Does knowing change anything?
He'd never been in this position before.
She played a wicked game and had to right a wrong.
She was desperate, so nothing ventured, nothing gained.
So, I don't talk about Abilene no more.
Don't ask the questions, you won't like her answers.
Things spiraled beyond her control.
Asperum ducit ad amorem (A rough road leads to love).
750 Word Story. That counts for something, doesn't it?
750 Word Story. Why do the Cheaters always say that?
After all, it is the 21st Century, dear.
Ending a 25-year marriage in 750 words.
When the glass was empty, he could finally see clearly.
It was a bit of a shock to his system.
This will be the last conversation we have about this.
What's love got to do with it? Everything.
And it happened in the blink of an eye.
He didn't see that one coming.
Nothing more needed to be said.
Ending a marriage isn't that hard to do.
Was she a consummate actress or just a sociopath?
Sometimes, there is no way out.
He was just trying to understand.
1He discovers that his life was a lie.
Everyone was having a bad day; 2 of them didn't know it yet.
Wife wants to feel the passion again.
But Her lover didn't have one.
As requested by Kalimaxos.
Wife's long term affairs exposed.
Where are those written down?
A wife wants new experiences.
Can you give absolution to the dead?
Sometimes it Can't be Fixed.
Two conversations change a husband's life.
A college professor wants to expand her body of knowledge.
A good marriage goes bad in 30 seconds.
A 20th Century man with a 21st Century Woman!
Husband doesn't react the way his wife wants him to.
My take on the "Honey we have to talk" story.