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Surprise Three-way

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After football, alcohol helps them have a wild night.
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"With just over a minute left to play, the 49ers are leading the Seahawks by three points, and they are doing their best to run down the clock. And now a timeout is called by Seattle, so we will see you after a short commercial break."

A groan from ten people filled the room, and Fiona waved at Kyra to call her into the kitchen.

"I need another shot for the stress," Fiona smiled, "so you get one too. Come on, you said you would keep up with me today."

"Damn girl, you're killing me here. What is this now, like five?"

"Yup. Cheers!"

Rolling her eyes, Kyra clinked glasses with her good friend and tossed back the smooth flavored whiskey. After several shots and not a few beers, Kyra was past the point of shuddering after every drink, but she still felt the flush of heat across her chest as the strong liquid flowed down to her stomach.

"Come on Hawks," she called out when the game came back on. Standing behind Fiona, she held onto her friend's shoulders for support, bouncing on her toes in anticipation.

Brandon stood across the room, looking away from the announcers on TV to glance at his wife, laughing silently as he heard her talking to Fiona. 'She's starting to slur,' he thought, 'and it is early too. Tonight is gonna be good for me, and it's a damn good thing she's not working tomorrow.' He turned back to the TV as the room grew silent, seeing the teams lining up for the next play. The tension in the air was thick, even the cheering was subdued as the 49ers tried and failed twice to get a run down the field.

"It's third and inches from the twenty-one yard line," the announcer called, "and if the 49ers can get this into the in-zone, it's a guaranteed victory. They bobbled the snap, and Kaepernick has issues holding onto the ball."

The room erupted in screams, drowning out the TV as the blitzing defensive line surrounded the quarterback, one of them punching the awkwardly-held ball into the air. The yelling increased as a blue jersey burst through the line, catching the ball as if it was thrown to him. In an instant, the team rallied behind him, doing their best to keep the 49ers players away from him.

"That's Marsh," someone yelled, and in two seconds, a chant of "Go Marsh," rang out, the cameras closely following the jersey of #91. Kaepernick tried to take down the one who had stolen his ball, and Brandon wasn't the only one to yell out in anger when he saw the quarterback with his hands full of Marsh's face mask. The burly lineman shook him off, hurtling down the field as five determined white jerseys rushed towards him. The other Seahawks knocked down all but one of them, leaving the two alone to run towards the distant in-zone. With ten yards to go, the last 49er jumped on Marsh's back and tried to wrestle him to the ground, but he only slowed down the bigger man. Seeming to ignore his rider, Marsh entered the in-zone and held up his hands in celebration, facing the fans in the stadium as their cheers blasted through the TV's speakers.

It took several minutes for the cheering to subside in the house, everyone was now too busy laughing and high-fiving to hear or see what happened on the TV. Brandon rewound to the point where they had stopped hearing the game, again watching the scoring fumble recovery. He saw Fiona and Kyra go into the kitchen for another shot, and Kyra brought one out to him as they watched Marsh carrying the ball and a struggling 49er across the goal line again.

"There is a flag on the play," the TV commentator said loudly, "and even though we can't hear a thing that's happening down there on the field, the official is indicating that the call is for facemasking, and we all saw that it's on Kaepernick. Here in the replay we see that there is no doubt it happened, and of course the Seahawks are going to decline the penalty. This is a huge touchdown for the Seahawks, they have now won the game. Going back down to the field, we can see them line up for the extra point. I don't know what they're doing here, but it looks like they will run down the play clock. The officials call a delay of game on Seattle, but at this point it doesn't matter, they have already won."

"Good call you guys," Kyra laughed, "do it again too. Don't give them any time at all."

"After moving the ball back, Seattle lines up for the kick again, and they down the ball. With ten seconds left on the clock, the 49ers won't get to touch the football again. That's the game folks, the Seahawks have beat out the 49ers in the last minute, winning by three points, 9 to 6. Marsh ran them to victory, making the only touchdown in a game otherwise ruled by the kickers. Thanks for joining us on Monday Night Football, and we'll see you here next week. Coming up next, we have..."

Brandon muted the volume since no one was watching anymore, milling around the room as his friends celebrated their team's win. He saw Kyra take another shot with Fiona, making him smile again. 'I am gonna have to remember to thank Fiona later. Kyra should be easy tonight.'

As if on cue, Brandon watched as Kyra walked among their friends, hugging the few that were on their way home. While socializing, he kept an eye on his wife without seeming to stare, watching Kyra as she showed the effects of the shots she had shared with Fiona. She veered from person to person, either hugging them or leaning on their shoulders. 'Damn her lack of personal space,' he thought, 'it's like she's a human pinball tonight. Everyone here has had their arms and chests groped by her boobs at least once. I wonder if she even notices?'

After Brandon saw out the last guest, he plopped on the couch and rewound the game, wanting to see the winning play again, watching the multiple replays shown from different angles repeatedly while he finished his drink. "One more drink while I watch the post-game show," he muttered to himself, standing up go to the fridge.

In the doorway to the kitchen, Brandon stopped in his tracks, staring at Fiona's exposed breast. His concentration was broken by Kyra's shriek once she saw him and quickly stepped in front of her friend. Fiona laughed and covered herself, patting Kyra on the shoulder.

"It's only a boob honey, I'm sure he's seen plenty of them before." Fiona giggled drunkenly before looking at Brandon, "It's not like Kyra and I were making out or anything. I was just showing Kyra where my girlfriend bit me last night. We got in a fight and when she bit me, that was the last straw. She was just too immature and temperamental, so I broke up with her."

"But he's my husband, and he's only supposed to see mine," Kyra countered before turning to Brandon, "and why didn't you warn us that you were coming in here?"

"I... Ummm... Really Kyra? I thought everyone was gone. And why would I feel the need to announce myself when I'm walking into my own kitchen? And thanks for the quick peek Fiona, you have nice looking boobs. Or boob, singular, anyway. And since when were you into girls? I thought you were going out with a guy named Jake or something like that."

"I was with Jake, but I date both guys and girls. I just love people, not labels, so I choose to be with anyone that strikes my fancy. Lately I've been with girls exclusively, all the men I find aren't worth my time."

Looking very uncomfortable, Kyra took her phone out of her pocket and put it on the base-station charger. She started a music app, filling the kitchen with the first dance song on the playlist.

"Too much talking," she slurred, "how about a change of topic and a little dancing instead?"

Kyra lifted her arms and started swaying her hips, moving back and forth between Fiona and Brandon, singing softly to the song while ignoring the odd looks they both gave her. Fiona shrugged her shoulders and started dancing as well, leaving Brandon to lean on the counter to watch them with an amused look on his face. Once the next song started and they continued to dance together, Brandon thought 'I sure as hell won't join them, but I can at least enjoy the show.'

He got the new drink he had come in for, then sat on the counter to watch the women, trying to focus on their breasts and butts every time he thought he could get away with staring. He knew he could watch Kyra without getting in trouble, but Fiona was supposed to be off-limits to his eyes. One time he stared too long and when he felt eyes on him, he looked up to see Fiona staring at him with a half smile.

'Damn alcohol,' he thought, 'it slowed my reaction and let me get caught. I know I shouldn't be looking, but what the hell...'

On the next song, Fiona again caught him looking at her bouncing breasts while Kyra's back was facing him, and Brandon felt his cheeks turn red when Fiona gave him as much of an evil glare as she could through her smile. When she grabbed Kyra's shoulders and hugged her, Brandon's heart lurched, worried that she was telling on him. Fiona turned Kyra around to face him, and he was no longer worried about that when he saw Kyra was sill smiling widely. They danced closer to Brandon, stopping when Kyra was a few feet away from his knees.

"Dance with us hon," Kyra slurred, "come on down here and stop looking so bored."

"No thanks, I'll just stay here. I'm not bored, I like watching you."

"I know what you like watching," Fiona interrupted, "I'll bet you were staring at these."

Starting at Kyra's thighs, Fiona slid her hands up her friend's body, pausing to smack her ass, then stopping when her hands cupped the under-side of her breasts. Kyra's eyes opened wide in shock, but laughed it off and lifted her hands over her head to continue dancing.

Brandon laughed at them and shook his head. "Only women can get away with that shit. I would get killed," he muttered to the women, his smile fading in confusion when the women shrugged their shoulders.

Fiona's head caught his attention, and she smiled while mouthing 'Help me'. She waved her hand at Brandon to come closer, then placed it back on Kyra's breast and gave them both a quick squeeze.

"I can't resist an offer like that," Brandon smiled as he hopped down and reached for his wife, "I do love me some boobies."

He placed his hands above Fiona's, feeling both of Kyra's rigid nipples poking into his palm. Fiona put her hands over Brandon's and helped guide him around and squeeze. Kyra stopped moving and her mouth slowly dropped open to breathe deeper. When she opened her eyes to stare at her husband, Brandon instantly felt his cock twitch in response. 'I would know that look anywhere,' he thought as he smiled happily, 'she needs the dick now.'

"We have to stop this," Kyra blurted out, easing her way out of the middle of the erotic sandwich, "you two are cruel. What are you trying to do to me?"

"We're just having a little fun," Fiona teased.

"What's the matter babe? I thought you liked it when I grabbed your boobs, and it doesn't do anything for you when another girl does it. Were Fiona and I are doing it wrong or something?"

"You made it weird somehow," Kyra mumbled as she stared at the counter.

Brandon crossed his arms and glanced at Fiona before turning to his wife with a smile. "Well why don't you show me that it means nothing. Return the favor and give Fiona's boobs a quick squeeze. This time I won't help since that will get me in trouble."

Kyra looked up at Brandon, raising one eyebrow before turning to her friend. Shaking her head, Kyra chuckled humorlessly. "No, that's fine. I have grabbed them before and probably will again, but I don't do that on command."

"Like I said a few minutes ago, they are only boobs, so whatever." Fiona laughed as she squeezed her own breasts, "I don't care if you touch me. Hell, I don't care if either of you do it. But Brandon, the thought of you doing it would be weird since a guy hasn't touched me that way in ages."

"In that case Brandon, why don't you do it? Go ahead and grab Fiona's boobs."

Barking out a short laugh, Brandon took the bottle that the women had been drinking from all night and poured himself a shot. After drinking it, he turned to Kyra and put his hands in his pockets. "There's no way I'm falling for that line from either of you. I don't want to end my night with two black eyes."

"Wow," Kyra laughed to Fiona, "we both gave him permission and he still couldn't do it. Is there something wrong with your boobs? It doesn't look like it."

"Not that I know of. I just felt them and they were fine. Yours were fine too. Maybe there's something wrong with your husband?"

Kyra looked from Brandon's face to Fiona's chest, then stepped toward her friend. Without hesitation, Kyra grabbed both of Fiona's breasts, squeezing softly before letting go to squeeze her own.

"Except for the firmness of our bras, there's no difference. I dare you to see for yourself Brandon. I promise that as your wife, right now you are allowed to touch and feel another woman's breasts."

"And I don't care," Fiona added, "they are just lumps of skin, fat, and mammary glands. I like getting all scientific and shit like that."

'I am in so much trouble right now,' Brandon thought quickly, 'it doesn't matter if it grab her or not, either way I'm in some type of trouble. I might as well make the most of it.' Shaking his head, Brandon lifted his hands up in frustration, glancing between the drunk women and trying to think of a way to have the most fun he could that would result in the least amount of trouble. "Yeah right. Both of you are fucking crazy. Just for the hell you're putting my mind through, you both owe me a shot for this evil little plan you're cooking up to get me in trouble. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I can see the danger signs from a mile away."

"Oh for heaven's sake," Kyra slurred. She took Brandon's raised hands and put them on her breasts, holding him firmly in place. "See? Just boobs. They didn't bite you, and they feel nice."

"Yup, I totally agree. You know I love your boobs, hon."

Turning to her side at the same time that Fiona stepped towards her, Kyra moved Brandon's hands to the other woman, putting his hands on Fiona's breasts. Fiona reached up to hold his hands tightly against her, then Kyra let go of her husband's wrists.

"See?" Kyra giggled at her husband's shocked expression, "Once again, just boobs. These didn't bite you either, and they also feel nice."

As soon as Brandon felt Fiona's grasp on his hands loosen he pulled away from her, staring at the slight indentions his fingers had made on her shirt. "Holy shit," he whispered, "now I don't know what the hell to think."

"Didn't you enjoy that?" Kyra asked Brandon, and he could see a slight look of worry on her face, "And no, you're not in trouble."

"You know I love boobs, but that was a little too weird. I liked the feeling of them of course, but I was too worried about getting in trouble to enjoy the moment."

"Maybe there is something wrong with him," Fiona giggled, pointing to Brandon's crotch, "most guys feeling up two women at once would be a little more excited. I barely see any change."

"Find out for me, will you Fiona? I'll pour a round of drinks to celebrate my 'I told you so' moment for Brandon not believing me."

Brandon gasped in shock at his wife's back, then turned to see Fiona standing by his side, her breasts pushed against his arm. She cupped his crotch, and he could feel her fingers moving to identify how his growing cock was situated. Lightly stroking her fingertips across his shaft, Fiona smirked at him before turning to Kyra.

"He sure is a little guy. Either that or he's a grower, not a shower, and we didn't get a rise out of him."

Kyra looked back on unsteady legs to see her friend's hand on her husband's crotch and shrugged her shoulders. "Do I have to do everything around here Brandon? Seriously... OK you two, get over here for drinks. Damn Fiona, did we seriously finish this whole bottle between the two of us tonight?"

"Besides the one that the little man over here had a few minutes ago, yes. I think it's safe to say that I'm gonna have to spend the night here tonight. There's no way in hell can I drive home like this. You guys don't mind, do you?"

"That's fine," they both nodded before Kyra continued, "I'm so fucking hammered... We should totally enjoy the moment while it lasts tonight, 'cause our heads are gonna hate us in the morning. Speaking of which, cheers."

'This is so weird,' Brandon thought as he lifted his glass, 'if I'm lucky, neither of them will remember this. If they do, I'm gonna be in so much trouble. Fuck it, I may as well try my luck and see what happens.'

"You know what ladies? I'm sorry if I misjudged you earlier and if I didn't trust you to be telling the truth. You're right Kyra, you deserve your 'I told you so' because I was!!br0ken!!

The women turned to face Brandon, and while the gears in his head were grinding over how wrong this all was, he reached forward and held one breast of each of the women. Softly squeezing their breasts and sliding his hand around their soft shapes, he nodded to them.

"You're right Kyra, Fiona's bra is firmer. I think her boobs are a little heavier though."

"They had better be," Kyra laughed, "hers are almost a full cup size larger than mine."

Fiona shook her head and slurred when she looked down. "Kind of funny though, isn't it Kyra? Brandon knows he's getting away with free boobies, but the little guy hasn't changed very much. What does it take to get him going?"

"Hmmm, that is strange. Show me what you were doing last time."

Kyra and Fiona both reached for his crotch at the same time, and Brandon watched their hands touch his pants, both of them tracing the outline of his growing cock.

"What the hell are we doing Fiona?"

She giggled, her body swaying to bump into Brandon's shoulder before she answered. "Hell, I don't know. First it was boobs, and now we're here, and... What were we thinking Kyra?"

"Yeah, the boob thing was weird, but then I figured it would creep Brandon out if you grabbed him, so I let it go. I thought it would be funny, but now I wanna mess with him some. This is kinda funny, don't you think?"

"I think alcohol clouds your mind. When you tell me to play with your husband's cock while his hand is on my boob, I think it's clear we've had too much to drink, Kyra. So how should we mess with him now? Maybe we should find out what it takes for him to get totally hard in his jeans. He sure isn't responding fast enough yet."

Kyra giggled as she squeezed her hand on Brandon's shaft, then turned to her friend with a question in her glazed eyes. "Oh, I know," Fiona whispered. She pushed Brandon against the counter, then put Kyra's back against his chest before standing in front of her.

Brandon heard his wife gasp as Fiona closed the distance between them, kissing her softly on the lips. Seeing their lips pressed together from barely six inches away took his breath away, and his cock jerked in the tight confines of his jeans. He was more aware than ever that the cleft of his wife's ass was directly in front of him, nestling perfectly around his hardness. The women were such a distraction that Brandon didn't even realize he wasn't using his hands until he felt Fiona grasp his wrists. She pulled his hands up to rest on the four touching breasts as he looked down on the double-shot of cleavage.

Fiona pulled her head back and looked at Brandon, then at Kyra. "Sorry, was that too forward of me?"

Kyra didn't speak, simply shaking her head slowly back and forth.

"Did it work? Is Brandon hard yet?" Fiona asked softly.

Brandon saw a quick hint of a smile before his wife could clear it from her face, and Kyra simply shrugged her shoulders once.

Fiona didn't bother to hide her smile, still being the only one to talk. "What now? Should we trade places?"

Moving before Fiona finished talking, Kyra turned their bodies without breaking their loose embrace. Brandon could feel Fiona adjust her ass so his painfully hard cock nestled between her ass cheeks, then Kyra lifted his hands to fully grab Fiona's breasts.

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