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Movie Buffs Ch. 02


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"Yeah," Sam said. "Blu ray. Why?"

"Well, I would like to finish it at some point. I was pretty into it...but...well...you know."

"That I do."

"Good. So with that fresh in your mind and the intermission still going strong," said Selena, moving in front of him. Her hands went back to his pants, undoing them once more, but much slower this time. "You have any ideas for me about how we're killing time before our feature presentation?"

"Well, one thing did spring to mind." he replied, his hands now at her jeans, returning the favor she was giving him.

"Well then, don't keep me in suspense." Selena punctuated the sentence by pull the belt from the loops of is pants and dropping it on the ground. "Tell me."

"Well, let me show you something first." Once more Same returned the favor, Selena's belt joining his. He then took her by the hand and led Selena to the back of his car. He couldn't see it but a big, beautiful and lusty smile had just taken over Selena's face. They were very much on the same wavelength and Selena couldn't be happier.

She took a seat on the trunk, still grinning. "I think asking is a formality at this point...but formality can be very fun," Selena said. "So with that said, tell me your idea."

"Well, the way I see it, while the back seat certainly is big with the front seats pushed down..."

"True, very spacious," giggled Selena while Sam took a step forward.

"But it's not quite big enough to comfortably do anything beyond what we just did."

"Also true. But I bet you have just the solution, don't you?"

This was it. The signs were clear, Selena was down and ready. Still, the hurdle of actually saying it was present. But with the sight of Selena sitting on the trunk of his car, that irreistable mix of sultry and sweet gave him all the motivation to wipe out those nerves.

"Well, my solution is not in the car...but out here...on the car. You know...better than the ground. And cleaner, just had it washed.

"How romantic," she joked. Selena pulled her shirt off and put it on the roof of the car, her bra soon followed. As usual Sam's eyes were glued to her terrific tits, bouncing between them and her eyes like ping pong balls. He began to get a bit closer. He was about to let his pants fall to his knees when Selena paused him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing." Selena responded. "I was just going to ask if you could put the slushie in your car. Wouldn't want it to spill while the shocks are getting tested."

"Good call." Sam completed Selena's request and was soon back in front of her.

"Now...how about we make the Earth move before it stands still," she said in a tone that would make most femme fatales feel like amateurs. Then her old standard and sexy cuteness showed through again. "That is the name of the second movie right? The Day The Earth Stood Still?"


"That's the one I really want to see...read up a little on it, sound great," she said, her excitement over the film somehow adding to the eroticism of the moment. "But first...come here."

Sam moved forward, his pants finally falling down. Selena couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight of his cock. She'd already seen it, it'd been in her mouth just minutes before...but it was about to be some place a lot more fun and she couldn't wait.

Their lips colliding, the kiss sweet as sugar and hotter than a Carolina Reaper. As his hands roamed the soft skin of her body, his palms just barely brushing against her breasts and moving south to her pants.

Selena's hands had a similar trip to make, caressing her man's face as they kissed before her hand began to glide down his body to grab his shirt. And while neither wanted to part, they did so Selena could remove his shirt, placing it alongside her own clothes on the roof of the his car.

She softly raked her nails down his chest before leaning forward to plant some kisses on it, each one ending with a soft lick. However, there was still a few more steps to be taken.

Selena leaned back again on the hood and Sam's hands returned to her body. He went to her face first this time, Selena turning her face face to kiss his palm. From their her once more made a path down her body to her jeans. Once he took grip of her the hem Selena slid her shoes off.

The pair's lips met again as Sam began to peel those jeans off of Selena's body, the tantalizing Latina sweetly giggling when the clothes were removed. Now any barriers between them were gone.

Sam moved closer to her and Selena wrapped her legs around him, welcoming him home. However as Sam began to move down her body he had other ideas of where to go. As much as Selena would have loved that reciprocation, she decided to put the kibosh on it.

"Hold on babe," she said.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...an in any other circumstance I certainly wouldn't stop you...but I think we're on the clock...so...just give it to me. Besides...no reason we can't revisit this little "deleted scene" when we get back to your place. Besides, wouldn't want you to get your knees all scratched up."

She sealed her message with a kiss. That kiss was also a signal to go, which is exactly what Sam did. He rose back up and lined his throbbing rod against Selena's slick opening. He looked into her eyes, sweet like brown sugar. They both were craving each other, breathing deep in the summer heat.

"Now baby," Selena sweetly demanded. "Now."

He thrust inside of her and angelic moan escaped her full lips. Sam stayed still inside of her, watching her. He loved seeing Selena like this, the first few moments after being filled. There was just something in those moments that made her already perfect face even more so.

"More," Selena said in a breathy whisper. "I want you Sam...give me more..."

Selena leaned back on the car, her back arched and her breasts pushed out. Soft, rhythmic moans escaped from between those luscious lips as Sam softly drove into her. The shocks weren't quite getting a workout yet, but that would come soon enough. Right now under the stars and flickering lights of the silver screen Sam was going to take a few extra moments to enjoy the beautiful body on display in front of him.

Every curve of her perfect body seemed illuminated by the mix natural and artificial lights. She looked even more a work of art than usual. Of course, this art exhibit was a bit more interactive than looking at the Mona Lisa.

His lips went to Selena's neck, kissing and softly biting as his thrusts started to increase. Every push of his cock brought a small mini-moans from her lips. Everyone crackling with desperation from trying to keep her voice down. While the odds of anyone being able to see them was incredibly low, being heard was another matter entirely. However, Sam's magic touch was making that a delightfully difficult proposition. The tender yet burning touch of his mouth as he covered her neck and shoulders with kisses. His electric touch caressing her skin; ass, back, tits and back down again.

Once Sam's hands returned to Selena's ass he took a good grip while his mouth kissed its way down to her chest, giving her fantastic tits the attention they'd both been craving.

Selena hissed and used her legs to pull Sam in closer. Sam responded by going deeper, really working his cock into her with every thrust. Hard but tender. Probing her deeply to hit all those places he knew would make sparks fly in her head.

Selena's hand went right to her mouth, trying to silence herself as those fireworks inside her began to get set off. She almost screamed into the night if not for her well placed hand. That hand gave way for Sam's mouth, kissing her. Their tongue wrestled around and the cars shocks were now being put to the full test.

When the kiss broke the two stared each other out, dazed with lust and total infatuation with each other. They were both gasping for air now, barely audible moans of each other's names being the only thing escaping each other's lips. Neither were too close to the finish line but they were both far closer to the end than the beginning. Passion burned for them both, making the summer night even hotter.

Selena smiled looking at Sam. His eyes going from her own to her bouncing tits to down to her pussy, watching his cock enter her harder and faster. He was drinking her all in and Selena wanted to give him a refill.

"Pull out," she said. Before he could even give her a questioning look she followed up with. "Bend me over...fuck me...take me."

With one more kiss Sam followed Selena's order happily. With that done, Selena happily followed through with her part of the bargain, bending over the trunk. Not flat though. She wanted to give her man something to look at, though he wouldn't have minded either way. Regardless, Sam couldn't help but grin at the site of Selena's perfect body. He back arched to make the amazing apple bottom look even more appetizing. And when she looked at him over her shoulder, giving him a sensual wink it was all systems go time.

"Oohhhh Sam yessss," Selena said. It was a little louder than she would have liked, but she didn't really care. The sensation of being filled up by his cock in this position made her melt on the spot. She cum on top of him, him on top of her, every which way. But him fucking her from behind...there was just something special about how the puzzle pieces fit. Every thrust her made into her felt different, the specific way his dick curved...it was magic. And Selena knew a thing or two about magic.

That magic touch got a bit of sugar sweetness to it when Selena felt his arms wrap around her . Sam had leaned over and was now holding her tight. Selena bit her lips, holding back a loud cry of "YES!" he brain and body were both demanding she let out. The feeling of Sam's hot breath in her ears combined with his skilled cock working her cunt was making any concern or caution quickly fade.

"Mmmm Sammy," she said, her dreamy voice now far above a whisper. "Baby...feels so good...can't wait...oh can't wait to cum for you...feels so good to cum for your cock...mmmm I want you to cum for me...please...please cum for me baby...let' s cum together..."

Sam pulled her up until Selena was standing. One hand moved to play with her clit while the other gripped her breast, all with Sam's breathy sweet and dirty nothings being moaned into her ear. It was enough to make Selena almost give up trying to silence herself.

"Oh...yes..yes yes yes," she pleaded. "Mmm Sammy just...just like that...oh my gosh...ohhhh..."

He alternated his thrusts. Some slow and deliberate, working his dick inside her to hit every knee-wobbling spot he could then back to hard and quick, Selena's tits bouncing in rhythm to the sound of their colliding flesh. Every moan that managed to escape either of their lips was laced with hunger and need. They wanted each other, and wanted the ecstasy that was in clear view, barely in reach.

"C-cum..." Selena managed to get out. "Cum with me..." From that point on it was all moans. Not unintelligible though. While the sounds coming from either lover's mouth weren't words, there was no mistaking the meaning.

Selena could feel her crescendo coming. It was taking everything she had to keep from screaming out Sam's name into the night. That struggle itself was making it feel even better. She grabbed Sam's hand at her tits and brought ti to her mouth, sucking on his fingers to muffle her moans as her pleasure crashed into her like a meteor. Selena's orgasm set off Sam, the convulsing of her pussy making him fire off ropes of his cum inside of her. The splashes of hot white cum within her was Sam shooting gasoline on the fire within her. And as her fire burned so did his. It was almost perpetual pleasure.

However, no matter how good it felt, it had to come to an end as fire slowed to glowing embers. Selena moved her lips to his, a tender kiss shared between the utterly wrecked lovers. Sam pulled out of Selena and she turned to face him, a delirious smile on her face. She stepped forward, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck as his went around her waste before the two sweetly kissed.

"Now that might be the best movie snack I've ever had," Selena said.

"Thanks, but you still have the Flaming Hot Cheetos in the trunk." Sam replied.

"Well...I still think I'm going to give you the edge...for now. But before I make such a judgement, I think we better get dressed, snuggle back up in the backseat and give at least one of the movies our full attention."

"Sounds like a very solid plan."

"Excellent." Selena and Sam grabbed their clothes and quickly redressed. Selena was going to head back to the car when she was stopped by Sam.

"Heads up!" he said. She turned around and caught the bag of the Flamin' Hot treats. "Just in case you we get a new craving."

"Clever boy," she smiled. Sam then came up and opened the door for Selena. Before too long they were snuggled up once more. Snack abound, ice cold drinks, completely satisfied and ready to end the night.

"You know what we should watch next?" Selena asked.

"What's that?"

"Something noir. Femme fatales and privates eyes and all that."

"You have something in mind?" asked Sam.

"A couple ideas," she teased. Sam was going to reply, though Selena cut him off. "Shhh. Movie's starting baby."

With that, the two settled in, Selena's head on his shoulder and Sam's arm around her. If Earth wasn't standing still, time sure seemed to be.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hey dude,really nice this chapter,enjoyed it a lot!

Man,did you see her latest photoshoot for La Mariette? That is absolutely hot, you could write a story about that scenario,would be awesome

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He needs to fuck that bitch in the ass dude!

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