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Who is the Real Luke Davis?


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Of course she would leave the decision in his hands. He would propose to write back and tell "Confused" he had recently found someone. If Kyra agreed to that, then case closed. But what if Kyra didn't agree? What if she wanted him to go through with it and meet "confused," maybe just so Kyra herself could show up at the agreed upon meeting place and they could both have a good laugh, like it was April Fools or something? Luke decided if that's how it went down, he could play along with that too.

If somehow, miraculously, "Confused" showed up and was a totally different person, not Kyra at all, then he would let her down easy, which might not even be necessary if there was no chemistry. Poor "Confused" might find out that reality seldom matches up to whatever fantasies she was harboring.

And what if "Confused" turned out to be somehow better than Kyra? That seemed impossible, but what if, for whatever reason one might imagine, he turned out to like her more? Well in that case, Kyra herself admitted to being, quite naturally and understandably, "confused" about what she ultimately wanted out of her relationship with Luke. Was she so sure of their possible future together that she would want to stand in the way of Luke's possible future dream girl wife, companion, and mother of his son? After all, it wasn't that long ago that Kyra herself was a girl with fantasies, not that unlike "Confused."

As for poor "Confused," in the very unlikely event she was real, well maybe he owed it to her to meet her face to face, so she could see it in his eyes, that her fantasy was not to be. She could get on with her life and he could get on with his. Then again, maybe if it was Kyra, she'd stand him up and try to maintain the subterfuge? He couldn't be certain how it would play out. But this course of action he'd decided on seemed to Luke like the safest course, the one that accounted for the most contingencies.


Luke sat in the food court at the mall, at a small table for two beside the large potted palm underneath the escalator. He nervously scrolled through his phone, keeping an eye on the time. It was almost 2pm. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see an extremely attractive blonde with a stunning smile. Somewhat to his surprise, it was not Kyra.


"Confused" was, in the flesh and in fact, Kyra's best friend, Melanie, whom Luke had never met. He'd never met any of her school friends. Mel was a total knockout, arguably more beautiful and definitely more popular in school than Kyra. As her best friend, Mel was the only person in whom Kyra had confided as all this had developed, first her infatuation with Luke, then her discovery of his secret stories, the effect they had on her, the secret correspondence, and how it all brought them together.

A few weeks before, they had talked after school, sitting in Mel's car.

"Mel, he writes stories about sex, like on this website, and the girl in a lot of the stories is his babysitter, and the way he describes her, she looks a lot like me. She acts like me. She even talks like me."

"Oh My God!" Mel was sincerely shocked. "Does he write about having sex with you? I mean the girl that looks like you in these stories?"

"Let's see...in the stories I've read, he jerks off in the shower imagining my lips around his cock. When I leave after babysitting he imagines burying his face between my legs and making me cum. We keep doing more and more stuff, getting closer and closer, until it all leads up to where he spends a weekend with me at a cabin where all we do is fuck. And there's more, so much more. I could go on and on."

"Oh my god Kyra! You must be so creeped out! What are you going to do?"

"That's the weird thing. At first, I was a little creeped out of course. I mean it's so weird, cuz he seems like this normal guy and all. I mean I watch his kid. I've known him for three years. He seems like a great guy. He's actually kind of a DILF. But I never imagined he was having thoughts like that...and about me!

And then I kept on reading these stories...and...don't judge me, OK? But I kind of started getting into it. Like, he's a pretty good writer, and it isn't just the sex, which is incredibly hot by the way, but it's the other stuff too, about how he feels about me. About how I make him feel. It's respectful. It's kind of sweet and gentle, like the Luke I know. And it's funny like he can be funny. It's not just like he wants to fuck me. It's like he's in love with me. Or not me. Maybe it's just the girl in the story who looks like me and laughs like I do and watches his kid like I do and everything else. And then I see him in real life, after I read all this stuff, and he acts completely normal. It's all so confusing!"

"You said these stories are online. Can you send me a link?"

"Yeah. Read the stories and let me know what you think. Is he just perving on me? Am I crazy for thinking he might really have feelings for me? Am I crazy for kind of hoping he really does? I'm thinking about him all the time now, Mel. Honestly, if he asked me to fuck him I probably would I'm getting so turned on. Tell me if I'm crazy."

Mel read the stories. She did not think Kyra was crazy. She told Kyra to be very careful, but she could definitely see why Kyra might be seriously interested in Luke. A girl never gets a peek into a guy's mind like that, if that was the real Luke. There was a part of her that was actually a little jealous, and she told Kyra that.

In the beginning, when she wrote those first letters, Kyra wasn't thinking about any test. She just wrote the letters to up the sexual and romantic tension, and also to find out more about Luke, especially to learn more about his secret hidden side. She wanted to know who he really was. So the way things evolved, she just had to play it out.

There could never be anything real between Luke and "Confused" because "Confused" wasn't real. But Melanie offered her a way out, and the more the two talked about it, they gradually came up with a plan, and then the plan seemed better and better. If Luke tried to keep the door open for Melanie/"Confused", when the only thing real about her was her gorgeous face and body, then Kyra would know that despite all his promises, Luke's secret side was less than what she thought it was and he couldn't be trusted. Just another old horndog trying to nail young girls. She didn't want to believe that, but circumstances set her up for the perfect test. She had to know.

Two days before they were to meet, Kyra showed Mel a picture of Luke. "Oh, he is cute. If he likes me can I fuck him?" She laughed. "You know I'm just teasing."

"If he goes for you that fast then, yes, you can fuck him all you want. I won't want anything more to do with his lying ass!"

"I would never do that to you."

"No, I'm serious. Turn it on. Go ahead and try to get him to fuck you. I've gotta know for sure if he really is who he says he is."


Luke sat in the food court at the mall. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see an extremely attractive young blonde with a stunning smile.

"Are you Seriously Sexy?" The comedy of the name, when uttered out loud, animated her face.

"You must be Confused." They both laughed.

"May I sit down?"

"Please do."

"My real name is Melanie. You can call me Mel."

"And I'm Luke."

"Nice to meet you, Luke" She stuck out her hand and they shook.

"Have any trouble finding this place?"

"Nope. You gave very clear directions." She laughed. "You're not quite what I pictured—but I mean that in a good way. I expected a writer to look a little more...how should I say it...a little more nerdy."

"Well I don't consider myself a real writer. That's just a hobby, something I do in my spare time. In my real job I fix fancy display cases."

"That sounds...not that exciting, to be honest."

"It's not exciting, exactly, but it's better than it sounds...You're also not quite what I expected. If you don't mind my saying so, you're a very beautiful girl, Mel."

"Thanks. What did you think I was going to look like? I told you people think I'm pretty."

"I thought maybe you didn't send a picture because you weren't happy with the way you look."

"I'm not. My nose is too big."

"Nonsense. Your nose is perfect."

"That's sweet of you to say. And how about the rest of me? Are you interested in seeing a little more?" She stood and turned around slowly, to give Luke a good long look at her apparently perfect body.

"About that, Mel, I'm tremendously flattered that you would want to fly out here and meet me. But I told you I'm seeing someone."

Mel sat back down. "I know. Is it serious?"

"It's pretty serious. Serious enough that I don't want to mess up what I have with her."

"Is she pretty? Prettier than me?"

"She's very pretty. You're very pretty too, but she's just as pretty as you are."

"Is she older than me?"

"How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen. Are you surprised?"

"You do look like you might be a little older. But she's also eighteen. The truth is, she's actually my babysitter."

"Just like in your story? You mean you didn't make that up? It really happened?"

"I did make up the story. It was my fantasy. And then it came true."


"Yeah. Wow."

"Lucky girl."

"I don't know about that. But I do know I really like her a lot."

"Are you in love with her?"

"I don't know. We're still pretty new. Sometimes I think I might be in love with her."

"Sometimes? And what about the other times?"

"That's when I just think that she's too young, and it's not right for me to pull her into a relationship with an older guy who already has a kid, when she should be young and get to do the things a young girl should do, not grow up too fast."

"Doesn't she get to decide that for herself?"

"Yes she does. That's what we're trying to figure out."

"Well shit. That doesn't really leave much room for me then, does it?"

"I'm afraid not. I am sorry, Mel. I hope you find that special someone. I really do."

"Are you sure you don't want to just take me to a hotel? I brought some special things to wear just in case." Mel looked Luke straight in the eye and tried her best come-on smile. "You know, like test drive a different car before you buy the one you've been looking at, just to be sure?"

"That is just about the best offer I've ever had. Really it is, and as tempted as I am, I'm gonna have to say no. Even though we're not married, or engaged, and we haven't even said we're exclusive, it'd feel like cheating to me, and I'm not a cheater. I'm sorry, Mel. I may be stupid to pass up this offer, but I just can't."

"God, I hope she knows how lucky she is!" Mel started to tear up.

"You'll find somebody, Mel. You will. I believe that. It's hard, but you just have to keep on looking until you find him. Try to look around at the people you know in real life, not just people who write stories, or who you only interact with online."

"But I feel like I know you so well from your stories. I felt like I could see the real you? Is it all just a lie?"

"It is and it isn't. In some ways it's a more perfect me. Real life is messier. Sometimes it takes me days to change everything around just right so it fits in a story. In real life you have to live it in real time, and things aren't anywhere near so perfect. You have to be willing to forgive people for not being perfect, and they have to forgive you." Luke paused. Mel did not say anything. "I have to go now, Mel. It was very nice meeting you but I have to go." Luke stood up.

"So soon? But I have so much more I want to talk about!." Luke's face told her it was over. "OK. It was nice meeting you, too. Thank you for agreeing to meet me, and thank you for being honest. There aren't enough people around who can be really honest when it's not convenient for them"

"Goodbye, Mel. Good luck out there!" Luke reached out to shake her hand. She stood and gave him a hug instead. Then he walked away and disappeared into the crowd. He did not look back.

Mel picked up her phone to call Kyra.


Luke returned home. He knew Kyra would ask him what happened with "Confused.". He wasn't sure exactly what he'd tell her, or when. Ethan was on a playdate at a friend's. He'd arranged the playdate rather than ask Kyra to watch him, just so Kyra could be at the mall that afternoon, if she needed or wanted to. He now assumed Kyra was back at her house. But as soon as he walked through the door he was suddenly met by a little blonde burst of energy. She practically tackled him, jumping up and wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, showering him with kisses.

"Kyra, what the hell?" He could barely get the words out as the kisses rained down.

"You're the best man ever! I just love you so much!" She had never said she loved him. They hadn't said that to each other yet.

Luke was all smiles, and surprise, and relief. "What brought this on? Wait. Did you just say you love me?"

"You better believe it. I am so fucking in love with you!"

Luke set her down, looking into her eyes. He saw that she meant every word. "I'm in love with you too, Kyra. I...love...you." She made it safe for him to say. He held her tight and kissed her long and hard. The emotions flowed back and forth between them, too many to count, almost too many to feel.

"You better fuck me right now, Mister!" Kyra turned and ran toward the bedroom. Luke followed close behind. Every ounce of her was completely hot for him. Minutes later, while she lay on her back holding him tight and he thrust into her again and again, for some reason she couldn't explain, the words that ended his final babysitter story kept swimming though her brain.

"He gave her his love, put it into the deepest part of her, and she gave it back to him in the form of a baby. Their baby. The perfect symbol of their love."

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all4pam1all4pam14 days ago

This is the best story I have ever read. and I have read 1000s. I'm so impressed, I felt like it was really happening like I was there watching it all happen. you my friend are now my favorite author. I hope someday I can find something like what happen in your story it was absolutely perfect. if it were possible I would give 10 stars.

cleareyedguycleareyedguy15 days ago

I like all the hesitation and grappling with morality

wwaldripwwaldrip28 days ago

Great story, excellent reading and really profundity of you sticking to your moral principles.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I think making a dream flow into reality captures life. His faithfulness instills the real meaning of life. Stories many times imitate life but not the commitment between a man and a woman. You did all that and more. Bravo you are a excellent writer and look forward to reading more of your stories. I want to see if you will fall into the real pervy category or stay true to your craft.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Most cases I perfer stories from Women. But this was good indeed.

juan2forkjuan2forkabout 1 month ago

The ending was a little abrupt but it is a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Wonderful story, little creepy about that camera in the in-home office, or den, whatever, but very sweet story. In fact it could go well in “Romance”. Five stars, thank you and keep writing!

MeanderlwcMeanderlwcabout 2 months ago

It was good until the introduction of Mel. Testing him was underhanded and makes her no more trustworthy than if he had taken Mel up on her offer. If you look at other stories where people are tested like that, it does not end well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

While some of your fans seem disappointed the Cossacks are being too polite, I found it charming, savory, and ‘not too pervy’.

Richard1940Richard1940about 2 months ago

Couldn't he jst of checked the screen history to see what she had been accessing?

Richard1940Richard1940about 2 months ago

Neat way of tieing the loose ends together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Builds well initially, and then seems to suddenly get rushed. Also, the sex scenes, seem too matter of fact and skip any description of the exciting parts. There’s no reveal per se.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Lovely premise.

Good back story.

But the sex was a Reader's Digest version. Much too short.

Lacked needed very detailed foreplay/preliminaries.

All those descriptions of what her breasts were like. And and his fantasizing about them. And her need to show them to him, and there's really nothing involving them.

Blowjob seemed totally uninteresting. Just another item that had to be ticked off on a list.

Three stars.

WoodencavWoodencavabout 2 months ago

Awesome storey, loved the slow build. Would love another chapter, how the relationship develops, how they handle her parents and the marriage. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

MCRider2525MCRider25252 months ago

This is the first story of yours that I've read...... super fun and very well written. Loved all the detail. Thank you!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Fun story, but the ending was too abrupt. Also, they promised to be honest, but she wasn't honest with him and sent him on the 'test' date.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wonderfully intimate (not just physically), passionate, stimulating, and completely captivating story! Terrific imagery from your words. Your narration adds a lot of depth to the story and really helps in connecting us to the characters, causing us to fall-in-like with them. The entire approach to writing this is spot on! Congrats... and keep going.

MrBill36MrBill363 months ago

Thank you for an amazing story. The “slow - burn” type story is more to my liking. Only comment regarding your presentation is please use a bit more detail in your love encounters.

SatyrDickSatyrDick3 months ago


Top Shelf!


RasmatRasmat3 months ago

A pretty good story, for the most part. The spying on her through his laptop was over-the-top pervy and undeserving of her trust. She would be justified in walking away if she found out. Trust, once lost, can never be fully regained.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy3 months ago

Very enjoyable story!


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wonderful story, 10 stars. Luke's whore wife gave him a son. Then, the babysitter fell in love with Ethan, then his father, the man to give her more babies, her HUSBAND!

Not2PervyNot2Pervy3 months agoAuthor

This was submitted as a contest story and posted early by mistake. Apologies to anyone put off by Literotica’s attempt to set things right.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


David_BrockDavid_Brock3 months ago

I haven't read any of your other stories yet to see your style. But, I wish the part if their 1st weekend together would have been more detailed. Also I think the end was rushed to much. I would have been happier with a longer weekend that ended the 1st CH. Then a 2nd chapter to go more in depth in the lead up to the meeting with "Mel". Then a longer finish into what happened after.... But that's just me and what I thought. So not really important, though U write really well and I will probably read at least 1 of your stories.... Though probably more 8D.

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