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I Knew the Bride


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"No, Sandy. This is good night and goodbye. I wish you all the happiness you deserve."

I said it with a lightness which disguised my true intent on the meaning. Sandy looked at me with tears in her eyes, leaned over to kiss my cheek, and left my truck without saying another word. Like I said earlier, Sandy never promised me anything, so I can't really say she was wicked, she just never gave me all I hoped to receive.

And I don't think I wasted those three years. I had physical, if not emotional relationships with Lisa and Dana; I got my degree, I was able to concentrate on my career which was going gangbusters. All in all, not a bad start to life. The only thing lacking was that hole in my heart where the love of a good woman would fit in.


Lisa and Trey hosted a big weekend picnic. I showed up Saturday early afternoon and was surprised that at least twenty couples were gathered in the Chase's backyard. Across the yard, I spotted Tom talking to Dana. I grabbed a beer and headed their way, but before I could reach them, Mr. Casey, Lisa's father, stopped me.

"Nick, can you do me a favor, son? Could you please take a look under the hood of my Jeep? On the way over here it was sputtering."

Now, if you know anything about how things happen in our town, you know not to blow off Mr. Casey.

"Sure Mr. Casey. Let's have a look."

It only took five minutes to find the problem, a loose connection on the negative pole of the battery. I grabbed a wrench out of my truck and had it fixed in another five minutes. Mr. Casey stood next to me the entire time, asking how I was recovering from the knife wound, how things were down at the refinery, etc.

Now, some of you may think he was being a pest, but I don't see it that way. I've known tradesmen who, while doing a job for some wealthy client, get treated as if they're not human by the client. As if working with your hands makes an individual less worthy of consideration - people like Sandy's parents, for example. But here was the mayor of our town sticking his head under the hood, asking how I was doing and if I'd share some knowledge about automobiles. When I shut the hood, he thanked me with a handshake. He didn't insult me by offering to pay me either, but instead complimented me by saying, "It's good to have friends who know this shit."

We washed our hands and headed back to the party. I grabbed another beer, looking to see where Dana was now. Lisa came up to me as I stood on the deck. "What happened to you? Dana said she saw you and then you disappeared. Are you avoiding her?"

I would have laughed if it wasn't so ridiculous. "No, your dad waylaid me to check his Jeep. It was giving him problems and probably would have quit on him on his way home."

Lisa looked shocked, I think from the idea of her mom and dad getting stuck on the road. "Are you certain it's OK?"

I gave Lisa a look and she realized her mistake. "Of course you fixed it. Thank you, Nick. How did you and Dad get along?"

"Great, he asked if he could join us next time Trey and I go out fishing."

The entire time Lisa and I were gabbing, I was trying to find Dana. Then I spotted her down by the pool, talking to a group of young mothers. Lisa tracked my eyes. "Let's go down and save her, Nick. With that group of women she won't get away for an hour. They'll bore her to tears bragging on their children."

We walked down to the ladies, said our 'hellos' and grabbed Dana.

"Thank you." she said with relief. "I was afraid they were about to ask me to mediate on the question as to whose child is this most precocious."

Lisa didn't hesitate, "Well, Kyle, of course." Then she walked away to allow me to spend some time with Dana alone.

Dana placed her hand on my arm, it felt intimate, warm and friendly. "How are you Nick?"

"I'm doing good - healing."

There was sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't come to see you in the hospital, I was in Seattle that week, then three weeks in LA. In fact I'm leaving from this party to fly out of George Bush to Chicago in three hours. I don't even know why I have an apartment in Dallas. I've only spent three nights there in the last month."

"Besides the travel, how's the job?"

"It sucks. There is no, 'besides the travel', that's what the job is. I know they're taking advantage of me. I am well paid, but I don't have a life. I mean, how shitty is it that I couldn't get time off to visit a friend in the hospital?"

Dana changed the subject. "Lisa said Sandy's back in the area, graduated from Vet school and working near Austin. Are you two back together?"

"No, we aren't. And we never will be."

Dana's hand squeezed my arm. "I'm sorry Nick."

"I'm not. It gives me a great opportunity to understand who I should be with."

Dana gave me a look, then glanced over to her cousin. "Is that why Lisa was adamant that I attend this picnic?"

"I hope so. I think your cousin thought we should become reacquainted."

Just as our conversation began to get heavy, one of the youngsters fell into the Chase's pool. All kinds of excitement followed. Of course, Trey and Lisa had hired one of the local teenagers as a lifeguard during the party. The young lady immediately jumped in, had the little boy in her arms within ten seconds, but it still created a scene. The young lady may have looked like a Baywatch actress in her one piece suit, but her actions spoke volumes about how professional she approached her position.

By the time things settled down, an old friend had grabbed Dana and they were catching up. I went over and spent the next hour with the men who were making plans for the fall hunts.

When the brisket was served, I sat next to Dana and offered to drive her to the airport. Dana accepted my offer and we stuck to less personal topics with so many people nearby.

On the way to the airport, we finally returned to a serious discussion about 'us'.

"Tell me, if you thought we had a chance to be more than friends with benefits, why did you take this job and move to Dallas?"

Dana looked at me, deciding to answer my question directly. "I wanted you to tell me not to go."

"Games are a lousy way to start a serious relationship."

There was a bit of anger in her response. "I was a twenty-two year old girl in love with the greatest guy I know. And it was breaking my heart to be your 'friend'. I took the job in Dallas because I wasn't going to hang around mooning over a guy who was in love with a ghost. You wouldn't ever be all mine as long as you hoped Sandy would come back home to reclaim you."

Bad timing, we just then pulled up to the terminal. I would have preferred to finish our conversation, but one of the airport cops came by and rapped on my hood, yelling I had to drop off my passenger and go. There wasn't enough time to take another loop around the terminal, park, and tell Dana all the things that needed to be said. Dana stepped out of my truck, grabbed her bag from the back and leaned in.

"I love you, Nick Bottom!" She shut the door and turned away.

I put my truck in gear, drove ten feet, shoved it back into 'Park' and almost got rear-ended by the guy behind me - who promptly blasted his horn, cursed me out while flipping the bird, and squealed his tires to maneuver around me - all at the same time. I think I shocked him by smiling in return as I stepped out of the truck.

"DANA!" I shouted over all the noise, catching her attention just before she reached the terminal doors.

Dana turned around and met me halfway.

"What if I asked you to stay now?"

"That's not fair, Nick. My company is counting on me to be in Chicago in the morning." She paused, putting her hand on my cheek and looking at me with concern. "Who's playing games now?"

She was right, of course. I was asking a woman who waited over a year for me to get my head out of my ass to chuck her job at the spur of the moment with the hope we had a future. And, of course, this was the moment the cop came back and gave me shit about my truck sitting in the lane.

"In thirty seconds, I'm calling the tow truck." He said it in a way which told me he understood how important our conversation was to two young lovers, he was giving me a chance to wrap it up.

"I'll pick you up when you return to Dallas Friday. Text me with your flight." I kissed Dana and jumped back into my truck as Dana stood on the curve with a smile filled with wonder on her face. I thanked the cop and drove off, knowing I finally understood what I was supposed to do with my life.


I took Friday off from work, got cleaned up and drove up to Dallas to meet Dana's flight from O'Hare when it got in at eight-thirty. This time I parked in short term parking and met her with a bouquet of roses as she exited the terminal security gate. Dana gave me a hungry kiss before taking the flowers from my hand. I picked up her travel case, wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to my truck.

"Are you hungry? Would you like to get a bite to eat?"

"A little, what about you? Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet, I just drove up from home, didn't have time to stop if I was going to meet your flight."

"Then let's get you something. I can nibble and have a drink."

How did I miss this before? Here I am asking if she needs to eat and she immediately turns it around and asks what I need. Maybe it's a little thing, but it just goes to show how some women care more about others than themselves.

We stopped at a little café Dana likes a few blocks from her apartment. I ate my first quiche while Dana split a green salad with me. We both limited ourselves to one drink because it had been a long day.

We drove to her apartment afterwards. It wasn't presumptuous on my part to assume I'd be staying at her place instead of getting a hotel room, we worked it out earlier in the week when I suggested I could get a room. She practically tore my head off with, "Don't you dare!".

We didn't make love Friday night, both of us were too exhausted from our respective long days and we needed time to reconnect. Dana fell asleep in my arms and stayed there until I tossed sometime in the middle of the night. But when I woke, she was nearby and I pulled her back into my arms. She wore a thin long t-shirt and I had my boxers on. I slipped the t-shirt over her head and pulled my shorts off; it felt wonderful to have our naked bodies against each other.

I told her, "From now on, this is how we sleep together." Dana grinned from ear to ear.

"I'd like that." she said as she wrapped her soft hand around my morning wood. "Do you need to pee?"

"Give me a minute." I stood up and ran to the bathroom, relieved myself and jumped back in bed.

"My turn." Damn, she looked fantastic, her cute tight ass moving through the doorway. When she finished and came back, I noticed the full bush.

"You used to shave."

Dana looked down as she straddled my torso. "I used to do that for you. Lisa said you liked it." Her hand ruffled the hair. "I can start again if you like."

"Let's worry about that later." My cock was starting to grow as she wiggled back and forth, the lips of her sex had a dual effect, my cock was hardening and her pussy was getting wet in anticipation. I tweaked her nipples between my finger and thumb, something I remembered she craved. Dana leaned over to kiss me. We each moaned in response to all the stimuli.

"I want you," she said. Dana's hand lifted my cock, lined it up, wet the cockhead with our combined juices, then slipped the bulb between her lips and sank down until our pubic bones met. "I love this," she whispered.

Dana seemed to take pleasure in holding still for a half minute, feeling the fullness, I assume, before gliding back and forth. I continued to play with her perfect B cup breasts until Dana had her first orgasm. As she settled down from that, I twisted her around until she was on her back, my cock never left her tight vagina. I put her legs up over my shoulders and began to pump in and out, letting the full length of my cock travel until the tip was almost outside the labia, then plunging in until my pubic bone hit her clit. Each stroke brought a sexual grunt from her lips.

We continued this way until Dana's second orgasm hit, then I let myself go. As my cock grew just prior to my orgasm, I could feel the tip tickle her cervix, Dana grabbed my upper arms and squeezed.

I let Dana's legs down and we kissed, our bodies in a full body hug. We stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you." It was the first time I ever said those words to Dana. Her tears and the way her arms squeezed my torso gave me all the answer I needed.

We could have stayed in bed all day and made love, but sexual compatibility was never a question during our FWB months together. What we needed was to spend time outside a bed. Would we be compatible in our likes and dislikes, politics, goals - all the things that haunt a marriage after the red-hot passion cools off?

So, we got dressed, grabbed coffee and rolls before taking a walk around the city park, beginning the long task of learning about each other. There was one critical issue which needed immediate airing out. We never discussed our sexual histories or whether fidelity was important in a relationship. Let's face it, our previous relationship was centered around satisfying each other's sexual needs; neither of us knew how the other felt about commitment and fidelity.

Imagine my relief when Dana told me it was a non-starter, any relationship meant a commitment to being faithful, infidelity was unacceptable.

And Dana was especially relieved to learn that although I had more than a few 'friends with benefit' relationships since I turned eighteen, they were long term relationships and I was never the kind of guy to score one-night stands or carve notches on my bedpost. Dana's sexual history pretty much mirrored my own, neither of us could be considered promiscuous.

That took care of the big elephant, but there were others in the room that required hours of discussion during the next day and a half. We got through many of them and still had time to laugh and make love. I drove home late Sunday night feeling on top of the world and slept like a baby as I laid in bed Sunday night.


It was Monday evening and I just finished showering the work sweat and grease off when there was a knock on the door. I slipped on shorts and a t-shirt before opening the screen to let her in.

"Evening, Lisa."

She stepped inside and looked around, it had been over two years since the last time she was inside my trailer, but not much had changed in those two years and the smile on Lisa's face - the same smile she gave me as she walked down the aisle in her wedding dress, the same she used to give me when she was my FWB - told me she recognized the consistency of my home 'decor'.

"Hello Nick." She gave me a cheek kiss. "Dana called me."

"Good news or bad news?"

"Would I be jumping the gun if I guessed you and I will someday be related? Even if it's by marriage?"

I didn't contradict her, so she added. "I've never heard her so happy. Tell me what you're thinking."

If it was anyone but Lisa, I may have told them to mind their own business. That's not completely true, my sister could have gotten away with it - but that's it.

OK, maybe Mom, too.

"I'm thinking that I was a fool not to recognize it sooner, how much I love your cousin and how happy I am she's still available."

"I'm glad Nick. I know she's the one for you, you two were made for each other." Lisa didn't have to say it, she was saying Dana and I were compatible in ways that Lisa and I would never be, or Sandy and I for that manner.

"That's true, Lisa. Now, I need to pick the right moment to ask her if she'll marry me."

"That's good Nick, but not too long. Kyle needs more cousins." Lisa gave me another smile, patted my cheek and left.

The next Saturday morning found me back on the road, heading north to Dallas, looking forward to two more half days and one night together. And her answer. As I walked in the door of her apartment, I held her tight.

"Lisa came to see me, said I didn't have much time before I'm supposed to ask you to marry me."

Dana looked shocked, "She did that on her own, I didn't say a thing except we were dating again. I'll call her and tell her to butt out!"

"Why, when she's right?" I dropped to one knee and took the small box out of my pocket. "Dana, will you marry me?"

I didn't know her eyes could get that big, and I've never known her to be tongue-tied. It took her the longest time to get the words out. "Yes Nick!" and proceed to give me the best damn kiss I've ever received.


And that's how it started, when our relationship changed from 'just friends' to 'friends and lovers'. That was five years, one wedding, one child (with another on the way), a million kisses and twice as many smiles ago. Two months after that night Dana moved back home and two months after that, we were wed in her church. It took her those first two months to line up a new job in Houston, one that didn't require more than a couple days a month traveling.

The woman still amazes me. Not once has she ever made me feel anything but her pride in being a maintenance man's wife. She did convince me to go back to school, but that was only after I confessed my desire to write mysteries and maybe Westerns - as a hobby. She encouraged me to sign up for writing courses at the school and she became my editor. Some of my stories are surprisingly good, at least I think I'm improving.

Trey and Lisa have three children now and Dana laughed when she told me Lisa is asking Trey if he'd like one more. Tom married Betty Hudson, the girl we saved from getting raped that night and she's expecting their first. Bill did marry Tory Sue and I think they'll be okay. One thing I learned, surrounding yourself with good people, people who care about their friends and put their family first, well - that just creates the right environment where love grows and fidelity rules. At least that's this simple man's take on life and love.

But right now you'll have to excuse me, the baby needs changing and it's my turn since Dana is busy editing my latest story.

The End

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desecrationdesecrationabout 12 hours ago

Muslim/Jewish (and frequently, Catholic) are ethnic designations as much as religious ones.

rn2711rn27114 days ago

A man's journey. Growing up.

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker28 days ago

Wishing you both were Still writeing here.. takevcare andbthks💯💯👍🏼👍🏼🌹😁😉🤷🙋🙋🙋🍕🍕🍕🍕🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You've gained a fan. Stories like this make reading very enjoyable.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

I agree with the others - it's a good story, but it's not a Loving Wives story, it's a romance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A wonderful friendship odessey resulting in compatible family and extended family love.

An admirable example of ethical redneck values. (I'd love to read his westerns.)

drbenchpress66drbenchpress662 months ago

Dude Lisa kind sketch lol

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well written story

Psychman24Psychman243 months ago

Great story, very sweet and the characters were well drawn.

JTassJTass5 months ago

Sweet story. 5 stars and favorited.

I'm not sure why it was categorized as LW though.

goodshoes2goodshoes26 months ago

This seems like a very genuine, real-life story. It is darn good. 5+++++.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

another great story . life isn't always easy and we make choices every day that affect our future .

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What a wonderful life story that seemed to cover it all. Your storyline was perfect, your characters were so real as was their interactions and conversations. It was deeply satisfying displaying all the emotions that you could feel which allowed me to get lost in the story completely. It was more like I was hearing about friends and family and all the news from a small town where I used to live. I haven’t enjoyed a romance/love/life story this good in years.this is the type of story that allowed you to truly show off your skills as an author and also a creative consultant would be a career right up your alley as well as writing. Five stars and a tip of the hat.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Should be in the 'Romance' section

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Talk about a feel good story, this one hit all the right buttons. Five of five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A good tale you two, thank you.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It is true that good people surround themselves with good people.

HaroJohn710HaroJohn71011 months ago

My expectation was a continuing affair between Nick and Lisa based on the title description amd beginning of the story. What you wrote was actually a romance between Nick and Dana woven into, almost hidden in, the back story of other people's lives. It is nice reading about mostly nice characters, with a positive ending. Thanks.

WisquejacWisquejacabout 1 year ago

Great stuff. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sandy is shallow but not evil. Can't believe everyone is ripping on her. She had not promised him anything. They were not engaged not even formally exclusive. She left because she had a good career opportunity. Yeah she is shallow.and her subconscious wants something else. Doesn't make her evil. She didn't betray him. She is not for him and he is not her #1 dream option. Dana is the one. They got sidetracked, grew up and matured and got together. The end. Modulo some stabbings and gunshots along the way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, B&K, thanks for bringing it to us.

5 stars, without a doubt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Haha, one commenter said 6 stars.

While I agree, I hope he didn't award those stars by voting 3 twice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fucking wonderful story. I can't describe it in any lesser terms.

It's so good to witness a narrative where good people end up in a good situation by acting honorably.

Thank you for imagining this and bringing it to life. If only reality matched what you have created.

Aside from that... the story was well structured and well executed. You are now one of my favorite authors on lit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it! 5+

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent story. One of the best on this site. I would like to see you take a crack at some of the multi-ending stories like Feb sucks.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 1 year ago

That there is a pretty wonderful world ya created, and well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. And other than the main character getting stabbed and some criminal getting his face shot off, no really big drama. Just a bunch of small town folks getting on with their lives. I liked it a lot. Thanks for sharing, B&K.

5 stars.

Schlouis57Schlouis57over 1 year ago

Beaucoup de rebondissements. Très intéressant à lire. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it, such a great story - as expected from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bill and Kate

good writing: Love your story

From a guy that;

was a Farm Boy;

Professional Baker

Professional Radar Repair Technician

National Airways Systems Specialist

National Airways Systems Operations Manager

Then I retired and work load changed and really diversified.

Note; it seems a lot of us guys have women situational problems.

Hey I am OLD but my mind still works (sort of he he he )

RocketMan12RocketMan12over 1 year ago

I’ve read a couple of your stories. It same like the main male characters are all the same person. This story kind of just droned on while Nick continued to be the best most competent person it the world. One of the most silly lines I think I read was “I didn’t want to be a human dildo “. What a pussy.

oldtwitoldtwitalmost 2 years ago

Great story, nice set of characters well put together plot

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love this story. So many Lit authors create unnecessary tension and angst that is become cliche. This story was a delight because Bill & Kate subtly allowed the reader to experience Nick maturing, and coming to realize what he wanted in a relationship. A+, 100 points, 5 plus stars, good stuff

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story. Really liked Nick. I still wonder why so much hate for Sandy. I get that she left him in thr lurch but for a young person starting their career and moving away is that wholly unexpected? For example how would readers think of her if the scene of her checking out the guys at the restaurant didn't happen or played out more innocently? I get they weren't a fit, but that is just as much on Nick for pining away for her for 3 years with little to no communication. And it is possible for two people to fall in live with another but be mismatched life partners. Glad he ended up with Dana, but don't get why his sister and even himself had written Dandy off before the restaurant scene. Even then she shows self as being flirtatious and frivolous. Not a good combo in a potential serious relationship but doesn't make her a bad person. Heck they spebt less than three months together. Great a story, well written. The dynamic with Lisa--Trey--Nick was good. Liked Dana. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nick is a total stand up guy.

I loved the absence of tradgic cheating. Thank for such a down to earth bunch of chracters.

6 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This team make beautiful music producing another great hit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great work!! I love stories without cheating and humiliation. You did a wonderful job.

rbloch66rbloch66about 2 years ago

Very enjoyable story. I’m glad to have read a number of your works. You have a fan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm out of superlatives!

You guys are amazing.

Even the stories that really don't interest me, do anyway because of your great writing.!

Ignore the cruel scum trolls and focus on the HUNDREDS of us that love 💘 your work!

KEEP em coming!

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 2 years ago
Merely An Observation:

This story may well belong in Non-Erotic or Romance category rather than Loving Wives. If that would salve the ire of commenters, I suggest you do that with your next contribution.

Meanwhile, this story is currently sitting at 4.71 star rating while listed in what I believe is the hardest category in which to win a good rating - LW. Well done, B&K!

Thanks for the excellent trip into Texas and "good people."

Keep 'em comin'.

icanticleicanticleover 2 years ago

Possibly the least erotic story I've read on Literotica.

The writing's good, but this story doesn't belong here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story and although I thought it could have lost a page?! Overall ok

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not sure how this was a Loving Wives story, but it was a nice read. Perhaps there should be warnings on these gems. You go looking to read some trashy inspiration while rubbing one out in order to bury your chronic loneliness and a couple of jerks have to go and ruin it with a well thought out, finely written story that only serves to emphasis your complete lack of intimacy. Way to go. Even after I understood that this story was not what I wanted or needed, the characters were so compelling I had to finish it. Now my mood is ruined, thank god it only spoiled the second round.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

If ever there was a perfect mix of plotline and sex Bill and Kate hit it perfectly. A perfect example of how to develop characters and put the reader in the middle of all the happenings.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice. At least my mind is at peace after reading it.... Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How can anyone not like this story. The main characters are wholesome caring and loyal. Seems like a nice place to live. 5 stars.

CharliefromtheUSACharliefromtheUSAover 2 years ago

One of the best I've read!

ProfesseurXProfesseurXover 2 years ago

Again thanks for posting.

Good story, a bit of everything, it really flows smoothly.

I don't think many women can have both that totally casual approach about sex (as Lisa's offer to Trey) and then suddenly become monogamous/faithful but who knows. In my limited experience, a woman in a long term relationship needs emotional involvement.

Trey is a strong man, I am not sure I would have liked to learn it this way instead of from my bride, I would definitely feel that trust has been breached : it is one thing to keep your sexual past hidden but NOT if there are still interactions with it, especially since Lisa seems to have some connection remaining with Nick. She came out on top (pun intended) but it was a dangerous game and could have cost her her marriage. I felt that part could have been developed a bit more (him walking out ....)

I definitely liked it though and I am a sucker for happy endings.

BillandKateBillandKateover 2 years agoAuthor

Kate and I apologize for wasting your time and appreciate your honest assessment of our writing skills (or lack thereof). We've discussed it and believe it's only fair to compensate you and any other readers who have wasted time reading our free stories here on Literotica. Therefore, we offer this proposal: merely send us, or post here - your name, bank account number and bank routing number and we will wire transfer an amount we feel is adequate in compensation for your time. Those of you in countries other than the U. S., don't worry, our bank allows foreign wires.

cylonsexcylonsexover 2 years ago

I don't know if I would call this a story; it had characters, dialogue, and what seems to be a beginning and an ending but it didn't have a plot or point. I've seen much lower rated stories with an actual plot than this one. Was there a point to this "story"? It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so drawn out because it shouldn't have taken 5 pages to get to the ending. Also, this is not what most would consider a loving wives story. You chose to waste my time so I'll be honest with you: this story had potential and you two are great at dialogue and setting but you suck at plot and exposition. SUCK BALLS at it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good one, I enjoyed it a lot. This was a very Satisfying, fairly wholesome story to give one some hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another great story by a great author!!

sdthundersdthunderover 2 years ago

Really enjoyed it, not normally a love story guy, but this one was great... Thanks for sharing it!

olblueyesolblueyesover 2 years ago

was not expecting a "nice" love story,,well written, well paced,, with a happy ending and thats OK....but i usually go for the three page swingers, cheaters and group sex tales. short, sweet and doesn't take up too much of my time.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

What a refreshing love story that had quite a journey for Nick and Dana with them ending up together and finding their own loving happily ever after. Well written and great characters. Well Done 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yeah I always expect a well written story when their names are on it. Once again I was correct.

B3ndoverB3ndoveralmost 3 years ago
Excellent story

A good story abourbgood friends

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowalmost 3 years ago

This is simply wonderful.

EzrollinEzrollinalmost 3 years ago

BillandKate, a good read as usual.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Ah, yeah. Life in small-town Texas. I remember it well, even if it has been… too many years. Very nice story. I liked it a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Lovely story with decent people all around. What's it doing in this category?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loved this story. Thank you. I think I have read seven or eight, maybe more, of yours in a row - binging on you. They leave me feeling good.

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 3 years ago
Wow! (Plus a nit)

What a great, entertaining story. Good pacing, and clear, consistent characters. Many thanks to a favorite author-pair.

And a nit: "Yea" is a cheer, an acclamation of enthusiasm. "Yeah" is a conversational substitute for "yes." Because there was a section of the story where "yea" was used many times where "yeah" would have been appropriate, my nit rises to the comment level. Meanwhile,

Keep 'em comin'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thank you for this story about "real"/"normal"/"regular": believable people which provides a welcome respite from the typical LW fare. No Beemers, Chinese take out, or females with red hair and green eyes (less than 1% of the general population, more than 85% of LW stories). No career obsessed mc's whose every attitude and decision is either caused by or blamed upon work. And way below the LW average of seven showers per page.

Your ability to maintain easy exchanges between all of the characters regardless of social position promotes a shared sense of place, of continuity between the generations. The attitudes and decisions of your characters comes more out of that than from individual demands. Even the two deplorables are accepted for who they are and treated accordingly. Good stuff.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Re BeauReady

Been married 37 years. I often could feel the tip of my penis nudge something when all the way inside my wife. She could feel it too. We both liked the feeling. A lot. We really didn't like using a diaphragm because it prevented that feeling, we could both feel the difference.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Yep you can feel it kind of bumping out of the way.

BeauReadyBeauReadyabout 3 years ago
30 seconds

Other than the 30 seconds encompassing the unexpectedness, surprise and dangerous excitement of Trey having to kill in defense of another person, this entire bloated narrative is a snooze-fest of petty normalicy. Boring romance. Trivial. Certainly not LW material.

Not to brag, but I've had my fair share of good, deep fucking, including (apparently) reaching or hitting the cervix, but I cannot ever recall knowing or feeling that my penis had ever contacted a cervix. It has me wondering whether that is just another artistic license or do some/many guys feel it when their cocks bump a cervix?! Just thought I'd ask.

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

5 stars - I like this story - please write more.

I am still living with the woman I married more than 50 years ago. Somehow these stories give me the feeling that there are very few couples that make it past 10 to 20 years. That is pretty sad. To me now, I would never marry again, it just seems to be too much bother. If you are happy together, just enjoy it while you can and keep things simple until you are not.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 3 years ago

To BillandKate: ignore the negative guy. There us an old axiom, "It's easy to criticize that's why everyone does it." I found your story quite entertaining and refreshing with that appeal comes from real characters and not a bunch of crazies' running around trying to screw everyone. You sex scenes were ok also as I'm not a big fan of page after page of "mind" blowing sex. I do like a good BTB story in LW once in awhile and I love the retributions ones where the guy screwing the married woman really gets what he deserves. Being almost 80 I think the appeal comes from my first marriage of 13 years and two daughters when my informed she wanted to go out and "test the waters" putting it politely, and then of she qualified with "if it doesn't work out, can I come back". True story. Keep writing please I liked ignore the off the wall critics.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 3 years ago

Very good story, well told. I do think you got the wrong category as it is more of a romantic story than anything, Unless you have other stories tied to this one in LW. No real criticisms, there was a wor or twp out place the spell checker would never get. Keep writing.

BillandKateBillandKateabout 3 years agoAuthor

to dark2donut2

In the past week you've left comments on four of our stories; each comment telling us how much you dislike our characters, plot, etc. or how we should have told our story. Get a life. If you don't enjoy our stories, stop reading them.

As another commentator recently stated, you haven't written a thing, but continue to tell others how to write. Try it, let's see how well dark2donut2 does. In the meantime - save us your piss poor reviews of our work. We can accept criticism, but your comments are hollow and reek of envy.

dark2donut2dark2donut2about 3 years ago

Nothing much. You know everyone in the story because most of them are quite stereotypical characters. Not a bad story, just meandering a lot and no particular plot to speak of. These two authors are docudrama writers, they are rarely able to create any excitement in their stories..

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 3 years ago

Very good. It feels like I know everyone in the story. 5 stars.

Lawrie1941Lawrie1941over 3 years ago

Very well written and crafted story, hope you continue to follow your craft.5 plus stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Mediocre. Completely worthless plot around pinkneck inferiority complex as it seems the author tries to convey virtue in the lack of education. The whole story is one long moralization of the "highly ethical" main character. Too long and a waste of time, similar to other stories of this author, pretty much always the same - pinkneck pontification cliche.


tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 3 years ago

This story reminds me so much of how Just Plain Bob writes. I sincerely mean that as a compliment. He is one of my favorite authors on Literotica. Great story and very well told. I loved it.

monicablumonicabluover 3 years ago

What a wonderfully written story about life; the passion, love, heartache, friends, and all the other experiences living brings us. This is one of the three best stories I've read on this site, well-crafted and truly believable. 5+


Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 3 years ago

Great story as usual!


KittyCampbellKittyCampbellover 3 years ago

great story and full marks

gordo12gordo12over 3 years ago

What a wonderful story. Full marks! 5*

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this story it has all the ingredients of a mainstream novel that any publisher would be proud to put on the shelves of any bookstore. A bit of spice to keep it interesting although the sex is not excessive. It also has the ring of truth about it, which I Always appreciate in a story . But then when it comes down to it you really know how to craft a story. Well done and 5 stars.

TrishieldTrishieldover 3 years ago

#1 I enjoyed the story

#2 "when she used to rock and roll" was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the title. A toast to those with excellent musical taste.

kiteareskitearesover 3 years ago

My only negative is this probably should have been in romance as although he had a loving wife (they all did in the end), it doesn't fit the definition here. Still typical Bill and Kate, well written and a good story to boot. Enjoyed every page of it. 5* well deserved.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very good story. Lots of feel good in it. The only thing for me is that I really felt that Nick and Lisa belonged together. The way the story reads for those two is that there was definitely chemistry between them and as I got through the story I really thought that something would happen that would bring them together.

Early on in the story Nick thinks to himself that he and Lisa have nothing in common, no interests etc. in common. My wife and I didn't start out with any interests in common and we are complete opposites yet we've been married for 55+ years. I really think that the authors had a subconscious need to have Nick and Lisa end up together but couldn't make it work with the way they decided to write the story.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 3 years ago

Great story, just what you always expect from B&K. As a second generation Maintenance Man, my father worked 30 years in a chemical plant and I spent 20 years as a hotel Maintenance Man, another 10 years in construction before returning to my first love, maintaining buildings and equipment as a outside vender for companies that needed but didn't or couldn't pay for a full time maintenance employee, and yes I cant even begin to tell you how many times someone has called me to ask if I could look at something that stopped working or was making a strange noise when they turned it on. I never could understand why some look down there nose at a man that works with hand tools to keep all the equipment working to let the plants and factories running to produce the things everyone will say they could not live without. I was told many times I should go down state to New York City and get a job in one of the big hotels because I could write my own ticket. The hotel I worked in was a 175 guest room hotel built in the late 1920's. All the stories I could tell. Maybe some day I will. But for now I will just say next time you see a program on the TV with a high speed machine making a spring for some widget, a conveyer carrying a package to a truck for delivery to your home, or step into an elevator, or on an escalator, flip the A/C on in your hotel room. Just remember this world would come to a screeching halt without a Maintenance Man to keep everything running the way it was intended to work to make your life easy. Sincerely, a very proud Maintenance Man.

By the way 5 stars on the story.

DirtySingleMomDirtySingleMomover 3 years ago

The quality of your stories never ceases to amaze me. You combine humor, romance, an element of cheating, and all your characters are likable and realistic. More than that the storyline is tight and believable. There are some good authors on this site that seem to limit themselves to one style of LW story. Others such as yourselves and a few others are able to write to suit more than one audience. 5 stars from me

MedicalpeteMedicalpeteover 3 years ago

Thank you guys. I really enjoyed your story. It is like life is. Some good times, some great and some a bit iffy. You are a good team.

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 3 years ago
Very nice story

A little romance and lightness in our lives is never a bad thing and this story is good at that.

Thanks you for your hard work and please continue.

One last comment: SCREW THE TROLLS.


Driven2ReadDriven2Readover 3 years ago

Another great B&K story ... characters rich & believable. Great story line, made me feel good about the time I spent reading. What more can one ask? Faulkner rarely made me feel the same. I come here for the stories and honestly admit the short story formats - I've always loved them and admire an author who can tell a great story in under 50 pages, let alone less than 10. To the woke anony (isn't it fun how anony is close to annoy in spelling?) - well it shows that anony comes from a place where real friends are few and far between and good people are just a joke to you. Ever wonder how all those urban awokes can become some bitter loners in a place with so many people? Where I come from this story relates to how I grew up in the farmlands of the Midwest. Keep up the great writing B&K - lastly to Legio - god I wish I could write .. but just don't seem to have that talent. I have to be content is living my life vicariously through others on that stage.

knoxhardknoxhardover 3 years ago

I liked it. Thank you for writing.

I appreciate your talent and your body of work. Always pleased to see a new story from you.

Again, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

One of the best! Ignore the trolls!

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Bill, have you ever noticed how many of these aspiring critics can absolutely adjudicate your work against their perfect 'ideal' story? You know, the one THEY should write? I've reached out to a few of them - the ones with accounts - and have offered to edit, co-write or act as a sounding board should they desire to pen this perfect tale and have had exactly..... zero takers.


Thanks for your fine body of work and for engaging people with your comments feedback!

BillandKateBillandKateover 3 years agoAuthor

Bill's answer to Anonymous, who commented, "Very quaint, and contrived. So much signalling and posturing and social preening. I think what best illustrates your attitude and condescension if (sic) the following: "Not once has she ever made me feel anything but her pride in being a maintenance man's wife." You might as well have written it as "a black man's wife.""

Bill responds: Kate and I appreciate all the positive comments - and usually enjoy those that give us constructive criticism, but yours has Kate seeing red and me laughing. You accuse us of being 'condescending', but later condescend to those readers who enjoyed the story by comparing them to people who enjoy dining at McDonald's. See the irony?

Not to mention that both Kate and I grew up on 'the wrong side of the tracks'. My first love was shipped 400 miles away to school by her lawyer father to get her away from the 'construction worker'. Kate had similar experiences. And then you pull the race card, the last refuge of our newly-minted 'woke'.

So, you come to a free story website and expect Faulkner? Then you try to prove your mental superiority to all us us here at Literotica by leaving a turd in the punch bowl. I've known people like you all my life and can only suggest one thing. That you realize the sound you hear when you turn your back is the laughter of your acquaintances.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I am truly impressed. This was a very well-told story. Considering the length, there was a lot of plot, a lot of emotional impact, and a lot of realistic relationship material. I wish I could write this well. Wow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

quality and punctual (my pet peeve).

Good read overall. Love the level of decency.


teedeedubteedeedubover 3 years ago

Ditto to Fritz. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well done. Provides a sense of completion, yet allows for spin-off stories. Deserves a five stars rating. Thank you.


26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Fritz is right, *5 ain’t enough for this beautiful story. A story about a lot of good people and a few really bad ones. Everyone in this story, remarkably, ended up just where they belonged in a very happy ending. BillandKate are among the very best authors posting in Loving Wives, which is exactly where they belong . Hopefully, they stay here a very long time.

BSreaderBSreaderover 3 years ago

I thoughly enjoyed this story as well as the of your rest of your stories. Keep up the good work and please keep writing.

Rocket081960Rocket081960over 3 years ago

Outstanding! A very enjoyable read. Thanks.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Once again, the eternal stories of ordinary people living those lives in extraordinarily interesting ways, makes the finest fiction. And, it sure helps to have people who can write it so well.


On an unrelated note, how many writers on this board are from Texas? There are so damn many good stories here, it's no accident. Plus we've still got such a great tradition of storytellin' and plain ol' bullshittin', that it just naturally follows!


Thanks for the great stories!!! Keep it up!

fritz51fritz51over 3 years ago

It's stories like this one that highlights why B & K are one of my absolute favorites. 5*s doesn't seem to be enough.

Thanks guys.

BillandKateBillandKateover 3 years agoAuthor

Why publish in LW and not Romance?

A few of you have asked why this story is in Loving Wives. We've published in Romance before and found that the stories get one-tenth of the readers and comments of any of our LW stories. And let's face it, the only compensation authors receive on Literotica is the pride in having you read our stories and comment on them. Another reason is that so many of our followers find our stories on LW. So, as long as we can stretch the category and have true 'loving wives' in them, and as long as the site monitors accept our stories here, we'll publish in LW.

Thanks everyone, for your comments.


silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Well that was a good story.

Not sure if it belongs in this category and don't care.

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago

Lovely story, beautifully written. Only as expected from you guys. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

For most speakers, Francis and Frances are homophones or near homophones; a popular mnemonic for the spelling is "i for him and e for her"

DazzyDDazzyDover 3 years ago

Just a 5. Coulda been a 10!

SimpleGuySquaredSimpleGuySquaredover 3 years ago

Fleshed out characters, a well defined and scripted story line, very tight and to the point. A true joy to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A truly awesome story! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face and showing the good in people prevails. 5 star all the way!

HeelGuy9800HeelGuy9800over 3 years ago

Wow, an outstanding story about people you would like to know. A whole series of stories about this group of people would be great.

MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadover 3 years ago

Loved the story. Not sure why it's a LW story but what ever, it was good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


Your stories always cause me to reflect on the differences and complexities of the human condition and of basic human nature. Sometimes I can see myself, or at least readily identify some trait or personality aspect. Other times I shake my head, while recognizing that someone "could" be that way -- and then I wonder just how someone could get to be that way! I think your combined perspectives and efforts produce some of the best -- if not THE best -- writing on this site. Many thanks.

AloneTooLongAloneTooLongover 3 years ago

Been following ya'll for a while; really loved this story about my almost 'stompin' grounds. Daddy was a maintenance man (carpenter) at one of those plants on refinery row and this story brought back memories of the kind of folks I grew up around.

PdgriggsPdgriggsover 3 years ago

Thank-you for such a great story. Loved the twists and the great ending. 5 Stars!

seekermikeseekermikeover 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story, however you might have opened Pandora’s box. You mentioned the Dave Edmonds-Nick Lowe collaboration as influence, but that could be the thin edge of the wedge. In 2001, Nick Lowe released “The Convincer. The album has several cuts that could provide inspiration, but check out “Lately I’ve let Things Slide”.

It’s a story in itself that deserves to be flushed out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very quaint, and contrived. So much signalling and posturing and social preening. I think what best illustrates your attitude and condescension if the following: "Not once has she ever made me feel anything but her pride in being a maintenance man's wife." You might as well have written it as "a black man's wife." Hell, I bet even Trey and Lisa have friends who are maintenance men. How diverse!!

And why would a person who hasn't got the gumption to shoot a wild pig carry a firearm? Oh, right, he watched a news broadcast and suddenly found out there are people out there who have no respect for human life. Guess he never heard of abortion either.

Whatever, just too many cliche's and way too much smugness and social conscience posturing. It was cloying and obnoxious.

Glad so many others found it a great story. Just remember, some of the most popular food in the world is McDonald's.

Thanks for the effort.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

*Mic drop* of the day.

As usual well written.

xiluaxiluaover 3 years ago

A beautiful story. I liked it, but this is a romance story. I'm just wondering what it's doing in the LW section? Still 5*****.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 3 years ago

A five-star effort.


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