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The Masterson Saga Ch. 02

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Further Tales of a Young Widower.
3.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/03/2017
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Worthy Goals

"Hi, Kyle," a pretty girl said, holding out her hand as Kyle hung his coat on a peg. "I'm Megan. I'm very pleased to meet you."

"Hello, Megan," Kyle said as he shook hands with a surprisingly lush version of Emily. "It's very nice to meet you."

"Take off your boots, Kyle," Emily smiled. "We can talk over a cup of coffee. Or, a cup of hot chocolate if you prefer."

"Water, please," Kyle said as he knelt to untie the laces of his boots. "I don't drink coffee and I find cocoa to be too rich."

"All right, girls," Emily said as everyone took their seats at the table. "Kyle can throw around the alfalfa and the bags of pellets. He wasn't afraid of the animals, nor they of him. But, he says he doesn't know a lot about farm work."

"Why are you here?" Amber asked bluntly. "If you can just buy a new truck, you don't need a job without pay."

"I need to learn how to work the land," Kyle shrugged. "Doc Margie said you needed help. By helping you, I help myself. Does that make sense?"

"Kyle," Megan said, interrupting her sister's reply. "We're naturalists. Are you here to see a bunch of naked women?"

An ominous silence filled the house as Kyle turned to look at the girl. Starring, Kyle held her gaze until Megan looked down.

"Do you have any bad habits?" Emily asked when she saw that Kyle wasn't going to answer. "Anything we should know of?"

For the first time, Emily was surprised when Kyle seemed to be diffident and a slow blush crept up his cheeks.

"I cry in my sleep," Kyle admitted. "Almost every night. Also, I have wet dreams when I remember times with my wife. If you're doing laundry and changing the sheets, you will face a mess most mornings."

"I see," Emily said, fighting to hold in her laughter.

"Is that when you play with yourself?" Megan asked.

"No, dear," Emily said before Kyle could speak. "His body remembers making love to his wife and reacts accordingly. He doesn't have to touch himself."

"Oh," Megan said, surprised.

"Will we be safe around you?" Amber asked. "You're pretty big. If you tried anything, we wouldn't be able to stop you."

"You're safe," Kyle said flatly. "However, from what Doc Margie tells me, your mom is very competent. She would probably cut off my balls if I tried anything she didn't think was appropriate."

"Let's show you the house," Emily said, rising. "Show you where you'd be staying. See if you're all right with the accommodations."

"Friday night is movie night," Emily said as she pointed out the comfortable furniture in the living room. "Our one and only bathroom is here. No shower, only a tub.

"I have the master bedroom," Emily pointed. "Down that hall. The girls are on either side here," Emily continued as she led the way down the other hall. "You're room is at the end. It's warm enough in the winter. "But, you'll want to keep the window open and a fan going in the summer."

The room was simple, but clean. A quilt covered the bed. A nightstand with a lamp and a clock rested beside the bed. On the opposite wall, a dresser and a desk with a simple wooden chair, such as a child might use, had been placed for him. The closet was simple, though with hangers aplenty.

"It'll do," Kyle agreed. "Does this mean I'm hired?"

"Not yet," Emily smiled. "Megan told you that we're naturalists. You're going to see us running around here naked. Hell, most mornings we eat in the nude. After our baths, we don't bother dressing before we go to bed.

"I don't want the girls thinking they have to sneak a look at you," Emily explained. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable seeing them or me without clothes. Will you take your clothes off so we can take a look at you?"

Emily felt her heartbeat thudding in her ears as Kyle simply stared at her and the clock ticked the seconds away on the nightstand. A relieved sigh escaped her lips as Kyle began to take off his clothes.

His flannel shirt, the thermal shirt beneath that and the girls gasped as they saw Kyle's ripped torso. Each muscle clearly defined, rippling as he moved in a sinuous, relaxed, sensuous fashion. Jeans and the ladies were licking their lips as the muscles in his thighs and calves matched the rippling muscles of his torso. Taking a last look at Emily, Kyle slid his boxers down and stepped out of them.

"Holy shit!" Megan gasped.

"I thought you said the average cock was only about five inches," Amber accused Emily.

Emily laughed and Kyle smiled at that pronouncement.

Picking up his boxers, Kyle placed them on the bed with his other clothes. His back, the ladies noted, was as defined as the front.

"You spent a lot of time on that body," Emily said, astonishment evident in her gaze.

Megan held up her hand towards Kyle's groin. "It's soft," Megan said as she looked to Amber. "It has to be at least five inches long and about two inches thick."

"Thank you, Kyle," Emily said gently. "Yes, I think you would do just nicely here."

Nodding, Kyle got dressed.

"It's nice," Amber said as she watched Kyle's muscles moving as he dressed. "The way your body moves, I mean."

"Thank you," Kyle said to the blushing girl.

"When can you begin, Kyle?" Megan asked.

"If you like," Kyle said after a moment. "We can go get my things from the hotel and run a couple of errands. I'm going to need more work clothes."

"And some decent boots," Emily laughed. "We have horses coming in this week and combat boots just won't do."

Kyle shrugged and gave her a half smile as Amber and Megan ran in to give him a quick hug.

"You might want to call Patti," Kyle told Emily. "Ask her to put you on my insurance so that you're insured while you drive my truck."

"Are we going to drive it too?" Amber asked, hopefully. "We have our license."

"Here on the farm," Emily said, receiving a small nod from Kyle. "We'll see about driving in town later."

While the girls got ready, Kyle ordered some things online before putting his boots back on.

"You're a farm girl," Kyle said as everyone walked out. "You can drive a trailer, right?"

"Of course," Emily chuckled. "I was younger than the girls when I learned that."

"Good," Kyle smiled. "I never had a need to learn before."

Emily sent an odd look his way at that pronouncement. Kyle ignored the look and readjusted the seats. There was a lot more noise in a truck full of women, Kyle noticed as he drove back into town.

"Are you always this orderly?" Megan asked as she looked about Kyle's hotel room.

"I keep my things in order," Kyle smiled. "I didn't bring in too many personal items. Being organized helps me keep track of everything."

"You have a lot to learn about girls," Emily laughed.

After packing and loading his truck, Kyle took the women to the hotel restaurant for lunch. Megan pointed out the store Kyle would need for clothes and boots and the women pointed out or grabbed the things he would need.

Stopping at an electronics store, Kyle ran in to grab a few things before running back out.

"What on earth are we doing here?" Emily asked as Kyle pulled into the Polaris dealership.

"UTVs," Kyle said, surprised. "I thought we discussed that this morning. One would be good. However, two would be better. One for hunting and one for farm work. They're to be ready at one. You'll need to drive, though."

"Awesome!" Amber said as she looked around. "And you don't mind letting us drive them?"

"They're two seaters," Kyle shrugged. "Work vehicles rather than the sport models."

Hopping out of the truck, Kyle went and spoke with a man who led them in to see Tobey, the owner.

"That wasn't necessary," Emily said as she pulled out of the dealership. "We'll get by all right with just the truck."

"Getting by sucks," Kyle shrugged. "We're trying to get ahead and get you back on your feet. These are going to make that easier."

"You really are a stubborn ass," Emily chuckled as she looked over at Kyle.

"I do what I can," Kyle smiled. "I put up with less shit that way."

"Mom," Megan said as lights began flashing from behind them.

"You didn't see him pulling out of that strip mall?" Kyle asked, surprised.

"Ahh," Kyle said as he saw the officer coming up the passenger side. "For me, then."

Taking out his phone, Kyle started the video-record function before placing it in the dash case and pointing it towards the window. At a rap on his window, Kyle leaned back and rolled his window down.

"How do you do, Officer," Kyle said evenly. "Is there a reason you're looking for me?"

"I'd like to see your license?"

"Sir," Kyle said, though there was no hint of respect in his voice. "You have pulled over a truck that was not driving erratically, which is mechanically sound, and has no warrants. Further, rather than question the driver, you go to the passenger. Again, I ask, is there a reason you're looking for me?"

"Kyle," Emily warned as the sheriff stared daggers at Kyle.

"I have broken no laws," Kyle shrugged back. "He knows that. If he had a reason to pull us over, he would have stated it by now as I have asked for an official reason for this stop. A reason he has to give in order to see my license."

"So," the sheriff drawled slowly. "You think you can come into my town and disrespect me?"

"It's disrespectful to want to know why a sheriff stops a vehicle of a private citizen and makes demands though no law has been broken?" Kyle asked, surprised. "When did that happen?

"No, Sheriff," Kyle said, placatingly. "I do not disrespect any officer of the law. However, when a citizen uses the authority the people grant him to make their lives safe to impose his tyranny on those who granted him that authority, I have a problem with that."

"My office received a tip that you were transporting drugs," the sheriff said shortly.

"Thank you," Kyle said moving slowly to get his wallet. "Here is my F.F.L. You can run that while I make a call."

Reaching into the bag of electronics, Kyle pulled out another phone. Opening the box, he dialed a number on the new phone.

"Hey, Bobby," Kyle said as the phone was answered. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm in town picking some things up and the sheriff pulled me over. You're about to have my FFL ran. No, I wasn't even driving. He just came for my ID without talking with the driver. He said he had a tip that I was transporting drugs.

"Okay," Kyle smiled. "I'll start recording with this and send you the video from my phone."

Suiting his actions to his words, Kyle handed the new phone to a very confused Emily before grabbing his phone and forwarding the video. When it went out, Kyle began to text. Receiving confirmation, Kyle sent a request to his friend. It took some time before he received confirmation of that text.

"Kyle," Emily said. "What is going on? His family is fairly prominent around here. That's how he got elected."

"He annoys me," Kyle said with a fierce grin. "He is here to harass you by putting pressure on me. I won't put up with that shit either."

A giggle from Amber as Emily gaped at him was the only reply.

"Bobby," Kyle said as he answered his phone. "Do you know of this guy? If he is performing unethically, as we can see, then his business practices, as well as his family business practices, are probably being used the same way. Anything that uses my patents falls under the same guidelines. Credit cards, readers, banking, and most of the new surveillance software has at least one of my patents. I want them all shut down today.

"Thanks, Bobby," Kyle nodded. "Yes, I'll be more than happy to accede to the request of the Attorney General that the new man should be allowed to use my things as any other law enforcement agency."

"Kyle," Emily interrupted as sirens could be heard drawing closer.

"I hear them now," Kyle said into the phone. "I appreciate the help.

"State troopers," Kyle told Emily as he hung up the phone. "They're here for him. We'll be free to go once they have returned my FFL."

"Who were you talking to?" Megan asked as she leaned forward.

"Robert James Parker, Esquire," Kyle smiled. "The Attorney General for the Great State of Nevada. We were in college together. He showed me some patent laws and some of the things I would need to know. At his request, when Elon decided to build the new Tesla factory, I talked Elon into building here.

"Bobby doesn't like assholes either," Kyle continued into the silence. "And he absolutely hates bullies."

As Kyle spoke, State Trooper vehicles, lights flashing and sirens blaring, came into view. Though Kyle didn't see it, the sheriff was requesting radio confirmation of why the Troopers were there and was getting no reply.

In all, five cars surrounded the sheriff and Kyle's truck.

"Mr. Masterson," a trooper asked as he came to the window. "My apologies to you and your friends. We'll get you your license and get you on your way."

"Are you the man that's going to be in charge here?" Kyle asked easily.

"Yes, sir," the trooper nodded. "I'm tasked with cleaning up this mess and seeing if the other officers in this place have issues with obeying the law."

Kyle called Bobby as the trooper went back to join the others.

The trooper came back holding out the license for Kyle.

"A moment, Trooper," Kyle said. "You're going to need a code from Bobby to get the equipment running again. Once you are satisfied, you will be given another code to make that permanent."

"You trust me that much?" the trooper asked, surprised.

"I trust Bobby," Kyle smiled. "If he thinks you're the man for the job, there's no reason to have your hands tied while you're doing that job."

"Thank you again, Mr. Masterson," the trooper nodded, holding out his hand. Me and my friends appreciate all you do."

"You take care," Kyle nodded as the trooper waved them on.

"Hell," Emily smiled as she drove off. "That right there was worth every problem we have to hire you."

"You've had trouble with him before?" Kyle asked.

"One of his son's is a business asshole," Emily nodded. "His other son is a drunk that the sheriff thought I could turn into a decent man by having him work for me.

"When I told him that I wouldn't allow his son on my farm," Emily continued. "Or, around my girls, things at the store became a lot more expensive and I can't get credit. I'm still trying to pay off the last things my man bought to work on the farm."

"Lori thinks her shit don't stink," Megan nodded from the back seat. "All the boys agree with her because she has udders and a fat ass."

"Well," Kyle smiled as he turned back to the girl. "At least her future as a stripper will be easy enough to slip into."

All three women laughed at that.

"Sadly," Megan said when she got herself under control. "Her family owns a few stores, including the farm supply store. They aren't rich. But, they aren't hurting either."

"They are now," Kyle countered. "By that morals violation, none of the credit card readers will work any more. Any business, or person connected with that sheriff, will no longer be able to use a credit card, a credit card reader, or any bank in America."

"How?" Emily began and stopped as she couldn't fathom how someone could do that with just the calls Kyle had made.

"Math based security solutions," Kyle shrugged. "Anyone that uses any of my patents also has a morals clause. Including most of the secure communications that law enforcements use. Everyone wants me to be happy."

"Holy shit!" Amber gasped. "You're awesome!"

"We all have those moments," Kyle agreed. "Just remember, we all sit on the toilet as well."

"Yep," Emily chuckled. "No matter how great you are, you spend a bit of time each day on a crapper."

"Kyle," Megan asked after a moment. "How much did you spend on all that stuff? You're wallet isn't bulging and you sit fairly comfortably so you can't have that much money on you."

"Does it matter?" Kyle shrugged. "I just used my credit card. I will have to stop shopping there though. It's obvious that someone who works there called your sheriff."

"How much was all that?" Emily asked, thinking.

"About eighty thousand for both of them and those attachments," Kyle shrugged. "So, you'll want to show the girls how to drive them."

Emily gasped at his casual tone and forced herself to stare at the road.

Kyle could hear the whispers from the back, though not the words, as the girls leaned towards one another and began to talk. When they made it home, Kyle took the attachments and put them in the shed before he and Emily drove them off the trailer.

While Emily was showing the girls how to drive them, Kyle was putting his things in his new room. Going back outside, Kyle pulled his truck into the barn and loaded the alfalfa and pellets into the bed of the truck.

"Come on," Emily said as Kyle walked out of the barn. "I want to put this in the shed. I can look underneath it later."

As Emily steered, Kyle and the twins pushed the broken truck into shed.

"All right, girls," Emily said. "You'll need to start dinner. We'll be back in a bit."

"You've been wanting to say something," Kyle said as he drove towards the first herd. "Ever since I told you the price of those things."

"Well, yes," Emily blushed. "It's too much."

"Not really," Kyle shrugged. "If you kick me out or tell me to leave, those are still things I will use for some time on my own land. Just because I learn to use them better here before I take them to my land doesn't make their usefulness any more or less than it would be."

"You have an answer for everything, don't you," Emily accused.

"Most times," Kyle agreed. "However, I was wondering how to talk you and the girls into the new phones and the two new laptops I got the girls for their birthdays."

"Quit being a pain in the ass," Emily chuckled as she threw a punch at Kyle's arm.

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nighthawk22204nighthawk2220411 months ago

But what I'm really interested in is which of the ladies will be the first to share his bed.

nighthawk22204nighthawk2220411 months ago

It's a very interesting saga. I hope the author gets over their abandonment complex and tells us the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

why bother wasting my time reading 2 chapters of an unfinished story

HiFrancHiFrancabout 2 years ago

Don’t you mean “naturist”? A naturalist is someone who studies nature (eg David Attenborough).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not finished

Just finished 2 stories and neither is finished, are they continuing or just hanging

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
Thanks Tw0Cr0ws

Yes, yes it does.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 7 years ago


What's an FFL?


Federal Firearms License (dealer or manufacturer)

Which leads to more questions.

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
The lack of information is frustrating

How large is the farm? How can they run that many cattle? What's an FFL? Unless they are in downtown Reno or Las Vegas there isn't a town in Nevada that can have that many State Troopers show up that fast. Shut em down? huh? Is the Doctor he keeps mentioning a local veterinarian or a psychiatrist? Patti? How old are the naturists? What put them in such financial distress? How does he know so much about the community and yet so little about the residents? Who did he call to arrange for horses? If the 2 of the 3 women (females?) are so sexually curious about him why are they living alone on a farm in rural Nevada, so naïve, and unsure of themselves?

Crying? Nocturnal emissions? Clinical depression? Extremely wealthy? A friend of Elon and the A.G.?

Who are these people and why should we care?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story, but...

The chapters need to be longer. Please!!

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