you, if you agree. But if it's ok, I'd really like to give you just one kiss."

"Ok," Sam said, lifting her lips to Becky's. It was a gorgeous, lovely little kiss!

"Thank you, Sam," Becky said as their lips released each other.

"Thank you!" Sam said. Becky started to pull away from Sam, but Sam's hands were suddenly on Becky's arms, holding Becky near her. Sam's eyes were cast down, looking at the floor, but then she looked up, and there was fire in her eyes. "B-Becky?"

"Yes, love?" Becky said, and she placed her hand on Sam's cheek.

"May I, can we, c-c-can we ... make love?"

Becky stepped close to Sam, bringing their bodies into direct contact again. She put her hand under Sam's chin, brought their lips close together, and said, "Sam, my love, I would like nothing better." They kissed, and this time, it was a full-on open-mouth French kiss, their tongues playing with each other, their hands roaming freely over their bodies.

They parted, and Becky said, "Oh, my lovely, dear Sam! I've always wanted to do that. I've had a crush on you for at least two years."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" Sam asked. Her eyes were wide in shock at Becky's revelation.

"We live in such different worlds. You're straight, and I'm openly gay. We have less than nothing in common. I never even knew how to start a conversation with you or what we could talk about."

"Oh, I wish you had!" Sam said. "I've always had a crush on you, too."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Becky asked. It was Becky's turn to be surprised.

"I thought I was straight!" Sam said. "I thought what I felt for you was just an ordinary girl crush! But I know now it's not just an innocent girl crush. Oh, the time we have wasted!"

"Well, my love, we're making up for that now wouldn't you say?" Becky asked.

Their lips met again, open to each other. They began to sway and rock with each other, Sam's leg wrapped around Becky's ass, as her hips began to rock, grinding their pussies together, eliciting moans from them both. They ought to be alone, I thought. I gently herded them through the tangle of female bodies littered about my living room and kitchen area, towards my bedroom. I got them inside, pulled the covers down, and as I stepped out, I said, "Have a wonderful time, ladies!" I don't think Sam even heard me; her mouth was fastened to one of Becky's breasts as her hand found Becky's slit and began toying with her labia, slicking her fingers in Becky's arousal.

Becky heard me, though. As I stepped out and closed the door, I saw her give me a "thumbs-up" sign.

About an hour and a half of tumultuous lovemaking, groaning, moaning, orgasmic wailing torn from their throats later, a somewhat disheveled, perspiration-soaked Sam opened the door and stepped out of the bedroom. I looked over the heads of the two girls that were playing with my tits, their mouths clamped to my nipples. And the one girl between my legs whose mouth had engulfed my clit, her fingers in my vagina, lazily rubbing my g-spot, and saw Becky, sleeping. Becky, the indefatigable! Just totally conked out, sleeping, her skin glistening with sweat!

I managed to ask Sam, "So, and I'm certainly not judging, but what happened to being straight?"

"It didn't last very long, did it?" She said, blushing. "You know that stupid thing guys always say about women? How straight women are like spaghetti? Perfectly straight until you get them hot and wet? There seems to be a larger component of truth to that than I had previously realized." We both giggled.

"And just look at what you've done to poor Becky," I said.

"Yes. Even when I thought I was straight, I always wanted to make love to Becky since the first time I saw her in the hallways. I've had a crush on her for two years, now. But like her, I never even knew how to begin to talk to her, what to say. So tonight, after you all got me so turned on? When she told me how she felt for me? She caught all of that pent-up longing, the poor dear! I do hope I pleased her."

"I'd say that's a pretty safe bet. Will you excuse me? These crazy bitches have mad oral skills, and I'm about to come."

"Oh, yes, of course. Please do!"

"T-tell Lisa, would you, t-to h-h-have s-someone cuddle with Becky? So s-s-she d-d-doesn't g-g-get cold?"

And that was it; my three girls pushed me over the edge into my orgasm! Oh, it was a nice one! Convulsions, paroxysms, shuddering, keening ecstasy. It was driven to a higher degree than usual as I thought about how happy Becky and Sam had made each other. And how we had been able to give Sam this intimacy with other women she had wished for so long. I started squirting, and that doesn't happen to me very often. The girls all started shouting, cheering, and taking turns getting splashed in it, and there, at the end, was Sam, kneeling to take a splash, too.

I finally stopped, and as I did, Sam was between my legs, caressing my belly, kissing my hips.

"Ladies, oh my God, thank you!" I said. "You were all so sweet, so giving. So loving! Can someone get a couple of towels?" I asked when my presence of mind and power of speech returned to me.

When they brought them, Sam said, "May I have one? I want to pat Tish down if that's ok?" I was still on the sofa, sprawled legs and vagina open to the world. I was utterly sated. Spent. In such a "high" of sexual satisfaction, I couldn't help but wonder if the mundane, heterosexual world was anything to which I wanted to return! They handed Sam a towel and the wonderful dear gently, oh-so-lovingly! Patted and rubbed my fluids off me with that miraculous towel.

But Sam did not, I couldn't help but notice, dry me by herself. Nor did she dry herself, when it was her turn to experience the squirting ecstasy of a woman in orgasm. Later, Sam insisted on drying off the three girls who had served me so tenderly, so completely. It was lovely to watch, to see a young woman finally at home with a part of her nature, her sexuality, she had so long been unable to reconcile within her own soul. One of the girls who had so lovingly brought me to orgasm refused to be dried off. When she offered Sam a hug, both of their bodies still covered in my wet squirt, I had another minor orgasm just from watching their embrace.

And the night was still relatively young! It was barely even 8:45 PM!

"Ok, bitches," I said. "Half of you go make love, the other half meet Sam at the table! Chess lessons shall begin! If you're still up to it, Sam?"

She nodded enthusiastically and said, "I stand ready to contribute to the club!"

That was met with general cheering. "Ok!" I said. "Then later, we switch groups. Everybody learns Chess, everybody makes love. That wants to, of course!"

The rest of the evening went by in a blur of chess and lesbian sex as the girls went at both with equal fervor. I aided Sam as much as possible, but several times, Lisa or Cassandra would take over as I went and had some fun with the ladies, too. The President of a Chess Club can be a busy person, indeed!

Sam was a natural as an instructor, too; she was definitely going to help us bring up our game.

As the meeting broke up and everyone found their clothes and left, it turned out that Sam was the last of the ladies to leave.

"Sam," I said, "I couldn't help but notice that you stayed naked throughout the evening."

"I did, I know," she said. She seemed a bit flustered. "At first, I just didn't know if I should get dressed. But pretty quickly, I found I was enjoying being naked. Naked with all of you. It just felt so right."

"I'm glad we were able to make you feel that comfortable with our group," I said. "Your group, too, now!"

"And ... I really enjoyed my initiation."

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! I can safely say the ladies look forward to our future together with you. I know Becky is!"

"I know, right?" she said. "I've got a girlfriend, now! Can you believe it?" She blushed that gorgeous, lovely blush again. She gave me a final embrace and left.


We practiced like mad for three straight weeks. Well, not exactly straight weeks, if you get my drift. We quickly learned to use lovemaking to reinforce the chess lessons, and let me tell you, you can't beat sex as a reward for positive reinforcement! As a result, we all came up the learning curve pretty darn quickly in the game of chess.

And Becky and Sam began dating. But still taking part in the club rituals, of course! Watching them, I guess I understood what everyone had been saying about Lisa and me.

Talk about having one's cake and eating it, too. Or having it eaten for you. Ahem.


A month later, we won our first local challenge! It was all the sweeter because it was against the Physics dept. They had taken Sam's defection from their ranks as a personal insult, and had nothing but derogatory comments to make. Especially when they saw Sam and Becky so obviously in a loving, romantic relationship. We ignored all the trash talk and took them to the cleaners!

We got too confident, though. The following week, the Athletics Dept. thoroughly clobbered us. Again.

"Hello, ladies? You think the Athletics dept. doesn't know about kinky sex as applied to learning?"

"I'm sure I do not know what you are referring to," I said. But I did. Oh, Lord! How I did!

"Bitch, please! Anytime one of us makes a blunder, we have to perform a favor decided on by the club. We've been blowing our loads on the losers and learning our moves for so long that some of us can't even remember what girls are for! Welcome to the 21st Century, exclusionist ladies!"

It was clear we were going to have to improve our game further!

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Sooo lovely. I liked very much how you handled it all with sensitivity with the girls starting as a small group, then extending their joy for Sapphic pleasure to other interested parties who were brought in with the same gentleness and respect. The conclusion with Sam finally getting to "know" Becky was sweet as well as erotic as Sam allowed her initiation to slowly warm her up to face her insecurities, then BOOM! her long-held desires were unleashed. The return of Jen with Martha was exquisite too. Keep up the good work.

PG564EPG564E11 months ago

OMG, my dear Amber. . .

Your sexy mind is SOOOO hot. Your addiction to mind boggling sex so well described. This greatly excited me reading this, picturing in my mind the runaway lust and terrific sex you bought to life with your words.

I love having queer sex with other men, and your stories hit home very deeply. So glad you share your sexuality here on Lit. You are responsible for all the streams of cum on my stomach. Now that I can breathe again, it's time for a late morning protein snack!

TheOutsiderOfLiteroticaTheOutsiderOfLiterotica11 months ago

Pretty interesting story, and happy to see you writing again!

toesucker1toesucker111 months ago

Such a great story so far! I think you had as much fun writing it as I did reading it.

ladylicker1ladylicker111 months ago

This story is amazing. Truly enjoying the personalities and consent. The Sam story is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this.

sars33sars3311 months ago

Wonderful second chapter

ChironomidChironomid11 months ago

Great fun! I'm very much looking forward to the next episode(s)!

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