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Catherine Gets a Dot Physical

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Sorry there are no gowns. You will have to be naked.
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I had to get a DOT physical to get a medical card so I could drive a truck I just bought. I called around and the physicals were very expensive. Like a $180.00 was the cheapest and most were more. Then I found one on line that was just $ 40.00. This guy is a chiropractor and works out of his house in a very nice part of town. He calls himself Dr. Dan and technically he is a doctor.

He was pretty young, about 35 and a nice guy and pretty nice looking too. We hit it off real well so I called him a couple of days later and asked him if he would be a part of playing a prank on my wife Catherine. I said he'd have fun and I'd still pay him $ 25.00. After telling him about it he agreed to do it and keep it confidential and I set up an appointment for the following day.

I really just wanted to see Catherine naked in front of another man. It just turns me on. I can't totally explain it cause I'd never want her with anyone else. But when other men see her I just love it.

I told Catherine that I needed her to be able to drive the truck in certain situations and she would need a DOT medical card to do that and that involved getting a DOT physical.

I said it would cost about $ 200.00 unless she was O.K. going to the guy I went to. I said it's not fancy and his office is just in his home, but it's just $ 25.00 since I was just there. She said she'd rather go there and save the money.

Catherine was a bit nervous as we drove out there. When we arrived we went inside and I introduced them. I said, "Dr. Dan, this is my wife Catherine." They said Hi to each other and we sat at his dining room table.

After a little chit chat that seemed to really put her at ease he said, "Well let's get started shall we? I know these things are never the most fun, but it will only take about ten minutes and I can get you on your way."

He continued, "First let me tell you I do these all the time and this is all I do. I have done hundreds for both men and women. This is all just totally natural. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Now to put you at ease let me tell you just what you can expect. I will take your medical history, then I will be checking your flexibility, do a quick walk test, I will be checking your spine for proper alignment, doing an eye test, taking a urine sample, do a breast examine, and check for hemorrhoids and end up with a hernia check. Does that sound O.K. to you Catherine?"

She said, " Well yes, I guess so if that is what you have to do, than that is what you have to do. Right Doctor?"

Smiling he said, "Right! O.K., let's get started. Catherine would you please remove all of your clothes."

She said, "Where do I change and where is the gown?"

He explained, "Catherine, please understand all of those things cost money. I don't use them and that's why this is $ 25.00 and not $ 180.00. I don't have a fancy office or separate rooms or gowns. What you see right here is everything. This is my office, examine room and waiting room all right here at the table and since I will be seeing all of you anyway and since it only takes ten minutes, I hope you are O.K. with a little bit of nudity for this."

She cheerfully responded, "Well I guess so, if that's how it is. After all you are a doctor and Michael is my husband. But I'm leaving my shoes on so I won't be totally nude."

Oh that was exciting to hear her tell another man she was going to be almost totally nude.

She stood up and took her tee shirt off and folded it up and placed it on the table in front of her. Then she kicked off her medium heel shoes and unsnapped and unzipped her jeans and slid them off too. She folded them up and placed them on the table with her tee shirt.

She now just had on a pretty leopard print bra and panties. It was so exciting to see her undressing in front of us,

She hesitated a minute and looked at me with a "Are you O.K. with this?" look. I just smiled and nodded and said, "Don't worry Honey; it will only take a few minutes.

Dr. Dan was getting some paperwork ready and stealing glances at her, while yet remaining professional. The front door was open and just the full glass outer door was closed. I know she felt strange being right in the middle of his house getting naked.

She unhooked her bra and took it off. Her breasts looked so beautiful and her nipples were all puffy and full like they always are then they come out of the bra. She placed her bra on top of her other clothes on the table. When she leaned over both Dan and I noticed her lovely breasts hanging down and swaying slightly with the movement. They looked huge that way. She didn't seem to pay any attention to them.

Now she took a deep breath and slid down her panties. They kind of rolled down and she leaned over to pick them up and placed them on the top of the other clothes. I don't think she realized how sexy a tiny pair of panties is to a man. We could hardly take our eyes off them. Then she slipped her shoes back on and boy did that flex up her butt and legs!

There she was standing totally nude in front of a man she just met five minutes ago and she had just stripped in front of us at that. And I was surprised she didn't even try to cover up. She was treating this like a boring, necessary medical procedure and nothing sexual.

Dan and I had huge hard ons telling us otherwise.

Catherine's beautiful pussy was freshly shaved with a tiny little triangle at the top pointing down to her clitty. Her slit comes up quite high. He pussy is not the type that is all hidden between her legs. If you see her naked, then believe me, you SEE her pussy!

We both stared at her and it took our breath away. Her tummy is so tight and flat, her breasts so firm and her bubble butt poked out so nicely and her pussy looked so great with the slit showing and some tiny inner lips just poking out a little bit.

I love that she stands straight and doesn't poke out her hip because it shows the gap at the top of her thighs and shows off her pussy that much more. Plus her narrow waist and curvy hips look perfect like that too.

After looking at her Dr. Dan said, "Oh please have a seat Catherine while I take your medical history." She sat right in front of him with her bare breasts right there in front of her and pointing right at the doctor. She sat with her legs just slightly apart. I know he could see her slit from where he was.

She was surprisingly calm behaving like this was no big deal and as natural as could be. It made me wonder if any of her other doctors had her not use a gown and sit and talk to while she was naked. I asked her about it later and she said there were two doctors who actually did prefer she remain naked and not use a gown. I asked if that bothered her and she said, "No I never thought anything of it. I figured they were going to see all of me naked anyway and plus I figured if they loved seeing a naked woman, who cares, let them look. What harm does it do, right?"

Anyway ... I digress. Back to the physical.

Dr. Dan began asking questions about her health. Have you had heart troubles, menstrual problems, trouble sleeping, diabetes, any operations and on and on. Each one was a no and I could hardly contain myself watching my beautiful wife sitting there bare-naked in front of this young man just talking confidently like normal.

A couple of times she laughed and that made her boobs jiggle and I could see the Dr. had to make some adjustments and so did I. Apparently it never occurred to her that she could have filled this all out before getting undressed, but she just did as she was told.

Dr. Dan slid the paperwork aside and said, "Good, that's all done. Now let's proceed with the walking examine, shall we? This is to see if your legs are the same length. I need you to walk across the room and back please. Please walk normally."

She walked about twenty feet away from us, mesmerizing us with her fabulous butt that switches just right as she walks. I seemed like she was stomping a bit because her super firm butt cheeks flexed and bounced a bit and when she walked back toward us her boobies bounced a lot. Her pussy looked so fine too. She was smiling like she thought this was a bit silly, but she just did it.

If you have never had this happen, it is so hard to explain how sexy it is to see your own wife walk naked in front of a stranger. It was extremely exciting. I recommend you try it. You will love it.

He said, "That looks great, nothing indicating one leg shorter than the other. Now please walk down to the end of the hallway and we will do the eye test." She walked down a hallway and we were treated again to the lovely walking of a naked woman.

Dan held up an eye chart and Catherine stood there about ten paces away reading it to us. While she focused on the letters we were focused on her nipples and her sweet pussy lips, long muscular legs and even her beautiful face, hair, lips and eyes. She is one beautiful woman let me tell you!

After reading the eye chart with both eyes and then with each eye separately, he pronounced that was "Excellent!" which made her smile.

Then he said, "O.K. Catherine it is time for the urine sample. He had put on rubber gloves and he handed her a plastic cup and pointed to the small bathroom that was right in the hallway. But just as she was going in he said, "Oh, I am required to be present when you give the sample. So many people commit fraud doing this that they require it must be observed.

This is where I thought I was going to lose her. She looked at me with a weird look and I just shrugged and said, "I had to do the same thing Honey." That made her feel better and she entered the bathroom.

Catherine said, "I hate this cause I always pee on my hand."

Dan said, "Most women ask me to hold the cup for them and that way any pee just goes on my glove and not on your hands."

She said, "Really? Well .....I guess that makes sense. O.K."

I watched from the hallway as she straddled the toilet with her legs spread apart and began to squat a little bit. Her boobs were hanging down again and looked so fine!

Dan knelt in front of her and said, "If you are O.K. with this Catherine, I usually just spread the woman's labia to the urethra is unobstructed and the urine doesn't spray. Is that O.K.?"

She said, "Oh well, alright go ahead I guess. I can't really see it that well anyway.

So imagine this: I am watching as my totally naked wife is standing over a toilet with a young man she just met and he is kneeling in front of her reaching up to her pussy and uses two fingers to spread her pussy lips apart.

It took her a minute to get started and that gave him enough time to feel the heat of that pussy I am sure. Finally she says, "Here it comes!"

She began to pee and it really came out with some force. He had a fourth of a cup in about two second and he moved the cup and she finished peeing in the toilet. Then we watched her wipe her pussy with some toilet paper and she came out into the hall.

The doctor put the pee cup on the end of the table and said, "Now it is time for your breasts examine Catherine. Please sit down again and raise your arms over your head.

Just as Catherine is walking back to the table there was a knock on the door. We all looked over and there stood a young man about 24 years old. He was good looking in a rugged way and he obviously noticed there as a naked woman in the room.

Dan said, "Excuse me Catherine." He went to the door and opened it. He said, "You must be Frank. Come in. I am sorry I am running a little long on this examine. Please sit on the couch and I will be with you in a few minutes."

Catherine looked at me and gave me a Holy Cow look. I just shrugged again and said, "Think of the money we are saving O.K.? It will be over in a few minutes. Are you O.K. Honey?"

She said, "Oh I guess so. Being seen naked isn't as bad as I thought it would be so what's the difference if another guy sees me naked, right?" We all four laughed.

Catherine seemed resigned to the fact that she was just going to be on display naked today and continued. Her attitude seemed surprisingly cooperative. She was behaving almost like this was normal and not even sexual.

I glanced at the guy who came in and he was staring at Catherine. He was obviously also mesmerized by her raw, naked beauty.

She did as the doctor told her and sat in the chair for her breast examine. She was sitting sideways and we could all clearly see her entire body; even the guy in the "waiting room" which was a living room chair five feet away. I notice her legs were apart again too and that guy had a clear shot at her pussy. But she didn't seem to mind.

Dan began to feel her up real good. He really mushed those boobies around a lot. He didn't just do the press your fingers in feeling for lumps thing. He mushed them into cone shapes and squeezed them, lifted each one up, moved each one side to side, and pinched them a little too. She was in a surprisingly cheerful mood. I did not expect this. She said, "Hey buster, you seem to be having a little too much fun with my breasts!"

We all laughed. He said, "Please forgive me Catherine. I will admit I was taking a little longer than necessary, but I have never had a client with as beautiful breasts as you have before.

She smile and blushed a little and forgave him.

Then Dan said, "Well not much left Catherine. I need to check your flexibility next. You have to be flexible in order to drive a truck in this state. So if you will please stand up. She did.

Then he continued, "Raise your arms over your head, tilt to the left, now to the right. Now lean back. All these movements stretched her athletic body and showed off every muscle and made her boobies move all over. When she arched back it pushed her pussy mound at us all and accentuated her fine pussy lips.

Now circle your arms and shoulders, now your wrists. O.K. now raise each leg one at a time and stand on one foot with the opposite leg out as far as it would go. For Catherine that is very far. She can almost put her leg straight out to each side and we were treated to her pussy stretched open each time.

After several comments of, "excellent and Very good and amazing, he was satisfied and Catherine was beaming with pride.

"We're almost done Catherine. I need to check your spine. Please turn away from me. She turned her butt towards s him and I think she was really poking it out too. All three of us men loved seeing that beautiful butt and we all wanted to bury our faces in it and kiss it for hours.

He felt down her spine touching each vertebra. Then Dan said, "Please bend over and touch your toes and remain in that position for a minute please. I could not believe it, but she willingly did.

Dr. Dan then put his finger on her spine way up by her neck and traced it down to her tail bone. That seemed to cause her to shiver and we all show her beautiful hanging, now pointed, boobies quiver too. Wow what a sight.

Dan said, "Almost done Catherine. I just need to check for hemorrhoids. Truck drivers deal with them a lot. Please step your feet way and remain bent way over and touch your toes and forgive my touch for just a minute."

We could not believe our luck. She obediently stepped her feet apart and we could see her fine long legs, that super fine pussy and her total bare bottom. Dan looked up and smiled at me and mouthed a "Thank you!" to me as he got on his knees behind her and put one hand on each fine butt cheek and opened them up. Revealing her fine little butt to us all and opening her pussy even more that I have ever seen it open.

Frank was leaning forward and staring openly at this wonderful display of female flesh. Dan pronounced, "Catherine you are perfect and as beautiful as I have ever seen." She loved that.

Then he said, "Please turn around and we will check you for a hernia and you are all done." She stood up and stretched her back out. It must have hurt a bit staying bent over so long. Oh I can watch her stretch all day long.

Now she was facing us all. She sees Frank staring and said, "I'll bet you never guessed your DOT physical was going to involved seeing a naked woman's private parts poked and prodded did you?" I never heard her talk like that.

Frank sheepishly says, "No I didn't but thank you so much. You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen in my entire life and that includes the internet!"

She laughed and said, "You know what guys? This is the weirdest thing. I am normally so shy and reserved and I would have thought being seen naked like this would have been just horrible. But I think being in one of those stupid medical gowns is what makes it seem so bad. Having to show one part at time and covering each body part up again like it's bad for anyone to see it. I think just plain being naked like I am at home makes this seem so much more natural. And that you guys are all being respectful is nice too. Oh I can see you are aroused and that is quite complimentary so it's all good I guess.

Plus the fact that I don't know you two guys and I won't be running into you again makes this so much easier to let you see me naked. I sometimes run into my gynecologist because our daughters are in the same class at school. And it's so weird to see and talk to a man you are not married to who has seen you completely naked, on your back with your legs spread apart and he has felt your boobs up and put his fingers in your pussy and your butt.

Dan says, "I agree. I find a lot of women, after the first five minutes prefer being just plain naked to having to play hide and seek with the gown. But I have to continue with the hernia examine so I can get to Frank here."

Franks says, "Please don't hurry on my account!"

We all laughed as my pretty wife stood there totally nude in just her shoes while we all adored her.

The doctor says, "Now this hernia examine is not the same as a gynecological examine. But I do need to see if you have any tears in your stomach wall and I need to do a digital examine through your vagina. So please step your feet apart Catherine."

She says, "You lucky dog Dan. You should be paying me to put your finger in my pussy. You are getting to see more of me naked and touch my boobs and pussy more today than my poor husband has all week!" We all laughed. Dan slipped on a new rubber glove and Catherine stepped her feet apart, not even covering her boobs. Later I asked her way she didn't cover up and she said, "Once you've been naked for a while and the guys have already seen you, and they are being polite, what's the point. Plus all you men seemed to love seeing me naked so much, why should I spoil your fun? I realize now that's it's really no harm to me if someone just sees me naked. Seeing does no harm.

Dan said, "Catherine a lot of women lose their balance when I do this so I am going to hold on to you from the back to steady you. O.K.?"

He didn't wait for an answer, he just knelt down in front of her naked body and put his left hand around to her round right butt cheek and began to slip his finger of his right hand into her beautiful pussy. I'm sure he could smell her lovely aroma from where he was.

She squirmed a bit as he pushed his finger in her tight pussy and she did get a little wobbly. He had to push it way up into her and he took a full two minutes feeling all around. Catherine started to breathe harder and faster and she beckoned me over to her and whispered in my ear, "Honey all this being naked in front of three men and now him fingering me is getting me too horny.

I said, "What do you want to do?"

She said, "I need to get off if that's O.K. with you?"

I said, "O.K., how do you want to do it?"

Dan finished his examine and removed his finger and said, "You are all done now Catherine. No hernias and thank you for being such a good sport. You can get dressed now."


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