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Regrets and Consequences


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Steph nodded her head, looking a little sad.

"So, are we continuing what we've been doing with the kids, just switching to your grandmother's instead of John's."

"Yeah, for the time being. I may start looking for a place to live. It would be nice to have the kids for longer times. It may be a while before I can afford it though. The prenup set me back quite a bit in those regards."

"Well, if that's the only thing holding you back, maybe we can talk a little about me helping."

"Chris, no, I can't ask you to do that. I made my bed, and I've got to be a big girl and accept what I've done."

"Listen, it's our kids we're talking about. If I can help, I will. I know Daniel and Katlyn were a little hard on you, but I also know they both miss you. If I can help fix their relationship with you even a little, it makes things better in my household as well."

"Well, we'll see. Fortunately, I know a good realtor to help me find something."



Chris and Steph, through their children, did remain friendly, but they were never really friends again.

Steph did find a decent four bedroom house about 6 blocks away from Chris' house. It was close enough that they could walk in decent weather, and there was no question about the kids' schools. Chris did help her with the financing as he promised. Besides, it gave him more time to develop more friendships during the weeks that Steph had the kids.

Steph, for her part, earned a reputation as an ice queen. She rarely dated, and when she did, she made sure that whoever she was with knew that her kids came first.

The biggest change came for Chris a few years later. When Libby started 2nd grade, and most of the parents went to Meet the Teacher Night at her school, Chris was captivated by his daughter's teacher, Ms. Emily Carter. Less than a week later, they ran into each other at the grocery store, and ended up talking for 20 minutes next to the bins of onions in the produce aisle. They went on their first date that weekend, and were together more and more over the next few months, getting married the next summer.

By that time, Daniel and Katelyn were both in college, but Chris somehow managed to keep blending the families. Emily was only a couple of years younger than Chris, and her first husband, Jackson, was killed in a helicopter accident while serving in the military. The couple had twin daughters that were right between the ages of Emma and Libby. It didn't surprise Chris at all that Daniel quickly volunteered his room for his new adopted sisters, Isabella and Sophia.

In the end, Chris had no regrets. His life was complicated, but ultimately, he had the unquestioned love of his children. What more did he need?

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Fortunately, not a Hallmark moment. But, not bad.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What kind of a bitch marries someone because she wants to live in his house and wants a father for her children. She should be called the Ice Queen for more reasons than the her dating situation. Great story


GrandEagle53GrandEagle5310 months ago

7 children with 6 of them daughters, poor daddy........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't believe the husband would have been so understanding after hearing what he did from his wife. The commenter remarks about nominating the father for sainthood have merit. But the part about the kids siding with their adoptive father isn't so far-fetched. My brother had a blended family with his second wife and adopted her two daughters when the father died. The second wife turned out to be a cheating whore, and they did want to stay with him when they divorced because apparently only their natural and adoptive fathers cared enough. This did floor the wife and they had joint custody until she ended up moving away. Shit like this really happens. So I give the story some leeway. 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

John was an asshole yet there was no payback for him????

Should have had a DNA test on Libby

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNutabout 1 year ago

No DNA test to establish parentage of the youngest child?

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

Apparently whenever Chris speaks if you listen carefully you can faintly hear the Choir Invisible singing beatific hymns in the background, there’s a story making the rounds that he was at a lake once and there was a blind young infant with leprosy struggling to remain afloat when Christ…sorry Chris walked out on the water to rescue the poor mite, when he returned with the child she was miraculously cured of all her afflictions, everyone was singing hallelujah praise be to saint Chris.

Well come on when an author writes a character clearly headed for beatification and a living sainthood you gotta wonder how many other miracles he performs on a daily basis.

Sweet sickly saccharine has been proven bad for you, diabetics should avoid this story like the plague.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow. Quite a nasty betrayal. Nit so much the sex but her damning words. No coming back from that. John was an asshole. Not sure why some commenters are hyperventilating about his actions post discovery. He was never taking her back. John despised the kids and how they crimped their "lifestyle". In two weeks or so after being kicked out of the house with thr prenuptial, she moved make to the grandmother's house. It was stated that afterwards they remained friendly (for the kids) but were never again friends. They amicably divorced, he got the kids and lion share of the assets with the prenuptial. The grandmother supported him over her daughter. She became an ice queen and put her kids first. He remarried. Personally I would have liked to purise some means (legal) down the road to hurt or smear John, but coukd be delayed a year or two. But John was single and otherwise unattached so besides going after his career, not easy and he has a lot of kids to look after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked this story. Dumb wife. Did dumb things. Split was amicable. Dumb wife discovered how dumb she was. Everyone acted like adults. Not always a common thread in Loving Wives stories.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of your worst stories!! The cheating bitch wife didn't suffer much consequences whereas the stupid cuck husband is still feeling remorse and helping the bitch!!

Just another stupid clueless cuck husband

lujon2019lujon2019almost 2 years ago

so she gets bored, cheats, upon being found our is unapologetic and treats her adopted daughters like shit?

And his response is to help her?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Chris is too good to be true, at least I hope so. The line between nice and wimpy is not always clear, but Chris clearly was being a doormat when he let the two children from his first marriage go to John's condo and when he helped his ex slut wife buy a house. Her actions were inexcusably disrespectful of him and their marriage. She did nothing to earn forgiveness except return to him once her relationship with John fell apart. That slut needed to have limited opportunities to infect her children with her immorality. It would have been best to minimize their exposure to the stench of her fetid cunt.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

Dry. Didn't evoke any sort of emotional response for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

pig would have been missing some teeth!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Counseling?!? Witchcraft and mind control. Total bullshit! “Don’t destroy your mother” She deserves to be destroyed! Joint custody when she could have been cut off?!?

This is weak ass absurdity!


sneakoneoutsneakoneoutover 2 years ago

He catches her cheating. She never loved him. She wants nothing to do with his kids. And through all that not one harsh word was said by him

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

short version this was crap. the idea of these stories is to escape reality not read about it. we lived this shit, reading about it same crap. even then parts are unrealistic. he would of been pissed then sad then wanna make them hurt modes. this isnt writting, this is just putting a real situation on paper. no originality, no grab your attention making you want more in the story. just plop there it is... 1 star is being generous

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It just kind of fizzled. No real low, no real high. Barely any emotion at all. You'd get more emotion out of a matchstick figure.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

So you wrote:

"Ultimately, the counseling helped them to see that the idea of joint custody was in the best interest of all the children. No matter what, the five kids would be go together at whichever house they stayed in. For the time being, that meant that they were staying nearly all of the time at Chris' house."

Nope!!! I call bullshit!!! Joint custody is forcing an uncomfortable situation onto the children. Later in the story you had Steph admit that "she made her bed" That's a little too little, and a little too late for her to finally grow up. Part of the growing process is learning from making bad decisions. Setting a GOOD EXAMPLE is far more important than learning from mistakes. Therefore Chris should not have given Steph joint custody because she has DEMONSTRATED on multiple occasions that she makes bad decisions.

It was also a negative for Chris to help Steph get her new residence. She doesn't deserve it because she didn't earn it. She betrayed it. I'm sure that you were wanting to paint Chris as this really gracious and understanding guy. But you actually kept him partially a cuckold by doing that.

Two huge problems with this story so minus two on the score. 3/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Doesn't this guy ever get angry? My God, it's almost as if you neutered him. Also, the dialogue is mechanical. Listen to how people actually speak and then revise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

His reaction to Steph wasn't realistic. He was FAR too nice considering that she was basically using him. You didn't need to go nuclear BTB on her, but kids or not there's no way a reasonable guy would have been that civil to her. The conniving bitch deserved a lot more venom than she got.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 3 years ago

4. Mostly pretty good, enjoyed the Mandalorian costume in the story (and more then a little jealous). I think the story could have benefited from being longer. Dealing with the initial blended family and the hurt from the husband's wife dying and the wife's husband skipping town, the pain on the kids and then it all falling apart, showing why it hurt Chris and the kids so bad and would eventually hurt Steph bad too was wonderful but I think there could have been more to it, showing the aftermath in more detail. John was a dangling thread that seemed almost forgotten which was odd after the MC said he was almost more hurt by his best friend's betrayal then his wife's. Even with no revenge it might have been interesting to see some closure, hear why he was so willing to betray his friend.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story. It had a different take on dealing with the kids. Her 2 kids were probably old enough to decide who they wanted to live with, the two next oldest were his, and the littlest one would be the one with shared custody. Now the judge would have to be the one who decided custody, since her siblings would be living with him. The judge might not want to break up the home for 1 child out of 5. I guess it depends on which state they're living in. Like the grandmother said, she had the pre-nup written to protect either one, since at the time she didn't want her grand daughter to be hurt/homeless.

pummel187pummel187almost 3 years ago


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