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Unexpected Visitor


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She began sliding the dildo in and out of me at a methodical pace. I moaned each time she bottomed the dildo out inside of me. She had begun to sweat while I was already covered in a thin layer of perspiration. She almost laughed, "HER cage? I like that. I was going to have you say it was my cage. But I like her cage better. Now since your little penis is a girl, what shall we call her?"

I squeaked out the first name that came to mind. It was the name of the most petite girl I'd ever known, "Lily?"

Mumsie grinned down at me while sliding the dildo in and out several times before sinking it all the way inside of me again. She then reached down and took hold of the lock and key in her hands. She turned the key and the lock popped open. She didn't remove it from my cage, she left it lying there, still trapping Lily inside.

The idea of being so close to being free was unnerving. I squirmed and wiggled and bucked my hips wildly trying to get the lock to somehow fall out. While I did, I was giving Mumsie's strap-on a nice workout. She grinned down at me, "That's a good boy. Don't stop, show me how much you love riding my strap-on."

I whimpered softly, "Mumsie, please! Please let me out!" After watching her expression change, I went on to say, "Please let Lily out of her cage. She only needs to be out for a minute or two. Please Mumsie?"

She grinned while slowing down her fucking of me. Reaching down, she took hold of the lock and key once more. My heart was pounding in my chest. I'd never wanted or needed to squirt so badly in my life. When she closed the lock and removed the key, my heart sank.

"Sammy, I told you I'm not going to let Lily out until I know Chloe is on her way home. What part of that don't you understand?" I moaned softly while watching her toss the keys several yards across the room on her dresser. The keys slid across the top and back behind the enormous piece of furniture. Mumsie had watched it happen along with me. She looked back at me laying on the bed with her dildo buried deep inside of me, "Out of sight, out of mind. I know you could never move that dresser by yourself. I'm not even sure we could move it together. But we're not going to worry about it until I hear Chloe is almost home."

I panicked and whimpered, "But-but-but what if we can't move it? What will we do?"

She smiled, "It's not what we'll do. It's what you'll do. You'll have to go home still wearing your little cage. And if Chloe decides to play with you when she gets home, you're going to have to explain why you're wearing it."

She found the sweet spot and began sawing her hips back and forth while the head of her strap-on rubbed across my magic spot. I squirmed and whimpered, "I-I could tell the truth!"

Mumsie kept grinding her dildo against me, "Oh Baby Boy, I wished you would. You could tell her how I walked in and found you. You could tell her about both trips to the adult bookstore. You could tell her about the consignment store and all we've done since we got home. Sweetie, we still have six days to go. If we did all of that on our first day together, try to imagine all of the kinky, perverted things we'll do tomorrow, and the next day and the next."

The strap-on had slowly ramped me up to the point where it felt like I was about to pee. I squealed out loudly. And at that same moment, Mumsie pulled her strap-on all the way out and left me laying there frustrated and denied. I kicked my legs and bucked my hips while whining, "Mumsie! Please don't stop! I was so close! Lily was so close! Mumsie please!!"

But she didn't start again. Not until later that evening after I'd eaten her to two separate orgasms. And that time she made love to me with deep, long strokes that had me squirming around like crazy. Again, she stopped short of letting me squirt.

For the next six days, Mumsie took me to at least one public location each day. I exposed myself and my little cage to dozens upon dozens, if not hundreds of strangers. I helped her to achieve at least three orgasms each day we spent together. One afternoon, she invited 3 of her lady friends over for brunch. While I ran around serving drinks and snacks, I learned all three of those ladies knew Chloe. The thought of one of them telling my wife what I'd done made me shiver and my penis try to swell in its little cage. When those three ladies left, they each gave me a kiss on the lips and a pat on my bare bottom.

On our last full day together, Mumsie took me next door to her neighbor's house. She'd called ahead and gotten their permission for me to go swimming in their pool. The couple that lived there was about Mumsie's age. Both the husband and wife sat beside Mumsie near the pool's edge watching me skinny dip, wearing only my chastity cage, while pretending to pay attention to what Mumsie was saying.

At one point, the wife said something to Mumsie then popped up and ran into the house. She came back with a bottle of sunscreen. After calling me over, I rose out of the pool and stood by passively while this woman I'd known for less than an hour, rubbed down my naked body with that sunscreen. Naked except for Lily's cage of course.

Later, when it was time to leave, Mumsie asked the husband if he would dry me off. That man had lust in his eyes. Since being caught by Mumsie just a few days before, I'd seen that same look in the eyes of many men. I held my arms out of the way, turned around, and even bent over at my hips to help him dry me off. By the time he'd finished, he had an unmistakably large bulge in his pants.

That night, Mumsie had me eat her to two orgasms, one right after the other. She then pulled on her strap-on and after slipping a pillow under my hips, she made love to me in the missionary position. She made love to me like a man makes love to a woman. That night she let it go farther than ever before. When she finally stopped, we both watched two large drops of my creamy juices ooze down the side of my chastity cage. It wasn't orgasm. It wasn't even a milking. It was part of a ruined milking. That night I hardly slept at all. I squirmed around, grinding my bottom back against Mumsie's hips. I was so horny and desperate for relief from the excitement that had built up over the past week.

She kept rubbing Lily's cage and telling me to calm down and go to sleep. Exhaustion did eventually catch up to me and I fell asleep. That night I dreamt about walking down the aisle wearing only a white plastic chastity cage. Chloe was accompanying me and Mumsie was waiting for me at the altar. Everyone I'd ever known was in that church. After Chloe had given me away to Mumsie, there was a short ceremony before I was officially wed to my Mumsie. At the reception, instead of our first dance, Mumsie took me with a large black strap-on in front of all our guests.

When I woke the next morning, Mumsie was stroking my hair while I was sucking on her nipple. Her nightgown had been pulled off her shoulder and under her enormous breast. I lay there naked, except for my chastity cage, in my mother-in-law's embrace while suckling from her bare breast. It was a wonderful moment and neither of us was eager to make it end. It was our last morning together and it had begun in the most special way I could imagine. It wasn't at all sexual, it was a close, intimate moment between the two of us.

After the better part of an hour, Mumsie spoke for the first. She whispered, "You have to go home today."

I pulled off her breast and sat up in the bed while she pulled her nightgown up to cover herself. I bit my lower lip and whispered, "I don't want to go."

She smiled warmly and replied, "I know Baby. But we'll do this again the next time Chloe has to leave town."

I lay down with my head in her ample lap while nibbling on my lower lip and unnecessarily reminding both of us, "I do get out of my cage today."

She stroked my hair and spoke in a soft tone, "Who gets out of their cage today?"

Squirming beside her and upon her lap, I whimpered, "Lily gets out of her cage today."

Mumsie whispered, "Yes she does. And because you and Lily have been so well-behaved this week, why don't the two of us get the key from behind that dresser and let Lily out early."

I spoke quickly, almost running my words together while I raced around the bed, "I'd like that too! Now come on, let's move this dresser!!!"

It took both of us to budge that dresser enough so we could get a broom handle back there and scoot the keys close enough for me to reach them. When I held them in my hand, I was briefly tempted to open the lock and remove the cage myself. But I didn't. Instead, I carefully laid the keys in Mumsie's hand before looking up at her smiling face.

Mumsie moved back to the bed and laid down, flat on her back. She patted her tummy while beckoning me near, "Come climb on top of me. I've been thinking about this all week. I want this first orgasm to be special. And I've decided," She sat up and slid the straps off her shoulders moving her nightgown down between both breasts before laying back down and using her hands to squeeze her enormous breasts together. "...You'll be squirting onto my boobs."

I bit my lip hard while climbing back onto her bed. As I straddled her stomach as best as I could, I was shocked at what she'd suggested. I never thought I'd squirt onto her boobs! That simply wasn't something I'd ever dared to think about.

Once I was settled into place with Lily's cage resting almost over her breasts, Mumsie slipped the key into the lock and paused to say, "Sweetheart, can you promise not to touch her? I want to make this happen. I can't have you interfering. Do I need to get your collar and wrist cuffs?"

Quickly moving my hands behind my back, I laced my fingers together and squeaked, "No! I promise I won't touch it!"

Mumsie frowned, "If you do, I'll have to use that paddle for the first time. And I'm sure you don't want to go home to Chloe with a crimson bottom."

Shaking my head from side to side, "No. I promise to keep my hands behind my back."

Mumsie smiled and turned the key, opening the lock. She glanced between that lock and my face while slowly removing the lock from the cage. When she began to pull the cage apart, my penis swelled to its biggest size ever, which was still relatively small, and almost pushed the cage off. Mumsie looked very pleased with my reaction while carefully removing the ring portion of the cage. My little marbles immediately disappeared inside my body and the silky soft pouch was pulled up tight along the bottom of my little prong. I was finally free after being locked up for so long! My little penis was finally erect!

She didn't touch me. She let my penis throb above her while she asked, "What was your favorite part of the past week?"

I wanted to cum so badly! And she wanted to talk! But I'd promised and struggled to form a complete thought in my mind. "Um, I think that first day when you walked in on me."

Mumsie grinned, "Mmm, that was fun. You did surprise me. I never expected you to be playing with yourself like that. My favorite part was having you eat me to so many orgasms. I'm going to miss your cute little mouth."

I whimpered softly, "I could come over and visit?"

She laid her warm hands on my naked thighs and said, "I'd like that. I went from having an orgasm two or three times a week, to at least that many times each day. You've spoiled me."

My hips wiggled around and I whimpered, "Mumsie?"

She grinned, "How is Lily doing? Is she happy to be out of her cage?"

I moaned, "Yes, but..."

She moved her breasts together with her hands. While peering down over them, she guided one of her nipples toward the swollen pink head of my penis. Ever so gently, she rubbed it along the underside along the scar from my tight circumcision. That was all it took.

My hips lunged forward and my penis pressed against her nipple and sunk into her soft, warm breast. I convulsed and heard myself moan out loud while forcing myself to keep my hands laced together behind my back. Everything went into slow motion while my mind struggled to accept that I was finally being allowed to orgasm. Lights flashed before my eyes while my body twitched and spasmed and my penis spurted out an entire weeks' worth of pent-up excitement.

While I began to float back down to Earth, Mumsie spoke in a firm voice, "Now scoot down and lick up this mess you've made."

There was so much of my cream on her breast! I knew I'd never squirted that much before. Her long nipple and pancake-sized areola were coated with it. My cream was covering one side of her right breast where my penis had pressed against it. The juices had run down and were pooling between her breasts. It was a huge mess! I began to complain while at the same time, sliding down to straddle one of her immense thighs and leaning down, "I've tried before... But I always... I never do... I get so self-conscience after..."

She cut me off with that same firm tone, "I understand. But I've told you to do something. Are you going to make me say that twice? Am I going to have to get my paddle?"

I looked up at her face and squeaked, "No!"

Looking back at the mess, my post-orgasm blues had fully set in and I was really struggling with what I had to do. That was when Mumsie set her hand on the back of my head and gently urged me downward. I took a long lick through the puddle and pulled my tongue back into my mouth, swallowing the most cum I'd ever had in my mouth. It tasted organic and a little salty, but not really. It wasn't that bad. But I struggled with the fact that I was eating my own cream.

With her hand still on my head, I went back for more. This time slurping up some of the puddle and swallowing it down without hardly hesitating. When I immediately went back for more, she removed her hand from my head and let me continue by myself.

While I licked up and swallowed all that cum, Mumsie whispered, "That's my good boy. Sweetie, this is what you'll be doing at the end of all our visits. I'm going to release you from your cage, allow you to squirt, and then you're going to lick it all up."

I listened to every word she said and moaned softly when she'd finished. But I kept licking and slurping up all the cream until there wasn't a trace of it anywhere outside of my stomach. As I sat up, I learned I left a little puddle on her thigh where I'd been straddling her. Without needing to be prompted, I scooted down and licked that up before cuddling up beside her and taking her nipple back into my mouth. The same nipple that had recently been covered in my cream.

Mumsie stroked my hair gently while whispering, "Baby boy, are you going to leave me horny like this?" She frowned and teasingly continued, "Don't you care now that Lily's out of her cage?"

I quickly squeaked, "No! I just!" I stopped trying to talk and wiggled back down the bed so I could get under her nightgown. When I got there, the smell of her arousal and her clit poking out from between her meaty lips was proof of how horny she'd become. Resting my hands on the insides of her huge, warm thighs, I leaned in and began feasting on her dripping pussy. As usual, I used my entire face while eating her. Her clit spent time between my lips, but I also slipped and wiggled from my chin to my forehead between those juicy, face-hugging lips. She had become almost as aroused as I'd been after being set free from the cage. In very little time, her thighs closed in around my head and her fingers knotted up in my hair while pulling me tight against her. She grunted and moaned while her body spasmed and her clit twitched and throbbed between my lips.

When the sensations became too powerful for her, she pushed my head away from her so she could squeeze her thighs together and ride out the rest of her orgasm. I wiggled out from under her nightgown and knelt there beside her knees with a silly grin on my glistening face.

When the waves of pleasure had slowed down, Mumsie smiled at me, "I love it when you look like that. It looks like you got sprayed in the face with a hose."

We got up out of bed after that. We showered together, but I was careful not to wash my face. We'd decided I'd wear her juices all day, until just before we had to leave to take me home. I remained nude while Mumsie got dressed in another pretty summer dress, sandals, and a necklace. I sat on the seat of the toilet and watched as she got ready for the day, doing her hair and applying her make-up.

While she worked, she told me, "During your next visit, we'll explore your interest in crossdressing. We'll get you all prettied up before going out and doing something together."

My mind raced to the inevitable fear of going out in public dressed. But I set that aside, I didn't need to worry about it at that moment. Instead, I asked, "And Lily will be in her cage?"

She smiled while applying blush, "Of course. We wouldn't want Lily to make an unsightly bump in your dress. Would we?"

I giggled for a few seconds before going silent and watching her finish up in the bathroom. From there we had brunch. While we were eating, Mumsie's phone pinged. After checking it, she smiled and said, "It's a text from Chloe. She's wondering if you're with me. Apparently, she hasn't been able to reach you all week. I wonder why?"

I began to panic while watching her tap a few times on her phone before tapping it one last time before setting it down between us on the table. When I heard it ring, I quickly figured out she had called Chloe and it was on speakerphone!

Chloe picked up after that first ring, "Hello Mom, do you know where..."

Mumsie cut her off, "He's with me. He's been with me all week. When I stopped by to check on him, I found him sobbing on the couch. He'd been terribly lonely all by himself, so I invited him to come to stay with me."

I quickly squeaked, "Hi Chloe!"

Chloe chuckled into the phone, "Lonely huh? Hey mom, I've got four more trips coming up. How would you feel about me dropping him off with you on my way to the airport?"

Mumsie reached over and cupped my little penis in her hand, "You've been traveling so much lately. I think that's a wonderful idea. It's been nice to have him around this week. I get lonely too sometimes."

Chloe said, "That's great, thanks, mom. Listen, I was going to head to Miami next Wednesday. I could change my flight and head out there now. Spend a few days on the beach before getting back to work. Would you two be okay if I stayed away for another 10 to 14 days?"

I was bouncing in my seat and couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Mumsie had somehow remained calm while answering Chloe, "That will be fine. The two of us can find a way to keep ourselves occupied in your absence. You go do what you need to do for your job. We'll be here when you get home."

After taking a silent, deep breath, I managed to say, "Going to the beach sounds like fun!"

Chloe responded, "Yea, it'll be nice. That's great news. I could use a few days of downtime after the week I've had. I'll call you next week sometime. Bye, love you."

Both Mumsie and I called out at the same time, "Bye, love you too!" And the call came to an end.

Mumsie turned to me and said four words, "Go get Lily's cage."

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nyslaveboynyslaveboy4 months ago

Incredibly hot!!

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMialmost 3 years ago

Another AWESOME story!!!!!! 5 stars here :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Suggestions for a sequel: wife sends pics from the beach, so mumsie takes him swimsuit shopping and then they go to a beach.... or he goes to a salon for a mani pedi and a hairdo, and has to sit in the row of hair dryers while the ladies pass the remote for the butt plug around.... or he gets dressed as a french maid with a very short skirt and mumsie hosts a party for her friends from the salon.

L O ReinsL O Reinsabout 3 years ago

Another great one. Thanks for all the creative effort you put into your stories. I’ve really enjoyed your mother in law stories. Mumsie has come into her own. Looking forward to this being a series. Also Chloe’s involvement… or not. Love how you work the public aspect in too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is the best story youve ever done. So perfectly done. I love it!!!

rdoolittlerdoolittleabout 3 years ago
Your best yet!

Seemed like a natural progression considering your earlier stories. Made my day!

bamaguy326bamaguy326about 3 years ago

Loved the story. Looking forward to more adventures with Mumsie!

beefyleboeufbeefyleboeufabout 3 years ago

Fantastic story as always. Would be keen toreador more of this relationship.

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