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The 150th Slave Pt. 07: Alternative Ending

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Heights and Depths of Slavery.
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Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/12/2015
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Shortly after I woke up, Sofia knocked on my door to say that Svetlana wanted to have brunch with me in her suite. Now a slave, not allowed clothing without express orders, I went up the elevator wearing nothing.

I was rather surprised to reach Svetlana's room to find Boltzin there with Svetlana and neither of them wearing much more than me. They both had obviously recently showered. Boltzin's penis was looking just too perfect. I envied Svetlana, both for her figure in her mid-40s and that she would get to continue to sleep with such a stallion as Boltzin.

Svetlana was gracious of course. "Much lovely food is being brought. Eat up, dear, you used a lot of calories yesterday and must recover your strength." She explained that Mr. Boltzin was not there to make me feel badly about what I would not be getting anymore. "He has another roll. But first, my dear, let me praise you over you performance yesterday. You just could not have done better. Your debut screening did just as well in terms of viewership as Crystal's although she has always been a huge audience favorite. All the men I've talked to say that you make both a tremendous BDSM sub or sex partner. Several guys who only knew of you by reputation as fabulous in bed said that you are much better even than they had heard.

"The oral sex with Ms. Gentile has resulted in a number of reservations for you of another variety. I don't know why we never thought of broadcasting lesbian action before. It's funny, you think you've thought of all the angles but you've missed something that should have been obvious.

"You even got almost all the legal work done before yesterday that needed to be done for the Pacific resort. Ferguson, Kat, Redstone, and Jacobs should be able to do the rest in days. We sent all the clothing and other things you don't need anymore back with Fred Mann. He says he will put them in your condo for now.

"Still more, somehow Chiara, Crystal and you becoming pain slaves made it fashionable. We've already been able to recruit more women to participate as potential pain slaves. When all the pain slaves were Bolrian or obviously had difficult pasts, it was hard. Now for a certain class of kinky woman who has been participating in the Lottery at some level or thinking of doing so, it is almost glamorous to risk become a pain slave. It is like wearing crazy high heels or getting exotic piercings because some famous actress did it.

"You are probably wondering what is going to happen to you. You are going to stay in the Capital for another two weeks. Crystal and Chiara are staying too but Irina has flown back to Berlin and the others are off on foreign jobs or back to the Resort. I do think Katerina and Maria are getting better. Katerina actually said that she enjoyed helping out with your debut yesterday. I heard from Boltzin and others that the enthusiasm in bed of both of the women Dimitry traumatized is much restored.

"This evening we have booked a lot of rough sex but no engagements with customers that want to torture you. Monday is the same. Tuesday, you spend with the BSP." I gasped and Svetlana went on, "I fully understand your feelings about the Security Police. Even Crystal was frightened because she had heard too much about the BSP from Lermanov. As you saw, though, Crystal was not harmed. Anyway, there is no way to get out of this. Expect to be taken to your absolute limit but no further. In Bolry only the innocent are really punished. You're not that innocent. I would have spared you if I could have, both out of sympathy and because you will not be able to work Wednesday as a sex slave. I managed to spare Chiara but Pyotr definitely indicated that you had to go. Sofia does not really need my help in protecting you, but I will be there to make doubly sure nothing gets out of hand.

"Sofia, by the way, is extremely well qualified to allow women to suffer as much pain as they can take to please the customer but no more. She has felt everything that you will feel but did so without the comfort of knowing that there were people nearby who would prevent permanent injury.

"You are not scheduled for any piercings. We decided that having piercings during the pain slave debuts, while adding to the passion play, were not worth the extra work that we had to do to avoid infections and other complications. With you in particular, many guys have a breast infatuation, which is not surprising given your DDs and the way your nipples get so erect and your Montgomery's glands become so intense when you get sexually excited. Also, we have a lot of plans for ways to use those natural breasts in nice natural ways that we will share with you over time.

"As I said, Wednesday you will have off except maybe you should work on your Russian. Thursday and Friday you are fully booked.

"You get to sleep in on Saturday while we chose the 151st slave. That night you attend the post lottery party. Expect a lot of abuse as acquaintances and others make merry with your new situation. You are expected to accept it all with utter submissiveness. You are not expected to be stoical, though. You are allowed to tell people at parties when they are causing you great pain. We don't want our parties to turn into torture sessions. After the post-lottery party, you will probably be used thoroughly by customers in the dungeon or one of the other facilities we have in this building. Of course, you will not be harmed. You will never be harmed.

"Not that it really matters but Ms. Gentile insisted on becoming an additional sponsor to make sure that your three male sponsors did not fail to protect your remaining rights fully. I think both she and Fred Mann are feeling a little guilty although really nothing bad has happened to you. Your life has just changed, that's all.

"Anyway, the next week and a half is pretty much all bondage, pain and sex except for the morning of a week from Tuesday. Our great leader, Pyotr Toltski, will be back from state business. He has expressed an interest in meeting you and Crystal. He has learned you are both brilliant and beautiful. You will wear clothing that Tuesday as you are driven downtown. I can assure you that there will be no torture or sex that morning. That afternoon and evening and the next week you will be fully booked with sex, including starring in a few porn movies, and a number of promotional activities for which all of the pain slaves will be returned to the capital. When you finally get to the Resort, you'll be examined again and begin preparing for your injections."

I asked, "What injections?" Svetlana explained that they intended to harvest eggs from all three of us for sale. "We expect to fetch a very good price for eggs from all three of you but the eggs of the two women who are both extremely beautiful and certified geniuses should do particularly well."

"Certified geniuses?" "Yes, while Chiara is very smart, the IQs of you and Crystal are almost off the chart. Crystal knows this. That is one of the many things she let go to her head. I gather you were never told the results of a test you took in high school. Josef told us you had slept with a member of some committee to get a college scholarship. It is pretty clear that guy took advantage of you too. You got the scholarship because of the test results. Ranking your class helped also."

"I must be the stupidest genius in history," I said. "That seems entirely possible," Svetlana answered.

"Svetlana, the egg thing freaks me out," I said. Svetlana did not reply to that but said, "Now, we come back to the activities for this afternoon. At my suggestion, Mr. Boltzin has agreed to make love to you. He is confident that his vigorous activities last night will not inhibit him. Also, you don't have to feel sad thinking that this is your last time with Boltzin. He is a very ambitious young man and I am sure he will earn bonuses. Perhaps he will also have to do marketing research that will involve him having to do extensive sampling of the very best of products the BLC offers. The conditions on this pleasure this morning are that I get to watch and that you perform on me afterward as you performed so well on Ms. Gentile yesterday."

What followed was wonderful and definitely got me in the right frame of mind for the evening's business. For two days, my body felt it could do no wrong. My mind had clicked into one of complete focus on giving and receiving physical pleasure. Life was a great and holy fuck.

That was Sunday and Monday. My trip to the BSP headquarters downtown Tuesday was very different. Indeed, I will probably vividly remember the trip to the BSP my whole life if I live to be 100.

As Pyotr Toltski's sister, a member of the Bolry cabinet and a political force in Bolry, Svetlana generally travelled in a limo with guards and a police escort. That day, however, we went downtown in a non-descript four door Skoda with Alex driving, Sofia in the front passenger seat literally having a machine gun under a shawl across her lap and Svetlana in the back with me and two automatic weapons. "Lermanov did not want us to have a big parade going from the BLC to the BSP headquarters so we are trying to move incognito," Svetlana said. "There's another car behind us with men who know how to use their guns almost as well as Sofia and me. I don't think that whole carload, though, has killed as many people as Sofia."

If I'd needed a reminder that the Bolrian government was not run by gentle and popular leaders, Svetlana's speech that followed would have served. "Laurel, you are naturally concerned that the BSP might harm you in some permanent manner accidentally despite our best intentions. I can assure you that they are absolutely skilled now in using just the right amount of force. The BSP is constantly exploring the use of pain. Also, six months ago, a foiled assassination attempt yielded a number of surviving women on whom to test and retest the various new gadgets.

"I know that coming from the West that that may sound horrible to you but your government acts the same when it thinks it thinks it must. They know everything we are doing here, including the Lottery, and do not object. I think it is really regrettable that we must stay in power through such rough tactics. I hope that someday we will not need strong leaders to prevent civil war and chaos. I regret almost every time I have killed someone or had someone killed.

"What really should comfort you is that no one at the BSP wants to risk marring you in any way. They just want to cause you to suffer greatly and fuck you hard in every conceivable way."

I found this speech to be less comforting than some of her earlier talks had been.

I was surprised when the cars drove to the back of the radio tower rather than to an office building. "Is this the BSP headquarters?" I asked. Svetlana said it was not but that the Minister of Internal Security, Lagunev, wanted a private meeting here before we went to the BSP headquarters.

A man in his early 60s who was accompanied by two obvious members of the BSP met us and led us to a back elevator in the radio tower away from the tourist elevator. Lagunev said in tolerable English, "It is a poorly kept secret that there is a level above the observation deck that is reserved by the BSP for its purposes. The view is even better than from the observation deck." He, one of his thugs, Sofia and Svetlana rode the elevator up with me. Lagunev explained on the way up that the BSP uses the tower for a number of purposes including persuading certain people to give information that they would not have otherwise provided. "Of course, we don't need any information from you and we know you are not afraid of heights." I guessed that Mann or Ferguson must have told someone that I frequently went to the top of the Empire State Building late at night when the lines are shorter and I needed a break from work during a long night.

This was somewhat different. I was totally disrobed, held tightly by Sofia and the other guy, and faced over the waist high railing. My feet and lower legs were spread a few feet apart and very firmly attached to some secure fittings that had obviously been placed there for the purpose and used before. "Don't worry about falling," Lagunev said, "Even persons who are fated to suffer an accident are never tossed off the tower. How would we explain if a body came down on a tourist bus? Do you like the view?"

Holy shit. The view was spectacular. It was nothing like looking out of the Empire State Building which has a very high guard rail to prevent anyone from getting too close to the edge. Although I knew I could not have fallen if I'd wanted to, the sense of having my whole torso extended over the rail 300 meters above the ground was literally breathtaking.

Lagunev continued, "We think you will enjoy the activities to come more if your arms are behind your back and your center of gravity is less over the rail." They tied my arms tightly together behind the back, which thrust my breasts out prominently for the view of passing birds and dragonflies. After appropriate foreplay, a large penis entered my vagina and I alternated between enjoying the view of the capital city, the BLC hotel not too far away, several lakes, a river and the distant mountains, and enjoying the feel of the cock in me. I found I could not do both, closed my eyes and felt the light wind in my hair and across my breasts, the pressure on my pussy against the rail and the feel of a cock. I came in a new way. Lagunev made sounds like a man finishing up. My anus was lubricated. Another man entered me. I assume it was Lagunev's friend. Again I split my time between the lovely view and the lovely sensations but this time buzzing up to me and hovering in front of me in the air was a drone. I laughed and got back to the business at hand.

On elevator ride down, Lagunev said I was very beautiful and that he expected he would be seeing me again in other venues. I got tidied up a bit and dressed again before we got back in the car. In the car I asked Svetlana whether Crystal had done that. She said that she had not. They had found another interesting location for Lagunev to enjoy Crystal. "It was in the Bolry zoo and involved being in a cage with a tiger that does not look nearly as tame as it is. As we knew she would be, Crystal was calm and sexy. The film we made was great and I'm sure the film made from the drone and the camera we had behind you will be great too."

The BSP headquarters was as large and sinister as I'd expected. My lose dress was immediately ripped off as soon as I was taken into the building. Svetlana shook her head and whispered to me, "I still can't see why they never use the buttons or zippers?" Arms behind my back again, I was handcuffed and paraded through the office to the stares and jeers of numerous people in uniforms that looked like they came from the set of some 1960s spy movie. After using the crude concrete ladies room, I was led into a fairly large room followed by Svetlana and Sofia and allowed to look around long enough to see a table covered with various whips, prongs, clamps and gadgets, three men and two women getting them ready and a set of bleachers with dozens of people in uniform sitting in them. My heart was beating like a college band drum.

Svetlana said that we were in the training room and went and sat on a folding chair with Sofia about 10 feet from the spot to which I was led. Nipple clamps on, blindfold on, headphones on, I cannot report anything more about the next I-don't-know-how- long except feelings, almost all intense. I know my arms were uncuffed and attached to something over my head, and my legs were spread and attached to the floor. I really can't describe the shapes or varieties of electric gadgets used on me. I knew they were being very careful and that Svetlana and Sofia were in the room, but it is hard to keep that in mind while being slapped by whips above the waist and shocked from all directions below the waist in the most sensitive of places. I tried to think of anything else, views of the sea, legal problems, New Jersey, caviar, how much I hate Ferguson anything. After not long, though, I simply lost my mind and became a locus of pain. The only reason I did not want to die was that I was not capable of any thought at all. Somewhere along that process the nipple clamps were slapped off which hurt worse than when they went on. If the BSP had wanted any information or anything else from me, they would have gotten it. There were no marks and, I guess, no psychological damage but I had changed.

I was hosed off with nice warm water (thank you someone), let down, placed on my back and allowed to rest for a few minutes. The headphones came off but the blindfold stayed. The gang bang that followed did not set a world record but was longer and involved a lot more penetration than anything I had ever had before. A year before, I would have thought it would have killed me. I don't know how many men and women used me or who they were.

During the sex, at first I was numb from the torture and acted like a lump of meat. Later, I participated actively in the sex for a while like a good sex slave before I became exhausted. I was on the verge of losing it entirely when Svetlana whispered in my ear, "Laurel, the rules about sex slaves trying the best they can to please don't apply here. You've given these bastards much more than they deserve. Just try to relax. I will get you out of here as soon as I can."

It ended after a half dozen or more men used what was once my body. After that and I was rinsed off in warm water again. Svetlana, Alex, and Sofia took me back as they had taken me downtown. I was utterly exhausted as I had never been before. "I am tired, I am weary, I could sleep for a thousand years," was all that ran through me head on the way home. I could not even remember where I'd gotten that line. One of Sofia's assistants met us and helped me get into bed.


As promised, on Wednesday I had the day off. Well, almost off. After being allowed to sleep in and having breakfast served in bed, I dropped off to sleep again until the middle of the afternoon when there was loud knocking at the door. It was Ferguson. "I'm sorry Laurel, sweetheart, but we really can't figure out how to handle this one foreign tax assessment valuation matter, there is no one available in New York to do it. We think you understand it. Svetlana says it really has to be settled before a meeting tomorrow."

I simply lost it. "Sweetheart, sweetheart, you break my heart, ruin my life, set me up to be tortured and raped by the whole fucking Bolrian army," I exaggerated, "and now you have the gall to ask for help with a tax problem."

"Svetlana said you would not be enthusiastic about seeing me," he replied, "but really, I think your life is going to get better from here on out. We really need to get this done so that Jacobs, Redstone and I can get done and get out of this place."

This was not the right thing to say to a woman who might never be able to leave Bolry. I started to scream at him but instead fell in a chair and started crying out of anger, sorrow, embarrassment and frustration. I was crying uncontrollably and on the verge of doing violence to myself when Svetlana walked in with Sofia and the room was starting to feel like Grand Central Station. "I told you, Josef, that she should be left alone today. I'd turn you over to the Security Police if I could. I've called Mann. He is sending two people from the firm's London international tax office to arrive tomorrow morning. The fact your wife finally left you is no excuse for you to try exploit Laurel still further, at least not today."

His wife wised up and left him. That was the first happy news I had had for a while. Ferguson mumbled that he was pleased to hear that the firm was addressing the issue and tried to make as graceful an exit as he could under the circumstances. Svetlana said to me that it was a very pretty day. Perhaps I would like to take dinner with her at her summer home on the lake. So, I had a very nice visit to Svetlana's very comfortable and large home on a beautiful lake with nothing around except water, birds, mountain views and the numerous security guards that are never far from Svetlana whenever she leaves the BLC compound.


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