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Love Thy Family Ch. 01

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An Indian family bonds together...
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 05/11/2014
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This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is pure coincidence. All characters are over eighteen years of age

When ever needed, the family takes care...always! Not for nothing it is said that the blood is always thicker than water!!

This is the story of an Indian middle class family. Kumar, aged forty eight years is an Officer in a bank. His wife, Sudha, five years younger, is a home maker. They have a daughter Smita (24) and a son Sekhar (23). Kumar, as the only son, inherited considerable ancestral property from his deceased parents, a few years ago.

As soon as Smita turned twenty one, they found a good alliance for her through their contacts and performed her marriage. Her husband, Ravi (31) is a Manager with a reputed MNC. Though he was seven years older than her, he was a good looking and nice person from a decent family and was considered an achiever, professionally. All these factors weighed in his favor.

A year after her marriage, Smita gave birth to a cute baby girl and everyone rejoiced. Her birth coincided with a promotion to Ravi at his Office and everyone called the baby a lucky charm.

Sekhar graduated in engineering and joined a big IT company a year ago. Kumar and Sudha were happy that both their children had settled down. However, the peace and tranquility was upset one day when Sekhar announced to his parents that he was in love with a colleague and wanted to marry her.

His parents were aghast. Sekhar was then just twenty two and too young to marry! So, they tried to reason with him. But, he was adamant. Then they asked for the details about the girl and he told them.

The girl was Aruna, the only child of her parents. Her father was a successful businessman and they were rich. She was also of the same age as Sekhar, intelligent and good looking.

Kumar and Sudha, always yearned for riches and they saw this as an opportunity for their son to get rich. So, all objections disappeared overnight and they quickly consented for the marriage.

Aruna's parents performed the wedding on a lavish scale, befitting their wealth. Kumar and Sudha rejoiced when everyone complimented them on their son's 'luck'. Immediately after the marriage, the newlyweds left on a two week honeymoon to Kerala.

It is time for me to give you more details about the newlyweds.

Sekhar is around 5'8" tall, fairly well built and handsome. He is fair complexioned and has a look of innocence which makes him look even younger than his age. He has a little above average intelligence, is industrious and loves his family. He doesn't smoke or drink...not even coffee or tea. He is mild mannered and often submissive. In short, he is what one would call, 'a very good boy'.

Aruna is around 5'4" tall and fair. She is slim, has very small breasts and an average looking ass. She has pretty legs and slim and toned thighs. Her eyes are big and black and her face is heart shaped. When she smiles her face looks pretty, but she rarely smiles!

Being the only child she was pampered and spoiled by her parents. However, she is very intelligent and always did well in her academics. But because she was rich and spoiled, she developed a big ego. Whatever she wanted, she got and she never took a 'no' for an answer. Only her parents and close friends knew how unpredictable and dominant she was and they did their best to cover up for her.

When Aruna saw Sekhar the first time it was in their office cafeteria. Aruna was with a couple of female colleagues and one of them saw Sekhar and commented, "Oh my God! What a cute guy! How I would love to get him!" Aruna was fascinated by the comment and looked at him. On the spot, she decided she would get him.

Immediately she walked up to him and introduced herself. He was awestruck because she came to him on her own! They hit off instantly...a case of unlike poles attracting. Aruna charmed him and they fell in love, culminating in their marriage.

The first two days of the Honeymoon went off well. Both were virgins and together they explored and experienced the basic pleasures of sex. There was no benchmark and they were happy with what they got from each other; at least it appeared so!

On the third day, they went out to a few tourist spots and returned to the hotel in the evening. They showered and freshened up and sat in their secluded balcony overlooking the lake.

"Let us have a drink. " Aruna said casually.

"You know I don't drink, Aruna," Sekhar answered, smiling.

"That was before marriage. Now, you should drink occasionally. That would be expected of us socially."

"I don't think it is necessary. There are many people who don't drink." He answered.

"I am not talking about others. I am talking about us. Once in a way, I love to have a drink and, as my husband, you will join me." She sounded angry now.

Sekhar kept mum and didn't answer because he didn't want a argument or fight.

"You don't drink even coffee or tea, don't you?" She continued.

"Yes, I don't and I told you this before, Aruna," He said softly.

"What do you drink then, for heaven's sake?" she was really angry and her voice was loud.

Sekhar was unhappy and quietly walked away from the balcony to their bed room. He thought that would calm her down. But, unfortunately, it aggravated her anger.

She followed him into the bed room and shouted, "Yes! You told me you drink milk...like a boy. You never grew up, didn't you? I bet your mother breast feeds you milk. You are a married man and you still want to drink milk from your mom's breasts?" She sneered at him with contempt.

Sekhar was shocked beyond words. Her anger, her contempt and her language so shocked him and he walked out of the bedroom in disgust. Aruna promptly locked herself in the bedroom. Poor Sekhar had to spend the night sleeping on the sofa in the living room...neither of them had dinner that night.

Next morning Sekhar woke up, not with anger but with guilt. He felt bad about last night and decided to call it a truce. So, he broke the ice first and wooed his wife. Aruna gave in slowly and thawed by evening. He wanted to show her how much he loved her and surprised her by getting a bottle of expensive red wine.

Aruna was delighted that she got her way and taught her hubby how to drink the wine to enjoy it. After the initial hesitant start, Sekhar realized he didn't really like it. But, to keep his wife happy, he pretended otherwise. After a nice dinner, mellowed by the wine, Aruna became more assertive and demanding that night.

When Sekhar attempted to take her to bed, she resisted.

Instead, she sat on the sofa in the living room of their cottage and had more wine.

"You have to make up for last night,Sekhar and make me happy, okay?" She asked.

"Yes, dear," he replied, eager to please her.

"Sit on the floor and kiss my feet. Make love to them." She commanded.

Aruna did have nice, small feet and Sekhar kissed her feet and toes tenderly, holding each foot in his hand. He wanted to make her happier and licked her feet too.

"Good, I like it that way. You will lick my feet whenever I ask, okay?"

There was hardly any love in her tone. It had more of contempt and authority. Sekhar was unhappy but he didn't show it for fear of upsetting her.

Later on, she yielded to his caressing and foreplay and allowed him to take her to bed. When they undressed and he was about to mount her, she stopped him again.

"You kissed my feet well. Now, you kiss and lick my pussy. I have read somewhere that it gives great pleasure." So saying, she lied down on the bed.

Sekhar was confused. He too vaguely heard about that act but more in a derogatory way. Novice that he was, he didn't even know how to go about it. But, since his wife asked for it, he couldn't refuse.

Dutifully, he put his mouth to her small pussy and licked its exterior with his tongue. After, a couple of minutes, he stopped.

"Not like that, you dummy, open my cunt with your fingers and put the tongue in." She literally admonished him.

Sekhar got the hang of it. His fingers pried open her pussy and he pushed his tongue into its juicy and hot interior. It smelled pungent and tasted a bit salty but he carried on gamely. Obviously, he did it right because Aruna got really excited, her legs thrashed about and finally clamped his head between her thighs as she had a big orgasm.

She let go of him after a couple of minutes and patted his head.

"That was good and we should do it often." She said, turning on her side.

She promptly fell asleep.

Poor Sekhar was left high and dry with a huge erection. He was unhappy that he didn't get any pleasure or relief from the whole exercise. But, he wasn't angry. He was in a way, relieved that she got some pleasure and, more importantly, she went to sleep. At least, there were no more immediate demands, he thought.

From that day, his life changed.

By the end of their honeymoon, Sekhar realized that his wife was a spoiled, unpredictable, moody, cranky and selfish bitch. But,given his nature, he made up his mind that he wouldn't complain about this to anyone in his or her family. Theirs was after all a love marriage and he would work diligently on her and change her nature, he resolved.

The first test came, immediately after their return from Honeymoon. Sekhar's parents wanted that he and his wife should stay with them. The Kumars had a decent, compact two bedroom flat in a good residential area. On the other hand, Aruna's parents lived in a big, independent bungalow in a posh residential area.

Sekhar and Aruna discussed the issue. Sekhar wanted that they should stay with his parents.

"You know your flat is too far away from our office and we would be wasting a lot of time in traveling to work and back." Aruna sounded logical.

"That is true. So, let us stay there with them for a short while and then find a rented flat close to our office." Sekhar replied.

"I have a better idea, Sekhar. Our home is much nearer to our workplace. It is very big and spacious. I grew up there and I am attached to the place. It has all comforts. We can drive to work in the spare car that dad has or buy a new one."

Sekhar was in a dilemma. In their family circles, a man staying with his parents is a normal and accepted practice, whereas, staying with her parents is looked down upon. But,he didn't want to say it out and upset Aruna.

"If we stay in a small rented flat near office while both our parents have their own places here, will they be happy? Be reasonable and leave it to me. I will convince your parents." She sounded quite reasonable and Sekhar was happy to let her do so.

True to her word, she convinced his parents, quite easily. As a matter of fact,they didn't need much convincing because Aruna sounded so logical. At the back of their mind was also the thought of all the wealth of Aruna's family and Sekhar inheriting it over time.

Thus, the newlyweds settled down with Aruna's parents.

Over the next few months, Sekhar went through hell. Despite of his best efforts, things went from bad to worse. He realized that his wife was not just a spoiled bitch; she was obviously a woman with some psychological disorder. She was subject to sudden and wild mood swings and totally unpredictable in her behavior.

Sudha was the first to realize, during their infrequent visits, that all was not well between her son and daughter-in-law. Slowly, she learned from her son, over a period of time, what was wrong. She briefed Kumar about her concerns. Her few attempts to set things right were rebuffed by Aruna whose parents continued to pamper and spoil her.

Things came to a pass when, one day,Aruna had a big quarrel with Sekhar and called him a good for nothing idiot. The whole household was witness to her outburst and a disgusted Sekhar left immediately for his parent's place.

Over the next one month, all attempts by Sudha and kumar to get the issues sorted out with parental intervention on both sides failed. They gave up. Sekhar stayed with his parents and changed his job, joining another IT major. He lost all contact with Aruna and they drifted apart.

It is to his credit that he still tried, occasionally, to text her or call her. Sometimes, she would respond and sometimes she wouldn't. When she did, usually, the conversation led to a shouting match from her in a couple of minutes, blaming him for everything.

This was the state of affairs when our real story starts.

You would recall that the Kumars lived in a two bedroom apartment. While they used the master bedroom, Sekhar used the second bedroom. Even though, he had to drive a long distance to his work, his parents insisted that he stay with them. Given his present condition, Sekhar too preferred it that way.

Let me put Sekhar on a hold for a while and tell you about his sister Smita.

Smita(24), his sister, is married to Ravi(31) and has a cute two year old baby girl, Dolly. They lived along with Ravi's parents as a joint family, not far off from the Kumars. Ravi's job required that he travel occasionally. Whenever he was away, Smita and her baby would visit the Kumars and often, stay over for a couple of days.

She came to know of her brother's marital woes, mostly through her mother. Though, the siblings were quite close, Sekhar was embarrassed to tell his sister about his failed marriage. Smita was never really comfortable with Aruna and felt that her brother married an egoistic girl. So, though sad for her brother, she wasn't really surprised.

Let me describe Smita to you. She is 5'3'' tall, very fair and is a pretty girl. She has nice boobs that are neither big nor small, the kind that just about fit nicely into a man's palm. More importantly, they are perfectly shaped spheres and bouncy; the kind that draw the immediate attention of a man...young or old.

Her waist was very slim and smooth earlier but she gained an inch plus there...still slim enough. Her buttocks are again nicely shaped and not too big; the kind men would love to fondle and spank playfully. Her ass is wide enough to be attractive. In short, compared to Aruna, Smita is certainly prettier and more genially disposed.

When Ravi went on one of his trips, Smita came to her parent's place along with Dolly. It was then that her mother told her that Sekhar finally broke off with Aruna and was living with them. Mother and daughter discussed the fate of Sekhar and cursed his stars for the rest of the day.

When Sekhar returned from office, he was pleasantly surprised to find his sister and little niece at home. After dinner, they discussed the sleeping arrangements. Sudha brought in the small cradle for Dolly into the second bedroom. Sekhar said he would sleep on the sofa in the living room and Smita and Dolly can have his room while they were here.

After a while Sudha left. Smita was very keen to know directly from her brother on what had gone wrong and Sekhar was happy to share his plight in detail with his sister. They spoke late into the night. Smita felt very bad for her brother and tried to say the right things and cursed Aruna a lot.

After a couple of hours they drifted into sleep on the big double bed; tired and exhausted.

Sometime later, Smita woke up with a start when Dolly cried for milk. She got up, lifted the crying child from the cradle. Sitting cross legged on the bed, she positioned the baby in her lap, opened her blouse and started breast feeding her. Though the quantum of milk had come down a lot, it was still enough for Dolly's night feed.

While the baby sucked at her nipple and fed, Smita looked at Sekhar who was sound asleep. What a handsome hunk my brother is, she thought idly. He was dressed in a light blue pajama and a white half sleeved vest. She could see nice, black chest hairs through the top of his vest. Her husband Ravi had a bare chest and Smita secretly longed for a hairy chest.

One of her secret fantasies was to have her naked breasts squashed against a very hairy chest and have her engorged nipples caressed by the hairs. The very thought made her feel hot and wet in her juicy cunt. Her eyes wandered down her brother's body and stopped at the junction of his thighs.

Smita gave an involuntary gasp! She saw in the dim bed light a very big bulge there. It appeared to be a very big bulge and the big tent could have been caused only by one thing! Her brother had a huge erection! Shamed by her own thoughts, she took her eyes off Sekhar and looked at Dolly. The baby was asleep. Smita got off slowly and put Dolly down gently in the cradle again.

Back in bed, Smita first tried to sleep with her back to her brother and closed her eyes. She couldn't sleep and images of his chest hair and his big bulge kept returning to her. She felt a slight the heat and wetness of her own womanhood. Her mind compared Sekhar and her brother. The urge to see became stronger by the minute.

Smita gave in and turned. She moved a little closer so that she could look better. He was still sound asleep and blissfully unaware of his sister's lustful inspection. The dark black hairs on his chest looked silken and so inviting. Why couldn't she just touch and feel them? Surely, just a fleeting touch won't wake him up!

Extending her slim right hand forward, she let her fingers touch and feel his chest hairs. She felt a mild shock go through her body. They felt so nice and she bunched her fingers and got hold of a small clump and caressed it. He was still asleep and she looked fondly at her poor brother. Such a handsome guy and that bitch treated him so badly!!

Her eyes wandered down and returned to his big bulge. As she looked at it closely, the tent gave her an idea of the size of his cock and its erection. She felt a weakness creeping through her down from her chest, along her tummy and into her hot pussy. A strong desire took over and she lost her control partly.

She let go of his chest hair and brought her hand down and very close to his bulge. Very carefully, she let the tip of her forefinger touch the tip of the bulge where she guessed his cock head was. As she made the expected contact, her breath quickened. She felt her finger tip touching the crown of his big cock lightly.

Letting it rest there for a minute, she gently pressed. She almost cried out with pleasure at the very thought of his big cock in her soft and damp palm. She looked at her brother's face for any reaction. He continued to sleep soundly.

Smita was overcome with a desire for a little more. She made a ring of her fingers around the girth of his tent pole, taking care not to exert any pressure...just a touch. Holding him thus, Smita felt the fierce fires in her juicy cunt.

All these days she never knew anything other than Ravi and his body. Now, for the first time, she realized that her own brother Sekhar had a much bigger cock than her husband. It was longer and thicker, for sure. Being much younger, Sekhar's cock could fuck even better, she was sure! All these thoughts rushed through her mind.

Sekhar moved slightly in his sleep. Whether Smita lightly pressed his hard cock unwittingly, we will never know. But, as he moved, two things happened. His right hand came to rest on her chest; the top half of his big palm came into contact with the half moons of her boobs peeping through the partly open nightie.

Smita's body felt a huge shock. The contact of his big palm and long fingers with the naked and soft flesh of her bouncy breasts felt divine. Without meaning to, her hand gripped his cock. As if in reflex, his palm pressed a little more against her boob. But, he was still asleep.

Smita was overcome with a sense of possessiveness and immense love for her brother. She decided then and there that she would take care of her brother and protect him from that bitch Aruna. She would do whatever it takes! With such thoughts in her mind, she drifted into sleep, her hand gripping his hard cock and her breast comforted by his big palm.


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