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Unconventional Counseling Ch. 01

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Husband takes his first steps into cuckoldry.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 06/09/2009
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"How old are you, Donald? Dr. Perry asked.

"Forty-five," Donald responded.

"Why are you here? What do you expect to get from our sessions?"

"Well," Donald answered, "as I'm sure Song Lee has told you, we are looking for a way to salvage our marriage."

Song Lee is Donald's wife. His second marriage, her third.

"I've already had several sessions with your wife and I have an idea what she thinks. I want to know what you think, how you view the situation. Often, I'm sure you'll agree, two people in a relationship can have different perspectives. It doesn't mean one is right and the other is wrong. OK? Now, what's wrong with your marriage?"

"Well, to be blunt, Song Lee has a boyfriend and she won't stop seeing him even though I've asked her to repeatedly. We separated for a few weeks over it. We've gone to several marriage counselors but Song Lee just can't seem to understand what they are saying to her. Song Lee has agreed to get back together provided both of us get counseling from you."

"So it was you who wanted to go back more so than Song Lee?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Why did you agree to see me?"

"Well, Song Lee said you had great success with couples like us, so I thought it was worth a try. I really do love her very much."

"You understand my methods are controversial?"

"Yes, I understand that."

"Once I've accepted a couple for counseling, my success rate is 100%, but I don't accept every couple. Moreover, the definition I apply to success is that a couple remains together and is happy and accepting of each other. The lives the couples choose may not be judgedsuccessful by society. And it may not be the solution either envisioned when they began but, in the end, both are happy, truly happy, with their lives together. Still interested?"


"You agreed to go back with Song Lee. Tell me what happened that has brought you to counseling again."

"Well," Donald began, "she's had this boyfriend, Sammy, that I thought she agreed not to see anymore. But no sooner than she moved back with me, than Sammy comes over to the house looking for her. I blew a gasket."

"Song Lee knew Sammy before you two met, didn't she."

"Yes, he was Song Lee's boyfriend when I met her."

"Boyfriend? Why don't you tell me how the two of you met."

"We met at a bar. She came over and started talking to me."

"Why were you attracted to her?"

"Well, she's Korean and I'd never dated an oriental woman before. I found her very attractive physically, very exotic. I guess I felt like trying something different."

"How long ago was that?"

"About three years ago."

"How old was Song Lee then?"

"She's six years older than I am, but I thought she was much younger. Her skin is so smooth, almost no wrinkles, and that golden brown oriental color. I really thought she was about 30."

"So she's 51 today?"

"Yes. She'll be 52 next month."

"You thought she was younger. Tell me why."

"Mostly her looks. I was attracted right away. I guess I just assumed."

"What happened at the bar? What did you talk about?"

"Mostly about me. She wanted to know all about me. She seemed fascinated. She was also very friendly in a physical way, always touching my arm, brushing up against me. She placed her face closer to mine than I would think was normal. I just chalked it up the oriental way. Eventually, I asked her if she wanted to go back to my place. It was a bar pickup, but I was interested in more than just that. That's when she told me."

"Told you what?"

"That it would cost me."

"So, she was a hooker?"

"Part time," Donald answered like he was conveying some important difference.

"She was apart time hooker," Dr. Perry corrected herself. "What did you do?"

"I'll be honest, I'd never been with a prostitute before. Never had the urge. But Song Lee really intrigued me. I asked her how much. She had taken out her compact and was applying lipstick in a most erotic fashion -- she has the most incredible pair of lips I've ever seen ... or felt for that matter. I knew what she was doing but it was still incredibly erotic anyway. She told me $250 for the night."

"And you agreed."

"That's right. We went back to my house and did about everything it's possible for a man and a woman to do. Best two-fifty I ever spent."

"Could you be more specific, please."

"She could do those things with her vagina that men hear about Orientals. She lay on top of me and, without moving her hips, just milked me with her muscles down there."

Donald felt secretly proud of himself. Dr. Perry thought her methods were controversial? Well, let's see how controversial she wanted to be.

"Would you say you fell in love with Song Lee that first night?" Dr. Perry asked.

Donald chuckled. Yes, he remembered, he was smitten right from the start, especially after that first night in heaven. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"So you fell in love with Song Lee's cunt."

"I didn't say that!" Donald yelped, his voice rising a full octave higher, sounding like a little boy.

He had felt uncomfortable from the minute he met Dr. Perry, an extraordinarily pretty woman of indeterminate age. She was tall and in her high heels, she towered over the five--and-a-half-foot Donald. One of the reasons Donald had been attracted to Song Lee was her diminutive stature at barely 5 feet.

When he first arrived, they shook hands and Donald stared directly into the ample bosom of the attractive doctor. Her sweater was low cut exposing plenty of cleavage. Donald ogled and Dr. Perry embarrassed him by letting him know she caught him ogling.

Now, as Donald reclined on the plush, burgundy, leather couch, Dr. Perry sat erect in a hardback chair barely two feet from his head. Her legs were angled about 45 degrees toward his feet. Dr. Perry's skirt was quite short and Donald could hear the soft rustling of nylon whenever she crossed or uncrossed her legs.

In his peripheral vision, Donald could see that the skirt had ridden high on her thigh leaving no more than a scant few inches of material to cover a crotch. Now, she had used a word for the female genitalia that Donald had never heard a woman use before. Donald was very uncomfortable indeed.

"Donald," said Dr. Perry, "tell me about what happened that made you seek counseling here. What did Song Lee do when she moved back in with you?"

"You mean what she did with Sammy?"

"Is that what brought you here?"

"Um, yes. Well, I asked her to come back, that I missed her. She wanted to know about Sammy. I told her I didn't want her fucking him any more and I thought she agreed. No sooner had she returned than, a couple of days later, Sammy is knocking on the door.

"I told him she didn't want to see him any more. He said he needed to hear that from her. At that point, he was in the house and Song Lee came out of the kitchen. She went over to him and put her arms around his waist. She told him I didn't want her fucking him anymore.

"Sammy bent over and whispered in her ear. She smiled brightly and nodded her head. Sammy sat in my chair and Song Lee knelt down. "Song Lee, no!" I screamed, but she just smiled at me. "I'm not going to fuck him," she said."

"Did you try to stop them?"

"Not really, what would be the use? He was a head taller than me and very muscular. And a good 15 years younger."

"Did you watch your wife suck him off?"

"Yes. I just don't get it, Dr. Perry. What is it about them that women have such a tough time resisting?"

"By them you mean black men?"

"Yeah, blacks. Song Lee seems to have no will power when it comes to him."

"Come over here, Donald," Dr. Perry said, standing and walking over to a table by the wall.

She picked up a folder and extracted an 8x10 photo and handed it to Donald. The photo was of an erect black cock about nine inches long and thick. Holding it was the hand of a white woman. On the hand were an expensive diamond engagement ring and a wedding band. Nothing else could be seen of the couple, just the cock and the hand.

Donald swallowed hard. He knew Dr. Perry heard him swallow.

"What do you see?"

"A cock with a hand holding it." Dr. Perry smiled at Donald's minimalist male answer.

"Be more specific." Donald swallowed again.

"It's a white hand and a black cock."

"What else?"

"The cock is very big."

"What else?"

"The woman is married. She has her wedding rings on."

"The picture is of the wife of one of the couples I counseled," Dr. Perry told the confused husband. "One of the successes."

Then she handed Donald another picture from the folder. It was almost identical to the first. In all, Dr. Perry produced eleven photos. The cocks were all black, all between 8 and 11 inches. All the hands were white with wedding bands.

"Donald, are you hard?" Dr. Perry asked, shocking Donald.

"W-what?" Donald gasped, looking up from the pictures quickly.

"Are you hard? Do you have an erection right now?"

"Uh, w-what kind of a question is that?"

"A very simple one," the psychologist answered. "Take off you pants."

"W-what? N-no."

"I told you my methods were unorthodox. Either you take off your pants or counseling ends now."

Donald didn't like Dr. Perry's ultimatum but his wife had told him if he didn't complete the counseling she would leave him for good. Sheepishly, he began to remove his pants.

"And the underwear," Dr. Perry ordered as he stood in his white cotton briefs.

Donald tugged off his underpants. His erection had wilted somewhat in his embarrassment. Still, he was more hard than soft. Dr. Perry grasped his cock and it immediately jumped to full staff.

Her hand felt so good just touching him he was worried he'd ejaculate right on the spot. Bringing up one of the pictures, Dr. Perry placed it next to Donald's thin five-and-a-half inch erection. Donald was half the size of the black man.

"Look at the comparison, Donald. You admit you fell in love with your wife's cunt on the first date. Can you not see how a woman might fall in love with the genitals of a man? You need counseling, Donald. Get dressed. I want to see you back here next week."

Dr. Perry opened her office door and called in her secretary. "Loretta, please straighten up in here and make an appointment for Mr. Sims for next week. Show him where the bathroom is in case he needs to relieve himself. I have to go out for an hour."

Dr. Perry left and Loretta moved to put the pictures back into the folder. The plump, nondescript woman about Donald's age watched as he struggled to get his underwear back on. Looking directly at his shrinking penis as it disappeared behind the white cotton, she asked, "Will the same time next week be good for you?"

A beet red Donald nodded in affirmation.

"Right over this way, Donald," Loretta said when she had finished putting the photos back.

Once at the reception desk, she entered the appointment. Pointing to an open door to a darkened room about ten feet from the desk, Loretta said, "Right in there if you want to relieve yourself."

Donald's cock was so hard it hurt. He was most anxious to leave. "I don't have to go to the bathroom."

"Not that kind of relief," chuckled Loretta. She smiled and held her hand with the thumb and fingers in an open circle, and gave a couple of back and forth motions in the universal sign of a man jerking off. Donald blushed deeply.

"Don't be embarrassed," she said, "all the guys do it. The sessions with Liz are pretty intense. She says it's the big black cocks. They seem to turn you guys on almost as much as they do us women."

By this time, Donald was about to explode in his pants. He smiled sheepishly and headed for the bathroom. Once inside, he turned on the light and attempted to shut the door. It was stuck.

"Oh, that door doesn't close," Loretta told him, "It's okay, I've seen everything."

Donald was now stuck between a rock and a hard place. He'd already made his intentions clear by entering the room in the first place. He could either stay and jerk off with Dr. Perry's secretary watching his back from a few feet away, or leave and look even wimpier.

Fact is, Donald's dick was screaming for relief. He thought about turning the light out, but figured, what the hell good would that do. Loretta already knew what he needed to do.

With a sigh, Donald opened his fly and extracted his phallus. Using two fingers and his thumb, he began the familiar, rhythmic stroking. It felt so good. His finger slid across his slit and felt the glob of pre-cum that had accumulated.

He increased his hand speed. Rapidly approaching release, he braced himself with one hand on the sink while he bent at the knees and the waist in an effort to aim his cock slit at the toilet bowl. Just as he reached the point of no return, he felt Loretta brush against him as she entered the room.

Donald was too far gone to stop. Groaning softly, through slitted eyes, Donald watched as jet after jet of his semen hit the water in the bowl, until just the last milky dribbles remained to drip in long strands into the waiting water.

Through his lust-induced haze, Donald heard Loretta's voice breaking through.

"Wow," she said, "you must have been holding that back for a while."

Donald looked over at the woman and saw her smiling at him before she glanced down again to where his now gooey hand held his now gooey cock.

"Here," said Loretta as she held out a box of tissues, "I thought you might need these. Don't worry," she continued as Donald pulled several tissues out, "the guys usually let me watch. They don't mind. Dr. Perry doesn't mind either. She told me the guys get even more excited if I watch them beat their meat. There's no harm in it. It's fun. You've got a pretty nice one anyway, not too small, and you really came a lot. That makes it more exciting."

Donald cleaned himself up under Loretta's watchful gaze and flushed the tissues, along with his load down the office toilet. At the time, he felt the first tiny sense of his impending humiliation.

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iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Oh looky another racist trope cuck story.

Literotica needs a negative star scale.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Cuck story, automatic *2. Who wants to read about mental illness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This chapter is a cuckold cliche , but a enjoyable read all the same

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The Counselor's Statistics Are Wrong

His success rate is not 100 percent. It is zero percent successful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
" At the time, he felt the first tiny sense of his impending humiliation."

He must be mentally defective if he wasn't humiliated before that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
the only guy out of the closet is

huecuck. he is an admitted cuckold and often says he likes Matt Moreau stories. the rest like it in the closet so why bother them? people get jollies from weird shit and if closet cucks like to read, spank, flame - let them do it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
re: free and easy

What an intelligent statement coming from a guy who writes gay stories. It's guys like you that are depressing and don't even know it. Sad.

freeandeasyfreeandeasyover 12 years ago
what sad depressing people all these closet cucks are who comment under annonymous

why don't you all come out of the closet? lol

great start for the story ... can't wait to read the rest :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

what a sad, depressing story.

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